Author Topic: Robservations 1/21/03 - #774-775 - The End For Rachel?  (Read 1321 times)

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Robservations 1/21/03 - #774-775 - The End For Rachel?
« on: January 20, 2003, 03:52:12 PM »
774 - (Joan Bennett) - Collinwood before the turn of the century, a time when the great house was caught up in events more bizarre and evil than it has ever known.  On this night, a young man seeks safety in a deserted house.  While under a mysterious spell, he has committed murder.  Now a fugitive from justice, he will soon discover that he is not the only victim of the supernatural at Collinwood.

Tim's face shakes with horror as he opens the coffin and sees what is inside--nothing!  He closes it and sits down, probably exhausted from his run from the school.  He hears someone opening the cellar door and hides, but leaves the lit candle on the crate.  Tim blithely leaves his hiding place when he recognizes Dirk.  They each ask the other what he's doing here.  Dirk accuses Tim of being sent by the Collinses to find him; they've been trying for several days.  Tim asks Dirk if he's all right.  Yes, says Dirk, but you shouldn't have come here, because I'm hiding here and I don't want anyone to find me.  Tim says I'm certainly not going to tell anyone.  I know you aren't, agrees Dirk--because you aren't leaving.  Tim finds that statement odd.  Dirk points out the coffin--didn't you find it weird?  Yes, admits Tim, unusual, to say the least, to find an empty coffin.  It's not empty during the day, says Dirk, his expression very creepy.  What's in it? asks Tim innocently.  "I am," says Dirk (and didn't the way he said that put chills up and down your spine)?  Tim gulps, then asks, you?--if this is your idea of a joke. . .  Dirk grabs his arm.  There's nothing you can do to keep me here, insists Tim.  "You give me no choice," says Dirk, because I don't want anyone to know I'm here and you must keep my secret.  What secret? asks the stupid schoolteacher.  "Oh, you're going to find out, soon enough," warns Dirk.
Have you gone mad? Tim asks, then shrieks with horror as Dirk comes at him, very large fangs bared.

A dog howls.  Trask tells Rachel it, will be easier for you if you bare your soul (and what else?)  to me now, tell me everything, in detail.  Rachel insists she doesn't know anything.  Trask reminds her, I just suffered a great loss, and I'm trying to control myself, but you make it very difficult!  I can't tell you what I don't know! she cries.  My poor wife is dead, poisoned, the result of a foul and hideous plot concocted by you and Tim Shaw, accuses Trask.  I had nothing to do with it, insists Rachel.  Trask continues--with the actual murder itself, no, but you gave him aid and comfort as you always do.  A lie! she cries, and I don't know where he is now--I wouldn't tell if I did.  He offers to have her questioned by the police.  Bring them on! urges Rachel--I'm innocent, with nothing g to fear.  This perplexes Trask, whose his voice turns gentle-you have always occupied a special place in my thoughts, he says, caressing a bookshelf (X-rated book, one is sure) and there's no one who wants to believe in your innocence as much as I do, and I want to give you a chance to prove that innocence--you must remain in the school, and not leave the building under any circumstances.  What would that prove? asks Rachel.
Your sincerity and loyalty, says Trask--if you're at the school, there is no way you could aid Tim, but if you were to leave, I could only assume it's to contact him, and I'd have you arrested as an accomplice to murder.  There's a knock at the door and he sends her to her room.  He answers--it's Judith.  She expresses her condolences and offers help in his loss.  He apologizes for being startled at seeing her there--I should have known a woman of your high character would respond to anther's grief.  I didn't know Minerva well, begins Judith.  She wasn't easy to know, says Trask, bowing his lying head--but she was a devoted wife and good woman.  I felt that the first time I met her, agrees Judith.  Choking up, Trask says, that's very kind of you--I tried to be brave about this, because it's what Minerva would have wanted, but it's so difficult.  I understand perfectly, she assures him.  She was his strength, sighs Trask, my whole reason for being, and her passing has left a void which may be impossible to fill...  Judith, her hand on his arm, says, Minerva would be the first one to tell you your life must go on.  He covers her hand and tells Judith, you knew Minerva better than you thought you did--my life must go on, he agrees, but what of the school?--what will become of it without Minerva?  The school still has you, points out Judith.  No, dear lady, he says, at best I'm a competent administrator, but Minerva was the driving force, the life blood of this institution, and without her, the future seems very bleak.  With all due respect, says Judith, I don't believe that--I have faith in you, and the future of your school.  "Miss Collins," he says, taking her hands, "I am not deserving of such faith."  (Or much else!)  I think you are, she says softly.  Trask says, I thank God for giving me the privilege of knowing you.  She slips her hands out of his and urges him to get some rest--your ordeal isn't over yet.  I can't rest until Minerva's murderer has been brought to justice, Trask says.  I was shocked when I heard it was Tim, says Judith--have the police found him yet?  No, says Trask, and there's only one possible clue to his whereabouts--Rachel Drummond--she and Tim have always been close, and I believe she knows where he's hiding, but hasn't cooperated.  Judith offers to talk to Rachel.  Trask grins--you are an extraordinary woman, he says--Rachel may feel less inhibited with a woman--sit down while I go to get Rachel.  He's smiling like crazy, as is Judith, her expression that of a woman in love.

