Author Topic: Robservations 6/12/03 - #978-979 - Barnabas Turns to Ang; Widows' Hill Again  (Read 1335 times)

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978 - HAA does the intro, and very well, too.

Chris discovers the still-bloody marks on Sabrina's throat. "Oh my God!" he cries.

Chris asks Sabrina what happened--I want to get a doctor. I want Julia to treat me, insists Sabrina. He keeps asking what happened, but Sabrina won't talk; she just asks for Julia again. Chris gets Quentin on the phone, who says, Julia went into town a short while ago. Do you know where she went? asks Chris.  No, says Q--is something wrong?  Hearing something happened to Sabrina, Quentin promises, I'll be right down.  Chris kneels beside the weak Sabrina.  You must tell me what happened, he insists, you must--but she is silent.

Barnabas stands outside the Old House door, wondering, will I ever be able to wipe this night from my mind? Sabrina... I must control myself--I won't leave this house tonight, not until this insane urge ends!  He enters the house, hangs up his cape and cane, then goes into the drawing room. He draws matches from his pocket and begins to light candles. Jeb rises from a chair--don't light the candles, begs Jeb--"Don't make me see it," he pleads. See what? asks Barn. It keeps growing, says Jeb, pointing out the wavering, threatening shadow on the wall--it will kill me, just like she said it would, says Chris. Who? asks Barn. Jeb, contrite, desperate, describes the paper pattern she put on my heart--"Carolyn said to come to you, she doesn't know what I've done to you--Angelique did it, you've got to help me, Barnabas, you've got to."

Bruno's house - You look charming, Nicholas praises Angelique--black suits you well. It seemed only appropriate, says Ang--and you are in mourning, aren't you?  For Bruno? asks Nicholas, grinning. For Bruno, Megan, Philip and all the others, says Ang. (The two of these minions of Satan talk so cavalierly about the dead left behind in this situation, as if they're inanimate players on a chessboard--it's wicked and fun to listen to them). I knew I could count on you for condolences, says Nicholas sarcastically. Isn't your master going to be disappointed that your plan collapsed? She asks. Nicholas looks pissed that she pointed this out, and says, as long as I have one follower, my plan hasn't completely collapsed--"And I have your husband--you must remember, Angelique, I am always at my best when pressed."  I'll be fascinated with what you come up with, she says. I must do some re-thinking about what happens next, says Nicholas
--but I've never even thanked you for your help!  She's puzzled. It was quite unexpected, but most welcome, he says--I had a certain fondness for Jeb, but obviously had to get rid of him--the shadow was a stroke of genius, I wish I'd thought of it myself, it was most helpful. Icily, Ang asks, "Is it indeed?" The perfect revenge, says Nicholas, even as far back as Barnabas Collins--you don't mind my mentioning him?  Why should I? she asks. Women always follow certain patterns, he points out--you established yours with Barnabas. If women follow patterns, so do men, retorts Angelique, even so do you--aren't you about to be recommitted to the underworld until you think of some new, monstrous scheme to amuse your master? Nicholas: At least this time you won't be able to go and tell him that I have failed--you have become human--you are not in good standing yourself. Nothing has changed, she says, I have all my powers back and am using them well--the shadow should prove that. Yes, you're right back where you were 200 years ago--loving Barnabas Collins, he tosses in her face--nothing ever changes with you, does it, Angelique? She glares at him.  Nicholas continues, I see I've touched you--that old familiar hatred in your eyes--I appreciate your condolences, but I am not finished yet, so save them for those who need them far more than I.

Sabrina was attacked in the woods and is very weak, Chris tells Quentin, who checks the marks on her throat, already knowing their source. You know what that means, don't you? asks Chris--you know what's happened to her?
"How would I know what had done this?" asks Quentin, uncomfortable. You acted as though you knew what it meant when you saw the marks, says Chris. You're upset, says Q, but don't start imagining I'm trying to keep something from you--did Sabrina tell you anything? No, answers Chris. Watch over her, says Quentin, I have to go back to Collinwood and warn the women not to go out tonight--keep trying to reach Julia. I want to call the police, insists Chris. I'll take care of that, too, promises Q--don't worry, as long as you're with her, what happened won't happen again. After Quentin departs, Chris kneels, looking anxiously at the unconscious Sabrina.

