Author Topic: Anyone know anything new on WB dark shadows pilot  (Read 15228 times)

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Anyone know anything new on WB dark shadows pilot
« on: December 06, 2003, 11:00:58 PM »
I just started this topic to see if you all have any new info that i may not have other than what has been previously reported on the forum about the executive producers, the script writer and so and so. also, please list any sources of info about it, thanks.

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Re:Anyone know anything new on WB dark shadows pilot
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2003, 06:54:38 PM »
Nothing new to report yet, picard. But if/when there is, the details surrounding the new deal will certainly be posted on this board, or, in the event that nothing comes of this latest attempt, at least a link will be provided on the CE/A board to the SG Update.  :)

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Re:Anyone know anything new on WB dark shadows pilot
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2003, 08:10:28 PM »
Hopefully it will die in development.

But, if it makes the goons at a certain film studio see the light about a restored DVD release of hoDS and NoDS, I'll manage to put up with a few weeks of teen Barn and teen Maggie.  Given the WB's track record, they'll never give the series enough time to build an audience.  Just have a look at what they did with the Tarzan series if you doubt my words.

It was a fiasco on every level--casting, scripting, production--and I believe they barely waited 2 months before pulling the plug.


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Re:Anyone know anything new on WB dark shadows pilot
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2003, 08:27:30 PM »
Steve, I understand your feelings about badly conceived ideas that should never see the light of day.....but you can't have it both ways....

If Tarzan was as horrible as you say (I'll take your word for it  ;) ) then why SHOULDN'T they have taken it off as quickly as possible?  If it had been something that an audience could grow to love, then it deserved a longer chance....but if it was crap from day one....?

I'm for giving a new DS a shot.  It might be the most awful thing ever produced....or it might be the witty, crafty, sly, creepy, lush, diabolical, guilty pleasure we all wish for.  Either way, we'll still always have the original, so it costs us nothing.
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Re:Anyone know anything new on WB dark shadows pilot
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2003, 09:50:05 PM »
I dont understand this whole Anti-WB thing.  Their are many shows that critics have like and WB has kept and they did find audience later.  Look At Angel for main example.

As for trying to aim at teenagers, I think  thats the point.  Since most of the oringinal Dark Shadows fans were running home from a school bus to watch it.  Why get upset if trying to get a new generation interested.

Something to think about!
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Re:Anyone know anything new on WB dark shadows pilot
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2003, 11:02:43 PM »
I don't understand the anti-WB camp either...  John Wells' previous work (E.R. and The West Wing) is hardly teen orientated fluff -- far from it.  Both are credible popular dramas with strong production values, and there's been nothing said to suggest that his take on DS would be any different.

By all means, if it makes it to the air and you hate it, then slate it to your heart's content, but entirely dismissing something that hasn't even been made yet seems pretty illogical. | The Dark Shadows News Page | Visit the Dark Shadows Journal Online

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Re:Anyone know anything new on WB dark shadows pilot
« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2003, 01:22:46 AM »
This anti-WB/New DS is just a repeat of the same sort of behavior that swept through portions of fandom back in 1990 once the NBC series was announced. And it only got worse after some of the casting news and early publicity photos began to be published. Much of it completely defied rational understanding because, as has also been stated this time around, no one had even seen so much as a frame from a scene of the show, much less an actual episode. Some people were just determined to not give the NBC series a chance, if not actually hate it sight unseen from the get go.

If I have an opportunity later on, I'll try to dig up some copies of Inside the Old House and The World of Dark Shadows from back then so I can share several of the letters some fans wrote in...

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Re:Anyone know anything new on WB dark shadows pilot
« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2003, 07:29:23 AM »
I agree here.  I'm not sure why we are lashing out at WB for a show that hasn't even aired or is for sure going to air.  A pilot is a far cry from a full blown series as well.  So, let them make the pilot.  What have we got to loose?

We could end up with a fantastic show that keeps us on the edge of our seats each week.  I know Buffy and Angel have done that for me.  It will also give us something new to chat about either in a positive or negative way just like we do now.  Plus, we can use some new blood at the fests if you know what I mean..... [diablo]

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Re:Anyone know anything new on WB dark shadows pilot
« Reply #8 on: December 11, 2003, 11:56:33 PM »
In an effort to present a balanced view of what fans were saying back in 1990 about the '91 series, I've decided to present both sides rather than simply some of the complaints that first surfaced.

