Author Topic: #1034/1035: Robservations 07/25/03: Cyrus' Sad End; Hoffman KNOWS!  (Read 1465 times)

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1034 - Yaeger advances on Liz, warning her, you're next!  She closes and locks the doors on him, trapping him in the drawing room.  He bangs away on them and kneels to pick up the phone, but finds he's yanked it from the wall.  Hoffman comes bounding down the stairs.  Liz breathlessly orders her, call the police--he killed Sabrina--I saw it, get help, get help!  Who's in there? asks Hoffman.  Cyrus' friend, Yaeger, explains Liz--he killed her!  I must get to the lab, Yaeger tells himself--the antidote! He grabs a chair and throws it through the window. Liz tells Hoffman, the phones have been pulled from the wall, then rushes over to lock the front doors so Yaeger can't break into the house. He won't come, Hoffman assures her.  He nearly tried to kill me, says Liz. Hoffman goes to unlock and open the drawing room doors, despite Liz' warning not to.  She might still be alive, suggests Hoffman.  They enter the room. The window is shattered. Liz fears Yaeger may be hiding.  He's gone, Hoffman assures her--the other phone has been disconnected, too. Hoffman kneels and checks on Sabrina--she's dead, she announces.  (we don't see Lisa Richards, just some woman's legs).  I wish Roger or Quentin were here, says Liz.  Hoffman gets practical and says, I'll go call the police from the Old House.  (Loomis House?)  I'm afraid Yaeger might still be on the grounds, says Liz.  I'm sure he's far away now, says Hoffman. Don't go, begs Liz.  Lock the door after I leave, urges Hoffman--get a gun wherever you can find one and keep it--I'll be all right. Hoffman grabs a flashlight.  Liz gazes down sadly at Sabrina--I wonder what she was doing here?--I left her and Yaeger in Cyrus' lab--they were going to work--what could have happened? I don't know, answers Hoffman, and leaves. Liz opens a drawer and finds a gun. She holds it in her hands.

Maggie works hard to free herself from the bonds constricting her hands.

Loomis House - Hoffman, on the phone, describes to the police how John Yaeger, who works for Cyrus, murdered Sabrina--send someone to Collinwood immediately. She thanks the person and hangs up. Realizing no one is here, Hoffman decides to take advantage and check the secret room behind the bookcase--perhaps I can figure out why Barnabas went in there! She figures out how to get in and opens the door--what does this room mean?
She finds a coffin and opens it-- empty--why would he keep a coffin?--Angelique will be pleased to know this, yes!  She exits the secret room and closes the bookcase, but as she approaches the stairs, finds herself face to face with Barnabas, who asks, what are you doing here?--explain yourself, he says, getting into her face. Caught off-guard, she explains, Sabrina has been murdered by John Yaeger--Mrs. Stoddard sent me here. Barnabas races out the door, Hoffman on his heels.

Yaeger returns to Cyrus' lab, turns on the light, takes down the map and opens the safe. He reaches for the antidote--only enough for this one time, he says, and then... The cops knock at the door.  Yaeger quickly drinks down his alibi.

The cops are still knocking.  Cyrus picks up the empty bottle--this is the end, he says, the last of the potion--I must tell them everything!  He slips into his lab coat and opens the door to the policeman, who asks, why did it take so long to open the door?  I was upstairs in my sleeping quarters, says Cyrus, what can I do for you? I'm looking for John Yaeger, says the cop.  He's not in town, says Cyrus.  Yes he is, says the cop, we know that much. I was out of town myself, reveals Cyrus--why are you looking for Yaeger?  Murder, says the cop. Who? asks Cyrus. The victim worked for you, too, says the cop.
"Sabrina?" asks Cyrus, mouth open in disbelief. He staggers away--she was my fiancee, he says. I didn't know that, says the cop, I'm sorry--any reason why he'd do it?--this is important. No idea, says Cyrus--she was so kind to everybody! I thought maybe he'd come back here, says the cop.  Cyrus, near tears, says no. Any idea where he'd go then, doctor?--you were close friends, you worked with him? queries the cop--you're familiar with his habits.  I'm...trying, says Cyrus, taking off his glasses--this has been a dreadful shock. The cop sympathizes, but says, time is the only weapon we have. Cyrus rubs his eyes. You want to see him caught, says the cop. Of course, says Cyrus. Just answer a few questions, says the cop--where did he live? He took rooms at Mrs. Duval's, a rooming house, reveals Cyrus, on Front Street--he wasn't there much--brilliant man, but no one could tie him down--whenever he was in town, he came in and worked for me here as a chemist. And when he wasn't in Collinsport? asked the cop. He moved around a lot, says Cyrus, but I guess this could be called his permanent address. The cop writes it all down.  Officer? asks Cyrus says.  Unable to speak for a few moments, Cyrus finally asks, where did the murder take place?  Collinwood, says the cop. Any idea why they were there? asks Cyrus. Your guess is as good as mine, says the cop; I'll check on Mrs. Duval--I'll leave a man here outside, if he should come back..."I'll call you, of course," responds Cyrus. Be very careful, warns the cop--he's a madman. He turns around, gazing at Cyrus as he leaves. "He was mad," mutters Cyrus, "Sabrina! What have I done to you!?"

