Author Topic: #1133/1134_1135: Robservations 10/21/03: Valerie Threatens Roxanne  (Read 1328 times)

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1133 - Quentin examines the letter, puzzled.  Trask enters--am I disturbing you? he asks--I hoped to find you at home but was afraid I would not--I had intended to come earlier, but poor Mrs. Wattleford had been called to the Great Beyond and my services were needed.  Impatiently, distracted, Quentin asks, do you sometimes work at Rocksbury?  Yes, says Trask proudly, my professional reputation is not limited to Collinsport.  Did you ever perform services for a woman named Joanna Mills? asks Quentin.  Trask thinks that over, repeating the name--it's not an unusual name.  It would have been within the last year, says Quentin.  Yes, says Trask, there was a Mills--Frank--he was killed in an accident near Cornith Bend--it was a most unusual accident.  I'm not interested in Frank, but Joanna, says Quentin.  No, says Trask, I think not, but actually, I did not come here to discuss the dead, but the living.  I can't give you too much time tonight, says Quentin, hurrying for the booze.  Perhaps you will change your mind when you hear what I have discovered, says Trask--as you may or may not know, I am most interested in the original Barnabas Collins.  Quentin drinks.  I am convinced he had something to do with the disappearance of my late father, adds Trask. What makes you feel he's still not alive? queries Quentin.  I've spoken with my father from beyond the grave, says Trask.  Quentin raises a skeptical eyebrow (yet he's supposedly so interested in the occult). Yes, says Trask, his death will be avenged!  What has this obsession to do with me? asks Quentin.  I'm leaving no stone unturned in finding out what happened on this estate in 1797, says Trask--I'm afraid my news may discredit some members of your family--it seems there is no record of the death of a Barnabas Collins in London in 1821, the year given me by his daughter, Julia.  Then he died somewhere else, suggests Quentin impatiently.  She specifically said London, says Trask.  She was wrong, obviously! insists Quentin.  You're a very trusting man, says Trask, too trusting, perhaps--for example, would it interest you to know there is no record of the present Barnabas Collins owning a house in Cadogan Square?  Obviously he sold it because he has no intention of going back to England, says Quentin.  You won't even admit to the possibility the man is an impostor? asks Trask.  If so, laughs Quentin, he looks amazingly like his father--as you can see from the portrait we just took out of Stokes' room and hung in the foyer.  Yes, says Trask, he looks almost too much like his father.  Mr. Trask, objects Quentin, I have absolutely no idea what you mean by that, and as fascinating as I find all this, I'm disturbed by the idea this all has something to do with the rivalry between you and Barnabas for the hand of Miss Roxanne Drew.  Whatever research I'm doing is on behalf of a great, illustrious family! insists Trask--your own--and I'm completely capable of handling my own relations with Miss Drew.  I'm very glad to find that out, says Quentin, hitting him in a friendly way on the arm, but I've got to go--and can I walk you to your carriage?  No, says Trask, I want to speak to your dear wife.  I'll let the servants know and they can tell her immediately that you're waiting, promises Quentin.  He exits through the kitchen door, first hitting his head hard (ouch) on the doorway.  Trask goes over to scowl at the portrait of Barnabas on the wall.  Angelique spots him and is astounded (and probably annoyed) by his resemblance to someone she once knew and despised.  Trask turns, sees her and asks, do we know each other?  She takes a deep breath--you certainly do look like someone I used to know, she says.  He introduces himself.  I'm Valerie Collins, she says.  Another new member of this ever-increasing family, remarks Trask--I wonder we've not met before.  You've probably met my husband, Barnabas, she says.  Trask's eyebrows nearly meet in astonishment.  You're married to Barnabas  Collins? he asks--I had no idea...  "...that he was married?" she finishes.  He nods, stunned.  No one did, it seems, she says, and turns away as if to cry.
My poor girl, he says, reaching out comforting hands.  She apologizes--I shouldn't have said that--it's just difficult sometimes, she says--I hope you forgive me.  Of course, he says, I have just remembered a most urgent business appointment in the village--please tell Mrs. Samantha Collins that I'm sorry I could not wait.  Of course, she says.  You can't imagine what a great pleasure it has been for me to meet you, he says, bowing, smiling, and takes his leave, anxious, no doubt, to spill the beans to Roxanne.  Angelique shakes her head a little, probably in disbelief that here's yet another Trask to plague her.

