General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '06 II => Topic started by: David on November 15, 2006, 08:26:44 PM

Title: Favorite line of dialogue?
Post by: David on November 15, 2006, 08:26:44 PM
Crazy Jenny in the tower:

"I saw you walking in the garden!
 And you were wearing MY GREEN DRESS"!!

  To me, no other line in the show's history captures Dark Shadows' campy, over the top aspects.
And to be honest, DS, while brilliant in parts, is also VERY
campy in parts (which is why we love it, right?)

Title: Re: Favorite line of dialogue?
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on November 15, 2006, 10:39:31 PM
And to be honest, DS, while brilliant in parts, is also VERY campy in parts (which is why we love it, right?)

Not necessarily. Check out:

Acting natural

As for favorite lines, one of mine would definitely be from 1970PT Ep #989 where Will asks Carolyn:

What would the local society editor think if he knew the former Carolyn Stoddard has become intimate friends with a vampire?
I ask you, on what type of show other than one like DS could that not only make sense but be perfectly plausible?
Title: Re: Favorite line of dialogue?
Post by: Gerard on November 16, 2006, 02:41:53 AM
Judith to Quentin (1897):  "Keep it up, Quentin, and you'll end up with less than nothing."  To me, it was the way she delivered it, the climactic line in one of the best - if not the best - scenes ever filmed on the entire series.

Title: Re: Favorite line of dialogue?
Post by: IluvBarnabas on November 16, 2006, 03:02:19 AM
Quentin to Judith in 1897:

"Stop staring at me as if I were some kind of exhibit!" and "When you get down with the staff, perhaps we can all go upstairs and watch you write a check."

Nicholas to an aging Cassandra/Angelique in 1968:

"For once you will have to rely on your womanly charms.....what's left of them."

Title: Re: Favorite line of dialogue?
Post by: CallieWL on November 16, 2006, 03:37:43 AM
Here Barnabas was totally honest with Vicki and about as sinister as you can get.
Barnabas:  "I am dedicated to seeing that people get what I think they deserve."

And one of the most poignant lines:
Willie: "I never knew how awful it was to be alone, till I wasn't."

But then there's also Barn's memorable:  "That night must go nothing wrong."  And while not good dialogue (because it's a goof), it's still one of my favorites!

Title: Re: Favorite line of dialogue?
Post by: Brandon Collins on November 16, 2006, 04:30:22 AM
Boy is this ever the topic for me. I have a 5 page long list of some of my favorite lines from the show. Now, this list wasn't made from the beginning of the show to the end, or maybe it was. I don't remember. Feel free to steal from the list if there is one you like! Here's the list (or part of it, depending on whether or not I decide to stop typing lol):

"They say that a dead mans eyes see everything that he's looked at in life. I'd like very much to look through your eyes, Mr. Devlin, and see what it is you've looked at. I have a feeling it would be very informative." --Barnabas to Burke, 1967

"Several of my incestors--incestors, my ancestors are buried here." --Roger Collins, 1967   (one of my TOP Favs!)

"Nonsense, being seen together may even be the answer." --Quentin
"What do you mean?" --Beth
"Well, maybe we ought to let Judith begin to suspect us. It will occupy her mind for a while. Then, when her suspicions are confirmed, it'll give her a great feeling of triumph. At that point she's always easier to deal with." --Quentin, 1897

"We keep her looked in a room in the basement." --Judith
"Then how did she get through the door? By prayer and fasting?" --Quentin, 1897

"If you do one thing to interfere there will be a sacrifice and it will be you!" --Barnabas to Magda, 1897

"Judith didn't bring her back, she escaped." --Beth
"Oh? That's happening with frightful regularity." --Quentin
"Quentin be serious!" --Beth, 1897                                  

"Two minds with but a single thought, Jenny and me. When I'm not after he, she's after me!" --Quentin, 1897

"You don't want me to go with you because you love me, but I'm not sure you love anyone. You want me with you because you're the kind of person who can't ever be alone, or do anything alone. People don't mean anything to you Quentin. You use them. And when you're tired and bored with them, you discard them in favor of new ones." --Beth to Quentin, 1897.

