Author Topic: #1119/1120: Robservations 09/24/03: Elopement; A Stunning Surprise  (Read 1263 times)

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#1119/1120: Robservations 09/24/03: Elopement; A Stunning Surprise
« on: September 23, 2003, 09:42:06 AM »
1119 -

Collinwood drawing room - Gerard, smiling, examines a wrapped package in his hand.  Samantha comes in and he solicitously slides his arms around her.  She tells him Roxanne is home again, feeling much stronger, but remembers nothing of the attack.  The important thing is she will recover, he says.  Thank God for that, she agrees.  He notes that she looks tired.  She says she is, she thinks this has been the longest day of her life--finding Roxanne like that!  It's all over now, he assures her.  She tells him she appreciates all he's done--he gave her strength when she needed it most.  I merely did what I had to do, he says.  She asks him to excuse her, she needs some sleep.  He insists she stay just a moment--he gives her the package and tells her to open it and see what's inside.  She does and finds a necklace, which she tells him is lovely--but I don't understand, she says.  He wishes her a happy birthday.  Realizing she was so preoccupied she forgot what day it was, Samantha begins to cry.  Gerard touches her chin and turns her head to look at him, asking what this is about.  You're the only one who remembered, she says--I had such a terrible day, I didn't even remember myself.  I can't believe nobody else remembered, he says.  It's true, she says, but she should have expected it to be him--he's been so wonderful to her--thank you for being kind and understanding--thank you for this, thank you for everything--and she rests her head on his shoulder.  Gabriel wheels himself in and catches them.  Well, well, you two seem to be constantly accosting one another, he remarks.  Rising, Samantha angrily tells him that HE always seem to be prying--what you witnessed was a simple expression of gratitude--as it happens, Gerard was the only one in this house who remembered my birthday.  Do you always express your gratitude so PHYSICALLY? asks Gabriel.  She slaps him across the face and tells him that he shouldn't dare speak to he like that.  She leaves.  (That was a good slap, very real-looking and sounding.)  Gerard closes the door.  Gabriel reminds him furiously that he's supposed to kill her, not give her birthday presents.  Gerard says he hasn't violated their agreement.  Did you give her the arsenic? demands Gabriel.  No, I haven't, says Gerard.  Why are you waiting? asks Gabriel.  When you asked me to this for you, says Gerard, it was under the agreement that if anything wrong, you wouldn't have the blame--I am merely minimizing my own risk--I'll do it my way.  I don't want this thing to take forever! complains Gabriel through gritted teeth.  Gerard assures him that he's merely protecting himself from being a suspect--he wants her to tell everybody about the present--she will--and by the way, I'm not using arsenic--I have recently acquired a very rare South American delight--he holds up a little triangular vial--one dose of this and the symptoms take on like a stroke--totally undetectable in the system.  All right, says Gabriel, use it--use whatever you want, but do it now.  You mean tonight? asks Gerard.  I mean right now! says Gabriel, eyes blazing.  Gerard says for one lacking in charm, taste and subtlety, not to mention lack of style, being peevish, greedy and petty, you are quite remarkable--but if you want this done, you do it yourself.  He hands him the vial.  When, all I want to know is when you're going to do it? demands Gabriel, closing his eyes in ecstasy.  Tomorrow, promises Gerard--believe me, by this time tomorrow, Samantha Collins will be dead!  Gabriel grins and squeezes his black ball.

Samantha passes by the playroom on her way to her own and stops in.  She finds Edith, her sister in law there, and demands to know what she's doing in this room--she knows very well no one is supposed to come into this room!  She snatches a stuffed animal from Edith's hand.  I don't know who made up such a silly rule, pouts Edith.  I did, and you will live by it whether you like it or not! orders Sam.  Edith gives her a dirty look and reminds her she doesn't own this house.  Samantha says not yet, but she will, and she has a long memory.  It's ridiculous the way you keep this room, says Edith, someone should clean it up--make this room more usable.  It was Tad's playroom, insists Sam, gently placing the stuffed animal on a table--and it will not be changed.  Edith tells her that he never used it--he was too old to use it.  I am aware of that as you are, says Sam, this was a place we used to come when he was alive and wanted to be alone and have pleasant memories.  You were always so indulgent with him, says Edith nastily.  Sam says she pleads guilty, but not like her--she couldn't wait for her son to grow up so she could send him to boarding school
--to relieve yourself of the responsibility of caring for him--now get out of this room and don't let me find you here again. (How did Edith have children with the crippled Gabriel, anyway?)  Edith leaves without another word, beyond angry.  Samantha sits in the rocking chair, rocking and thinking of better days.