Rachel walks through the woods, finally resting on a rock.  She hears a wolf howling and nervously continues on.

Trask returns and reports to Judith, Rachel is gone--on her way to Tim, I'm sure--she isn't anywhere in the building--I figure they are heading out of Collinsport, and the state, but neither has money, and they'll have to find someone to help them.  They don't know anyone outside Collinwood with money, the two realize.  Is there anyone inside Collinwood who might help them? queries Trask.  Cousin Barnabas, says Judith, Rachel is fond of him, and he's the first person she'd go to.  Of course, says Trask, she may very well be on her way there now.  I have a carriage and can easily beat Rachel to the Old House, says Judith--I'll tell Barnabas what's happening, and when he learns the details, he won't help Tim or Rachel.  She leaves.  Trask, grinning again, looks very satisfied with himself.  He picks up the phone and calls Evan--everything is going quite smoothly, he says, we will soon catch Tim, because the powers that be are on our side--you rendered your services most efficiently, and I'm grateful--I will keep my end of our little bargain--your secret vice will remain a secret, promises Trask, and hangs up.

Old House - Judith knocks at the door.  A wolf howls.  She looks through the window, opens the unlocked door and enters the house.  She calls to Barnabas, but there's no response.  Is anyone here? she asks.  The front door opens--it's Dirk, looking quite the vampire around his eyes.  She asks him sternly where he's been--we've been searching everywhere for you for the past two days!--you have some explaining to do!  You dismissed me the other day, he reminds her.  I don't care what I did, she says, while you're on this property, you're accountable for your actions, which have been very peculiar lately.  Peculiar, huh? probes Dirk.  What did you tell Jamison that upset him so the other evening? asks Judith.  You don't know? asks Dirk.  Some outrageous lie about Barnabas, says Judith, but Edward wouldn't give us the details.  Oh, Mr. Edward, says Dirk sarcastically, he would spare you the gory details.  Just what did you say to Jamison? asks Judith.  Dirk says, I'm not sure I should tell you--it might damage the Collins' good name.  I know one thing, vows Judith--you aren't going to get an opportunity to damage that name--you have 24 hours to get off the property, and if you don't, the police will handle it.  You won't get a chance to do that, says Dirk--a lot of things have changed in the last few days, MISS JUDITH, and they're going to change even more, vows Dirk, in just a minute.  I don't have time to listen to anymore of his nonsense, says Judith, moving to leave.  Dirk grabs her and says, you'll listen!  "How dare you?" she demands--get out of my way.  "You don't boss me around anymore," says Dirk.  Don't tell me what I can and can't do! orders Judith--you will obey!  "You're wrong!" he says--sometimes people change their roles in life, and you have been a mistress so long, you don't know what it's like to be a servant.  He advances on her.  "Dirk," she says warningly, backing away--"Stay away from me."  We are going to change roles, says Dirk--oh, yes--I am going to become the master, and you the servant!  Let me leave, demands Judith, I don't mean what I said about the police, you can take whatever time you need to leave Collinwood.
Her eyes widen and her face takes on a stunned expression as Dirk's fangs appear and he goes in for a bite of her throat.