"Let my voice be carried by the wind. Let it be taken to the surrounding countryside. Let it be heard by all the tribal cheifs and prophets. by the mast of the chains, but the guardian of the twelve days. I speak for one of us who has been struck down and for whom we must secure justice. Listen! Hear my words! Honor my wish! I place this curse upon Quentin Collins and on all his male kin of succeeding generations!" --Magda, 1897

"Don't like it at home, huh? What are you doing here? Is this a public house? You come and go as you please. You don't live here." Magda to Quentin, 1897

"A family matter? Well, I didn't know anyone thought me a member of the family." --Quentin, 1897

"Stop staring at me as if I were some kind of exhibit!" --Quentin, 1897

"If you'll turn down the lights. It'll make me feel better, and look better to!" --Pansy Faye, 1897

"Apologies are the devils invention. They just cover evil behavoir." --Minerva Trask, 1897

"She was my strength, you know. My whole reason for being. Her passing has left a void that will be impossible to fill." --Gregory Trask, 1897

"I need your help, oh Lord! Together we must help this poor afflicted woman possessed by an evil spirit of darkness. With your help, we shall drive the demon back into hell from whence it came!" --Gregory Trask, 1897

"Dear Judith, my poor client. She waited so long to marry, and when she did, she got you to take care of her. Tsk tsk." --Evan Hanley, 1897

"I have gone through great pain to disassociate myself from you and reestablish myself here in the household." --Angelique
"I am almost amused." -- Barnabas, 1897

"Then I was right with what I said earlier this evening." --Barnabas
"Right about what?" --Angelique
"Your feelings for Quentin. You made a bargain with him to spite me, not because you cared for him."
"No, you're wrong. I do care about him. I feel strangely sorry for him."
"You never felt sorry for anyone in your life."
"And you have never been willing to admit to yourself that I have feelings." 1897

"I don't think I can make it upstairs. I'm weak from the excitement of the Collinsport docks. Where are we going tomorrow night? The local cemetery?" --Amanda Harris, 1897

"You know, there is an essential difference between us. Your mind is having great difficulty adjusting to your new body, while mine is making the transition with incredible ease." --Count Petofi, in Quentin's body, to Quentin in Count Petofi's body, 1897

"Rubbish! Even the servants know of the relationship between you two. And you can believe me, if the servants know about it, you can be sure it's true!" --Edward Collins, 1897

"Death seldom shows us at our best." --Count Petofi, 1897

"Yes, I may have forgotten my life, but that portrait hasn't. There I am as I truly am. Every slice, every act of cruelty I ever committed is written into that face. Every cheat, every lie, ever sin, every trick! And yet you can still look at me?" --Quentin, 1970

"There should be a motto in our family emblem, 'Hypocrisy above all!'" --Carolyn, 1970   (Another fav of mine!)

"From tycoon to lackey. My how the mighty have fallen!" --Angelique, 1970

"This is all getting stickly lately, isn't it? ALl the pretending and the lies." --Carolyn, 1970PT

"Why do I always have to be the one to talk sense? To repeat what you've said to me?" --Julia, 1970

"Oh my, how analytical we've all become. Probing each others moods." --Quentin, 1970

"I don't like being laughed at." --Gerard, 1840

"You know Gabriel, for one lacking in charm, taste, and sultry, not to mention lack of style; being peevish, greedy and petty, you are quite remarkable." --Gerard to Gabriel, 1840    (another personal fav!)
Title: Re: Favorite line of dialogue?
Post by: David on November 16, 2006, 05:13:07 AM
The "dead man's eyes" speech is without question the best Barnabas line (to me at least)

Barnabas' best flub: (in 1897)
"Get Magda the myrhh.... and, well,,,,uh,,,,,,
all the things that she needs!"

Title: Re: Favorite line of dialogue?
Post by: David on November 16, 2006, 05:16:07 AM
"Some of my incestors are buried here!!"

the best and funniest flub in TV history!
and dear Louis E. handled it so well, like the pro he was!

Title: Re: Favorite line of dialogue?
Post by: IluvBarnabas on November 16, 2006, 05:19:30 AM
Oh, I just thought of some more, both from 1840:

Barnabas to Lamar:

"I have every intention of doing something for you in revenge for what you've done to me, but not now....I will let you wait and wonder and suffer.....knowing your time is coming but not quite knowing when."

I love that! Trask looked like a frightened little boy! Not that he didn't deserve it! Go Barnabas!

