Author Topic: Robservations 9/26/02 - #664/665 - Farewell, Vicki; Barnabas in Deep Trouble  (Read 1861 times)

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664 - (Thayer David) - Night at Collinwood, but this is not Collinwood as it exists in the present. It is the Collinwood of 1796. For Barnabas Collins has been drawn back into the past. Forces beyond the grave have brought him here to save the life of Victoria Winters. Today he will succeed or fail. In returning to the past, he has had to pay a penalty. He has become what he was, and as a consequence, he must endure wave upon wave of terror--terror that will seemingly never end.

Barnabas, bearing a candelabra, screams for Ben, who comes racing downstairs. Barnabas, his face sick, tells him that the girl I attacked on the docks is in the study. Ben thinks he took her there, but Barnabas tells him no, he FOUND her there! Ben wonders how she got in, he didn't see anyone come enter--this has got to end, says Ben, no matter what happens to him. Ben asks if she's all right, and gulps. No, says Barnabas, she's dead! Ben is horrified. Barnabas asks him to help him dispose of the body. However, it turns out the figure sitting in the chair in the study isn't Crystal, but Angelique, looking very much alive, beautiful and grinning wickedly! (A GREAT moment!)

Ben and Barnabas stare at the witch, who greets them both cordially. "We all meet again," she says. Ben says he knew she'd come back someday. Angelique asks Ben to leave her alone with Barnabas, who asks Ben to leave them. She stares at Barnabas, who realizes she was "Crystal." "To allow you to view one of your victims," she says gaily. Why? he asks.
To show you I still have ALL of my powers, something I wanted you to know. How did you return to this time? asks Barn. Ang explains--I must remain in this century now, as punishment for my past mistakes--mistakes I will never make again. He frowns at her, then asks how she found out about him--about his return to this century. Never mind, I found out, and I know WHY you returned, she says--to save your precious Vicki from hanging. Barnabas assumes she's there to stop him. No, she says, I'm here to help you. He doesn't believe her. I have the power to save Vicki, she says. Barnabas wonders why, given that Angelique hates Vicki. She admits--I do hate her, but I will do it if you will make a bargain with me--I must remain in this time forever, and I want you to stay with me--and never make any attempt to return to the future. Why do you want me to stay? He asks. So we can be together, she says. "After all that's happened, you still want me?" he asks. Replies Ang, "I'm your wife. Husbands and wives should be together." She lifts her ring finger to show she is still wearing the ring he placed there on their wedding day. He darts forward and venomously informs her--I can't even pretend to love you. She retorts that she isn't asking him to pretend anything, she only asks him to stay here with her. If I stay, I would remain as I am, he reminds her. Yes, says Ang, it would be quite a sacrifice--are you willing to make it for your precious Miss Winters? Can I trust you? Barnabas demands. Can you save Vicki alone? she counters. No, he admits. Then you have no choice, she says, you must trust me. Perhaps, he says. She softly asks, will you stay with me--forever? He repeats "Forever." (reminds me of their encounter when she was the vampire and he human, the dialogue was eerily similar). She says she knows what it is, but she is compelled to force him to play it to the hilt, and demands he say it. "YES!" he cries. You've made a wise decision, she praises, one you should have made many years ago, when we first met. What is your plan is to save Vicki? he asks. Simple, she assures him.

Peter Bradford and Vicki are together in her cell. She asks the time. He sits beside her, caressing her hair, and tells her to stop thinking of the time. It's nearly midnight, she says--they'll soon be coming for me. It's not going to happen, he insists. She closes her eyes and tells him it will--and we can't stop it. She sobs. He holds and kisses her.

Barnabas slips on his cloak. Ben comes out and asks if "she" is gone. Yes, says Barnabas, I have many things to attend to and little time. Ben overheard what Angelique said, and feels Barnabas is a fool to trust her. Barnabas agrees he might be. She doesn't want to help Miss Winters, says Ben--she never did anything good, never anything but evil. Barnabas is well aware of that. Why did you agree to the bargain then? Asks Ben. What else could I do? asks Barnabas--I can't save Vicki myself, and if there's once chance I can believe Angelique, I must accept her offer. Ben thinks he's taking a mighty big risk, but Barnabas is willing to do this to save Vicki.