I know I haven't much time left, Barnabas, says Jeb passionately, but I love Carolyn, and she loves me, if it weren't for the shadow...go to Angelique, begs Jeb. She doesn't give favors, says Barnabas sadly. Go to her, Jeb pleads.  They are interrupted by Quentin, calling to Barnabas. Obviously you know each other, says Barnabas (of Jeb and Quentin?--of course they do). Slightly, yes, says Q--I must speak with Barnabas. I 'll see Angelique tonight, Barnabas assures Jeb, who thanks him fervently. After Jeb leaves, Barnabas resumes lighting the candles.  "That's a pleasant new friend you've got there," comments Quentin.  Angelique has put a curse on Jeb, reveals Barnabas. Good! says Quentin. He's going to die, adds Barnabas. "And he dares come here after what he's done? asks Q--Barnabas, I've just seen Sabrina."  Guiltily, Barnabas asks, do you think I wanted to do that to Sabrina? You're Chris' friend, says Q accusingly, one minute you help him, the next minute...
Quentin, please, don't make me hate myself more than I already do! implores Barnabas. I don't care how you feel now, says Q--you placed that girl under your spell. She came here, says Barnabas, I couldn't help myself. You can't go near her again, warns Quentin. Barnabas hangs his head and says, I never wanted to. You've got to control yourself, insists Quentin--promise me!  Yesterday, I might have controlled myself, says Barnabas. Then you do it now! blares Q. The injections have failed, says Barn, I'm worse than I ever was before--if I had a gun with silver bullets, I'd give it to you and force you to use it on me.  Quentin, very upset, says, Julia must be able to do something. No, says Barnabas, shaking his head. "BARNABAS, YOU CAN'T JUST KILL SABRINA!" cries Quentin. Barnabas hangs his head and says softly, "No." Hey, says Quentin--I'm sorry, you know I understand what it's like to be under the power of some force--I don't think I'll ever forget those nights, knowing the moon is going to be full--do you forgive me?  You're right, says Barnabas, I must stop this--I will get through this night--stay with me, Quentin--we must see Angelique. You're not going to help him? demands Q--Jeb Hawkes tried to kill me!  Jeb saved Carolyn, says Barnabas, and loves her as we ourselves do--we must help her--now that you are here, I wants to see Angelique--the scene is less likely to degenerate into a quarrel--please stay. Quentin grins--I never thought I'd end up helping Jeb Hawkes, he says. Thank you, says Barnabas, then turns to t he candles and speaks to Angelique: "Hear me, come to me this night, Angelique, come to me."  (How often would she have wanted to hear that in 1795, when she was pursuing him!)

Sabrina awakens. Chris is on the phone, trying to track down Julia.  Sabrina leaps from the chair when he insists, I'm calling another doctor.  No, says Sabrina, I want Julia--a friend.  Do you love me? Chris asks. Yes, she replies. Then tell me what happened to you tonight, he insists. Sabrina clutches her coat around her neck and remains silent.

Old House - Help Carolyn? asks Angelique--well, at least you're not asking for yourself, Barnabas. She turns to face the two men--this is a surprise--why should I help Carolyn? You liked her when she came to Little Windward Island, Barnabas reminds her. Yes, says Ang, but why should she have love? When you don't? asks Q, getting to the real heart of the matter. Jeb isn't responsible for Sky Rumson, Barnabas reminds her. Then who is? asks Ang. Nicholas Blair, answers Barn, who must have sat in the depths of hell and planned all this--you owe an apology to Jeb--he's the one who told you about your husband--you would never have known the truth, and it would have been too late. (Didn't Barnabas tell Ang about Sky?) Angelique thinks this over and agrees to see Jeb.  Help him, begs Barnabas. I will see him here, alone, asserts Ang--what happens after that depends on him--bring him here.