I also loved the exchange between Gerard and Gabriel after
[spoiler]the attempted murder of Gerard[/spoiler]

Gabriel: "Am I a suspect?"
Gerard: "I would love to accuse you Gabriel, IF you could walk."
Gabriel: "There are some virtues to being a cripple, one does not get unjustly accused. I do hope Mr. Stiles that no one attempts to strangle you in your sleep."
Gerard: "We both know even you could do that Gabriel."

I really do enjoy the sparring between Gabriel and Gerard, or Gabriel with anyone for that matter.

Oh, I just thought of another great Nicholas/Angelique exchange:

Angelique: "Was there ever a more conceited man than you?"
Nicholas: "One thing that can be said for me that can't be said for you, my dear, I never make the same mistake twice."

Oh how I really love all those scenes between Nicholas and vamp Angelique!

Title: Re: Favorite line of dialogue?
Post by: MagnusTrask on November 16, 2006, 05:47:44 AM
And I don't remember a single one!   I must have seen them in 1968 though.

Brandon especially... thanks very much for the transcription of all those lines.    In recent years I'm too aware of the pressure and rush involved in making DS, when watching, that I miss the great dialogue when it happens.   It's a quiet little thing that can be overlooked as the big events rush by.
Title: Re: Favorite line of dialogue?
Post by: arashi on November 16, 2006, 08:21:23 AM
Oh man! That "dead men's eyes" verbal joust between Barnabas and Burke, a fantastic scene and great writing all around.

Here are a few quotes that just popped into my head:

"The dead cannot have pity." - The ghost of Tessie Kincaid, 1897

"On your way to Grandmother's house and lo and behold, who should you meet but the big bad wolf?" - Quentin, 1897

"You've made me hate myself so much that I am able to kill you without doubt or thought." - Barnabas, 1795

"What's gonna happen to me me?"
"Well, I don't know, Willie.  That's sort of up to you, isn't it?"
"No.  No, it's not up to me."  - Jason & Willie, 1967

Title: Re: Favorite line of dialogue?
Post by: Lydia on November 16, 2006, 02:45:03 PM
Barnabas to Julia, before the seance that sends Vicky to 1795: "I'll try to suppress my natural levity."
Title: Re: Favorite line of dialogue?
Post by: MagnusTrask on November 16, 2006, 03:06:22 PM
Literal LOL at that last one.    The chuckle factory that is Barnabas is closed.   More great quotes that rush by way too fast; thanks everybody.   Who says no one thought we'd be appreciating this years later?!   They wrote a lot of it is if we would be.
Title: Re: Favorite line of dialogue?
Post by: BuzzH on November 16, 2006, 04:04:51 PM
This will, no doubt, be an ongoing post for me as I won't get them all here:

Quentin to Edward: You are everything the rest of us are not, strong, solid, upstanding.  And your mind is hermetically sealed!
(a paraphrase because I can't remember the word for word, sorry)

Morgan: Catherine loves me! 
Bramwell: Keep telling yourself that and it might come true!

Morgan: You've always been jealous of us Bramwell, you've always wanted what we had!
Bramwell: Catherine was mine!
M: Well, she isn't anymore.
B: She WILL be!

Nicholas to Angelique: My dear Cassandra, how commonplace you've become!  Worrying about little human problems like some suburban housewife!

Nicholas: You've of course told him about your past my dear.
Angelique: No, I saw no reason to.
Nicholas laughs
A: What are you laughing at?
N: You!  How typically female!  You hide your own past from him, but you're FURIOUS w/him about his!

Angelique: I look forward to getting to know you, dear sister-in-law!
Julia: I know ALL about you now!

Joe: (referring to the mausoleum) I think we should check it out.
Roger: Have you gone stark raving mad?
J: You heard what he said Roger, he heard voices!
R: Of course he did!  He heard the pearl shaped tones of a spook saying boo!

Roger: Liz, shouldn't we ask cousin Barnabas to stay here?
Liz: How can we, when there are the two others?
R: Oh, THOSE two are of NO consequence and they can go anytime!
L: They are my guests and I'll decide how long they stay.
R: Now Liz, I'm not going to get into an argument w/you over those two, but Barnabas is a blood cousin and I think he should get more consideration than those two sea tramps!