Vicki remarks on the irony--I can't expect you to understand because I don't myself, but somehow, I managed to return to the same time in history as before, and am reliving it again, and it's going to happen and we can't stop it.
Peter tries to calm her, holding her shoulders, telling her Barnabas found a way to free him and will find a way to free her. Vicki doesn't believe it, but Peter encourages her to do so. I've tried to, she says. He hugs her, and she clings to him.

Peter and Vicki sit on the bed in her cell, where she tells him that, before, when it happened, she managed to escape. "What?" asks Peter. That was because there was someone to take my place, says Vicki, now there's no one. Peter says he doesn't understand, and she tells him not to listen to her, gazing at him with love. Peter tells her not to say anything else, just to let him hold her. They hear someone coming. He assures her he loves her and kisses her deeply. Barnabas enters the cell. Listen, he tells them--I can save your life--follow my instructions: "Go to the gallows," orders Barnabas, shocking Vicki-- you'll be safe if you do everything I tell you to do. Peter looks unhappy. Vicki agrees. First, Barnabas tells her, refuse the hangman's mask--second, you must not panic, be afraid or ask questions, because something unexpected might happen--IF you do as I tell you, no harm will come to you--trust me. I do, Vicki assures him. They arrive to take her for the hanging; she clings to Peter. Remember what I told you, says Barnabas. She stands. Barnabas is forced to watch as Vicki and Peter embrace and kiss. I love you, says Peter. The jailer separates them and orders her to come with him. Peter and Vicki look longingly at each other as she is taken away. I love you and will find you, no matter what happens, Peter assures her. They kiss again (a good kiss), and he says one more, "I love you." Barnabas pulls Peter off Vicki--there's nothing YOU can do, only I can help her, says Barn. Peter turns on Barnabas, saying he had Forbes' confession before, but he doesn't have it now, and Vicki is on her way to the gallows!
I meant everything I said, Barnabas assures him. Peter demands to know how he will save her. Barnabas reluctantly reveals that Angelique will save Vicki. Peter is stunned. Angelique will be there when Vicki goes to the gallows, reveals Barnabas--as soon Vicki goes, Angelique will put her under a spell before the noose is placed around her neck--Vicki will fall to the ground and appear to be dead--they will take her back to Collinwood, where Angelique will release her from the spell. Peter insists it's insanity, but Barnabas says it's their only chance to save her. Peter shouts that Angelique is the witch who's been persecuting Vicki all along; why would she want to save her now? Barnabas says she agreed to it--and asks Peter to refrain from further. They hear the drumbeats coming from the gallows area and head outside. The gallows has been tested with a heavy canvas bag. Vicki is led outside, and we see her face in the oval of the hanging noose. Frightened, she gazes at Peter and Barnabas, who are standing nearby, then at the noose. Peter asks where Angelique Is. Barnabas, equally nervous, says she promised to be here. Where is she? demands Peter. Vicki walks up the steps and turns. Barnabas desperately calls to Angelique, looking around for her in panic. I'm not going to allow this to happen! says Peter. Vicki is offered a face mask and refuses it. The hangman helps her up on the platform and places the noose around her neck. Barnabas continues frantically calling to Angelique. The signal is given. Peter darts forward to stop the proceedings, telling Vicki he loves her and will find her. Barnabas calls to Angelique, loudly, screaming for his witch-wife. The ladder upon which Vicki is standing is pushed away, and her legs dangle as she hangs.

The rope is slipped from around Vicki's throat. She looks peaceful--and dead. She is declared such by the hangman, who says, "May God have mercy on her soul." Peter miserable, kneels and takes the lifeless body in his arms. He holds her, insisting, "You aren't going to take her away from me, I'm keeping her!" They tell him he can claim the body and dispose of it as he wishes. Peter kisses Vicki's forehead. Barnabas, standing behind him, mutters, "Vicki. . .dead." You failed me, accuses Peter, and I trusted you. Barnabas says he's willing to accept the responsibility. Peter laments not taking matters into his own hands. Barnabas says it's too late to think about what might have been. Peter agrees, still holding Vicki in his arms. We'll take her back to Collinwood, says Barnabas. Peter insists, I'm staying with her, hugging her.

At Collinwood, Ben says he was afraid this would happen--Barnabas never should have trusted the witch!--she planned it this way, it had to happen. Ben is very sad. Vicki is laid out in the study, a candelabra in the room. Peter, Ben and Barnabas stand by, sorrowful. Peter kisses her lips and runs out. Barnabas and Ben stare at her. I did everything I could to save her, sighs Barnabas, and I failed. He bows his head. Angelique is coming here tomorrow, Barnabas tells Ben, at sunset, expecting me to go away with her. Ben asks what he plans to do. I'll tell you later, replies Barnabas--we should go find Bradford, see what's happened to him. They leave Vicki alone.