Barnabas leads Quentin to the East Wing.  I could have had a drink while Jeb and Angelique were at the Old House, complains Q (some things never change).  There's something else you must know, says Barnabas--I have no idea what's behind that door. An empty room, guesses Quentin. Open it, says Barn, I'll explain later. Quentin opens the doors.  The parallel time room is alight with color. Someone's living here, notes Q. Look, Quentin, says Barn, pointing out the photo of Quentin and David on the table. Quentin tries to enter, but can't. What is this? he asks, tell me!  A door opens.  Wait and watch, urges Barnabas. Quentin sees a bespectacled man in a suit who looks just like Jeb searching through drawers. Jeb's at the Old House, says Q, confused.
The man removes his glasses. He looks far more conservative than Jeb. He can't hear us, observes Quentin. No, agrees Barn. The man puts his glasses back on and goes to the bedroom area, searching through drawers in there. He finds a book and takes it. As he flips through pages, Chris enters and asks, "Looking for something, Doctor?" The Jeb lookalike replies, actually, I found it. Chris looks at Angelique's painting and says, "HER address book." Angelique, says Q, looking at the portrait. Stuttering a bit, the doctor says, you see, just before she died, she stated the name of a chemist in Boston.  Perhaps you should have written it down, suggests Chris. Yes, agrees the other man, I know and actually, I did, then I forgot where the paper was. How convenient, says Chris, surely you can do better than that. I'm not lying, says the Jeb-alike, no, it's very important I get in touch with this chemist. Why, is there some chemical you can't get in Collinsport? asks Chris--I have strict instructions to allow no one to take anything from this room without Julia Hoffman's permission--would you care to check on that? No, says Jeb-alike, returning the address book to Chris, I'll have to get along without it--and he exits. Chris returns the address book it to the drawer, then closes the double doors on Barnabas and Quentin, who asks, "What is this?" Barnabas says, "Look," and opens the doors on a dark, empty room. They enter it.  Incredible, comments Quentin. Yes, says Barnabas--"Quentin, you have just seen parallel time."

Old House - Angelique and Jeb sit bare inches apart, looking almost intimate. Only the fireplace glows.  Isn't it considerate of me, she asks, keeping us in the dark, just the two of us, as if we were alone. Yes, but it waits for me, says Jeb, for one little bit of light, and you know that as well as I do. Barnabas told me you're in love, says Ang--I'm a great believer in love. Please, Jeb begs, take the shadow off me. Make it disappear? she asks, I can't do that--it must kill. Why? asks Jeb--you can do it.  I can't, she says, but you can, if you're willing--do you still have the paper cutout I placed on your heart?--all you must do is place it on the heart of another. I can't kill anyone now, protests Jeb. How you've changed, remarks Angelique--don't you have any enemies at all, because I have one, and his name is Nicholas Blair--he knows all about the shadow--now, shall I tell you what to do? Yes, says Jeb eagerly, tell me, tell me!

Cottage - On the phone, Chris says, I don't care if she's in consultation, this is an emergency--she won't mind, believe me.  Apparently getting no where, he says, please give her the message when she's through--and hangs up--Sabrina, I'm going to the hospital, I want to bring you there.  Bring Julia here, insists Sabrina. I'll lock the door, relents Chris--don't let anybody in!  He leaves.  Sabrina rises from her chair.

8:30 - More hours to live through till dawn, says Barnabas, gazing morbidly at the mantle clock--I won't go out, I'll stay here, it's my only hope--think of other things, Jeb, Angelique, why was she so mysterious about how she was going to help him--can I trust her anymore than I? Someone knocks.  Barnabas doesn't answer. He stands there, hoping they will go away, but it's Sabrina, who opens the door and enters. Get out, he orders. You need me, she insists. I don't, he retorts. Don't lie to me, she says. For both our sakes, leave me! he begs. You can't help it anymore than I can, she reminds him, touching his arm. No! he cries. "You want me, Barnabas, that is all I know," she says--"You want me." Barnabas sinks his fangs into her throat for the second time that night.