First up, some random quotes that might have some of us scratching our heads once we realize that all of them were indeed made without having seen so much as a 10 second clip from the pilot (those are my remarks between the brackets [ ]):

  • "the look of the DS sets was specific and unique, from Collinwood's foyer and Josette's room, to the Collins mausoleum ... I could never relate to any sets other than the ones I already recognize for Collinwood, the Old House or Collinsport scenes like the Blue Whale Bar."
  • "Now I'll have a whole new set of rooms to memorize, and frankly, it will be more of a nuisance than a pleasure. I can only hope the set-designers will make the sets resemble the originals as much as possible." [Gee, how wildly disappointed these two fans must have been. And how foolish of Fred Harpman, Janet Stokes & Jeannie Gunn to have created/decorated such a magnificent set as the new Great Hall. What were they thinking?!  :o  Don't get me wrong I love the original sets, but come on!]
  • "above everything else, DON'T, for God's sake, pattern a new DS in the style and tone of DALLAS! Never! It's too slick and too corrupt, and the Collins family should never be like the Ewings," [Granted, he may have his moments, but why would DC have wanted to do anything even remotely resembling that?!]

  • "We all have high hopes for it (but) I'm afraid that the hopes might be too unrealistic by the time it gets to the screen."
  • "it will not be exactly the way we want it to be (I, like so many others who wrote continuation stories might be out of joint because all the wonderful new characters that we created were not included," [As if the writers would have ever considered basing anything on fanfic?!]
  • "I would be very distressed if they made a new Dark Shadows without -- at the very least -- they didn't hire Jonathan Frid as a consultant. Ben Cross is a good actor, but he's no Barnabas." [DC hiring Frid as a consultant? Or Frid even wanting to have been one? Yeah, right!]
  • "I've never seen much point in remakes. If the original is good, why do it again?"
  • "Will this Barnabas have a caped coat? I doubt it. Another trademark down the tubes"
  • "I have seen a photo of the new Joe Haskel, Michael Weiss [see attachment below] this new, unshaven version, who looks like a motorcycle-biker to me. ... Will Carolyn be into the New Age scene, or (shudder) punk rock? Will David take drugs? Joe?" [Gee, what a shame it didn't turn out that Joe and his "motorcycle-biker" buds didn't actually deal drugs, huh?  :- ]
  • "As time goes by many of us will begin tuning it out."
  • "A new Dark Shadows! Why is it that I'm not very excited? ... I'm not happy."
  • "I don't like the English accent Mr. Cross has either. I think it's too thick for Barnabas."
  • "I've seen Mr. Cross in a vampire movie, and I wasn't pleased...  he didn't look all that great with fangs." [Huh? Who knew fangs were supposed to be a flattering look?]
  • it is the later Barnabas that I fear he will not be able to portray. ... I think Mr. Cross will have trouble with that part of the role. They are going to have to mellow Barnabas after a time, if the show lasts that long before cancellation that is, there is where the problem with Mr. Cross lies." [Who knew this person, who earlier in their letter had said that the only thing they'd ever seen him in was the vampire spoof "Nightlife" (which I thought was pretty funny and appreciate even more after having seen Cross in the '91 DS) could come away from that one performance fully aware of Cross' full acting range?  Apparently checking out something like, oh, say, Chariots of Fire was just, well, too beyond them. It was simply one movie and they knew it all.  ::)]
  • and "will we see Roger all tied up in a junk bond scandal or Carolyn as the town slut with several illegitimate children running around Collinwood? Will David be a punker with a mohawk or will Collinsport give a new meaning to the phrase "Hello Sailor" as the Blue Whale has become a gay bar?"
  • "it's got the potential to be a huge flop"
And believe it or not, these quotes are actually some of the milder complaints that were made (though I'm pretty sure that those next to last comments were supposed to be jokes - at least I hope so  :- ).

Thankfully, though, these and other more harsh comments didn't go unchallenged after other fans had gotten the opportunity to read them. And some of those letters will appear in a followup as soon as I get the chance to gather them and post it. My hope is that they might help channel/spark current discussion/speculation regarding a WB DS into a more postive direction.....

[attachment deleted by admin]

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Re:Anyone know anything new on WB dark shadows pilot
« Reply #9 on: December 12, 2003, 01:21:59 AM »

  • "I've seen Mr. Cross in a vampire movie, and I wasn't pleased...  he didn't look all that great with fangs." [Huh? Who knew fangs were supposed to be a flattering look?]
Maybe this person preferred the Nosferatu gopher fang look.

