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Offline PennyDreadful

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Somewhat quiet 50th Anniversary
« on: March 25, 2016, 08:04:09 PM »
I'm surprised there isn't more hoopla surrounding the 50th anniversary of DS. We have the Festival coming, which is great, but gosh, the Fest REALLY needs to get with the times. Even fan events for vintage films offer membership purchases through the internet which you can buy with a credit card or even via Paypal. The Fest is still using the SASE method, which is charming in its way, but not the most modern way of doing things to say the least. The website is also in dire need of a revamp. Jim Pierson, if you're reading this, PLEASE shell out some cash and hire a web designer, sir! If it's too expensive, do a kickstarter! :)

As for merchandising, we seemingly have only a few things coming out this year. There's the re-release of the record album. Okay, fun, but not the most exciting offering in the world, IMO (though the purple vinyl is cool). 

The retro metal lunchbox is coming, which is something I'm definitely looking forward to checking out. I will probably pick that one up. It's something new and fun, so "yay!" :)

We have the audio dramas, and I know the 50th anniversary edition is on the way, but I feel the audios have been on the downturn story-wise. The actors are great, but the writing and direction is off-base, in my opinion. I don't mean this to be disrespecful to anyone, but it's just my honest critique, so I hope nobody takes offense. I've listened to some interviews with the creators, particularly pertaining to the recent 'Bloodlust,' and they talk way too much about Dallas and refer to "soaps" a lot. This gives me the sense that they don't fully "get it" when it comes to DS. 'Bloodlust' itself makes references to things like "Lucky Charms" and 80's TV shows, and the characters speak in a way that simply doesn't "feel" like DS to me. All of this serves to undermine the whole "dark Brigadoon" feel Jonathan Frid always talked about. Suffice to say, I miss having hardcore fan creators like Darren Gross and Stephen Mark Rainey involved. Stuart Manning, I think, had a better grasp on the feel of DS than does Joseph Lidster. But I guess that's a conversation for a whole different topic.

There's also the series of Retropolis podcasts devoted to DS, and it has been fun hearing the actors speak at length about their experiences. The host is new to many of these stories, but he does ask some good questions.

As far as I know know, that's all that's going on for the anniversary. I'd love to see more things - commerative action figures, new comic books or even a one-shot graphic novel, an animated short, a televised documentary, new trading cards, statues, etc. I guess it's too much to ask, but it IS the big 5-0.  I wonder if the Burton/Depp fiasco put the kibosh on interest from licensees or even the fans themselves.

Sorry that my first big post after a long time of not posting much is a bit negative. I am just trying to figure out why there seems to be a lack of "buzz" surrounding the big DS birthday! DCP and Jim should reach out to purveyors of Pop culture ephemera such as POP Vinyl, Re-Action, and others.
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Re: Somewhat quiet 50th Anniversary
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2016, 08:49:39 PM »
Hey, Penny, I didn't find your post negative at all. Just realistic.
The festival registration system has been out of date for some time now. It's been mentioned to TPTB several times but they don't seem particularly eager to update it. On the bright side, the festival website actually has current information on it which doesn't always happen.
The programming could use a shot of adrenaline as well. Showing the 1970's movies uncut was a big deal in 1984 when few fans had access to those versions. But in 2016, you don't have to go to a festival to see them. You don't even see a tv or a computer screen anymore.
I would love to see some new DS related merchandise as well. Kathryn will have a new book but it's not DS related so it's of limited interest to me. Lara's next novel won't be out until the fall, so that's disappointing.
But at least we are going to have a full weekend festival again and I am grateful for that.
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Re: Somewhat quiet 50th Anniversary
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2016, 09:36:12 PM »
I agree that TPTB (whomever they are in all the various fields of DS fandom, merchandise, marketing and franchising) are not make as big a deal about the 50th anniversary.  Back in '91, for the 25th, there was much more hoopla.  The documentary which aired on Sci-Fi was released.  Is it just that they don't think there's much of a fanbase anymore? 

I'm one of those DS'ers who saw the original show back in '66.  It aired a day later, at 11:00 in the morning, because our local ABC affiliate did it that way - they had some local program on at 3:00 p.m.  It was a fine, summer day and I was ready to go outside after watching some gameshow and the commercial came on with the spooky music saying that Dark Shadows would begin next.  The Colbert music and the foggy scenes caught my interest, so I watched it.  And then again the next day.  And the next.  Of course, back then, it wasn't a supernatural show but hinted at it (with explanations being provided for ghostly sobbing and creaking doors).  But it still got me, a nine-year-old.  I would play "Dark Shadows."  I pretended I was David, hiding that bleeder-valve (using an old hotel-room key - remember those with the plastic numbers on it? - as my bleeder valve).  Fortunately, after a couple months, our local affiliate dumped its local programming and shifted DS to 3:00 p.m.  That Monday, it aired the Friday episode at 11:00 a.m., and then the regular episode at 3:00 p.m.  Within a short time, actual ghostly things started to happen.  Books opened by themselves.  Josette's ghost stepped out of the portrait.  Malloy's ghost appeared to Vicki and left seaweed on the floor.  For the next five years, I ran home to watch every possible episode.  I had to battle with my mom who wanted to watch Art Linkletter's House Party and later The Galloping Gourmet, but I won.  She didn't want me watching "that spooky crap," but when she would see Joan Bennett, one of her favorite actresses, starring in it (saying "she's in that spooky crap?"), she capitulated and would sit and watch, a dishrag in her hand, whenever Joan was on the TV screen.