Cemetery - Quentin finds Joanna's grave--"Born January 1, 1815, died November 12, 1839--the candle burned brightly, then died."
Then it's true, he says aloud, she's dead--he holds up the letter and crumbles it--how?--how?

Drew home - Trask is angry to find Roxanne leaving just as he has arrived.  I didn't expect you, she says--I promised Samantha I'd spend the evening with her.  She ties on her cape.  At Collinwood? he asks.  Of course, she says.  Does Barnabas Collins know you'll be there? he asks.  I have no idea, she says.  You've been seeing him, he says.  He's been very kind to me, she says.  Has he indeed, asks Trask--wait until you hear how kind he has actually been.  What are you talking about? she asks.  His secret life, says Trask.  Have you invented one for him? she asks mockingly.  I did not have to go to that trouble, my dear, he says, it seems all the time he was smiling at you, he was concealing one very important fact about himself--he's married--I have just met his wife.  Roxanne is devastated.

I don't believe you, insists Roxanne--Barnabas Collins is not married.  Oh, but if you could have seen the anguish in his dear wife's eyes, says Trask--it seems he neglected to tell anyone of his status--I told you when you first met that man there is evil in his face.  I don't need a lecture on the subject, she assures him, but why don't you tell father about it?--I'm sure you want to--"Good night, Lamar!"  She heads for the door.  Trask calls to her--you're not still going there? he says.  Samantha is still expecting me, she says, and leaves.  He chases after her, insisting she can't leave, but she's gone.

Angelique sits by the fire in the Collinwood drawing room.  She hears the front door open and goes out to greet Barnabas.  You've come to call! she says cheerily. On Quentin, he says, turning away from her.  You'll have to settle for me, she says--you and I still have a great deal to discuss.  I think we said everything we can say to each other, he says.  No, says Angelique, you still haven't told me about my new sister in law, Julia.  He turns to face her.  I never knew I had such a CLOSE relation, says Ang sarcastically--I knew you had a sister--Sarah--but she's dead, remember?  You caused her death, Barnabas reminds her harshly--I will never forget it.  Perhaps, says Angelique, I will be equally kind to Julia.  Angelique! he explodes.  Valerie, she corrects in a hushed voice--you mustn't give me away--you'll give yourself away as well.  I'm quite aware of that, he says testily, walking away from her again.  So, she says, you have found yourself a sister--where did you find her, the woods?  (Bitchy, bitchy)  Make up any story that will satisfy you, advises Barn.  Nothing will satisfy me except the truth, she says--it seems she came here to meet you, saying she received some kind of note--but it was several days before you arrived and she became quite concerned--where were you hiding?--does she know what you are?  He turns to look at her.  I wouldn't trust her if I were you, continues Angelique. I do implicitly, Barnabas assures her.  Are you in love with her? demands Angelique.  She's a friend, that's all, says Barn.  Where did you get such a good friend, hm? asks Ang--where did you get such a good friend, and how long have you been out of the coffin?  I don't think it's wise to discuss these things here, says Barnabas.  Do you plan to answer me? she asks.  No, he says.  DO you think that's wise? she inquires, her face very close to his.  So you intend to threaten Julia? he asks.   Is she in your power?--do you plan to make her what you are? asks Ang.  No, says Barnabas, absolutely not!  Then you are not in love with her, says Ang triumphantly, which means she is in no danger whatsoever.  Can I have your word for that? he asks.  Of course you can, she promises--that is, if you decide to have a cup of tea with me--you're going to wait for Quentin, anyway, perhaps he'll be here by then--I'll get the tea.

Roxanne enters Collinwood.  Barnabas calls her name.  Excuse me, Mr. Collins, she says formally.  Mr. Collins? he repeats--Roxanne, what is it?  Hurt, she asks, is it true?--"Are you married?"  Yes, he admits, shame-faced, it is--I am.  Her mouth drops open, then closes.  I must go to my sister, says Roxanne.  Forgive me, begs Barnabas, there's no possible way for me to explain this.  She agrees--there's not, is there?  I've enjoyed your company so much, he says regretfully, we've had such understanding.
I thought so too, she says, but I was terribly wrong.  Angelique appears with the tea tray.  Barnabas gulps and says, "Roxanne, this is my wife--Roxanne Drew, he says.  How do you do, Miss Drew? asks Angelique.  Mrs. Collins, acknowledges Roxanne, looking very depressed.  Won't you stay and have some tea with us? asks Ang.  No thank you, says Roxanne, sounding on the verge of tears, my sister is waiting for me.  She hurries upstairs.  Angelique looks after her.  Barnabas' forehead is creased with misery.  So, says Ang, SHE is the one!  Barnabas looks at her.