Cottage - Nicholas takes a drink, thinking to himself, if I had my powers, there would be no Angelique here. Imagine her coming here to taunt me, yes, taunt me! The outer door opens. It's Jeb. He takes the paper shadow from his pocket, holds it up, then returns it to his pocket and knocks at the inner door. He enters and says, "Thought we'd never meet again, huh?"  I had hoped that would be so, answers Blair. But we must, oh, yes, too much has been left undone, says Jeb--we must talk, perhaps for the last time. Nicholas eyes him with evil intent.

NOTES: I think the main reason Angelique decided to help Jeb was because Quentin accused her of not wanting Carolyn to have love if she herself didn't. She chose to be magnanimous. Angelique may believe in love, but she has the oddest way of displaying it sometimes, LOL.

Jeb's desperation is so real, this is where Chris Pennock seemed a terrific actor to me. I know the character he portrays in parallel time, Cyrus Longworth, is totally different from Jeb and he does a fantastic job with it.

HAA turns in another splendid performance, and his confrontation with Angelique is explosive, as always. Lots of chemistry between these two; too bad no parallel time had them as battling lovers.

Sabrina doesn't make such a seductive vampire victim, does she?

Interesting stuff going on in parallel time--even the meek, mild Jeb look-alike had something going with Angelique, it seems.

979 - Jeb walks through the woods, contemplating the dangerous thing he is going to do to Nicholas. He must, according to the Louis Edmond's intro, trick Nicholas into accepting him in order for this to work.

Nicholas asks, one last time, does that sound ominous? I don't mean it that way, says Jeb--I was wrong to destroy the cairn. More importantly, you destroyed your true self, points out Nicholas. I wanted to be human, says Jeb. A most impractical desire, Nicholas assures him, you could have had the world, now all you have is the prospect of death--you're a fool!  I know that, says Jeb--I came to see if you can help me--can't you do something about that shadow? Nicholas laughs--should I allow you to live the life of a country gentleman?  I'll live any kind of life you want me to, swears Jeb.  I trusted you once, says Nicholas--it was a mistake. You can trust me again, says Jeb. Can I? asks Nicholas. I realize we can't go back to the beginning, says Jeb, but surely you have some use for me?  Very possibly, there is, says Nicholas--yes, perhaps we can recoup something that would be to my advantage, because it would have to be to my advantage--would you be willing to do anything I say this time?  I would, Jeb assures him.  Shall we drink on that? asks Nicholas, pouring drinks. Will you make the shadow disappear? asks Jeb. That is the only way it will end, says Nicholas, but I have someone in mind who interferes with me constantly, and I don't like that. He hands Jeb a drink and asks, who'd ever have thought we'd be allies again--to new and bigger projects, he toasts. Whatever they may be, adds Jeb, smiling. They both down their drinks. Do you have the paper Angelique used to create the shadow? queries Nicholas. Yes, at Collinwood, says Jeb. Nicholas takes out his gold cigarette holder and says, the shadow must be turned on her, and it will be a very difficult thing to do. He shines the light in Jeb's eyes as he speaks. I'll do it, says Jeb, staring at the cigarette case, then away. Look at me, commands Nicholas--keep looking...  What are you doing to me? asks Jeb. You've underestimated me, says Nicholas, and I you, I thought you cleverer--look at me!  Jeb is forced to obey. Did you really think you could go back, that I would give you a second chance? asks Nicholas--you will see your death in my eyes, your death and Carolyn's, too, for I am not a man who forgives, it's time you were realistic about that--you came here to kill me, but I am going to end up killing you--look at me! Jeb suddenly slaps the paper shadow over Nicholas heart.
Blair, in agony, screams, bringing Sky bolting from the back room. Nicholas himself sees the shadow; his arms pinwheel as he struggles to get away from it. He topples onto the sofa, where the shadow creature envelops him, killing him. He dies, eyes and mouth open in horror. Sky tries to awaken him, but Nicholas Blair is dead.

Collinwood - Uncle Roger, please stop trying to find out what's wrong, pleads Carolyn. I can't, he says, I'm too concerned for you--you've changed since your married, more nervous and upset. Leave me alone, begs Carolyn.  I can't do that, says Roger--please let us help you--don't deny there is a problem. There is a problem, admits Carolyn, but I can't tell you what it is--don't ask me, it's for Jeb and I to solve, only how can we? she cries.  Roger takes his niece into the comfort of his hug.