Roger: Alright Kitten, let me get out my score pad and we'll go over the guests who are still ensconsed here.
Carolyn: Well, Jason is still here.
R: Check.
C: But Willie Loomis has gone.
R: Oh bravo!  You can't keep the jet set down can you?  Tell me, did he accept an invitation from the prince and princess of Monaco or could he simply not stand another one of Mrs. Johnson's famous boiled dinners!?

Think that's it for now.  More later I'm sure.  ;)
Title: Re: Favorite line of dialogue?
Post by: MagnusTrask on November 16, 2006, 04:30:50 PM
 [cheers] [cheers] [cheers]
Title: Re: Favorite line of dialogue?
Post by: Brandon Collins on November 16, 2006, 05:24:44 PM
Since there have been several mentions of Barnabas' and Burke's "dead mans eyes" speech, I decided to include it an the other "card simile" here. They are also part of my list.

"Do you know England personally, Mr. Devlin? Is that one of the places that will be engraved in your eyes when you're dead?" --Barn to Burke, 1967   (the other part is in my previous post)

"Barnabas, I wonder about something." --Burke
"What is it?" --Barn
"I wonder whether we really like each other."
"Why do you wonder that?"
"Well the way we talk to each other. The way we intimate things without really coming out and saying what's on our minds--as if we're playing a card game for very high stakes."
"What an interesting observation. And an interesting simile--a card game. I'll tell you something. I think of our relationship more as a duel. Two superb swordsman with highly sharpened blades. You thrust, I perry. I thrust, you perry."
"I prefer my simile to yours."
"Because mine is merely a game which one wins or loses, depending on the cards."
"And mine?"
"Well, yours seems a matter of complete desperation. Life or death. To lose a duel with you would be to lose everything, including one's life."
"But isn't that a purpose of a duel?"
"If a duel is necessary. Is it?"
"Well, that can't be determined until the sword is in ones hand. But you make me sound so evil, when all the time the stakes in a card game could be life or death."
"I think we've played ourselves into a stale mate."
"A temporary one."          (The hallmark statement!)
"Shall we drink then? To either a deck of cards or a saber."
"Well, that is certainly worthy of a toast."
Title: Re: Favorite line of dialogue?
Post by: David on November 17, 2006, 02:08:02 AM
Thanks Brandon.
That verbal duel between Barnabas & Burke is such a great moment on the show.
Such beautifully written words, and both actors were

Title: Re: Favorite line of dialogue?
Post by: IluvBarnabas on November 17, 2006, 05:47:46 AM
Two more pieces of dialogue from my favorite DS scene stealer, Nicholas Blair:

"I am much too talented to be drugging drinks!"


"Drugging drinks is not my style, I felt like an apprentice!"

 ;D ;D ;D

I swear as evil as Nicholas was he was also downright hilarious!
Title: Re: Favorite line of dialogue?
Post by: CallieWL on November 17, 2006, 07:03:05 PM
Speaking of Nicholas, one of my favorite things he said, when turning down a drink offer from Roger, was: "I don't have small vices."

That was one telling remark!
Title: Re: Favorite line of dialogue?
Post by: onmybelief on November 18, 2006, 09:56:26 PM
"You prayed for them to drop dead!"
Quentin in responce to Trask's saying that he had prayed for the Collins family to recover from Petofi's curse everyday.
Title: Re: Favorite line of dialogue?
Post by: Miranda on November 23, 2006, 05:53:39 PM
"Your beautiful face, so quiet as if you were asleep.  Am I never to see your eyes again?? So often they looked at me with love, and I returned nothing but hatred.  I was blinded by my fury that my rejection of you caused. And so throughout the years we battled and fought, and I never guessed, that beneath my rage, I felt a love as strong as yours!!"