A red light sways back and forth over Liz and Barnabas as an ambulance takes Sabrina away. That poor girl--when I think of Cyrus, mourns Liz.  Has anyone informed him? asks Barn. The police are sending someone over there, says Liz, Cyrus is out of town, I don't know where.  They go back into the house as the ambulance pulls away, sirens blaring (why bother, she's dead)?  I can't go into the drawing room, says Liz, trembling--I'll always remember his hands around her throat!  Just talk, it will do you good, insists Barnabas, leading her into the drawing room--she's gone now, there's nothing in this room to be frightened of.  Barnabas lifts the nifty booze cabinet-- why were Yaeger and Sabrina here? he asks. I can't figure that out, says Liz. Barnabas pours her a drink--did you know that Yaeger once threatened Maggie? he asks. No, says Liz.  He hands her a drink--I heard about it in town, he says--Yaeger was very fond of her.  Maybe he came here thinking he'd find her, suggests Liz.  That's a possibility, agrees Barnabas. Are there any others? she asks. Barnabas examines the torn phone wire--he must have ripped it right from her hands, he says--who could Sabrina have been calling?--we must find out somehow, not only because of Sabrina, but Maggie, as well. Barnabas! says Liz. I know it, he says. How can she be? asks Liz. There are many questions about Maggie, says Barnabas, but the one that interests me most is, where is she?  I thought I knew Maggie so well, says Liz, but I can't answer that--the things that happen here are so strange--this house frightens me. I want to take you to the Loomis house, says Barn. The children, protests Liz. Hoffman is here, he reminds her--we must call the police and can't here--perhaps they've got Yaeger, and if they do I have to warn them about Yaeger's feelings toward Maggie--now come--and off they go.

Maggie continues to struggle against her bonds, falling off the cot in her efforts. I must! she orders herself, moving along the floor to the rough stone wall, against which she begins to rub the ropes.

Cyrus paces his lab--I must call someone--before I become Yaeger again, he tells himself. You cannot leave that girl there--she must be found before you feel the pain, because you will, you can't stop turning into him now, you can't!  He leans against the mirror, gazing at his reflection.  It looks like there are two Cyrus'.  I can't call them at Collinwood; Yaeger saw to that!  I can call Barnabas! He picks up the phone and dials.

Barnabas, on the phone at Loomis house, thanks the sheriff and tells Liz, Cyrus is back and has told the police where Yaeger lives--occasionally, at least. Cyrus calls.  Elizabeth and I are so upset Sabrina, Barnabas tells him. Thank you, says Cyrus--but, Barnabas, listen--I know where Maggie is!  Barnabas reveals this to Liz, and they both listen.  Yaeger has her prisoner, reveals Cyrus, but it's very dangerous to go there. "Where does Yaeger have her prisoner?" demands Barnabas. The Wicks farm, says Cyrus. I know where that is, says Liz. She's in the basement, says Cyrus, sick. How do you know all that? demands Barnabas.
Cyrus, realizing he said too much, insists, I can't tell you--"Just go!--go and be very careful, because Yaeger may get there before you--I might not be able to stop him, do you understand--Barnabas, I warned you, and now there's nothing more I can do." Cyrus hangs up. Liz insists on coming along, but Barnabas says, just tell me the quickest way to get there. He grabs his cloak and they leave the house.