Don't bother trying to deny it, says Angelique--it's obvious.  She races into the drawing room.  You're imagining it, insists Barnabas.  I've seen that look in your eye before, says Ang, setting down the tray with a bang--I've seen you with Josette!  I barely know Roxanne, says Barnabas, she's only been here three or four times since I've been here.  But you have been to "visit" her, says Angelique, haven't you?--and if I pull that lace from around her neck, what will I find there--wounds?--you are so transparent, to me at least--I knew it had to be someone, it was just a matter of time until I found out who it was.  You must leave her alone, insists Barnabas, you must do nothing to her.  A loving husband has a right to give his wife orders, says Ang, and you are not a loving husband!--I don't think I care for my tea now--she runs upstairs.  She's nearly to the top when Barnabas, standing at the foot of the steps, begs, "Promise me!"  I will promise you NOTHING! she spits back, and runs to her room.  Barnabas, his face twisted with unhappiness, greets Quentin, who has arrived home.  Barnabas stands by the fireplace, his back stiff.  Is something wrong? asks Quentin.  When Barnabas doesn't reply, Quentin closes the double doors--have you had any reports of the headless man? he asks.  No, says Barnabas.  Then what is it? asks Quentin.  I came here to discuss it with you, says Barnabas, but...  Is it your wife? asks Quentin.  There's little I can do about her or this murder, says Barnabas, then points to another note addressed to Quentin that has been pushed under the door.  Quentin takes it, looks at the handwriting, exclaims, "Joanna!"  He opens the doors violently, hoping to catch whoever dropped the note, but no one is there.  Leave me, Barnabas, he orders.  What's wrong? asks Barnabas.  Please just go, says Quentin.  Barnabas exits the drawing room.  Quentin opens the note, which says "I cannot live without seeing you tonight--I will be at the oak tree--I will wait, please come to me, it has been so long since my eyes saw yours--tonight at last, my arms will hold you--Joanna."  (Tie a yellow ribbon 'round the old oak tree.)

Roxanne returns home.  Trask is there, gloating, you didn't stay very long at Collinwood.  Dejected, she closes the door--Samantha was busy with the new governess, she says.  Did you meet Mrs. Barnabas Collins?--do you believe me now? he asks.  Yes, answers Roxanne sadly--she's very beautiful.

Angelique sits by the fire in spell-casting mode.  Roxanne Drew, she intones, you wanted to be Mrs. Barnabas Collins--I could see it in your eyes--but he is MINE--and he shall remain mine.  She holds up a clay doll.  Oh, my dear Roxanne, you must pay for loving him--she sets two pins in motion toward the doll's throat.

Of course she is beautiful, my dear, says Trask, rubbing in Roxanne's hurt, what did you expect?--Barnabas Collins doesn't switch... Roxanne suddenly grabs at her throat, crying out in pain.
What's wrong? cries Trask.  She collapses to the floor.

Trask kneels to check on Roxanne.  He finds the wounds in her throat have been re-opened, blood dripping thickly from them.  Roxanne! he cries.

Barnabas enters the drawing room--Quentin, he says gently, I don't know what this is all about, but if there's anything I can do to help...  I once had a mad scheme, says Quentin--at least others thought it was--that I could build a staircase--not the usual kind--but one that could, with each step I went, go further and further from the time we live in, now.  Barnabas is shocked.  A stairway, says Quentin, that could lead us to other times--the future, the past--there are theories on time as a dimension in itself--I've given it a lot of study and experimentation, and I believe a person could go back and change what has already happened--I don't know how to explain it adequately, but I feel so strongly about it--I just have the feeling everything could be so different--he chuckles sadly--the staircase is not yet built--I have to go, he says.  Where? demands Barnabas--you must let me help you!--you must tell me what the trouble is--Quentin!  But his cousin is gone.

Quentin, in the woods by "their" tree, calls, Joanna are you here?--how many times we met here--how often I waited--sometimes there would be a note.  Quentin checks a hole in the tree and finds a note--she was here, he realizes, reading it--"I don't understand why you didn't come, I waited so long--Joanna."  She's alive! he exclaims.