     When I watched the 91 series, I had no idea that there was such a negative reaction to it.  I was upset that the show was not given a chance to hit its stride.  Thanks for posting the comments.
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Offline victoriawinters

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Re:Anyone know anything new on WB dark shadows pilot
« Reply #10 on: December 12, 2003, 06:18:49 AM »
MB these quotes are too funny.  Thanks for posting them.  They made my day!

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Re:Anyone know anything new on WB dark shadows pilot
« Reply #11 on: December 12, 2003, 10:48:56 PM »
And here are some responses to the negative quotes I posted yesterday. I present them without comment as they pretty much speak for themselves (and do keep in mind that all these remarks were also being made before the '91 series actually debuted):

  • "Didn't send my comments on the new movie/series earlier because to speculate with insufficient data (as I had at the time) is the royal road to egg on one's face."
  • "... loved reading the movie comments. If nothing else, it sure did get fandom stirred up. Myself, I'm just thrilled it's back - and hope it's good. Ben Cross is a very good actor, like Frid, he'll just have to make the role his own. Let's hope it clicks. Between the release of DS on video (who would have thought it possible!?), the new DS Companion book, the new TV movie, and the release of the two DS movies on video cassette -- whew! I'm on a Dark Shadows High. It's unbelievable, but damn I'm happy!"
  • "While I can appreciate the fans' disappointment, we must realize Dan Curtis is not recreating DS for us, but for the public at large, and their reaction to it will trigger everything that follows."
  • "As far as plot is concerned, for the sake of the new viewers, it's more practical to begin with Barnabas' introduction to the Collins family. There would be no confusion for 1st time viewers"
  • "I am one who usually doesn't respond to various fandom activities, opinions, or reactions, preferring instead a calmer more peaceful existence. But after reading all the negative reactions to the new DS project, I felt a real need to speak out. I was troubled by and couldn't believe the almost totally negative attitude which came from many of the letters. Why is nearly every response seemingly so closed minded? This mindset toward the actors, project, etc., without even seeing the finished product."
  • "It isn't as if the old episodes of DS are being obliterated - never to be seen again. This new DS project is in point of fact helping the old. We have the release of episodes on video, a cable channel has purchased and will eventually air all DS episodes. The show for a time is sure to be very popular once again. I mean, what more do people want or expect? For years people have wanted to see DS reborn on TV in some form. Now here it is, coming to TV (and we can even tape it this time around) and a lot of fans can do nothing but whine and complain, because its not exactly the way they want it or think it should be. Nothing remains the same. We should be overjoyed -- DS is being produced again at all. As well as doing all we can to support it, because if it dies due to our revolt so may hopes for future interest in the unreleased DS episodes."
  • "Over the years I've noticed a small faction of DS fans who seem obsessed with the show. Should it not behoove such persons to remember, it is after all, only a television program -- and not the Holy Bible. Such people judging the actors, writers, Curtis and the entire DS project before even seeing it, left me cold. I'm sure Dan Curtis, Sam Hall,, with all their combined years of experience know what they are doing. Curtis has said he wants to try getting some of the former cast to return. So what if its a different role, they are actors, for God's sake, not the people they portray -- either now or before (during the 1966-71 run). People who can't accept this perhaps need a good dose of reality or professional mental treatment! Or at least remember the old adage: 'You can't go home again!' But we can visit."
  • "Why not relax, chill out and enjoy this latest installment of DS for what it is, a new version of an old, dear friend. Perhaps if fandom stops comparing it to an old separate program twenty odd years old they might even find pleasure in watching the story unfold again. Strangely familiar but interestingly different."
  • "If some people in fandom can't collectively support DS old and new, then at least calm down, 'grow up' and allow the rest of us who want to, to enjoy this new version of an old favorite. It is not my intention to offend anyone, but after reading all the negative reactions, I felt it had to be said. Surely I'm not a lone voice in the woods..."

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« Reply #12 on: December 16, 2003, 07:05:09 PM »
IS IT NOT to late to do a new ds for next fall or mid season.would,nt wb already have orderd the plot.afthe all they decide in may what plots will become shows.even if they orderd the plot now they would have to cast it and then film it which would take a long time.

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« Reply #13 on: December 16, 2003, 07:34:01 PM »
The new WB network's version of dark shadows has been committed to a pilot and if accepted it will most likely be put on the WB's primetime 2004-2005 fall lineup.

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Re:Anyone know anything new on WB dark shadows pilot
« Reply #14 on: December 16, 2003, 09:28:06 PM »
Pilot season, when the networks actually film their pilots for the next season, runs from about late-January to mid-April.

They don't announce their schedules for the coming season until May.