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Messages - McTrooper

Hehe yeah  [easter_smiley] [easter_smiley]

Rodger:  What was that?

Elisabeth:  Probably David bowling in one of the closed off wings.

Thank you

Sam:  The note on say don’t tell Maggie that Burke wasn’t driving that night. 

Lol thanks. ^_^

Rereading it I was like what at the start, but  . . . man It’s fun to make yourself laugh.  Hehe. 

Hehe thanks ^_^

I know I intentionally left it a mystery, but I wonder if I was remembering the con that a woman tried to do with the Wendy's chili situation years ago. 

Hehe yeah.  Thanks. 

Hehe yeah ^_^

Sam trying to bribe him with ____ would be a fun setup for a fill in the blank too.
But I think I covered the cheapest bribe entry. 

Lol MagnusTrask ^_^

 . . . kept books like '__ Grave Robbery 101 and Introduction To Moose Calls __' mixed among the ones on his archives' shelves!!"

That’s cool. 
I didn’t usually have the sweet version of ham, so it was a new experience.
I ended up trying an at home version with ham and white cheddar, but the raisin bagels I used didn’t do the trick, so I did blueberry.  Mmmm :)

 . . . diner wouldn't be all out of __ pickled porcupines upside down cake ___

Rodger:  Has anyone told you that you’re coat looks rather lewd?  You should cover up your buttons.

Rodger:  You see that right there?  That’s the future.  Packages delivered by kites blowing in the wind.  I’m starting a side business, you want in?

Matthew:  Are you kidding me?  This’ll pay off better than that Prince that needed a loan to buy a bridge over swampland in Florida.  Count me in!

Rodger:  Victoria has the runs you say?  Hmm  . . . and I-er David took all the toilet paper out of the bathrooms.  That might be a problem. 

Guy:  Gosh lady if I’d known your watch was so cheap I’d have never asked you what time it was.  Are all the mansions dwellers so cheap or does someone actually have something worth stealing?

Hehe thanks. 

Re reading it reminds me of elementary school janitor pages for a mop and bucket. You know what it means.

It might be. 
I’ve tasted a few odd combination and found that they are good or okay. 
Had a toasted ham and cheese on raisin bread at a restaurant once . . . surprisingly good. 

Complete This Phrase / Fill In The Blank(s) - 1897 / Re: Episode #0716
« on: September 01, 2023, 03:23:09 PM »
You’re welcome Robot_Quentin, I’m doing alright.