Angelique appears from the shadows. She steps out and gazes down at her rival. "Victoria Winters, you are in my power now," she says, "and I will never release you from my spell, for if you should live, Barnabas would love you--and he will never have the woman he loves."
He eyes are wide with determination and jealousy.

NOTES: Excellent show. It's nice to see our favorite witch hasn't lost her desire to chase her poor vampire husband through time and space. The most interesting is yet to come, my friends. Wait until next week. And for those of you who felt Barnabas was really selfish for proposing to Vicki, you will see just how unselfish he can really be when the circumstances call for it. And isn't this Vicki lovely? She reminds me so much more of Miss Moltke.

Sooo, Vicki is in the witch's power now? Does that mean she's dead or alive? Is she playing another game with Barnabas? Doesn't she want him to stay with her in the 18th century? Surely she can keep her jealousy under control--ah, but this is Angelique we're talking about, and if she does have a middle name, I bet it's Jealous!

665 - (Thayer David) - Dusk at Collinwood, and Barnabas Collins soon will rise.  But he will find himself in the Collinwood of 1796, for he has been drawn backward into time to save Victoria Winters from hanging.  He has seemingly failed in that task, for at midnight on the previous night, she was hanged and pronounced dead.  Everyone at Collinwood is mourning her death, all but one--the witch who caused that death and who even now controls her from beyond the grave.

Vicki lies, seemingly dead, in the drawing room at Collinwood. Angelique comes out from the shadows of the room and says, grinning evilly, "Soon, they will come for you, bury you, never knowing the real truth. They will place you in your casket and bury you in the earth. Then, and only then, will I release you from my spell. You will awaken and find yourself in your tomb, a tomb from which you can never escape. You will scream, and cry out for help, but no one will hear you. Then gradually, you will die again, and this death will be the most terrifying death of all. But what death could be more fitting for the woman Barnabas loves?" (That is so bitchy, Angelique, and do you really think Barnabas will want to stay with you after such a betrayal?)

Barnabas rises from his coffin in the secret room. Ben is waiting for him. Barnabas asks if he's ready. Ben, smiling, assures him, I am.

Peter stands vigil at Vicki's side. Millicent and Natalie join him. The latter suggests he rest or have something to eat, at least. Peter wants neither. Millicent says he must leave Vicki sometime, after she's buried. Stop it, cries Peter--she won't be buried because I'm not letting anyone take her away--I can't! Angelique, standing in the foyer, overhears this. Natalie wishes there was something she could say or do, but Peter says Vicki's dead and I must accept it--there's nothing else anyone can do. Angelique troops upstairs.

Barnabas is smiling as he wanders the tower room. Angelique joins him. I can't believe you showed up, given that you betrayed me, he says--you let Vicki go to the gallows and hang. She did have to undergo the hanging, yes, agrees Ang.
How can you claim not to have betrayed me? he demands. Because, says Angelique, when Vicki was hanged she was under my spell. Barnabas accuses her of lying. No, she says, Vicki only seems to be dead--when I release her from my spell, she'll live again. And when will that be? demands Barn. When we leave this place together, she responds. Barnabas asks if she really thinks he'd go away with her, that he'd trust her? She gracefully moves toward him and says if he refuses to trust her, Vicki will die, horribly. No, says Barnabas, grinning grimly, "It is you who will face destruction!" He pulls open the door. Ben, holding aloft a blazing torch, comes bolting toward her. Barnabas cries, "It is you who will face destruction, by fire, the death you deserve!" Ben sets the hem of her dress on fire. Angelique begins to scream. "BURN, BURN, BURN!" screams Ben. Angelique struggles against the flames as they consume her, her screams echoing until she disappears altogether.

Peter hears Angelique's screams from the drawing room. Vicki awakens and touches him. He grabs her into his arms. "You're alive!" he cries, hugging her closely, basking in pleasure of knowing she is alive. Ben and Barnabas happily survey their handiwork. "She's gone!" proclaims Barnabas joyously. Forever, agrees Ben. We were finally able to get rid of her, exults Barnabas--Ben, scatter her ashes to the winds so all traces are gone. Ben assures him nothing would give him more pleasure. As they exit the tower room, Natalie spots them, although they do not see her. "Barnabas!" she gasps. "But he's dead!" She enters the tower room and sees the coffin. She walks around it, looking over the room, then opens it and looks inside.