Edith runs down to the drawing room, where her husband is having a drink, and tells him they have to leave this house at once.  He makes a face that says he's head this too often before.  Don't you understand what I'm saying? she demands.  Yes, my dear, he assures her--you've been back from Boston one day, has something happened already?  You KNOW how Samantha hates me, bitches Edith, how she treats me--I'm not going to tolerate it any longer.  I told you to have patience! says Gabriel.  I won't have anymore patience, she says, we should have been out of here a long time ago.  You know why we haven't left.  You can't go on blaming your physical disability, says Edith--that wheelchair has made us prisoners in this house!  That's enough! he commands.  She laughs bitterly and asks when he'll ever understand that there is NOTHING for them in this house--nothing!
--you go on deluding yourself that we have some position here, when we don't--the day that Samantha gets that money...  He interrupts, assuring her that Samantha isn't getting any money.  Edith asks what he's talking about, and he says he knows he hasn't been a good husband, but starting tomorrow, he'll make up for it.  What's going to happen tomorrow? She asks disdainfully, arms crossed over her chest.  I can't discuss it now, he says with a smile, you'll just have to wait and see.  She tells him she has been "waiting and seeing" for a long time now, through all his dreams and schemes!  This is no dream, he assures her, you'll just have to realize that tomorrow.  He sips his drink.

Gerard joins Samantha in the playroom and closes the door.  She looks far away.  He touches her shoulder--he thought she was going right to bed.  She explains that she found Edith in here and ordered her out--and she, Samantha, stayed here.  Yes, he says, kneeling beside her, and you started thinking about Tad, and your memories of the past, right?--I thought we'd resolved that little matter, Gerard reminds her--there can be no more past--it's gone forever.  She knows what he's saying.  He puts his hands on her shoulders and says the time has come for her to forget what was and face the fact of what is--and that's what she'll do tonight--and he will help her.  She tells him she doesn't know what she'd do without him and leans her head against his shoulder.  (He's a dangerous charmer, isn't he?)  Over her shoulder, he grins triumphantly.

Drawing room, next morning - Edith, drinking a sherry, flirtatiously invites Gerard to join her.  He tells her no thanks, he was on his way to Rose Cottage to see Flora.  Nonsense, says Edith, smiling, you can spare me a few seconds--I haven't seen you in weeks--and Boston was so dull.  She caresses his shoulder as if she'd like to know him in the biblical sense.  He asks if it isn't early in the day to start drinking.  I'm just starting a celebration, she says, the one Gabriel's been talking about all day.  Gabriel talks too much, says Gerard.  I've known that for years, she says, that's all he ever does is talk--no action--I don't believe you're like that at all--she moves her lips closer to his--why don't you stay and have some sherry with me?--and she presses her glass provocatively against his lips.  He smiles and pushes her hand away, saying there are some things he wouldn't even do for the Collins family (ooh, put-down supremo)--"Good day, Edith."  Stung, she gazes after him as he leaves.

Gabriel enters the playroom, where Samantha, in night clothes, stands.  The room has been emptied, and when he asks what's happening, she tells him she's decided to re-do the room.  Surely not on his wife's advice, says Gabriel.  No, the decision had nothing to do with her, says Sam--I simply realized it's time to stop thinking about yesterday and start thinking about today--and tomorrow!  (Cue the singer of "Tomorrow.")  If I were you, I'd concentrate on today, advises a smiling Gabriel.  What's what supposed to mean? she asks.  He says that one never knows if there is going to be a tomorrow--does one?  He wheels out, but, rather than being annoyed, she heaves a contented sigh.

Gerard finds Ben in the woods, a bloody knife clutched in his hand.