The 50th needs a blowout.


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Re: Somewhat quiet 50th Anniversary
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2016, 07:46:06 AM »
My mother also loved The Galloping Gourmet (I liked him too... (like a joke referring to American stove knobs as LO... MLO...MHI... and HI!  not "high", as if the knobs were saying hello...)  and she would see Joan B on DS, and tell us about how she used to be a movie star, whom she liked then.  She didn't come down on DS though.  She actually liked otherworldly things, her favorite films I think were The Ghost and Mrs. Muir, and Things to Come.
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Re: Somewhat quiet 50th Anniversary
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2016, 11:35:18 AM »
for a show with such a devoted cult following the merchandising has always been the weakest link. the crap MPI used to peddle (and maybe still does) was beyond belief...

even if they didn't want to launch new products off the drawing pad they have tons to draw from in terms of reissues. relaunch the board game, the trading cards, the Ross novels. fans would eat it up and the outlay of expense minimal.

indeed with this being the "big" 50th anniversary this shortcoming is more glaring than ever. there should really be a commemorative book. hardcover. something special.

as it stands the "dealer's room" and general product offerings are shaping up to be pretty weak. scott's non-DS writing doesn't interest me and you'd think parker would have moved heaven and earth to see that her new novel was printed in time for the fest. it is an enormous missed opportunity. she would have sold hundreds of copies.

what can one really say about the circa 1980 registration process (checks? SASES???)??? only THE most dedicated fans are going to bother. easy online registration would doubtless bump up attendance and open it up to "young" people who simply won't go through the antiquated process. I received my ticket last week and even after several weeks of registration I'm still only # 340. that's a worrisome number.

so it is shaping up to be a somewhat lackluster anniversary. the PTB in charge are not the most ambitious or imaginative bunch and never have been. still I'm glad I'm attending after a few years missing the "cruise" or weird one day "events" out at Lyndhurst. lets face it this is probably one of the last years the bulk of the surviving cast is still "spry" enough to make the trek. but I was hoping for more.
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Re: Somewhat quiet 50th Anniversary
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2016, 04:43:37 PM »
I know planning a blow-out 50th anniversary celebration would take a great deal of work, constituting planning that would take a few years (too late now).  It would be great to have the stars from the OS appear (maybe they could've even convinced David Henesey to show up), along with stars from the other two remakes - the '91 version and the '12 film (very few saw the aborted '04, but, well, if they could get some of the stars to appear, so much the better).  Okay, Johnny Depp most likely wouldn't come or Chloe Moretz, but get who you can.  Do some research to find a place large enough for such an event that's affordable, since many fans of the OS who initially saw it are now at that age where budgets are fixed.  And, has been pointed out, "update" the registration process.  Keep the "old-fashioned" way of sending checks for those who aren't computer/internet savvy, but allow on-line signing-up for those who are.  They could've done this, but it seems they've really dropped the ball on everything.  The only fest I ever attended was the '03 one, having just returned to New York from a cruise to Bermuda.  I and friends went for just one day and we had a blast.  So many stars, so many things going on, hordes of people everywhere in that Brooklyn hotel.  What a blast we had and it was for an "unimportant" year.  They did it for that, why can't they do it for this?


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Re: Somewhat quiet 50th Anniversary
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2016, 06:59:18 PM »
the guest list is certainly fair given the age of the cast. besides David Hennesey and Alexandra, who we all knew wouldn't attend, most of the surviving key players are on the roster...

and the event lineup...costume contest, Q&As, banquet etc, are pretty standard fare. my biggest disappointment is a merchandising assortment. there really should have been a commemorative book. something really special. Penny had a lot of great ideas too. a special 50Th anniversary video. something. everyone concerned dropped the ball on that one.

and for what it's worth I don't think the perceived "failure" of the 2012 film has anything to do with the lackluster nature of this and recent events. fans still love the show. it just needs a stronger driving hand than JP (or whoever's in charge these days) and much more imaginative merchandising.
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Re: Somewhat quiet 50th Anniversary
« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2016, 09:02:01 PM »
The event line-up, standard fare that it is, has been largely missing from the festival agenda for several years. The last several years have been devoted to cruises, Mabuse promotions and day and a quarter events that are over almost as soon as they have begun. I'm thrilled that the activities are taking place in a hotel again. As I probably stated before, holding an event in the unairconditioned stable at Lyndhurst in the peak of summer is extremely second rate no matter whose event it is.
The hotel sold out almost immediately, long before any other festival information was available. Perhaps this indicated to TPTB that they didn't have to reach out to Kate Jackson, Alexandra Isles or David Henesy. All three have their reasons for not attending and it doesn't seem likely that they will change their minds now.
The festival did itself no favors with the Shadowgram notice to send in SASEs so not to miss further information. A lot of newbies did send in for the registration form. Only to find it available online shortly thereafter, followed by the traditional mailing.
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Re: Somewhat quiet 50th Anniversary
« Reply #8 on: March 26, 2016, 09:13:34 PM »

