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Messages - Robot_Quentin

Complete This Phrase / Fill In The Blank(s) - 1840/1841 / Re: Episode #1148
« on: February 17, 2011, 06:41:26 PM »
...eczema and/or herpes...

Complete This Phrase / Fill In The Blank(s) - 1840/1841 / Re: Episode #1148
« on: February 17, 2011, 06:35:28 PM » flaming Dr. Pepper shots.

...the Human Torch, who is scheduled to show up and rescue me at any second.

...the signal fire in case I get lost in the woods. new flaming sword-swallowing act I'm taking on a tour of New England.

I am a complete idiot on the subject, but a professor told me one time its only copyright infringement if you are trying to pass something off AS the original work. But if its called Dark Shadows, I guess that would be a problem. How about just call the damned thing "Shadows in the Darkness"? 

Its really to bad that WB won't be fan-friendly with this DS thing. Paramount has looked the other way for years while Star Trek fans make their own feature-length epics... As long as they don't make anything monetarily off those things, that is!!

Current Talk '11 I / Re: How to explain 1840 Angelique...?
« on: February 08, 2011, 01:00:07 AM »
Digging this thread people!!

"Haven't you seen all of the episodes several times!" "YES MOM of course but I still enjoy them...

Taeylor that was too funny! Thats my mom too asking me about DS or Star Trek.... In the case of Trek I can at least say, "Yes mom, but these are the newly remastered versions with new special effects!!"  I can hear her rolling her eyes over the phone even!!

I really figured that the 1840 Angelique was linear from 1795. The first thing out of her mouth was "Barnabas Collins was the only man I ever loved." Plausable I guess that she was stopping by to check on B, since he's obviously still very important to her. It seems that's something the '68 Cassandra would have never said since maybe she had 200 years of bitterness built up to be bent on one thing. Revenge! Who knows how long it was for her after being banished by the big 'D' that she re-appears in 1897. As that timeline progresses Barn and her reach a somewhat amicable agreement between themselves for coexistence.

In the words of Captain Janeway "Time paradoxes give me a headache!"

Complete This Phrase / Fill In The Blank(s) - 1840/1841 / Re: Episode #1138
« on: February 03, 2011, 01:31:20 AM »
...draw it in stick-figures with huge arrows pointing to the no-fly zone?

Calendar Events / Announcements '11 I / Re: Lara Parker's teaching career
« on: February 01, 2011, 09:17:18 PM »
Lara does have beautiful penmanship I will say!! About ten years or so ago my wife ordered an autographed pic from her website. She hand addresses the envelopes and wrote a nice little note inside. Very cool lady.

Calendar Events / Announcements '11 I / Re: Lara Parker's teaching career
« on: February 01, 2011, 12:04:25 AM »
Glad to see she accepts late work!! Too cool. That is totally awesome she teaches. Thanks for the link.

Current Talk '11 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #1128
« on: January 31, 2011, 09:35:01 PM »
The announcement comes, and Q is sure he's her choice, saying "our bedroom" and "I understand"

I was hoping for Q to be waiting for Sam wearing only his robe and the champagne chilling after her talk with Gerard... 

Good ones Magnus!!!

...a time-travelling, drunk Count Petofi saying, "Hey, you aren't born yet? What are you doing here?"

...a leprechaun singing a telegram that was much too late, and intended for Daniel... "Hope, hope, hope, you get better soon!!"

1150 fist AND the floor!

MB, I'd pay to see that!!

...hypnotize the audience with a seductive strip-tease!

...pass out sedatives!

...give a lecture on the do's and don'ts of re-animating dead bodies!

Yes! Awesome set-up!! of lavender-lined caskets, isn't it?!

...beautiful baritone singing voice, isn't it?!

...home made oatmeal cookies, isn't it?!

Current Talk '11 I / Re: FAMOUS Dark Shadows Fans!
« on: January 25, 2011, 10:49:08 PM »
Kelly Ripa has mentioned on 'Live' that she used to watch it 'mostly under the covers' with her sister or cousin or someone. Considering her age I'm sure this was in the early 80's. ...and it scared her to death, she claimed at the time. Funny stuff.

Current Talk '11 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #1125
« on: January 10, 2011, 12:49:07 AM »
Also welcome Dark Lady!

1840 for me was always a return to previous glories for DS. Its probably my 4th favorite behind 1897, 1970 and 1795. The present-day lead up to this was so very boring and definitely seemed to be a re-hash of the Quentin haunting but I will admit with many new elements thrown in. It just seemed to drag on so long before Julia went back in time. BUT the destruction of Collinwood by undead zombies will always be a crazy and horrific moment for myself. Holy Crapatola Batman! The new menace of Judah Z seemed very original and cool. I've seen many criticizisms of 1840 on the net (not here) claiming it to be just a repeat of 1897, but not for me.

Ok, I will admit Quentin [spoiler]does get wrongly accused and put in jail... for the 3rd time is it? [/spoiler]


D: "No, this time old man, you're gonna pull MY finger, and watch as something completely different happens. I'll_________!!"