Gerard returns to Collinwood to alert Gabriel and Edith about his grisly find.  Poor Ben, comments Edith--what a horrible way that was to die.  At least he lived to a ripe old age, says Gabriel, unconcerned--more fortunate than some people--Gerard, how much time did you spend with the police?  Several hours of questioning him, says Gerard.  Where is the body? asks Edith.  Gerard explains that they marked it down as a suicide, and the body is with the police--the frightening thing was, Ben looked like he'd cut his own head off.  Edith says she doesn't want to hear anything more about it.  The family must be informed at once, decides Gabriel--Edith, go find Carrie.  Edith rises from her chair and says she can't do that--she can't break it to her!  Find a way and do it now, says Gabriel--I'll have to talk to Father--that should be the high point of my day.  Edith hurries out.  Gerard tells Gabriel he will talk to Samantha--alone--the news will be quite upsetting, she was very close to Ben.  Gabriel smiles and asks why he's being so protective of Samantha--this is the day she's supposed to die, remember?  How could I forget it? asks Gerard.  Tell me when you're planning to do it, says Gabriel.  I've made arrangements to take her into town, says Gerard.  Town, why?  asks Gabriel.  Would you prefer her to die here in Collinwood? asks Gerard, alone, in her bedroom, or in town where there are witnesses.  Gabriel grins--he hadn't thought about that--he'd LIKE her to die in front of witnesses!--now when?  I can't pinpoint the exact time for you, says Gerard, but I guarantee it will be this afternoon.  Gabriel grins and asks about the poison--how long does it need before it takes effect?  In a couple of hours, she'll be dead, promises Gerard--then I will return to Collinwood around 6 o'clock.  I'll be waiting for you, right here, says Gabriel.  Samantha, dressed in a brown cape with a hood, looking like Little Brown Riding Hood, comes in, smiling brilliantly.  She asks Gerard if he's ready, linking her arm in his.  Gabriel tells her she's just in time to join him and Gerard for some sherry.  Gerard says he doesn't think they have enough time.  On the contrary, says Gabriel, I think we could all use a drink, don't you, Gerard?--you see there's been a tragedy.  Gabriel! says Gerard warningly, but, refusing to be silent, Gabriel informs her that their old family retainer, Ben Stokes, died sometime this morning by his own hand.  Oh my God! says Sam, I don't believe it!  Gerard looks sad and nods.  He puts his arm around Sam and asks Gabriel if that was any way to tell her.  He seats the stricken Samantha in a chair.  I think my dear sister in law can use that drink now, don't you? suggests Gabriel.  Gerard goes to pour the drinks and turns to grin at Gabriel and show him the vial in his hand.  He brings Samantha the drink.  In her sorrow, she's had her head down on her arms.  I'm sorry, Samantha, says Gerard as she looks up at him trustingly.  Gabriel looks on with anticipation.

Samantha, empty glass in hand, says she should make funeral arrangements.  The police have the body, Gerard reminds her--there is nothing you can do for poor Ben.  Sam rises from the chair and says they'll stop and see the police while they're in the village--she wants the body moved to the Trask Chapel as soon as possible--she looks defiantly at Gabriel and says that Ben Stokes will have the finest funeral this family can give him.  Far be it for me to deny him that, says Gabriel.  You're not the least bit sorry, are you? asks Sam.  On the contrary, says Gabriel, I feel great sorrow when people die--and I'd even be sorry if you died.  Gerard leads her out of the room and they leave the house.  Gabriel contemplates his rosy future, muttering "Sits so high.  He checks his pocket watch.

