Author Topic: #0355/0356: Robservations 02/13/02: Carolyn & Julia Square Off  (Read 1199 times)

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#0355/0356: Robservations 02/13/02: Carolyn & Julia Square Off
« on: February 12, 2002, 06:51:17 PM »
355 - (Clarice Blackburn) - We go through another night in the great house of Collinwood, unaware that there are those among us who are playing a most dangerous game-a game that will eventually end with someone's death.

Carolyn watches impatiently as Barnabas contemplates Julia's fate for betraying him. He wonders how the doctor thought she could get away with it, and asks Carolyn why she did it. Because she's jealous, Carolyn says. Julia will be sorry for not heeding his warning about her jealousy, Barnabas says--he'll permanently dispose of Dr. Hoffman. While she seemed pleased at this prospect in the previous show, Carolyn is upset to hear this--killing Julia would be wrong! No, because she's obstructing his plans for Vicki, Barnabas says. Carolyn suggests Barnabas talk to Julia, scare her off, but Barn says Julia, while professional and sensible, is nevertheless as emotionally as foolish as most women. (ooh, nasty!)
He wants Carolyn's help, he says, but Carolyn insists she can't. Be sensible, Barnabas orders his cousin, you have no choice. He orders her to look at him, and she does. He'll do the actual killing, but he needs Carolyn to get hold of Julia's incriminating red notebook before he does the deed. She asks why he allowed her to keep such notes, and he remarks, sadly, that he was as interested in the possibility of a cure as Julia was--but no longer. He describes where Julia kept the notebook and tells her to get Julia out of the house and get that notebook. Carolyn seems hapless and scared, no longer the confident Mata Hari she was before. Julia is a threat to him re: Vicki, and he wants Carolyn to bring him those notes. He insists that Carolyn not allow emotions to get in the way and hinder his plans--don't feel sorry for Julia. Carolyn swears her loyalty to him, and he kisses her hand. "I'll be waiting for you," Barnabas says.

When Carolyn returns home, Mrs. Johnson remarks that Carolyn missed dinner, how pale she looks, and worries she's getting sick. Julia's in her room, reveals Mrs. Johnson. Maggie stops by and Carolyn coolly tells her that Vicki's gone to Boston. Maggie was away visiting relatives, and was upset to come home and learn of Burke's disappearance. Carolyn coldly says she doubts Burke is coming back and that Vicki should accept it. Maggie remarks that this doesn't sound like Carolyn at all--has Carolyn been ill?--why does she keep touching her scarf?. This pisses off Carolyn, who says it's her favorite scarf, but if touching it upsets Maggie, hell, she'll stop. Maggie comments that seeing Carolyn touch her scarf that way gives her an uncomfortable feeling. A dog howls, and Maggie says she feels frightened.
Carolyn says there's no reason to be frightened and Maggie, hearing the dog howling, shivers as she leaves.

Carolyn greets Julia coming downstairs. Wasn't she working in her room? Julia seems annoyed that Carolyn is still watching her. The dog howls, and Carolyn tells Julia it means Barnabas is upset about something and getting ready to take action. Carolyn suggests it's Barnabas trying to tell her something, then homes in on a way to get Julia out--yes, Barnabas wants to see you! Why didn't she tell her before, demands Julia (this is pathetic), and rushes out the door as fast as she can, but Carolyn thought, given their relationship, Julia would know it instinctively. LOL!

Carolyn goes to Julia's room, stands on a chair, then on the bed, looks on top of the armoire (the chair didn't get the tiny actress up high enough), but doesn't see the strongbox. When Julia arrives quickly at the Old House, she says she got there as soon as she got Carolyn's message--what did he need to see her about? Barnabas falls in with Carolyn's excuse, but not quickly enough, and Julia instantly realizes he WAS surprised at her showing up. What are they up to? she wonders. She curtly tells Barnabas she must return to Collinwood and her research, but he does his damndest to cover up his surprise and pulls out all the stops--he calls her Julia, (she notes the change from "doctor," as he called her when she arrived), admits to her he was wrong about the experiment and wants to continue it--tonight, her way. She says they have to wait until tomorrow; the injection takes a long time to prepare. He bars her exit, and the reason for this delay suddenly dawns on Julia. "Your little helper won't find it," says Julia, "but if something happens to me, someone else will--and soon. Now let me go, Barnabas!"
Slowly, reluctantly, he walks away from the door. "Very well, you may go," he says, sounding defeated.