A distraught Barnabas to the dead Angelique at the end of 1840....
Title: Re: Favorite line of dialogue?
Post by: Midnite on November 23, 2006, 06:44:12 PM
Miranda, was that from memory?  If so, wow!

onmybelief, it's great to see you posting!
Title: Re: Favorite line of dialogue?
Post by: IluvBarnabas on November 23, 2006, 07:37:33 PM
Quentin to Evan Hanley in 1897:

"You should see yourself: the cool, calm, collected Evan Hanley reduced to a terrified little man, no bigger than the rest of us!"
This was after [spoiler]Gregory Trask busted in on them when Evan was attempting to call the Devil to cure Quentin[/spoiler] ;) ;D
Quentin to Grandmama Edith in 1897:

"You're quite right, Grandmama, seeing Edward IS reason enough to die!" ;D ;D ;D
Quentin to Magda about Judith:

"You said it would be a woman who would try to kill me. I don't know if anyone could correctly classify Judith
as that." ;D

Quentin to Judith about Edward:

"My fear of Edward? Proud, pompous, insufferable, arrogant Edward? My dear, Edward couldn't inspire fear in a mouse!" ;D

Boy Quentin in the early part of 1897 sure had some great zingers, they were so hilarious.
Title: Re: Favorite line of dialogue?
Post by: Miranda on November 24, 2006, 01:06:31 AM
I will try to post a reply here again...thanks for the kind wishes, Midnite.  I do rather sheepishly admit that I did post that quote from memory, but I had seen the episode a couple of times rather recently when I had DS DVD 25..from Netflix...
Title: Re: Favorite line of dialogue?
Post by: retzev on November 24, 2006, 01:52:30 AM
"I'll be hiding behind the draperies."

- Barnabas

Title: Re: Favorite line of dialogue?
Post by: IluvBarnabas on November 24, 2006, 03:32:17 AM
Elizabeth to Jason:

"A few years in prison would be preferable to a lifetime with you!"

Great line and insult!  ;)

Gregory Trask to Judith after [spoiler]Minerva's murder:[/spoiler]

"I should have known a woman of your high character would respond to another's grief."

Not exactly a memorable line but he just sounded so full of it it was funny.
Title: Re: Favorite line of dialogue?
Post by: Raineypark on November 24, 2006, 11:40:40 PM
(Willie Loomis) "Barnabas....you're talking like a man whose secretary is missing and I know that's how you don't feel!!"

(nothing like a little mangled brooklyneese to make one smile!!..... [lghy] )
Title: Re: Favorite line of dialogue?
Post by: IluvBarnabas on November 25, 2006, 02:24:35 AM
And of course who could forget this piece of dialogue from our favorite witch from Martinique:

"I set a curse on you Barnabas Collins! You wanted your Josette so much, well you shall have her! But not in a way you would have chosen. You will never rest Barnabas, and you will never be able to love anyone. For whoever loves you shall die. That is my curse, and you will live with it through all eternity!"

Great piece of acting from Lara Parker from a great episode.

Title: Re: Favorite line of dialogue?
Post by: retzev on January 02, 2007, 02:00:56 AM
"You were found on the steps of Collinwood wearing a ridiculously short skirt."

- Count Petofi to Dr. Julia Hoffman
Title: Re: Favorite line of dialogue?
Post by: barnabasjr on January 02, 2007, 02:23:29 AM
"You were found on the steps of Collinwood wearing a ridiculously short skirt."

- Count Petofi to Dr. Julia Hoffman
Cousin, I hope that means you are finally into the meat of 1897, where a fabulous time was had by all, yours truly included. [62b2]
Title: Re: Favorite line of dialogue?
Post by: retzev on January 02, 2007, 04:41:02 AM
Yep, just watched that episode last night -  it's getting really good !
Title: Re: Favorite line of dialogue?
Post by: arashi on January 02, 2007, 06:29:44 AM
From an episode I just watched:

I have become my own greatest work of art. Mwahahaha! -Charles Delaware Tate

I don't know why but that ALWAYS cracks me up.
Title: Re: Favorite line of dialogue?
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on January 02, 2007, 04:06:56 PM
I have become my own greatest work of art. Mwahahaha! -Charles Delaware Tate

I don't know why but that ALWAYS cracks me up.

Probably because the way RD delivers it is so maniacal.  [santa_grin]
Title: Re: Favorite line of dialogue?
Post by: barnabasjr on January 04, 2007, 03:35:36 AM
I think I've seen this mentioned somewhere on here a long time ago, but I recently viewed the pre-1897 episode where, after both Janet Findley and Ezra Braithwaite have both [spoiler]succumbed to heart failure,[/spoiler] Barnabas says to Julia, "Curious so many hearts should stop in this house." Classic! [a345]
Title: Re: Favorite line of dialogue?
Post by: dom on January 04, 2007, 03:44:51 AM
Liz: "Because I choose to do so!"
Title: Re: Favorite line of dialogue?
Post by: Bob_the_Bartender on January 04, 2007, 04:19:30 AM
Barnabas to Burke Devlin:

"Serenity is my favorite emotion."
Title: Re: Favorite line of dialogue?
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on January 04, 2007, 03:29:03 PM
Liz: "Because I choose to do so!"