6 PM - Gabriel wheels himself into the foyer and angrily checks the clock.  He hears a carriage outside and anxiously waits.  Gerard enters, alone, closing the door behind him.  He goes to Gabriel, who says, "You tell me that anything went wrong..."  Nothing went wrong, Gerard assures him.  Then it's done? says Gabriel.  It is done! says Gerard, smiling, saying everything went step by step.  Come in, exults Gabriel, tell me all the details.  Gerard closes the doors and tells him they first stopped by the police station in order for Samantha to make preparations for Ben's funeral.  Don't tell me it happened in front of the police! says Gabriel excitedly.  No, says Gerard, although that would have been interesting--then we took a stroll across to the bank, where we met her father and had a nice little talk for a few minutes.  It happened at the bank? Asks Gabriel.  Now, now Gabriel, don't rush me! says Gerard.  Forget the details, commands Gabriel, just get to the end!  I'm getting there, says Gerard--we then strolled to the courthouse.  It happened there, at the courthouse? Asks Gabriel, laughing.  Yes, says Gerard, chuckling, it happened there in the courthouse.  Beautiful, how fitting! Exults Gabriel--were there many people there?  No, not too many, says Gerard.  But there WERE witnesses? Asks Gabriel.  Yes, there were witnesses, Gerard assures him.  Splendid! crows Gabriel, splendid!--where is the body now?  That was what I was about ready to tell you now, says Gerard.
The front door opens and Samantha comes in.  I thought you were here alone, she says to Gerard, then asks if he's told him.  I was just about ready to, says Gerard, taking Samantha's hand and announcing, "Samantha and I were married this afternoon."  Gabriel's eyes go huge.

NOTES:  Quite a double-cross, huh?  Gerard had no intention of doing anything other than marrying Samantha, and she was more than ready for a new life and accepted his proposal, which we never heard.  Gerard really was having fun with Gabriel in that last scene, and it was a hoot watching him play with Gabriel as a cat does a mouse.  I despise Gabriel far more than I do Gerard, and think Gabriel and Edith deserve each other.  They're both awful people.

We've met another member of the household--the bitchy Edith, who is to be Quentin, Judith, Edward and Carl's Grandmama.  She's not a very nice person, either, and like her husband, treats Samantha like dirt.  She's also got the hots for Gerard, but he doesn't return her feelings at all.

Ben is dead.  How will Barnabas and Julia react to that news?  Barnabas will be especially crushed, and puzzled, too, because it isn't like Ben to kill himself.  He will not believe that.

We've got an explosive situation here.  Will Gabriel turn in Gerard to the police now that he's double-crossed him?  Will Gerard and Sam's marriage be a happy one?  Did he marry her for her money, or does he really care?

1120 - Stunned, Gabriel looks from Samantha to Gerard and asks, "Married--what a surprise, Samantha."  I knew it would be a shock to you, she says, almost proudly.  You don't know how much, does she, Gerard? he asks.  I know it seems sudden, she says.  Yes, very sudden, agrees Gabriel.  And I don't expect you to understand, says Sam.  Oh, I do, Gabriel assures her, I do--I understand absolutely everything (he turns a furious glare on Gerard).  Since Tad's gone, begins Samantha.  What about Quentin? demands Gabriel, are you going to mention him?  Since Tad and Quentin, says Samantha, there's been no one.  Oh, but now you've got someone! says Gabriel, gesturing with his hand at her new husband--you've got GERARD!--Congratulations.  You know you don't mean that, says Sam.  I do mean my congratulations, says Gabriel, yes, you and Gerard could not have done me a better favor than you have.  What do you mean by that? she asks, upset--tell me what you mean by that!  You have more to worry about than what I mean--much more! Promises Gabriel, who wheels himself out.  Gerard goes to put comforting hands on his new wife's shoulders. (Definitely cut off here.)

Gabriel wheels himself into Daniel's room.  Welcome, me, Father, he says, as Daniel turns away from him.  I thought it time I paid you a visit, says Gabriel--are you comfortable here.  It's time for my dinner! Daniel grumbles, where is Ben Stokes?  Ben won't be bringing your dinner tonight, nor tomorrow--Ben's dead, Father, killed by his own hand.  Dead? asks Daniel--I don't believe it.  He's dead all the same, says Gabriel cruelly; his funeral is to be tomorrow--think you can attend?--you haven't been to many funerals in many years--you didn't even go to Mother's.  Get out of here! demands Daniel.  I can't, says Gabriel, deliberately wheeling himself in front of his father, I need you too much.  I don't want you here! says Daniel, I want to grieve for Ben alone.  Why do you hate me so much? asks Gabriel--why was I never the son you wanted?--is it because I couldn't run like Quentin, sail off in ships like Quentin?
--stop grieving for Ben, Father, I'm alive, he's dead--I'm the only son you've got!--I'm the one, and my children are your only grandchildren, the only ones who are going to carry the Collins family name--you know that!  Quentin and Tad are dead, says Daniel--why?--why?  And Samantha married again, says Gabriel, this afternoon.  Oh? asks Daniel.  She married Gerard Stiles, says Gabriel, so now all the money is completely out of the family.  Daniel doesn't respond.  Don't you understand what I'm saying? demands Gabriel, Samantha someone.  I know! Daniel tells him, he asked me for her hand.  Gabriel is stunned--what?  He tried to save Quentin and Tad, Daniel says, while you sat in this house he risked his life for theirs.  You agreed? asks Gabriel in disbelief.  Daniel says that he should adopt him, he should have a son who can sail the ships!  Father you don't know him the way I do--I've had a complete report, says Gabriel desperately, he's a smuggler, he's a fortunehunter, probably a murderer--I have proof!  You're jealous, accuses Daniel, you always were, even as a child.  I have a complete dossier on him, says Gabriel, I'll show it to you, then you'll believe me.  He starts to wheel himself out, and Daniel, skeptical, shouts, "You're jealous of his happiness!"  Daniel rises from his chair and says, so they are married--well, someone is happy in this house--good, it's time.  He settles himself in bed, exhausted, and says, "Poor Ben Stokes--he couldn't have taken his own life--never."

