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Messages - quentincollins

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I've overall really been enjoying the main series. There's a lot of great scenes for Julia in that series, and the writing subtly reflects a pro-Barnabas and Julia subtext - althought it's less subtext and more blatant really, but in a tasteful way.

I recently discovered a Kickstarter campaign for a DS-inspired role playing game called Rosemont Bay. The project is fully funded with several days still to go to reach the strech goals. It sounds like a lot of fun, and if you follow the links there's description of the game being used to role play a scene in the Laura Phoenix story.

A quick google search for Kickstarter Rosemont Bay will pull up the link.

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Dan Curtis and Karen Black
« on: July 17, 2013, 02:33:16 AM »
I could see Karen Black playing any of the roles Marie Wallace played. I think she'd have been well suited as maniacal Eve, mad Jenny, or Megan. Not that I'd want to lose Marie Wallace who is wonderful, but those are the roles I think Karen Black would be best suited for.

I could see having a black Ben - which would also give us a black Elliott Stokes. I still think that Ian McShane would be great in that part, but there are of course many actors who'd be good in all these roles.
I could also see a lot of logic in casting a black Angelique. From what I've read white servents in Martinique in the 18th century was unheard of, as slaves were so commonly used in that time. That wouldn't make much difference in the dynamic in the modern day at all, but in the past time periods it would make a huge difference. Angelique as a black woman in the 18th century could never marry Barnabas, but she could still be his lover.  Off the top of my head I can't think of an age appropriate AA actress who I think would make a good Angelique, but I have to struggle a bit to find any younger actors anyways, as I don't keep up with young actors as much as I do older actors.
I think Nicole Kidman would be perfect as Angelique, she has the right look, and she could do those gorgeous soulless blue eyes for Angelique very well.
I do think Susan Sarandon would be great as Julia, except she's probably 30 years older than Zachary Quinto, not that it matters. Any reboot is sure to push the Barnabas/Josette clone angle anyways. But also, Susan Sarandon is gorgeous for any age.

Sam - William Shatner ( I've long thought he'd be perfect in the role, he reminds me of Sam, I could easily see him playing a boozy, bitter but good humored failure, and I think he'd hit the right notes in his relationship with Maggie, that he adores her, but depends on her to look after him.)
Joe - Tom Welling ( he certainly has the wholesome good looks for the part)

We all know that DS will never die.
If we were to get a new Dark Shadows tv series, who would be your dream cast for the new series?
I'm sure my picks will change, but off the top of my head....
Barnabas - Zachary Quinto
Julia - Anne Heche
Liz - Joanna Going (as suggested in another thread)
Roger - Michael Rosenbaum
Angelique - Nicole Kidman
Willie - Nick Stahl
Stokes - Ian McShane
Maggie - Allison Mack
Victoria - Eden Reigel

Current Talk '13 I / Re: '90 Series Question
« on: June 16, 2013, 02:54:40 AM »
Jean Simmons's Liz was really underdeveloped. We know so little about her. We know nothing of her husband/Carolyn's father. Was he dead, did he leave her like Paul in the original series? The whole reclusive story was dropped, and I don't remember there being the business and financial problems that were important in the tv series and movie. Liz and Roger had a niece Daphne, but we know nothing more about their family. Presumably they had another brother. The mystery of Victoria's origins and Liz's involvement also were dropped on the tv show, but one of the Innovation comics, I think it was the last one, did have Roger ask Liz when she was going to tell Vicki that Liz was her mother. If the comic series had continued we probably would've learned about her past in that format anyways.
But on the tv show there are no hints of Liz having marital problems, a secret illigitimate child, her torment over thinking she had killed Paul, and yes, there is no subtext in the performance for any of that. I don't mean it as any criticism of Simmons, she played the character as written, and none of those elements were part of the 91 series, but her character didn't get as much depth because of it, although I still liked her. 
I feel that she had more to do with Naomi at least, with a cold husband, the deaths of two children and her son the vampire, and going mad.
Even in just two hours Pfeiffer's Liz got a lot of development, she had a crumbling family fortune she was trying to hold togather single handed at the begining, a troubled teen with a secret and a disturbed nephew, an odd but mature and believable friendship with Julia, and her character's ruthless traits as she accepted a vampire, turning a blind eye to the deaths Barnabas brought about, because she needed him. Pfeiffer really was one of the best parts of the movie imo.

Current Talk '13 I / Re: '90 Series Question
« on: June 16, 2013, 02:24:44 AM »
I think Pfeiffer did a good job as Liz. She had her own spin on the character, and had a lot of new stuff to play with, her knowledge of what Barnabas was, and how she accepted him, and in her own way used him, were all interesting developments.
Makes me think of how Jean Simmons's Liz was so different from Joan Bennett. I think Simmons had the right touch of old money class and warm maternal side, but I don't think she had the air of tragedy that Joan Bennett had. I think Pfeiffer did have a similar air of tragedy about her, although she was more pragmatic at dealing with her problems.

Current Talk '13 I / Re: '90 Series Question
« on: June 16, 2013, 01:39:08 AM »
KLS is probably in her 60s I'd think, just still in the right age bracket to play Liz. But that ship has sailed.
Joanna Going is certainly beautiful and classy enough to play Liz, but she's not really a big enough name to fill the historic qualifications.
Veering the topic slightly, it occured to me that I think Anne Heche would make an interesting Julia, and I think Zachary Quinto would be amazing as Barnabas.

Current Talk '13 I / Re: '90 Series Question
« on: June 15, 2013, 02:56:07 AM »
I was really hoping that KLS would play Liz in the Depp/Burton movie, although Michelle Pfeiffer was really good, and I have no complaints there.
Joanna Going would be forty something, so a little young for Liz, but not by too much. I haven't seen her in anything new in a long time, but I really liked her as Vicki, so I'd definitely support that. Makes me want a new DS tv series all over again. Since Liz and Vicki always had a resemblance, it does make sense that JG would look right as Liz, and I think she could do the character justice.

Current Talk '03 II / Re: John Yeager...what can I say.
« on: June 04, 2013, 12:48:15 PM »
PT Sabrina died. This audio is set in real time with real time Cyrus and Sabrina.

Current Talk '03 II / Re: Samantha's Character
« on: June 04, 2013, 02:31:00 AM »
I remember, Samantha was a nurse. It was neat to get a little cameo of her just to see what she was like in parallel time.
Although she didn't have a husband, children or wealth and status, her life was still probably better than real time Samantha's after all.

Current Talk '03 II / Re: John Yeager...what can I say.
« on: June 04, 2013, 02:28:23 AM »
If anyone is interested Big Finish is doing an audio in the next few months with Cyrus and Sabrina in real time 1973. I'm pretty curious how that will play out.

Current Talk '13 I / Re: Regarding Quentin's Immortality
« on: June 04, 2013, 02:24:01 AM »
Since Quentin and Maggie were living togather as a couple for a year or so in RtC, I think it's a little funny that Maggie would think Quentin was very very well preserved, having the body and sex drive of a man thirty something years younger. :P

Calendar Events / Announcements '13 I / Re: The Vampire Diaries
« on: June 04, 2013, 01:44:09 AM »
I read that Amazon is going to start selling specially licenced fan fiction from Vampire Diaries. There is a huge list of restrictions, but from what I understand this is going to be real fan fic, written by fans, not the typical media tie ins.
I find this really interesting, but the real question is if they'll allow slash, which is one of the biggest segments of fan fic.
I'm guessing this is all spinning out of 50 Shades of Grey starting life as a Twilight fan fic.

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