I am pleased with a return to the full, 2+ day, hotel bound traditional fest. I'm not looking for "innovation" in terms of format. and as a non-driver schlepping all over the place isn't an option. a "contained" setup is much easier for me.

there's plenty to like. but in other ways it's a bit underwhelming.
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Re: Somewhat quiet 50th Anniversary
« Reply #9 on: March 27, 2016, 02:19:55 AM »
I'm just surprised there isn't more, like another "up-dated" documentary like there was for the 25th.  Yup, I know, what more could they add, especially with so many of our favorites now gone?  But one would think there would just be more something for the 50th.  Just something.


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Re: Somewhat quiet 50th Anniversary
« Reply #10 on: March 27, 2016, 07:45:17 PM »

We have the audio dramas, and I know the 50th anniversary edition is on the way, but I feel the audios have been on the downturn story-wise. The actors are great, but the writing and direction is off-base, in my opinion. I don't mean this to be disrespecful to anyone, but it's just my honest critique, so I hope nobody takes offense....I miss having hardcore fan creators like Darren Gross and Stephen Mark Rainey involved. Stuart Manning, I think, had a better grasp on the feel of DS than does Joseph Lidster.

First of all you are entitled to your opinion. I've often been amazed at how angry people become with various fandoms when people express opinions about projects. They are often attacked and ridiculed.

I've been relistening to the entire Big Finish canon in chronological rather than release order. I have a lot of the same observations you had at first, Penny. I am enjoying the series more a second time around in what I think is the proper order. I've made a few mistakes, but all in all, a great sense of continuity develops. Granted I'm only in the 1950s now; I've not gotten to the Bloodlust or 1973 arcc.

I also did not realize then how close the series was to cancellation. I loved the output created by Stuart and Gross, but it was not selling well. It took me a while to warm up to the new characters the first time around. We'll see if my attitude changes this time. But I'm mindful that we went from the brink of cancellation to a multiple year renewal before and after Bloodlust.

All, I can suggest, Penny, is give the series another listen in chronological order and see how it holds up. I was pleasantly surprised.

I respect your opinions and posts here and also admire your creative efforts. You are an asset to this community. :)

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Re: Somewhat quiet 50th Anniversary
« Reply #11 on: March 28, 2016, 12:49:48 AM »
getting rather off topic but I don't and never cared for the audiodramas at all...

in terms of tone they exist on the dreary and depressing end of the DS spectrum. they were "serious" with a capital "S". they completely lack the naive charm of the OS.
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Re: Somewhat quiet 50th Anniversary
« Reply #12 on: March 28, 2016, 01:40:29 AM »
the guest list is certainly fair given the age of the cast. besides David Hennesey and Alexandra, who we all knew wouldn't attend, most of the surviving key players are on the roster...

 my biggest disappointment is a merchandising assortment. there really should have been a commemorative book. something really special. Penny had a lot of great ideas too. a special 50Th anniversary video. something. everyone concerned dropped the ball on that one.

Agreed. I just think more awareness for DS in general is needed. It seems like so many other cult shows are getting their day in the sun with products, and DS deserves that too, especially for the 50th. I have to wonder if it's lack of interest from licensees or if TPTB just aren't trying hard enough to market DS. The more years that go by, the more I fear DS will fall off the pop culture radar, and I'd hate to see that happen.

I mean, while not every product is my cup of tea, I think some of these could be fun.

All of this said, I asked the fellow involved with Re-Action and Super 7 (they do retro Star Wars styled figures) about doing a set of DS figures and mentioned a couple of the characters. He talked a bit about getting licenses for shows and movies and then ended with, "but yeah, it'd be cool to do a Barnaby."

Barnaby. Yep. Don't hold your breath for that one kids. ;)

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Re: Somewhat quiet 50th Anniversary
« Reply #13 on: March 28, 2016, 01:43:09 AM »
All, I can suggest, Penny, is give the series another listen in chronological order and see how it holds up. I was pleasantly surprised.

Perhaps I'll give them another shot. I wasn't impressed by Bloodlust, but I plan to check out the new one with Mitch Ryan and KLS for sure. That one seems promising.

I respect your opinions and posts here and also admire your creative efforts. You are an asset to this community. :)

That's very kind of you to say. :) Sorry I haven't been around a lot. I've been beyond buried in work for awhile now, but I do still love this place.
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Re: Somewhat quiet 50th Anniversary
« Reply #14 on: March 28, 2016, 01:03:29 PM »
I do think that there will be a respectable turnout this summer, though I doubt that it will approach the numbers that overwhelmed the Marriott Marquis. A lot of the core fan base, myself included, is aging out of the whole convention scene. The festival itself has done little to promote it beyond its core audience. The Depp/Burton movie did little to expand the fan base. New fans seem to find out about the festival via word of mouth or sometimes just by accident.
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