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Discuss - Ep #0666
« on: March 25, 2014, 05:02:00 PM »
Robservations #666

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0666

(How appropriate is it that this ep originally ran on the 13th?  [snow_cheesy])

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0666
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2014, 05:39:21 PM »
People die so fast and conveniently on DS.  Natalie's mouth is covered for perhaps eight seconds?  Five?  And she's gone.  The doings at the mausoleum are a mess of nicely tragic and absurd moments, mistakes, and mis-communication.  I'm not sure TV showed dead people with their eyes wide open yet, outside of DS.  Ben and Natalie are reminiscent of Matthew with Vicki.  It's disturbing, Ben killing Natalie.  That really leaves a bad taste in the mouth.

Welcome back Willie, in 1969.  Maybe Ben won't get to have that quiet life in Collinsport after all.  Barnabas thinks he can easily avoid being caught.  Maybe, but DS is strangely (interestingly) casual about good guys killing sometimes.  For all we know, maybe this changing of the past led to the altered history of Ben being still alive and back at Collinwood in 1840.  How I have no clue.

Julia tries Barnabas's trick of just spontaneously calling out to the wind, and having supernatural stuff just happen, for him.  Doesn't work.  She doesn't speak to 1796, big surprise...  There's no Peter ghost around anymore to help Julia as he did Barnabas.

We get a nice moment of Ben falling apart in desparate vulnerability, saying he had to have Barnabas free, so he could help Ben figure out what to do.  That seemed human and real.

Julia has an alligator broach... Willie's sort-of crazy idea doesn't work, not yet.  The coffin's still empty.  It's not such a crazy idea really, except it should have gone like this: Barnabas is chained in 1796, then time passes in the usual way, 1967 Willie lets Barnabas out, Willie is confused as Ben was, at Barnabas's strange talk about the future.  Unfortunately, Barn would then have to act out all his 1967-68 actions in a similar way, up until leaving for 1796 again, which would be very weird, difficult, and criminal.  He'd have to terrorize Maggie again etc..  Unless he cares not a whit about changing 20th century history.  What a mess, if he doesn't.  Okay none of that works as plot, but at least it would make a little sense, unlike what's to come.

They cut to a close-up of Naomi's still-unchanged headstone saying she died in 1821.  ????  Why?

Willie's crazy idea happens for real.  Barn IS now in the coffin, in 1969.  Chains materialize around Barnabas's coffin.  Why?  He didn't pass through time in the normal way, instead he was transported from 1796 to 1969... but HOW?   A Gallifreyan coffin?  Willie sees Josette's ghost!  Welcome back!  Barnabas turns green in his coffin, surprised that he needs oxygen.  End.  Copyright 1969 again.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0666
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2014, 10:40:36 PM »
I never understood why they had to kill Natalie (Just have Nathan go to the gallows) and not have Barnabas tell Joshua to free Ben, from which Joshua gives Ben land.  With LE absent, perhaps a temp. recast should have been done for Joshua so it plays out the same way as before.

On other soaps, Vickie's final scene would have been at the end of the episode, not the middle.  Just once I wish they could have ended an episode on a happy note.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0666
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2014, 04:07:48 PM »
I think the sloppiness of the writing in these last episodes of 1796 is owing to the writers' having to wind up the Vicki story in a hurry.

After sunrise, the countess returns to the mausoleum with a new ally--Nathan Forbes, who arrives with stake and mallet in hand. [In this reshoot, Joshua’s plaque is in place, even though he is still alive! Obviously the set dressers were preparing for the return to the present.] Nathan seems to have no memory of his previous experiences with the undead Barnabas. [Actually, he should be trying to kill Natalie!] Are you sure you know what you’re doing? he asks. I do, she assures him. I had you released from prison to help me, but you can always go back there. I don't want that, Nathan says. Then do what must be done, she insists. [But again, how can he do this, being Barnabas' victim?]

He explains, Barnabas is the victim of a curse, set upon him by the witch, Angelique. [But didn't Natalie already know this? She was there when Joshua brought in Bathia Mapes to try to cure Barnabas.] Nathan revives but stays put as he listens. Barnabas couldn't help himself, Ben insists--and I will keep helping him, he adds loyally, ignoring Natalie’s horror. Nathan suddenly gets to his feet and draws his pistol, announcing, I'm taking you to the constable, Ben. I was only tryin’ to help Barnabas, Ben retorts, adding scornfully, unlike you, Forbes, who only tried to help yourself. Undeterred by the pistol, Ben moves toward Forbes, who shoots him in the shoulder. Natalie gasps; intent on their struggle, both men ignore her. The gunshot wound only makes Ben mad. He seizes Nathan by the shoulders and bashes his head in against the stone floor despite the countess’s pleas. And that is the inglorious end of the treacherous Lieutenant Nathan Forbes, USN--and Joel Crothers’s positively last appearance in the show. Of course, poor Ben has to kill Natalie too. In less than five minutes, he kills two people to protect Barnabas. This is really awful.