Jeb returns to Bruno's house. Sky, who was kneeling beside Nicholas' body, rises and says, "You had to come back and make sure he was dead, didn't you?--well he is, but you won't get away with it!" Jeb backs away from Sky. He won't allow it! shouts Sky--he's not human, and he'll be back!  Jeb leaves.  Sky returns to Nicholas, gazing in consternation at the body. A ghost rises from it, stands, and says, Sky, you are alone now--all alone!--but I will help you, you must avenge this--Jeb Hawkes must die!  Sky nods, eager to comply.

I will do whatever you want, Sky assures Nicholas' spirit--tell me how.
Yes, I still have some powers, says the ghostly Nicholas--I will use them.

Jeb returns to Collinwood.  I wonder if the shadow will still be awaiting me in this house?--has she tricked me? Hesitantly, he enters the house, looking around the dark foyer warily. He turns on the light and stares around himself, then enters the drawing room, turns on lights there, but sees no shadow. Carolyn! he calls eagerly.  She comes running downstairs. It's all over, he says, dancing her around, the shadow is gone. She hugs him. We're free! he exults, it's gone!  They hug enthusiastically. Are you sure? she asks--what happened? I had to put it on Nicholas, says Jeb--he's dead--he was going to kill me, explains Jeb, trying to hypnotize me, I took the shadow from my pocket, placed it on his heart--he screamed, and I ran out, I didn't even see the shadow--it's over!--when I think of all I put you through when all I wanted to do was give you happiness--now I will--we must leave here; go to anyplace, away from all this.  Where would that be? she asks, will we find one, or will there be someone there who hates you as much as Nicholas Blair does? No, says Jeb. How will you be sure? she asks--why did he hate you so? It's all gone, in the past, insists Jeb, no point in discussing it--let's just leave here tonight. We ran away once before, she reminds him. The shadow was on me then, says Jeb--this time it's different, we can forget everything that happened here. Yes, says Carolyn, hugging him, we can. I promise you that wherever we go, it will be different, he says. She looks unsure. Go pack, he says. We can't go tonight, she protests, I must tell my mother. Tell her now, urges Jeb, we'll leave tomorrow morning--oh, Carolyn, nothing can happen now, nothing!  He kisses her and urges, go tell your mother. Carolyn heads upstairs. Jeb sits down in the drawing room and hears Nicholas' warning voice: You'll never leave here--never!--the dead will not let you!  Jeb stands and looks around. David enters and asks, why are you here alone, Jeb?--I thought my father was in here with you. (David's voice is so deep now!)  No, I'm alone, says Jeb--I'm going to the carriage house to get some camera equipment--Carolyn and I are leaving on a trip, tonight. He rushes off, leaving David puzzled.

Roger goes to the east wing.  We must discover its secret, he muses to himself--is Barnabas right? Were we really seeing parallel time? Are all of us living different lives in different bands of time? Why am I afraid to open the door?--what is so threatening? Roger throws open the door and sees a young boy who looks just like David gazing up at Angelique's portrait, asking, why did you go away?--it's been so long, you promised you'd come back--you said, "Daniel, whatever happens, I'll be back"--please come back, I miss you so much!  Carolyn enters, laughing, and says, "So this is where you hide--if I were Quentin, I'd lock this room up."  Father would never do that, says Daniel. Don't be too sure, suggests Carolyn--when he comes back... When he comes back, says Daniel, gesturing to the portrait, she'll be here, too. Roger watches in astonishment as Carolyn says, no, she won't be, she's never coming back--when people die, that's the end of it--no, you're going to have a new mother now, she adds, looking at the portrait.
Don't say that, protests Daniel, don't ever say that, I won't have a new mother, I won't!  I'm ashamed of you, says Carolyn--do you want the servants to hear you? and closes the door on Roger, who says, "Carolyn, surely you can see me, hear me!"  Roger pushes open the doors to find the room empty. He enters, thinking about a child who looks exactly like my son, and is called Daniel, the son of Angelique and Quentin--when will we know what this means--when?  The camera focuses on the blank spot on the wall where Ang's portrait hangs in parallel time.