Collinwood - Trask reports Roxanne's collapse to Barnabas--I must get back, says Trask, Mr. Drew simply wanted me to inform Roxanne's sister.  What could have happened to her? asks Barnabas.  The doctor doesn't understand, says Trask--the wounds from that vicious animal were nearly healed, and yet they opened again and he's unable to stop the bleeding--she's very weak.  She could have died, realizes Barnabas.  Trask raises his eyes to heaven--we shall pray that that does not happen, he says.  Barnabas ushers Trask to the door--I'll send my sister over to give her a treatment right away, he tells the undertaker.  Angelique watches from the landing.  Barnabas spots her--you're responsible for the wounds re-opening in Roxanne's throat again, he accuses--where's the doll and pins?  Safely hidden, Angelique assures him.  You must get the doll and remove the pins, he insists.  So Roxanne may live? asks Angelique sarcastically.  You must, says Barnabas.  Why--because you love her? sneers Ang.  Because she has done nothing wrong! cries Barnabas.  Angelique looks at her reflection in the mirror, smoothing her hair, and asks, "Why do you want her to live?--why don't you want her to die?--then you could spend eternity together."   No more, says Barnabas.  You love her that much? asks Angelique, surprised--then her fate lies entirely in your hands.  What must I do? he asks, already knowing.  "Come and live with me," she says, "as man and wife, because that is what we are!--and because that is what I want--and if you do refuse, then she will die
--from YOUR attack."  She will become as I am, he says sorrowfully.  "Yes, a vampire, she says--make up your mind, Barnabas--now!"

NOTES:  Angelique, now known as Valerie, is staking her claim, enforcing her demands, making sure Barnabas can't have Roxanne--unless it's as a vampire, which isn't what he wants.  You've got to hand this gal an award for being bitchy and going after what she wants.  I always get chills when she orders him to live with her as man and wife--because that is what they are.  I guess we can argue that, given that they both died, and "until death, yada yada yada"--but she won't brook any argument!  I just love how spiteful she is, and how she works to make Barnabas dance to her tune!

You can say anything you want, but the coupling of Angelique and Barnabas held this show together, at least IMHO.  The fireworks between these two never cease to keep me riveted.  These actors brought out the best in each other.  She gives him an ultimatum and he has no choice but to buckle.  I always thought of her as a dominatrix during much of their relationship.

Who is gaslighting Quentin?  He knows Joanna is dead, he's seen her grave, and Mrs. Purdy assured him it was so.  Who is sending him these notes, driving him crazy--and why?

So Quentin already has the staircase through time in mind!  He says he hasn't built it yet.  I gather he's going to during this storyline, right, since we know it actually exists in 1970?

Love these little domestic dramas--Quentin has a wife he doesn't love, Barnabas has a wife he doesn't love, and poor Roxanne's heart has been broken.  Reminds me of when Angelique appeared in 1897 and destroyed Rachel Drummond's hopes of a life with Barnabas in a similar manner.

Trask enjoyed bringing Roxanne the news that the man she loves is married.  He gloated over it!  If he really cared for her, he'd understand that she needs a man she can love--and Lamar isn't it!  I sense he just is lusting for her and would enjoy having such a pretty young thing in his bed.  I love Lacy's performance as Trask, but I hate that man!

1134_1135 - The body lies in the crypt as Julia prepares to join it with its head.

You can't do this to Roxanne, insists Barnabas--she has done nothing to you.  I said she would die from YOUR attack! says Valerie, not from anything I will do.  Angelique, please! he begs.  Valerie, Barnabas, she corrects--you must remember to call me Valerie--I don't want the embarrassment of being seen by the rest of the family.  She closes the double doors--what is your decision?  Listen to reason, pleads Barnabas.  I want what I know I want, she says.  Let me at least see her and talk to her, says Barn.  I've known you a long time, she reminds him, you double crossed me more than once, betrayed me.  I guarantee that I will not betray you this time, he says.  Perhaps not, she agrees, picking up and looking at a feather pen, at any rate, to avoid unpleasantness, I think you should write your dear Roxanne a letter--don't go and see her--she throws the pen on the desk.