Old House, later - Rachel arrives at the front door and starts to knock, but instead looks through the window.  She spies Judith sitting in a chair and decides to leave.  Judith tilts her head to one side and we see the bloody marks on her throat left by her new master...

Trask enters the Old House--I came to offer my assistance, he tells Judith.  He notes how oddly she's behaving and asks, are you all right?--have you spoken to Barnabas?  No, he wasn't here when I arrived, says Judith vacantly--no one was here.  Trask is now certain something is wrong--something has happened to you.  No, she says.  I notice a complete change in you, he says--what's happened?  Nothing, she says.  I want to get you back to Collinwood to summon a doctor, says Trask.  He glances at her throat and sees the marks!  "Good Lord!" he cries.  Judith tries to cover up the holes.  Take down your hands, he orders.  He pulls her hand away--how did it happen?--who did it?  I want to return to Collinwood, Judith says.  Your marks are identical to the ones I found on Charity's neck, he says.  Judith looks at him--Charity?  How were they inflicted? he asks.  I can't tell you, says Judith--I'm afraid of him.  Who? asks Trask--who is responsible?--I've already suffered one loss, I can't lose you as well.  "Lose me?" she asks.  You've been a dear friend and benefactress, he says, you came to this house on my behalf, and if any harm has befallen you, I will feel responsible.  You mustn't, she objects.  Who did it? he asks again--there was someone here when you arrived, wasn't there?  Take me back to Collinwood, asks Judith.  I realized when I came through that door a moment ago, you didn't know it was me, he says--you were expecting someone else--Dirk is the name you mentioned!--Dirk Wilkins was here when you arrived!--he did this!--what kind of inhuman animal is he?
No, says Judith, who can only mutely gaze at Trask, not answering.

Dirk's hideaway - Rachel comes downstairs and finds the coffin.  Why is it down here? she wonders, and where is Tim?  She spots the burning candle--he must have lit it, she surmises, he must have been here--I'll have to wait for him to come back, but the coffin. . .she opens it and finds it empty.  She closes it and leans down on it.  Dirk comes downstairs, and stands facing her with a very ugly expression on his face.

NOTES:  Well, doesn't Dirk make a fun vampire?  Not too much tongue, but he does love opening his mouth wide so we can admire his BIG fangs!  He wants to play servant/master with Judith, and I bet she got a thrill out of that little encounter!  Trask is already making the moves on Judith, going for the gold (and his wife barely cold).  I don't think I would open a coffin as easily as Tim and Rachel did, at least not after watching this show all these years!  Trask is seeing dollar signs, Judith is in the thrall of a vampire, Rachel is in deadly danger from that same vampire, and what did Dirk do with Tim?  Great scenes between Rachel and Evan, Rachel and Trask (he caressed that bookcase as if he were touching Rachel's skin), and Dirk and darn near everyone!  And how about that Charity, hankering now after the finer things in life?  Is she seriously considering pursuing Carl?  Weird choice!

775 - (Louis Edmonds) - Collinwood before the turn of the century--a time of events more evil and bizarre than it has ever known.  On this night, terror invades the great house, for its mistress has become the victim of a former servant, who is now one of the living dead.  Now she must serve him, obey his every command, and before the arrival of another dawn, he will send her on an evil mission--a mission involving murder.

Judith sits in a chair in the drawing room, her vampire marks exposed above her lacy white collar.

Rachel, after opening the empty coffin and wondering where Tim is, meets Dirk face to face in the cellar of the old Peabody Farm as he's returning home to bed.  He stares at her hungrily.

I didn't expect to see you, Rachel tells Dirk--I was supposed to meet Tim here.  This is a strange place to meet someone, he comments.  There was trouble at the school, says Rachel.  I saw Tim, says Dirk, but he can't see you now, he's not "himself".  Tell me what's happened, Rachel begs Dirk.  He reaches toward her face and says, you shouldn't have come here... I won't hurt you, he says softly.
She backs away as he lunges at her, fangs bared, and cries out as he attacks her.