We see a letter opener, then the camera pans back on Samantha and Gerard, who is writing a letter.  He asks his new wife if she thinks Flora will be pleased.  Putting her arms around him, she says that Flora will be jealous of her. When she reads this, says Gerard, she will be very happy for both of us.  Only a few hours ago, I wrote her a note about Ben's death, says Samantha, she'll think we're very callous.  You must stop thinking that people are against us, he says.  They smile and hug.

Rose Cottage - Ben Stokes dead, says Desmond, reading from a purple piece of note paper--it's as if he tried to decapitate himself.  Desmond wonders why Ben would kill himself, and why in such an insane manner, by trying to cut off his own head?  As though trying to surprise the artifact, Desmond throws open the curtains behind which is the bald head he brought back from the Orient.
There's no connection, he says aloud, is there?--Ben told me to get rid of it.  He wipes his eyes, his back to the head.  He finds a chair tipped over, then the book that Ben had dropped on the floor, THE ARTIFICE OF ANTU-SAINTS.  He takes out the paper tucked inside and reads Ben's note tells him to read the book and he'll know why the head must be destroyed.  Ben!  Desmond gazes up at the head, then begins to read the book.  He doesn't know that the head's eyes have opened! (And they play REALLY creepy music when this happens!)

As Desmond reads, the head stares at him.  When Desmond looks up, but the eyes are closed again.  He goes over to the glass case and looks inside as if waiting for the head to speak, then tells himself not to be a fool.  He takes the note and throws it into the fireplace, then leaves the room.  The head's eyes blink, and he watches Desmond leave.

Collinwood drawing room - Gabriel wheels himself in and finds Samantha by herself on the sofa.  Alone? queries Gabriel--has the bridegroom left you already?  He's moving his things into my room, she says, starting to leave the room.  Wait, he says.  For more insults? She asks.  Something more important, he says--the truth about your husband.  I know the truth, she insists.  I'll wager you don't know any of the things that I know about him, says Gabriel. She walks off, telling him she has no intention of listening to him.  He calls after her that she'd better listen for her own good, he has a complete investigative report--do you believe what you read?  She goes upstairs, laughing at him harder on every step.  Gabriel, infuriated, goes back into the drawing room.  Gerard comes in and says, "I see you're still trying.  My wife is remarkably loyal woman--I admire loyalty in women."  Your loyalty, promise Gabriel, is going to be tests.  Why don't you just relax and accept the fact that it happened? advises Gerard.
Because, says  Gabriel, I know you've been scheming, and plotting, and talking to my father and pretending to kill Samantha when you wouldn't.  I only went along with you because I was afraid you'd try to kill her yourself, says Gerard--I saved her life, I saved her life with very little cost to me.  Gabriel, squeezing his ball, warns him to watch what he says.  There's a bad editing jump, then Gerard offers Gabriel a word of advice.  The latter starts to wheel himself out of the room, but Gerard grabs his chair, stopping him.  you'd better listen to me, says Gerard--why don't you just be a good boy from now on?--it will prove beneficial to you in the future--Samantha and I might even be a little "charitable" on your unfortunate situation.  Gabriel orders him to let go of his chair.  Gerard releases him and Gabriel wheels himself out, squeezing his ball.  Desmond enters the house and Gabriel gestures for him to come to him.  He tells Desmond he needs his help, he can't do it himself because of his legs.  You'd better explain, says Desmond sympathetically.  There's been a marriage today, says Gabriel, and we must do something about it.