The crypt now looks much like Julia's lab in the Old House basement once did.  She takes a notebook and fiddles with equipment.  She hears someone coming down--Leticia, bearing a bundle, who praises all the work Julia's done--and in such a short time, too!--what's the mirror for?  It reflects more light, says Julia--you've been gone a long time.  I had my job cut out for me, says Leticia, you made sure of that--I've got blisters on my feet.  Julia closes the overhead panel--was anyone in the village was suspicious?  No, I know how to handle things, Leticia assures her.  Julia sets electricity running through some wires, entrancing Leticia, who asks, how did you learn to do these things?  You wouldn't know even if I explained it to you, says Julia.  (I don't know, either.)  You're a sorceress, says Leticia, you could make a fortune in the music halls, you know that?  Julia pours something into a beaker--where are the medical instruments?  I meant to tell you about that, says Leticia--there's a very nice young man who's going to bring them to Rose Cottage.  Julia expresses concern about that.  I couldn't very well have him come here, points out Leticia--no need to worry, he won't ask any questions, I made sure of that.  How? asks Julia.  I gave him my nicest smile, says Leticia, smiling lasciviously--I said I was Dr. Collins' assistant, and if he ever got sick, I'd take good care of him, you know what I mean?  You must go immediately and get the surgical instruments, insists Julia--and hurry, because I have to get back to Collinwood before Barnabas wonders where I am.  Leticia leaves the crypt; Julia again closes the panel with a chain.

Rose Cottage - Leticia examines the instruments.  Gerard enters--where have you been? he asks--I've looked all over for you.  Round and about, she says, trying to keep my mind occupied, as it were.  I suggest you go upstairs and occupy your mind with Flora, he says--she is writing a new book in which you are to be the main character--she can't finish it without you--now get on up there!  I'm sorry, I don't have time right now, says Leticia.  What do you mean, you don't have time? he demands, grabbing her arm and swinging her around.  I mean just what I said, she says, I have something important to do.  He puts his hands on her shoulders--Flora is our last chance, he says--my plans have changed here in Collinwood, and I'm not going to do anything to get her upset.  No one wants to do that, agrees Leticia--I'll get to Flora when I have time--go up and turn on your charm, that ought to sort her out.  He follows her to the door--where are you going?  Out! she answers--we've each got our own lives to live, don't we?  He calls after her, but she's gone.

Julia sits on the sofa at Collinwood, staring straight ahead as Barnabas explains, I must do what Angelique wishes--I must--she has caused Roxanne's wounds to reopen, and when she dies, she'll become a vampire--what am I going to do?  Noticing how distracted she is, he asks, is something wrong?  No, she says, I was just trying to think of what we could do.  It's no use, says Barnabas--if we don't do something soon, she will die.  He goes to the desk and picks up the feather pen.  I have no choice, he says--I'm going to write Roxanne and tell her goodbye.  He sits down at the desk to do so.  Julia rises from the sofa--I'll be back in a few minutes, she says, I must go up to my room and get something.  She meets Angelique in the foyer, where they trade angry glances.  Angelique goes into the drawing room--I see at last you've decided to come to your senses, she says--I'll go pack my things.  Angelique, he says, what about Roxanne?  The bleeding will stop as soon as she receives that letter, she promises, smiling hugely
--you don't know how much I look forward to living at the Old House again.  Resigned, Barnabas put his signature on the note.  Abruptly, he runs over to throw it into the fire, but realizes Angelique has him by the short hairs and changes his mind.

Julia finds luggage in the foyer when she returns.  Angelique exits the drawing room--are you feeling curious, Julia? she asks.  Are you going to the Old House? asks Julia.  Yes back where I belong, says Ang--I was wondering, Julia--you don't mind if I call you Julia do you?  Not at all, says Julia with a sickly smile.  Is it possible we could have met before the other evening? asks Ang.  I don't think so, replies Julia.  I had the feeling you knew who I was before Barnabas said my name, that perhaps we had met somewhere, some other time, says the blonde.  Barnabas had told me about you, says Julia.  Really? she asks--how much has he told you about me?  I don't remember, says Julia, it's been so long ago.  Yes, it's been 10 years since you've seen each other, hasn't it? asks Ang--what a marvelous story!  Julia makes a face.  Don't looked offended, dear sister in law, I simply wanted you to know that I know you are no more Barnabas' sister than I am--the intriguing question is, who are you, and what are you to him?  I am devoted to him, says Julia, you may interpret that any way you like.
There's lots of time to find out about you, says Ang--for the time being, as mistress of the Old House, I feel I should warn you that you are no longer welcome there--good day, Julia.  Angelique leaves.

Julia picks up her ancient medical bag.  Barnabas comes out--are you leaving the house? he asks.  I'm afraid I must, she says.  Where are you going? he asks.  To Rose Cottage, she says, I promised Flora I'd stop by and get a copy of her new book.  With your medical bag? he asks.  I thought I'd stop and see Roxanne, on the way--perhaps I can do something, she says.  That's a good idea, he says--she should be recovered by now, but come back and tell me if she isn't--I'll go with you.  That isn't a good idea, says Julia--if Angelique saw us, she would misunderstand.  But you can't go out there at this hour, he protests.  I'll stop at the servants' quarters and get one of them to go with me, she says.  Very well, he agrees, but make sure he stays with you.  Yes, that's a good idea, I will, she says, and goes.  Barnabas sourly surveys Angelique's luggage in the foyer.