Back at the lab, Cyrus tells himself, it's over now--I'll never be able to explain how I knew--it's over! You couldn't resist being Yaeger--how he would laugh at you now--nothing tortured him, nothing, he lied, he killed--YOU thought you could keep him secret, to become him when you wanted to, only now you become him when you don't want...when you hate the idea so much that you could...!  He reaches into the desk and takes out a gun. In a harsh voice, he says, "Goodbye, John Yaeger!"  He holds it to his temple, but at that moment, the transformation pains assail him--he stumbles and drops the gun.

Collinwood - Hoffman expresses disbelief when Liz tells her, Maggie is Yaeger's prisoner--back in the car, says Liz, I started thinking--how did Cyrus know, how long did he know, what is this curious hold Yaeger has over him?--he's obviously terrified of Yaeger, he kept warning Barnabas!  I don't think Mr. Barnabas Collins needs any help, insists Hoffman--he can take care of himself.  He's been gone half an hour, says Liz--why hasn't he come back? Did he tell all this to the police? asks Hoffman. No, says Liz, it all happened so quickly, we didn't think--Cyrus made it seem so urgent. I don't think Yaeger will be there, says Hoffman. Cyrus said he would, says Liz--there's a police car at the gate, I'm going to tell them. Mrs. Stoddard, begins Hoffman, but the other woman is already gone. So much has happened, muses Hoffman--Angelique does not know.

Maggie, free of the bonds on her hands, unties her legs.  She puts her shoe back on, stumbles to the open door and limps to the stairs.  Hearing a noise, she returns to her cell and hides in the closet. Barnabas comes downstairs.  Maggie listens as he opens the door and enters the room. He looks around.
Spotting her brush, he picks it up.  Maggie was here, he tells himself (at least he didn't do anything kinky with it).  Maggie listens as he stands right in front of the closet in which she's hiding, then leaves the room. He'll look upstairs, Maggie thinks to herself--I'll have a chance, once he leaves!  A door opens and closes. Maggie waits, opens the closet and exits. She opens the outside door and pulls it open, thinking herself free, but Yaeger waits for her on the stairs. She cries out when she sees him. "Did you think I forgot about you, darlin'?" he drawls.  In one leap, he grabs her into his arms and holds on tight, uttering something inexplicable in a loud voice.

NOTES: Aw, hell, such bad luck for our Maggie here. If she'd only revealed herself when Barnabas was looking around, she'd be OK, but she was sure it was Yaeger, and now she's in the arms of the beast and in big, big trouble. Let's hope Barnabas is still around and can help her. Otherwise, she's going to be raped and probably murdered right then and there.

Hoffman has seen the coffin, which is a big clue for Angelique. I fear she will add things up and our Barnabas will be in serious trouble, too.

Excellent performances by Pennock again today as both Cyrus and Yaeger. How must the good doctor feel, knowing his alter ego murdered his fiancee? He was all set to put himself AND Yaeger to sleep with that gun, but I guess Yaeger sensed the danger and figured he'd better take  over before his brains were splattered all over the lab.

Kind of annoying to hear Liz bemoaning the fact that neither Quentin nor Roger are around--are the women all supposed to be helpless here? The gals handles things pretty well, but then again, they all deferred to Barnabas when the opportunity arose.

Gotta give credit to Maggie for getting herself untied. She used some ingenuity. Why hasn't she left Quentin permanently, then, if she's so smart? Who knows?

1035 - Maggie struggles in Yaeger's grasp; he gasps out, you could have had it all, but it's too late for both of us!  Barnabas, standing on the stairs, orders, let her go!  Mr. Collins, greets Yaeger, it's been a long time meeting. Yes, a long time, agrees Barnabas, who starts to descend the stairs.
Don't take another step! shouts Yaeger. "Let her go--if you don't," warns Barnabas, "you will never leave this place alive." Yaeger refuses to release Maggie, and says, I'm aware of how much time I have left, but I'm going out in my own way. Yaeger drags Maggie with him, but finally shoves her violently aside, and she falls to the floor. Yaeger, Barnabas in pursuit, runs into another room, grabs his cane and releases the sword. That weapon won't do you any good against me, says Barnabas, so you might as well put it away. Try to take it from me, challenges Yaeger. The two men face each other, each silently daring the other to make a move.  Yaeger finally leaps forward and stabs Barnabas, burying the sword hilt deep in his chest. He's stunned when Barnabas withdraws it--there's no blood or wound!  "What kind of creature are you?" demands Yaeger,  You will never know, promises Barnabas. He tosses the cane aside. He and Yaeger get into it, fiercely battling each other, two strong men trying to prove who is the stronger. Yaeger tries to bash him over the head with a candlestick, but Barnabas applies pressure to his wrist, forcing him to drop it.  He and Yaeger fall to the floor where, Barnabas, straddling Yaeger, strangles the last breath out of him.