I've been wondering how long it was going to take for you to post that.  [b003]
Title: Re: Favorite line of dialogue?
Post by: dom on January 04, 2007, 04:13:19 PM

Well, you know me, it takes me 14 days to write and submit a sentence, lol.
Title: Re: Favorite line of dialogue?
Post by: Gothick on January 04, 2007, 04:48:09 PM
This isn't my favorite line, but I thought of it recently because it's such a delicious verbal put-down of Angelique.  In 1897, Laura tells Ang:  "You may be succeeding as a ... whatever you are ... but it doesn't hide the fact that you're a failure... AS A WOMAN."  This is followed by the two women swearing to destroy one another.

Just delicious stuff.

Title: Re: Favorite line of dialogue?
Post by: Alondra on January 23, 2007, 03:49:00 AM
 ;D What a great thread on one of my favorite subjects. I love the one line zingers more than the longer drawn out conversations, unless there are a lot of zingers in that conversation. Here is one between Trask and Nicholas (Jerry Lacy and Humbert Allen Astredo were fantastic in their scenes together. This one occurred when [spoiler]The wall where Trask had been sealed in 1795 by Barnabas fell down and his skeleton was revealed. Nicholas brought him back to life[/spoiler]

"Why have you disturbed my rest?"
"You have disrupted my plan, Reverend, and one bad turn deserves another."
"Who are you?"
"The one who has commanded you. The one you will obey. Surely you must know by now, Reverend, that there is no rest for the wicked."
"I am a man of God!"
"A man of God indeed. In your time you were the greatest of all possible fools, Mr. Trask!"
"Reverend Trask!"
"You were a blind, overzealous fanatic, a bigot and a fraud, intolerant, cruel and unjust. A man after my own heart!"


Here's one with Evan Hanley and Gregory Trask in 1897

"I have the power of the Almighty fighting on my side!"
"I didn't know that the Almighty faught on the side of the cruel and the greedy."
"Taking over Collinwood was the kindest thing I could do. Can I leave the lunatics to run the asylum? The animals to run the zoo?"

I hated him for this!!!

At the beginning of the 1897 storyline when [spoiler]Judith learned that she had gotten everything in grandmama's will[/spoiler] she called her brothers down and said, "I'm going to read you your obituaries!"

Later in that storyline Quentin said to Trask, "You make my life miserable just by existing!" That's one of my favorite quotes.

When [spoiler]Evan and Quentin called up the devil, who showed up but Trask![/spoiler] and he said, "You called for the devil and you got me!" I thought it was fitting. I thought he'd say, "The devil couldn't make it so he sent me, his head henchman!"

Quentin when [spoiler]Magda told him he was gonna die and it would be a woman with the initial J who would kill him[/spoiler] said, "Of course a woman's gonna kill me! I wouldn't have it any other way!"

I could have more but I prefer to get the quotes at least close to exact. So I'll be back.

Alondra ;D
Title: Re: Favorite line of dialogue?
Post by: Jackie on January 23, 2007, 04:40:18 AM
When [spoiler]Evan and Quentin called up the devil, who showed up but Trask![/spoiler] and he said, "You called for the devil and you got me!" I thought it was fitting. I thought he'd say, "The devil couldn't make it so he sent me, his head henchman!"

I LOVE this one!  [laughing_devil] Priceless since they were calling for the devil and Trask walked in. [and the difference is??] Very fitting.
Title: Re: Favorite line of dialogue?
Post by: retzev on July 25, 2007, 12:13:38 PM
Julia:   "Where is Mr.[Grant] Douglas?"

Olivia:  "Well, he's in his room as far as I know, but...this is not the right time to see him."

Julia:   "Why not?"

Olivia:  "Well, he was disturbed by something today and he took to drinking quite heavily, and as far as I know he's sleeping it off."