Leticia waits for Julia to return.  She sits against the stone wall, stretching, and falls asleep.  She dreams of the case, now empty of the head.  Julia has the body put together and is checking its heartbeat.  I'm sure I did nothing wrong, says Julia.  He isn't going to live? asks Leticia.  He has no pulse, no heartbeat, no vital life signs--we've failed!  There must be something we can do! cries Leticia.  I think I've done everything, says Julia.  He's going to be so angry, he's going to punish us, laments Leticia--look!  What's happening? asks Julia, something is taking shape inside the glass.  I can't look, I'm too frightened! wails Leticia.  We must look, insists Julia, he wants us to see.  What is he trying to do to us? bleats Leticia.  I don't know, says Julia, but you must look.  She does--inside the box is the jeweled mask.
I don't understand, says Julia, it's only a mask!  Not an ordinary mask, says Leticia, it has powers, it's very important to us--we can't succeed without it--without it, he cannot live--he wants us to find the mask and place it upon his face--and if we don't...if we don't...!  The box is empty again.  Leticia awakens.  Julia is there.  We must find it, if we don't, says Leticia--the mask--it was a warning from him, Julia--we must find the mask, because if we don't, we shall die!

Julia and Leticia look at the head in the box.  I only saw the mask in a dream, says Leticia--it took shape right there in the case.  In your dream, you were told I must have the mask for the operation? asks Julia.  Yes, replies Leticia, but how are we ever going to find it?--I don't know where to begin to look for it.  This must be the secret place where they buried the body, says Julia, and the mask was buried with it--the mask has enormous powers.  That doesn't tell us where it is now, says Leticia.  I know, says Julia--Desmond came here and took it away.  Excited, Leticia asks, how do you knows that?  Because Desmond told Barnabas, says Julia.  Then the mask is at Rose Cottage, says Leticia.  Yes, and you must go there and bring it back to me, insists Julia--tonight.  Tonight, why? asks Leticia.  There's going to be an electrical storm tonight, later, says Julia, we must use the lightning to transmit the life force to him.  I don't understand, says Leticia.  Go to Rose Cottage and bring back that mask, orders Julia.  Leticia leaves.  Julia tends to the headless body.

Leticia returns to Rose Cottage and looks behind the curtains where the head once sat--nothing.  She begins looking through the desk, opening drawers.  She checks a cupboard and finds an ornate locked box.  She pries it open with a letter opener and inside finds the mask of Baal.  She picks up the box and runs into Gerard--you gave me a start! she exclaims.  You've been a very busy little girl this evening, haven't you? he asks.  What are you talking about? she asks.  What were you doing in that room all alone in the dark? he asks.  It was only dark for a moment, she says--I just put the light out.  You know better than to lie to me, he says, I was at the head of the stairs, saw you go into the room, you never did light the lamp.  What of it? she asks.  Why are you being so mysterious all of a sudden? he asks.  It's not your affair at all, she says.
He grabs the box from her and opens it.  Well, well, he says, what do we have here?--he takes it out.  Give it to me, let me have it! she demands.  Let go, he says, holding it high in the air to admire it--where did you find this, hmm?  She gulps, not responding.

NOTES:  So, Gerard now has the mask of Baal in his hands.  Will he recognize its power?  Will Julia and Leticia end up punished, dead, because they couldn't do what Judah Zachary wants?  How did Julia get electricity into the crypt?

Valerie/Angelique has gotten what she wants, at least for now.  Why she'd want to force a man who obviously is in love with another to live with her is beyond me.  What kind of satisfaction could she get from that?  She hates Julia, and is probably going to tell Barnabas he can't see her anymore.  Julia claims she is "devoted" to Barnabas, but Ang isn't stupid, and she knows the score; she can see it in Julia's eyes.  Julia looked as if she wanted to duke it out with Ang right then and there.  We know this is going to spell but trouble for Julia down the line.

Barnabas has agreed to kowtow to his wife's demands.  He seems sad, beaten--and understandably.  Now that he's told Roxanne goodbye, will she survive Angelique being in the same town with her?  Will Rox turn to Lamar?  Stay tuned.

Love, Robin