Maggie calls to Barnabas and stumbles in.  "He's never going to harm you again," vows Barnabas. Seeing Yaeger sprawled dead on the floor, Maggie screams. They both stare in horror as Yaeger turns back into a more familiar, beloved face. "It's Cyrus!" cries Maggie--"what's happening to him?"  Barnabas leads her out, assuring her, I'll take you to Collinwood. She continues to call out to Cyrus. We get a final glimpse of the dead doctor, who once had such good intentions, lying dead on the floor.

Collinwood - Hoffman comes downstairs, checking her watch.  Carolyn enters and tells Hoffman, I spoke to Quentin; he's chartering a plane which will be here within the hour. The children are upstairs with Liz, says Hoffman--there's been no word from Barnabas yet. Hoffman asks Carolyn--when you called to speak to Mr. Quentin, did you speak to Miss Alexis? No, says Carolyn, only Quentin, he was terribly upset to hear the news. The front door opens; Barnabas helps Maggie in. What's happened? asks Carolyn.  She's been through a terrible ordeal, says Barnabas--I'll take her into the drawing room. Carolyn offers water.  She just needs a rest, says Barnabas. Hoffman watches closely--did you find her in the farmhouse? asks Hoffman. Yes, says Barnabas. And Yaeger was really holding her prisoner? asks Carolyn. Yes, says Barnabas. He settles Maggie on the sofa and kneels beside her, telling the ladies, Yaeger won't hurt her any longer--he's dead. Dead?--how? asks Hoffman. I'll explain everything later, says Barnabas--I must attend to Maggie now. Did you find out why he kidnapped her? persists Hoffman.  Please  get your mistress a blanket, orders Barnabas harshly--Maggie needs rest and to be kept quiet. Hoffman leaves. Maggie, you're back at Collinwood now and quite safe, Barnabas assures her softly.

1:20 AM - Barnabas stokes up the fire in the drawing room. Carolyn is sitting, Hoffman standing. They hear a car.  Moments later, Quentin runs in--where's Maggie? he asks. In here, says Barnabas. Quentin kneels--what happened? he asks Maggie. She can't tell you that, Quentin, she's still in a state of shock, explains Barnabas. What did that man do to her? demands Quentin. He didn't hurt her, says Barnabas (or rape--how does he know for sure?)  Did anyone call a doctor? asks Quentin. Not yet, says Barn. Why not, how long has she been here? Quentin asks. About an hour, says Barnabas. Quentin orders Hoffman, go get Dr. Longworth, right now.  I'm afraid we won't be able to reach Dr. Longworth, says Barnabas tactfully. Get Dr. Forbes, hurry, says Quentin.  Quentin, I must speak to you now, insists Barnabas. I want to stay with Maggie, insists Quentin.  Carolyn will stay, says Barn--what I have to tell you is of the utmost importance. What is it? asks Quentin.  Let' s go into the foyer, suggests Barnabas. I'll stay with Maggie, Carolyn promises Quentin. The men go out into the foyer; Barnabas closes the doors. I'm so  grateful to you, says Quentin--you were quite right, I've been a complete fool (hurray, he admits it!). This is no time for self-recrimination, says Barnabas--many things have to be done and you must attend to them personally. What could be more important than Maggie's well-being? asks Quentin. There was a good reason you couldn't get Dr. Longworth, says Barnabas--he's dead!

How? asks Quentin. The only thing for me to do is take you where he is, says Barnabas, heading for the door. John Yaeger killed Cyrus, guesses Quentin. Yaeger is also dead, says Barnabas. This shocks Quentin--I don't understand, he says--what's going on? So many things are going on even I don't understand, says Barnabas, but you must let me take you to the farmhouse where he is--it's extremely important to both you and Maggie that you come with me. Quentin insists he must stay with Maggie.  The doctor will be here momentarily, Barnabas reminds him--we have no time to lose. Quentin reluctantly goes out the door with his cousin.

