Author Topic: #0303/0304: Robservations 01/07/02: Burke Becomes Suspicious  (Read 1417 times)

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#0303/0304: Robservations 01/07/02: Burke Becomes Suspicious
« on: January 06, 2002, 05:59:18 PM »
303 - (Alexandra Moltke) - There has been a marriage announcement at Collinwood. And now, in the untroubled light of day, there is an air of contentment in the great house. But a certain reaction to the marriage announcement has caused one man to believe he knows and can reveal the nature and the source of the evil we have experienced here at Collinwood.

Burke, suspicious of Barnabas, started playing P.I., gathering evidence against him. He calls his private investigator from Dave Woodard's office and learns Niall Bradford died 130 years ago. He asks Dave to go over Maggie's case with him, even going so far as to ask to see confidential hospital records (Dave refuses).
He questions Dave about the bite on Maggie's throat, which Dave explains he thinks was done by an animal not indigenous to the area. Burke suggests to Dave that the crazed maniac they assume kidnapped Maggie could look as normal as either of them, and actually be a calm, sane-seeming member of the community. Dave insists that Burke go to the sheriff with his suspicions, but Burke isn't ready to do that, not yet.

Joe and Maggie are hanging out at the cottage, and she is bored, feeling like a prisoner in her own house. She wants to return to her job at the coffee shop, on a day shift, but Joe says they feel she still needs protection.
He begs her to be more patient, and she smiles, kisses him (I want Vicki and Burke to take notes, these two seem to really love each other), and says she'll give them more time. He suggests a game of cards (strip poker?) and they talk about Julia. Maggie wonders if the doctor is really helping her--she seems strange, and cold. Joe eyes her oddly.

Burke stops by the cottage and Maggie is happy to have the company. Burke points out to Maggie and Joe how odd it is that Maggie remembers less now than the night she showed up at the Blue Whale. He tells her that when she was in Dave's office that night, she spoke of a house, being locked in a room, a man who wanted her to die, she knew his face!--then another doctor came in, completely derailing Maggie's train of thought. Maggie tells them Barnabas has been one of her visitors (to which Burke reacts with interest),
and says there's a light, playful, tinkling tune running in the back of her head--but she doesn't know what it means. Burke digests all this, looking thoughtful.

Burke returns to Collinwood to take Vicki to Seaview. He isn't thrilled when Vicki calls Barnabas "charming" and insinuates he's jealous of the Collins cousin. He also doesn't appreciate hearing that Barnabas gave Vicki the music box because he's thoughtful. Burke takes the music box, opens it, listens.
He immediate connects it with Maggie's description of the music that keeps running through her head. He listens raptly, finally closing it, thinking hard.

NOTES: Uh oh, Burke is hot on your trail, Barnabas! Burke Devlin, detective. Burke Devlin, dead man walking? He has his suspicions, and we know they're right, but he can't possibly know that this Barnabas is the Barnabas who posed for that portrait, can he? Is he thinking supernatural, or just that Barnabas is like Jason McGuire, a con man who is not to be trusted?

Poor Maggie, you can't blame her for going stir crazy. I always did think the men folk too protective of the ladies, not a very modern outlook. But this was 1967, and women weren't quite liberated yet.

304 - (Alexandra Moltke) - The sun has begun to rise in a blue-gray sky above Collinwood. This is the dawn of a new day. This will be a day of ever-mounting terror for two people--one woman already possesses a secret that would destroy her--and one is close to learning that secret, unaware that he is courting his own destruction.

Burke barges in to the Old House demanding to see Barnabas, but Willie tells him his employer isn't home. Burke doesn't believe him--he has been watching the house and he saw Barn come home, but never leave. He pumps Willie for information about Barn's business dealings, and goes so far as to yell for Barnabas.
Willie invites him to search the house, if he wants, then suggests that Burke mind his own business. Burke tells Willie he plans to find out a lot more about Barnabas.

Vicki finds Julia in the drawing room, toying with Sarah's bonnet. They discuss the old-fashioned cap and how strange it is for a little girl to be wearing something like that. Vicki remarks it seems to be from another century, and Julia says it's too new-looking to be from another time. David comes in; he and Vicki were going to take a walk. Julia volunteers to take David instead, and encourages him to bring her to the place in the woods where he usually runs across Sarah; she'd like to meet her. They hang out there for a while,
and David describes Sarah as having brown hair and sad eyes. They leave their temporary perch on a large rock because they hear a noise, but it's a false alarm. David, who left the cap on the rock when they went to investigate the noise, realizes it's gone.

Julia and David return from their fruitless walk. Burke comes knocking at the door, all excited--he must take Vicki into town, and now! Julia agrees to keep an eye on David, and while Vicki runs upstairs to get a sweater, Burke offers her a cigarette and grills Julia about Barnabas. He considers him odd, and has she never seen him during the day?
Yes, Julia says, inwardly alarmed by this line of questioning--and she thinks Barnabas is unique because he's a perfect gentleman. "I've grown very fond of Mr. Collins," she grins (!) Burke points out how much Barn resembles his ancestor's portrait--too much, in Mr. Devlin's opinion. Vicki comes downstairs and she and Burke take off. Julia, distracted, smokes and stares moodily at Barnabas' portrait. She's got a problem.

Julia goes to the Old House and is further alarmed to learn that Burke gave Willie the third degree, too. She firmly says she's got to stop Burke, his suspicions could ruin everything!

Meanwhile, at the Blue Whale, Burke asks Vicki to stay away from both Barnabas Collins and the Old House. He can't reveal why, but says he has good reasons:
"Stay away from Barnabas Collins!"

NOTES: Will Vicki listen to her fiance without insisting on details? Is she that much of a little dolly that she can blindly trust, especially since Barnabas has, to her at least, never been anything but gentlemanly and generous? Where is the Vicki with chutzpah? I miss her!

Love, Robin