Carolyn, hearing dogs howl, frantically searches Julia's dresser and desk drawers. She does find the locked strongbox and jimmies it open, but it's empty, to her dismay. Julia confronts Carolyn in mid-search, and although the younger woman tries to claim she's looking for an aspirin, Julia knows the truth. Julia threatens to tell Liz that Carolyn was searching her room, and Carolyn counters by promising to tell her mother that Julia is a doctor.
"Get out!" orders Julia, and Carolyn, smiling, complies. Julia examines the strongbox and realizes Carolyn broke into it, which can mean only one thing--Barnabas is planning to kill her!

NOTES: Without the notebook, does Julia have more time to survive and perhaps figure a way out of this pickle? Barnabas and Carolyn make strong, scary allies! I wonder what Liz would have said if Carolyn revealed that Julia is actually a doctor and has been lying to all of them?

356 - (Nancy Barrett) - A cover of darkness has fallen over the great house at Collinwood, but it cannot conceal the fear that one person feels at this moment-for she has discovered that her life is in grave danger.

Julia stands on the landing in Collinwood's foyer, clutching her notebook. She heads downstairs to gaze at Barnabas' portrait, ruminating that she knows he plans to kill her. There's no way she can keep it in her room; she must find someplace to hide it overnight until she can stow it away in the bank tomorrow. Julia stands in the drawing room, pondering where she can hide the notebook where Carolyn can't find it. She searches everywhere for a suitable hiding place, finding nothing to her liking.
As she's heading toward the kitchen, the grandfather clock in the foyer strikes, and Julia decides to hide her notebook inside the trusty clock.

Carolyn goes to the Old House and tells Barnabas she searched Julia's room, and not only did she fail to find the notebook, Julia caught her searching her room, and she was forced to make up a poor excuse for being there. Julia knows we're searching for the book, and now she's hidden it, laments Barnabas, unhappy at this turn of events.
Watch Julia every second, he warns Carolyn, and surreptitiously-- and find that notebook tonight! You're in danger during the day, his cousin reminds him, so he adds to her tasks protecting him from Julia during the day. Julia's jealousy is going to interfere with my plans for Vicki, complains Barnabas, and as soon as we have the notebook, Dr. Hoffman will be destroyed!

Julia paces back and forth between foyer and drawing room in Collinwood. Liz joins her, and they both have a drink of sherry. Julia's nervousness is obvious, and she tells Liz that she will be leaving Collinwood within a week (ha!) Carolyn overhears this, enters the drawing room and is very nasty to Julia,
questioning her reasons for visiting the Old House in such a cold manner that after Julia exits, Liz asks her daughter why she's being so suddenly hostile to Julia. Stay here and apologize for being rude to my guest, demands Liz, and Carolyn, defiant, plops herself down by the fireplace to wait.

Barnabas gazes out the Old House window. Julia comes to see him. I know you plan to kill me as soon as you get my notes, she tells him, but I've turned hidden it away from Collinwood and ordered it turned over to the authorities if anything happens to me. I WILL get that notebook, he assures her, and do away with you!
Her face shows terror.

Back at Collinwood, Liz and Carolyn await Julia's return. Julia comes in and Carolyn, prodded by her mother, proffers an apology, which Julia graciously accepts. Liz thanks Julia and leaves. Carolyn sarcastically comments about Julia's easy acceptance of her apology. "I understand," says Julia, "it just meant that you won't be rude to me in front of your mother." When Julia attempts to bring Carolyn over to her side, the blonde warns her that Barnabas told her Julia would attempt to employ that very tactic. They exchange threats, and Carolyn calls Julia's bluff on her promise to tell her mother everything. At that moment, Carolyn notices that the clock isn't striking the hour.

NOTES: Many years ago, during DS' first run, I started keeping a log of every show on lined notebook paper. I wrote synopses of the show, brief at first, then becoming more detailed with each succeeding day. This was the first episode I synopsized, in black pen, in script, and I still have those synopses. I kept 1795 in blue pen, 1897 in red, and present day in black.

Poor Julia! Barnabas and Carolyn are both ganging up on her now, and she knows the only thing that stands between her and death is that notebook. Once Barnabas gets it, she's a dead woman. I had to laugh over Julia telling Liz she'll be leaving in a week. We know that she lasted a good deal longer than that!

Now that Carolyn has probably figured out where the notebook is, who will get to itit first?

Love, Robin