2:30 - Carolyn leaves the drawing room, closing the doors behind her.  Hoffman comes out.  The doctor is with Maggie now, says Carolyn, who takes out a large compact and fixes her hair. Why, Hoffman wonders, did Quentin came back to Collinwood alone?--he went to Bangor with Miss  Alexis--did he tell Carolyn why he came home without her? Applying powder to her nose, Carolyn says, he didn't say a word to me.  I find it strange he'd leave Alexis there, says Hoffman. I'm sure Quentin wanted to leave ASAP, says Carolyn--Alexis will probably return tomorrow.  She puts away her compact. Most likely, agrees Hoffman. I don't understand why Quentin left the house with Barnabas about half an hour ago, says Carolyn--I have a feeling there's more to this than meets the eye. What do you mean? asks Hoffman. That Barnabas knows a great deal more   than he's telling any of us, continues Carolyn. Yes, I have that feeling, too, says Hoffman--do you think the doctor will be needing me?--I'd like to go upstairs. I'll come get you if the doctor does need you, says Carolyn. Hoffman thanks her and goes upstairs. Carolyn re-enters the drawing room.

We see Angelique's portrait and hear Hoffman talking.  At first, it appears she's speaking to the portrait, but then we realize Hoffman is on the phone, Mike R. Phone above her head, telling Angelique, all I know is that Maggie is back at Collinwood--I don't know how he got to her, but Yaeger is dead. Yes, I was as shocked as you--yes, Barnabas must have killed him--that's what troubles me--there's no telling how much he knows--yes, I will--you must come back ASAP--I have uncovered something--concerning Barnabas--it may be what we want--yes, I'll tell you as soon as you arrive, hurry, please. We pan in on Angelique's portrait again.

Quentin and Barnabas kneel on either side of the peaceful-looking Cyrus.
How incredible this is, says Quentin, so incredible no one could have imagined it. We didn't, says Barnabas, it was Yaeger I fought to the ground and strangled, then Maggie and I saw his transformation into Cyrus--you can see that he's still wearing Yaeger's clothes. Quentin rises to his feet and sits on the cot, saying, disbelievingly, Cyrus Longworth, my good friend, kidnapped my wife and tried to kill her. Barnabas gently reminds him, it was John Yaeger who did all this; Cyrus must have been terrified at his own duality--it was Cyrus who told him where to find Maggie, told me that I must hurry, because he didn't know how much longer he could keep Yaeger under control--I didn't know what he meant at the time. This was the result of his secret experiment, says Quentin. He tried so desperately to separate the good and evil within himself, says Barnabas. And the evil was the dominant personality, muses Quentin. Now it's all over, says Barnabas. I just don't understand how he could have fooled us so completely, says Quentin-- somebody should have realized Cyrus and Yaeger were never seen together--and then when he changed his will--in case of Cyrus' death or disappearance--"God, why didn't I do something then?"  All these questions can be resolved in due time, says Barnabas, but right now there's an important decision for you to make--the fact is that Dr. Cyrus Longworth, a distinguished doctor and citizen, is dead--and I killed him. You had no choice--he would have killed Maggie, points out Quentin. We understand that, says Barnabas, but what about the authorities when they're notified?--the body of Cyrus they will see only--are you willing to tell them the truth about Cyrus and Yaeger?--Cyrus was your friend, and I'm willing to abide by whatever decision you come to. Quentin kneels beside Cyrus--I suppose I could try to keep his secret, he says, but then I'd be saying that Cyrus himself desired and kidnapped Maggie--and that would put you in danger--no, I think it best to reveal the whole story, as fantastic as it is, and even though it might harm his final memory, I know that if you had to make this decision (he speaks to Cyrus), you'd make the same decision--of that I'm certain, Cyrus--I'm very sorry it all went out of control.  Quentin stands.  He and Barnabas leave the basement.

Hoffman opens the doors to Angelique's room and finds RT Quentin talking to Julia, telling her, I don't understand why you let him stay in this room.  I tried my best to dissuade him, says Julia, but he had made up his mind--he had to go back to that other time because Maggie is in danger. What about Barnabas himself? asks Quentin--doesn't he realize he's in danger?  He says that's a risk he has to take, says Julia. He's pushing his luck, insists Quentin--if those people know anything about vampires, and suspect he is one, he's as good as dead! (Sure, Quentin, let the bat out of the bag.)
I wish there were something we could do to help, says Julia plaintively. They leave the room. Barnabas Collins, a vampire, muses Julia to herself--so that's his great secret. She leaves the room.