Edward closes the doors to the drawing room and stands in the foyer.  He responds to a knock at the door--it's Barnabas, apparently summoned by Edward earlier.  Is something wrong? asks Barnabas.  Edward asks his whereabouts this evening.  I was out looking for Dirk, says Barn.  You didn't find him, did you? asks Edward sarcastically--is it possible he's dead?  Why do you ask? wonders Barnabas.  I feel there is no doubt a supernatural creature, vampire or whatever, is at large on the estate, says Edward--I've seen evidence of it
--I know almost nothing, but can make certain assumptions--a vampire's attack would result in a radical personality change in the victim, right?  I suppose it does, answers Barn evasively.  The victim, says Edward, would be similar to a walking dead person, responding only to the voice of the vampire itself--"Am I right, Barnabas?  What are you getting at? Asks Barnabas.  In answer, Edward throws open the double doors to reveal Judith standing there, the bites clearly visible on her throat.  "Good evening, Barnabas," says Judith in a monotone.  "Well, Edward, did you find out what you want to know?" asks Barnabas. "Yes," says Edward, chastened.  He helps Judith into a chair and tells her to rest, then closes the double doors and faces Barnabas.  What did you expected would happen when Judith saw me? asks Barnabas.  I didn't know, admits Edward.  She had no reaction whatever says Barnabas, so I am no longer under suspicion.  No, says Edward, offering his apologies--it happened earlier this evening--Judith had gone to the Old House to see you.  What for? asks Barn.  I don't know, says Edward but Trask found her in this condition.  And because it was at the Old House, you assumed I had something to do with it? asks Barn, calmly.  We've all been under a severe strain, says Edward, excusing his action--Judith won't tell me how it happened, it's like speaking to a brick wall.  At least we're certain the creature does exist, says Barn, and must be found and destroyed.  I don't know how, says Edward--we aren't dealing with a human being.  Judith may be more helpful than you think, says Barn--I'll explain how after we take her up to her room.

Dirk tells the raptly staring Rachel that she doesn't need to be frightened anymore.  She agrees, sounding like a little girl, and asks, where's Tim?  Don't worry about Tim, says Dirk, you're going to help ME now.  He holds her shoulders--I'm glad you came here, says Dirk--you can help me--you'll understand how before this night is over.

Midnight.  Edward and Barnabas have settled Judith in bed.  (She's in a nightgown, who put her into it?)  You must stay with her the rest of the night, Barnabas tells Edward--I will keep searching for Dirk; either he's the vampire, or he knows who is.  He must be found tonight, says Edward, I don't want her to go through another night like this (he does love his sister).  Watch her carefully, advises Barn, especially if she awakens--the vampire might communicate with her or try to lure her from the house.  Edward promises not to let her leave.  You won't be able to prevent it, says Barn, Judith is completely under his power--let her leave.  And have that maniac attack her again? asks Edward.  It might be the only way to learn where the coffin is kept, says Barn, and the sooner he's destroyed, the better for Judith.  Edward wishes him good luck.  Barnabas leaves.  Edward looks down at Judith, and sets in for his vigil.

1:05 AM - Edward, sitting beside his sister, hears a door slam.  He calls downstairs.  The front door is open, and he keeps calling to someone to answer him.  He returns to Judith, hears more noises indicating someone is in the house, and demands to know who's there.  Something breaks.  Judith moans in her sleep.

Foyer - we see something on the floor (flowers)?  Edward comes to the landing, finds the broken vase and flowers on the floor.  He closes the open outside doors.  He opens the inside doors and turns on a light.  No one seems to be around.  He searches a few moments, then leaves the foyer, closing the doors behind him.  He checks the servants' quarters, then heads toward the study, walks past the broken vase, and back upstairs. He hears a door open.  Dirk grabs him from behind.  They struggle.  Dirk leaves Edward unconscious in the landing, near the top of the stairs.  The front doors swing closed by themselves.

Judith is moaning, twisting her head back and forth.
She awakens, sees Dirk.  I knew you'd come, she says.  I have something I want you to do, he says.  Anything, she swears.  It may frighten you, he warns.  I'm not frightened, she assures him.  Listen carefully, says Dirk--you must not tell anyone you've seen me--you will leave this house at dawn, and take this (he holds up a gun) with her.  "You want me to use that?" asks Judith.  You will use it if it becomes necessary, instructs Dirk, pressing it into her hand.