So Samantha married Stiles, says Desmond.  Yes, says Gabriel, now don't leave until I come back--promise me.  Desmond promises, then enters the drawing room and tells Gerard he understands he's to be congratulated.  Gerard asks if he'll have a glass of champagne.  No thank you, says Desmond coldly.  I see, you don't approve, says Gerard.  Quentin's my friend, says Desmond.  He was mine, too, Gerard reminds him--I see we have the same admiration for him.  The storm at sea that washed Quentin and Tad overboard, says Desmond--where were you when it happened?  Gerard explains that he tried to save them.  You TRIED to save them, says Desmond, yet you come back here and tear this house apart!  That is your impression, insists Gerard--yours and Gabriel's--however, Quentin would not want Samantha going on mourning forever--or have you forgotten that, Mr. Collins?  He leaves, angry.  Desmond slams his fist into his hand, equally pissed off.  Gabriel wheels in.  Desmond asks him what he wants him to do?--he will help him.  Good, says Gabriel, taking a paper out of his pocket and handing it to Desmond--go to the bank, Samantha's father is there, they're having a board meeting there, but I said there's an emergency--I need my safe deposit box--they'll give it to you--bring it back here.  What's in it? asks Desmond.  You'll see, yes indeed, everyone in this house will see, Gabriel assures him.

Gerard enters the tower room, where Daniel, still in bed, greets him in a friendly way, telling him he's been waiting to see you.  I thought you would be, sir, says Gerard.  What an unusual man you are, says Daniel.  I do hope you mean that as a compliment, says Gerard, sitting in a chair beside the bed.  Oh, I do, Daniel assures him, coming to see me on your wedding night--I've been remembering my own wedding night, which turned out so badly.  Oh, you must have had a good few times, sir, says Gerard.  I don't remember, says Daniel, I only remember the feeling of relief when it was over--when she was...she's dead, you know...her ghost sometimes appears--oh, not in this room, in other rooms--in the playroom the last time--everyone says I'm mad--perhaps they're right.
I don't think you are, sir, says Gerard, not at all.  You mustn't say that before too many people, warns Daniel--they'll lock you up, too.  Gerard smiles and says he'll say a great deal more than that--will he come downstairs, join him and Samantha in a glass of champagne.  Do you mean it? asks Daniel.  Of course I do, says Gerard.  No one wants me downstairs, says Daniel (pathetic).  Well I do, says Gerard.  Daniel says no one's wanted him since Quentin left--how like him you are.  I try to be, sir, says Gerard (what a phony!)  Daniel says yes, he will come downstairs, and "I shan't misbehave, either."  He gets out of bed.  Of course you won't, says Gerard.  Yes, it's a party, says Daniel, pleased, parties always brought out my best manners, I shall be delighted to join in the happy occasion.  The two men leave the tower.

Samantha comes downstairs to find Gabriel in the foyer.  She asks if he's waiting for someone.  Yes, he says, he's expecting his wedding present for her--he's anxious it arrive tonight.