4 AM - Hoffman sits in the drawing room reading a book on vampires, which reveals, a vampire is most vulnerable, and can be destroyed by driving a wooden stake through its heart. She smiles, liking that idea, and puts down the book. She overhears Carolyn telling Barnabas how unbelievable it is for anyone to be two people at the same time.  Hoffman rummages in Carolyn's pocketbook and takes out the giant compact the young woman was using earlier. It's all true, says Barnabas, and since you're one of the few people who has had contact with Yaeger, the police will want to question you. I can't see how I can possibly help them, says Carolyn.  You might remember something that will help convince them of the truth, says Barnabas. I'll do whatever I can, of course, vows Carolyn. Hoffman listens to them in the foyer, compact in hand, and opens it, thus proving to herself that Barnabas IS a vampire--he has no reflection.
Barnabas advises Carolyn to stick around in case Quentin needs her help. Will isn't back from Portsmouth yet, says Carolyn, and won't be until mid-morning--that means you will be alone in the house. Hoffman registers this happy fact as Barnabas assures Carolyn, I'll be all right until Will gets back--good night, be bids her, and leaves. He had no reflection in the mirror, says Hoffman to herself--if I needed any confirmation, that was it!  Tight-lipped, she returns Carolyn's compact to her purse, just before the latter comes in to get it. Good night, Carolyn bids Hoffman, and leaves, too (I thought she was staying).

It's 5:30 AM, beddy bye time for Barnabas, who closes himself in his coffin. Hoffman, stake and hammer in hand, determinedly opens the secret bookcase and enters the room. She puts down the weapons and opens the coffin, which creaks noisily. Barnabas lies there, hands on his chest.
She places the stake over his heart and draws back the hammer, raising it up, up, up...

NOTES: Barnabas is really in serious trouble here! Who is going to stop her from destroying him, if, indeed, anyone? Hoffman isn't the type to change her mind, and she would love to present Barnabas' destruction to Angelique as a fait accompli. Oh, Barnabas, is Will going to return in time?

Pretty cool fight scenes, first between Yaeger and Maggie, then between Yaeger and Barnabas. Wasn't it COOL when Yaeger stabbed Barnabas with the sword and nothing happened? I always love when Barnabas plays with his victims that way--and Yaeger died without ever knowing exactly what Barnabas was.

A sad ending for Cyrus, who had noble intentions but unfortunately succumbed to his own urgent need to be someone different than the brilliant, flawed doctor he was. I would imagine that if he'd been able to blend Cyrus with John, there would have been a pretty wonderful fellow created there. I felt Quentin's pain as he gave his friend a heartfelt eulogy of sorts. One does have to wonder, however, how they will convince Collinsport's Finest to accept the story. It looks as if   Barnabas murdered Cyrus Longworth, at least on the surface!

Maggie is safe, and Quentin admitted he's a doofus and now we wonder what will happen to Angelique's scheme to win back Quentin. Will she admit defeat?

I loved watching Hoffman take that big compact and figure out that Barnabas is a vampire (it's a repeat of how our RT Julia discovered the same thing), but I was soooo angry at Quentin for openly discussing Barnabas' vampirism--and Julia for letting him! They know the door swings both ways between PT and RT, so why give someone listening on the other side fodder with which to kill Barnabas?

Tomorrow's DS opening is a must not miss, my friends. I won't spoil you, but I will say it's very, very exciting!

Love, Robin

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Re:#1034/1035: Robservations 07/24/03: Cyrus' Sad End; Hoffman KNOWS!
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2003, 10:46:19 PM »
I can't see the sense in Barnabas immediately dragging Quentin away from Maggie in order to show him Cyrus's body.  Yes, the fact that John turned into Cyrus is disturbing, but was it really so very urgent that Barnabas had to mention it as soon as Quentin arrived home?  He and Maggie have been separated for almost a week, Quentin thinking she had left him, and now that Quentin is finally acknowledging his mistake and wants to be at her side, Barnabas spirits him off.  Couldn't he have waited five minutes to quietly explain to Quentin what happened and then show him to the farmhouse for proof afterward? I thought it was tacky behavior on his part.

Also, I noticed when Hoffman had the compact that not only was Barnabas not visible in the mirror, but neither was his shadow.  Carolyn's shadow appeared on the wall but not his.  Is this any part of the vampire mythology?  No shadows in addition to no reflection?