Edward, holding his throat, returns to consciousness.  He's groggy, but remembers--Judith!

Judith assures Dirk, I know what I am to do and am ready to do it.  Good, says Dirk, I'll return for you tomorrow night.  He disappears.  Edward calls to his sister, who quickly hides the gun under her pillow.  I'm all right, she assures him--no one was in the room.  There's an intruder in the house, says Edward, he was in this room, wasn't he?  No, lies Judith.  Edward begs, tell me who the madman is--our lives may depend on it--I was almost strangled before--"Please try to tell me!"  She quietly informs him, only the two of us have been in this room tonight.  She reaches under her pillow where the gun is.

At the Old House, Barnabas has a gun, too, which he's filling with silver bullets.  He places it on the mantel and suddenly feels the presence of another vampire--Dirk.  I knew you'd be surprised to see me, Dirk tells his sire.  I didn't expect you to come here, says Barn.  I need to speak to you, says Dirk--I want to make you a proposition.  Barnabas isn't interested.  Then Dirk informs him, I have Rachel as a prisoner, and will keep her prisoner until you do as I want.  What do you want? asks Barn.  I could make exorbitant demands, says Dirk, considering what you did to me, but I'll settle for one small favor--I want Laura--you can get her back.  No, I can't, says Barn.    You'd better, if you expect to see Rachel alive, warns Dirk.  I want to know that Rachel is alive, even now, insists Barnabas.  You have my word for it, says Dirk, but she's in my command and will stay where she is until you deliver Laura to me.
Impossible, says Barn.  I will settle for that and nothing less, says Dirk.  Laura is dead, says Barnabas, and I can't make her come back to life.  You have until dawn, warns Dirk, and if you don't get Laura back, Rachel will die.  Dawn is only a few hours away, says Barnabas.  Dirk grabs his arm and reminds him, it only took him a few hours to get rid of Laura, so with your powers, it should only take a few minutes to bring her back.  Barnabas is about to reach for the gun filled with silver bullets, but Dirk stops him, telling him, don't be a fool--if you kills me, by he time you find Rachel, she'll be dead.  He smiles evilly.  "You'll do what I say," says Dirk, and leaves by the front door.  Barnabas holds the gun in his hands, his forehead furrowed with misery.

Edward brings Judith a cup of tea.  We don't have much longer to wait, he says, it will soon be light out.  When he turns around, however, the bed is empty.  "Judith!" he cries, and races from the room.

Dirk re-enters the Peabody Farm cellar and closes the doors after himself.  Rachel asks him, who are you watching for?  For Laura to come back, he replies.  But she's dead, objects Rachel.  Some people have powers to restore the dead, says Dirk--you don't understand, but you don't have to--just be quiet and wait.  Then what? asks Rachel.  I don't know, he says, and adds passionately, hitting a wall or something, "She MUST come back to me, she must!"  Rachel, afraid, asks what are you going to do to me?  "I asked you to be quiet!" he shouts.  The cock crows.  Dirk knows what that means--Barnabas failed!--he can't restore Laura!--he said he couldn't, but Dirk didn't believe him.  "I wanted him to be here by dawn," says Dirk, a murderous look coming over his face, "and now he's failed.  And he'll be sorry, oh, he will be sorry!"  He walks past Rachel and opens his coffin.

Dirk closes the coffin lid.  Rachel presses it firmly shut and hears the sound of someone entering the cellar.  It's Judith.  "I'm sorry, Rachel," she says, "I'm sorry."  This perplexes Rachel--I thought you'd come to take me home.  She realizes Judith is pointing a pistol at her.  What's wrong? asks Rachel.  Judith doesn't respond.  Rachel looks terrified, as if knowing what Judith's mission is...

NOTES:  An ongoing excellent performance, IMHO, by Davis as Dirk.  This character seems to suit him so well, and his over-the-topness isn't grating at all.

Is this the end for Rachel?  Was Judith given the gun and ordered to kill Rachel at dawn?  Is Barnabas indirectly responsible for yet another death?  He couldn't resurrect Laura--or could he?  We wonder if he even bothered trying--or did he believe Dirk was bluffing?

Love, Robin