Fingering and looking at the necklace Gerard gave her, Samantha says that, knowing how he feels about her, there's no need for any presents.  He wheels himself closer and says he hired Gerard to kill her.  What an incredible thing for you to say! Samantha says.  And he agreed to do it, says Gabriel.  Oh, Gabriel, you and your lies--you're as mad as your father is--you sicken me!  What do you think you do to me? he demands, with your spitefulness and deceitfulness and your tears over Tad?--you're not thinking of him tonight, are you?  I'm always thinking of him! she cries, always, but he would not have wanted me to be alone!  Daniel and Gerard come downstairs.  Daniel calls to Samantha, who she calls Father Collins.  Don't be frightened, my dear, Daniel says, I've just come to kiss the bride.  He kisses her cheek.  You don't know what you're doing, Gerard, what risk you're taking! says Gabriel.  If you were in charge here, I'd be locked in a cell, shouts Daniel, we all know that--how like your mother you are.  Soothing the situation, Gerard leads Daniel to a seat.  Samantha faces Gabriel angrily.  Desmond comes in, and Gabriel says they're going to have to suffer him a few moments more--his wedding present has arrived.  Samantha greets the stone-faced Desmond, who is holding a package in his hand.  I should offer you best wishes, I know, says Desmond, and I still do, Samantha.  Gerard puts an arm around Samantha.  Gabriel apologizes to Daniel, saying he'll thank him for behaving the way he did this evening after he reads what he has in this box--right, Gerard?--Are you nervous, Gerard?  He fumbles in a pocket for the key to the safety deposit box--are you trying to figure out a way to get out of what I know about you--what all these papers say about you?  Gerard? questions Samantha.  Gabriel tells Gerard he can leave, right now, if he wishes, they'll all understand later, because there's something in this box that's going to incriminate you.  He opens the box--but it's empty!  There's nothing in the box, Gabriel, says Samantha.  What did you do with them? demands Gabriel.  What are you talking about? asks Gerard.  What did you do with all the papers I had in this box? asks Gabriel.  What papers? asks Gerard.  Where are they--you must see the kind of man he is! cries Gabriel.  Samantha shouts, "Gabriel!" who goes on, saying Gerard will stoop to nothing--and you married him!--you left Quentin after he was dead for six month for him--for him!  He points accusingly at Gerard.  Stop him, stop him, before I do! yells Daniel, rising from the sofa.  Desmond is forced to come between father and son, ordering Daniel to calm down.  Desmond says he's all upset, and he's sorry to be part of it--he'll take him to his room.  Desmond leads Daniel, who is muttering how like his mother Gabriel is, that he'll spoil anything, away.  I'll let you two be alone with one another says the beaten Gabriel--that should be punishment enough for both of you!  He wheels himself out.  Samantha closes the doors, turns to Gerard and wonders what Gabriel thought he had.  Does it matter? asks Gerard.  He's mad, isn't he? asks Samantha--only why did you go to the bank yesterday?--why did you spend so much time alone with my father?  Gerard asks her if she thinks he took what was in that box--does she think her father, the eminent banker, would let him?  No, she says.  Of course not, he says, darling, we must not start off like this.  He hugs her, adding that they have a brand-new life ahead of them, the past is gone, dead, gone forever.  Yes, she says, blissful, they will be happy forever.  He plants a big smooch on her and wishes they could leave here--he fears this place has too many memories for her.  When I'm with you, I never think of them, she says.  Not even of Quentin? he asks.  Not even of Quentin, she assures him, and this time plants a juicy smooch on him.
They open the doors to find Quentin standing there.  He comes in.  "Hello, Samantha," he says with a smile, opening his arms to embrace her, "I'm home."

NOTES:  Big shocker, huh?  Quentin is alive, and she's married to another man and was just about to go upstairs and consummate.  Poor Gerard, he won't be gettin' any tonight!

I felt a bit sorry for Gabriel in this episode.  He's an awful person, but he feels unloved by his own father, probably by his wife, kids--by everyone.  It's not surprising he's bitter.  We don't know why he's in a wheelchair, but the way Samantha treats him, it's no wonder he's so hateful.  Then again, when did he become this angry and bitter, and did he deserve this shabby treatment?  Time will reveal all.

Speaking of Samantha, what do you all think of her?  Like or not?  She seems to be nice sometimes, loves Roxanne, and her grief over Tad was very real, but she also has a sharp, nasty edge to her with some family members.  I had a tough time deciding if I liked her or not much of the time.  Now that she's got this huge moral dilemma, what will it mean for her?

Apparently, Gerard has managed to win over his father in law--how else would he have been able to get those incriminating papers out of there?  Hard to believe an "eminent" banker would allow such a thing, but that appears to be the only explanation.  Daniel loves Gerard, is already considering adoption.  The man has incredible powers over everyone, it seems.

That head is very weird, and apparently has powers beyond those of mortal heads.  One senses Desmond is in danger, due for big trouble.  Those eyes are watching him, and not with the look of love.

Love, Robin