Julia:    *grinning devilishly and heading for the door - "This is definitely the right time to see him."

- episode 916
Title: Re: Favorite line of dialogue?
Post by: Willie Loomis on October 17, 2007, 06:43:51 PM
Dennis Patrick's Character to Liz (Jason I believe):  I'll be leaving tomorrow......

Liz:  Anything I can do to speed the day?????

such a great retort from her!
Title: Re: Favorite line of dialogue?
Post by: Garth Blackwood on July 12, 2008, 11:10:23 AM
Count Petofi has a lot of awesome lines, in my opinion. My favorite that I can remember, said to Aristede as Garth Blackwood approaches Tate's studio,

"You are wasting the few precious moments you have left"

also the subsequent lines in that scene are pretty sweet. I think that one was more about the delivery, as it doesn't seem that great written out, lol.. Also Quentin has a lot of good lines in 1897. My favorite, said to Barnabas right after they meet for the first time:

"I suggest you start talking. Five minutes go by rather quickly when a man is about to die."
Title: Re: Favorite line of dialogue?
Post by: GooberCollins on July 12, 2008, 01:07:41 PM
Having only seen the series once, I only really remember the goofs or ones that just sounded wrong. The incestors line, of course, but also:

"I don't like it when men try to handle me." ~ Adam

"When your husband... disturbed me... he was looking for the family jewels..." ~ Barnabas to Magda, 1897

And I found this little exchange interesting:

Carolyn: I've only ever heard [David] say he loved something once before.
Vicki: What was that?
Carolyn: When I went to visit him in Bangor once, he had a little kitten. He told me he loved it.
Vicki: What happened to the kitten?
Carolyn: He drowned it.

I probably didn't get that exactly right.
Title: Re: Favorite line of dialogue?
Post by: Garth Blackwood on July 12, 2008, 10:42:53 PM
That family jewels remark reminded me of something that Barnabas said at one point. I think it was said to Magda

"In exchange for you help I will give you a small but valueable piece of the family jewels"

LOL!! The Julia in Magda (assuming their resemblance in meaningful) must have gotten excited to hear this.

As a side note, I always figured that Natalie and Andre Dupree had another sister, she married a man named Hoffman and had a son. This son moved from Martinique. He had a wife and family, but on business trip had a one-night stand with a gypsy, resulting in Magda. The legitimate part of his line eventually lead to Dr Hoffman.
Title: Re: Favorite line of dialogue?
Post by: MagnusTrask on July 12, 2008, 11:24:30 PM
Was Barnabas in 1897 using up the same jewels that he was giving to Willie for expenses in 1967?
Title: Re: Favorite line of dialogue?
Post by: Garth Blackwood on July 12, 2008, 11:31:41 PM
Was Barnabas in 1897 using up the same jewels that he was giving to Willie for expenses in 1967?

Yeah so when he returns to 1969, there should be lawn chairs in the Old House, and Barnabas now sleeps in a cheap wooden box (he had to sell the other coffin) and finds himself wearing a t-shirt, cut-off shorts, and a pair of beaten up sneakers.
Title: Re: Favorite line of dialogue?
Post by: MagnusTrask on July 12, 2008, 11:33:33 PM
Of course he refuses to rebox himself after 1897 so he shouldn't end up in 1967 to begin with.... fun image though....
Title: Re: Favorite line of dialogue?
Post by: borgosi on August 28, 2008, 11:13:07 PM
One of my favorite lines is when Willie, while locked in the secret room of the Collins Mausoleum, says "This gives me the willies, the willies, that's funny" or something like that.
Title: Re: Favorite line of dialogue?
Post by: Janet the Wicked on August 29, 2008, 12:33:50 AM
Buzz: If you feel it, sit it.
Title: Re: Favorite line of dialogue?
Post by: IluvBarnabas on August 29, 2008, 01:35:41 AM
Gregory Trask to Magda: "Did you see my wife?"

Magda replies "Which one?"

This is after [spoiler] Minerva's ghost, under the control of Evan Hanley on Trask's orders, is haunting Judith. Judith sends for Magda, Magda comes and Trask forces her to lie to Judith that she doesn't see Minerva's spirit. [/spoiler]

Leave it to Magda to come up with another brilliant wisecrack! I also loved how she told him off before she left the house.