Roger gazes around the empty room, remembering seeing himself here, leading a strange, different life than the one I'm living here--I must know what that life is--I must!

David, playing solitaire down in the drawing room, reports to Carolyn, Jeb told me you were leaving tonight. Are you sure you didn't hear him wrong? she asks. I wonder, says David, how come every time he tells you something, you're sure he gets it mixed up--he said tonight! Carolyn bites her lip, perturbed--why didn't he tell me?  I wish you wouldn't go, he says--I'll miss you--you aren't staying away forever, are you? No, she assures him, giving him a hug, this will always be home to me. All I know is, says David, when I grow up, I'm going where the action is! (Wasn't there a TV show by that name that followed DS back then?) Carolyn ruffles his hair.  Roger enters and asks, where should the action be--in your bedroom (?) Come on, David, it's late, says his father. Do I have to go now, Carolyn's going away? says David. Carolyn quickly assures her uncle everything is all right. Is it? he asks. What was the matter? asks David. Whatever it was, says Carolyn, it's over now. If you want to chat later, Carolyn, I'll be in my room, offers Roger. David hugs his cousin.  Come on, urges Roger, no nonsense. David slips his arms around her waist and says, I think I'll never see you again.  I think I'll still be here tomorrow morning, she promises, and sends him off with his father. It's 10:10. Carolyn falls asleep in a chair in the drawing room. At 10:40, she begins to dream. She hears someone knocking at a door, then Nicholas' voice calling her name: Carolyn Hawkes! he laughs--former Carolyn Stoddard, Mrs. Jeb Hawkes...Widows' Hill...that is where it will end, Carolyn, Widows' Hill! Would you like to see how it will happen? Would you? Jeb appears on Widows' Hill, calling to Carolyn. Colored lights twirl and dance.  Sky appears and says, Jeb, you killed Nicholas Blair. You're as free of him as I am, says Jeb, you can go back to your old life. No, Sky says. Don't try anything, Jeb warns him.  The two men get into a fight, tossing each other around the cliff. Finally, Sky pushes Jeb over.
Carolyn awakens, horrified, calling "Jeb!"  She grabs her coat.  David asks, are you all right?  Go back to bed, she orders. Where are you going? he demands.  She doesn't respond; at first, but as she rushes through the kitchen, she tells her cousin, "To Widows' Hill!"  Why are you going the back way? he asks. "Faster!" she replies, racing out. David looks after her, concerned.

Jeb returns to Collinwood, photo equipment slung over his shoulder.  David, waiting for him, reveals that Carolyn went to Widows' Hill.

Widows' Hill - Lightning fills the sky as Carolyn calls to her husband. I feel silly about this, believing a dream--Jeb isn't here. She hears someone coming--Sky. Oh no, she says. Yes, he says--I am here even if Jeb is not--see, Nicholas didn't show you everything that was going to happen--he spared your feelings, not wanting you to witness your own death. She tries to run away, but isn't quick enough; he grabs her.  There is no escape, says Sky--and begins to strangle her.

NOTES: Nicholas tricked Carolyn via the dream into going to Window's Hill, intending to kill her first, I guess, before he did away with Jeb. Perhaps he figured that, once deprived of his wife, Jeb just might take a header on his own. Sky is such a wooden actor, though, it should have been so much better with a better actor.

Farewell, Nicholas--again! It was cool the way his ghost continued on to see to Jeb's demise. Can't keep a good-bad warlock down!

Will Jeb save Carolyn? Will he survive himself?

Why does Roger seem so anxious to learn about parallel time? Barnabas has good reasons, but Roger just seems to be intensely curious, nearly obsessed. Does he worry that his counterpart Roger is having a better life in PT and is jealous? Just struck me as odd.

We are winding down to the big finale of the Leviathan storyline. Who will live? Who will die?

Love, Robin