The writing picks up as soon as we return to 1969. Willie tries to talk Julia out of believing that Barn traveled back in time and reminisces about how he discovered Barn: After all, I did go to the mausoleum looking for jewels but found Barnabas--and that was pretty weird, wasn’t it? And what about Barnabas's hand coming out of the coffin and grabbing me? I didn't believe it then, but it was real. And while I can't go back in time, Barnabas isn't like anyone else, and maybe.… Suddenly hopeful--and realizing that Julia could face a similar or even a worse fate if Barnabas has reverted--Willie races from the house.

At the cemetery, Peter and Vicki's graves have vanished. We won't find out why for a long, long time.

Struck with a sudden brainstorm, Willie suggests, Barnabas might come back the way I found him, in the coffin in the secret room. Julia reminds him, Barnabas told me to meet him at the grave. Willie says, Barnabas might not have known! Maybe he only thought it was that way! That makes no sense, Julia insists, but Willie wants to go straight back to the mausoleum. Julia tries to talk him out of it. It will be dawn by the time you get there, she points out. If by some chance Barnabas is in the coffin, that's what I’m afraid of. I want him back, but if he's a vampire.... She shudders at the unbearable possibility, but declares resolutely, I'll face that when it happens. She tells Willie to go back.
Flashlight in hand, Willie enters the mausoleum. (Joshua’s plaque is up--as it should be in 1967.) He opens the secret panel, then the coffin--it’s empty! Looking like he’s about to start crying, Willie closes the coffin, then holds his head in his hands. He leaves, turning back to look at the coffin--but nothing happens. He closes the secret panel and leaves, disappointed. The sky is just beginning to lighten toward dawn. He glances up at it, then goes on his way.

A moment later, chains suddenly materialize around the coffin. Within it, Barnabas awakes in his twentieth-century suit, fully human again--and gasping for air.

When Willie returns to the Old House, Julia takes one look at his face and says, The coffin was empty. Yes, Willie admits. I knew it, she says sadly. I was sure he'd be there, Willie says. Julia tells him, I don't know if I'll try again tonight, but I need rest now. She reluctantly starts upstairs (to Josette's room, perhaps). I’m sorry, Willie tells her as he sets his hand on the banister. Maybe tomorrow will be different. Julia touches his hand briefly and goes upstairs.

Willie is lost in thought when he suddenly hears sobbing. Who's there? he calls out. For one brief moment, he sees Josette's ghost (Natalie Norwich), standing there, weeping. Then she vanishes. Why did she appear to me? he wonders. Realizing why, he shouts for Julia, who hurries back down. He tells her, I saw the ghost of Josette, crying! She's never appeared to either of us unless Barnabas was in danger! She was right here in the drawing room! Then Willie hears a heartbeat emanating from Barnabas's portrait above the mantel. Listen! he exclaims, but Julia doesn't hear what he does. Excitedly, Willie tells her, That's how I found Barnabas before. Barnabas is in the mausoleum and alive, he shouts, overjoyed. Alive! Unconvinced, Julia reminds him, You went to the mausoleum and found it empty. It was empty before, Willie agrees, but not now! I’m telling you, he’s out there!

Meanwhile, Barnabas is trapped in the coffin the coffin that once was his haven, gasping for the little remaining air. Pressing hopelessly against the lid, he calls weakly for help.....

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0666
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2014, 04:32:02 PM »
At the cemetery, Peter and Vicki's graves have vanished. We won't find out why for a long, long time.

Don't we know at this point as the both of them now didn't die in 1796, so naturally their graves wouldn't be there?

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0666
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2014, 07:07:19 PM »
If Barnabas's centuries old coffin is that airtight how have all the others who have been trapped or hidden in it survived?
you know there's a whole wing that's closed off all the time; the west wing, I go there lots of times

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0666
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2014, 10:28:44 PM »
Thanks DL for all the description and continuity flaws I didn't think of.  AD too.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0666
« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2014, 11:49:13 PM »
Thank you, MT! And joeytrom, I think you're probably right. In fact, we'll find out that you are pretty soon.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0666
« Reply #8 on: March 29, 2014, 09:50:14 PM »
This has to be one of the most hysterically funny screen captures of Julia that I've ever come across:

And that's why it's also just been posted to both the "Caption This! - The Werewolf-Quentin's Ghost" and the "Complete This Phrase / Fill In The Blank(s) - The Werewolf-Quentin's Ghost" boards!!  [wink2]

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0666
« Reply #9 on: June 01, 2014, 06:13:34 PM »
The screen caps and/or set ups for this ep have been posted on the "Complete This Phrase / Fill In The Blank(s) - 1796_3" and "Caption This! - 1796_3" boards. And with them I've finally caught up on those boards for this go-round.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0666
« Reply #10 on: August 07, 2017, 03:49:57 AM »
If Barnabas returns to the present as a non-vampire, how is he able to communicate his heartbeat to Willie? Perhaps it is explained in the next episode?

Perhaps my memory is failing me, but when did the ghost of Josette ever warn people that Barnabas was in danger, as Willie says here? My memory of her is that she pretty much disappeared before Barnabas arrived, with Sarah taking over the role of resident house ghost trying to get Barnabas to do the right thing.