Peter tells Vicki he saw her hanged, which puzzles her. I remember standing on the gallows, she says--next thing I knew, I was here with you--how is it possible? Peter needs no explanation, he says, just the fact that you're here is good enough for me. He pulls her close for a big kiss. Barnabas comes in. "Vicki!" he cries. He stares at her, shocked.  Peter is smiling.

Millicent comes to Natalie in the tower room and asks what she's doing here. I heard screaming, says Natalie. Millicent did, too, and found it most curious. "Barnabas," says Natalie, and, seemingly in a trance, tells Millicent she saw him--he's alive. Millicent knows, she saw him, too, but no one would believe her. No one pays much attention to what I say, whines Millicent. "I saw him die," protests Natalie. Millicent suggests perhaps he didn't really die. I saw him die, repeats Natalie--and what is this coffin doing here? Millicent bitches that's another thing--people constantly ask her things she can't answer. Natalie says she didn't really see Barnabas, perhaps she only imagined it. No, she saw him, says Millicent, and so did Nathan, who said the most outrageous things, she begins to wonder if Nathan is mentally well. Millicent tells Natalie Forbes wanted her to destroy Barnabas--by driving a stake through his heart. Stake? asks Natalie, taken aback. Millicent wonders how Nathan could expect HER to do such a thing. I'm beginning to understand it all, says Natalie, and gasps.

Barnabas rejoices in the miracle of Vicki's resurrection, which he can't explain. Apparently, Angelique did put a spell on Vicki, and when the witch was engulfed in flames, the spell was broken. "If you hadn't destroyed. . ." Vicki begins to say. Barnabas tells her not to even think about it. Peter comes in, putting on his jacket--we can leave now, he says, everything is packed. Barnabas advises them to go as quickly as possible and go as far away as they can. Peter grabs Vicki's hand and says they're going out West--no one knows us out there, and we can get married. "I'll never see either of you again," says Barnabas sadly. "Be happy, both of you." Peter thanks Barnabas for all he's done. Vicki being alive is enough for me, says Barn--just go. Grinning, Peter shakes Barnabas' hand. Vicki asks to be alone with Barnabas for a few moments. Peter agrees. Barnabas tells her not to linger, so they'll be safe. I wanted to say goodbye to you, she says, softly "No matter what happens, no matter where we go, I'll always feel close to you.
No matter where we are, I'll always feel that you're somewhere nearby." "Goodbye, Vicki," he says. "Goodbye, Barnabas," she replies, and gently kisses his cheek. (boy, that's all he gets after what he did?) He looks after her, bereft, selfless, sad. She's gone, lost to him forever.

Natalie tells Millicent it doesn't seem possible, and yet it must be. Millicent is confused. Natalie tells her of legends about dead men who walk in the night and exist on the blood of the living--vampires! Millicent gasps and clutches her handkerchief. She asks Natalie if she knows what she's saying. I should have guessed, says Natalie--my poor Josette, just before she died how pale she was. Millicent doesn't understand. Barnabas was trying to make Josette what he is, explains Natalie--one of the living dead, which is why she leaped from Widows' Hill.
Millicent still can't connect, so Natalie spells it out, "Barnabas Collins destroyed Josette--I will avenge her death.  As God is my witness, I will destroy Barnabas Collins!"

Down in the foyer, Ben questions Barnabas about his reference to returning--where is he returning from? Barnabas asks him not to ask questions, he's accomplished what he set out to accomplish, and now he must go back (to the future--did Zemeckis get his idea from DS?) He told Julia to meet him at the appointed place in 48 hours. . .now Ben is puzzled. At 8 o'clock, he must be there in the cemetery where he found him. Ben thinks Barnabas is behaving oddly because of all that's happened. Barnabas rushes to get his coat, it's very close to 8 PM. Ben tells him there's no point in him going out there. I'm not going to argue with you, says Barn. Ben insists on going with him. On the landing, Millicent and Natalie watch the two men depart. Natalie grabs her coat and orders Millicent to follow Barnabas--don't let him out of your sight! Millicent doesn't like this adventure, but Natalie is forceful and demands she come along.

Barnabas leads Ben to the place where he arranged to meet Julia. Ben knows no one named Julia, but Barnabas tells him, just do as I say, and accept what happens, even if you don't understand. Ben promises to do whatever Barnabas wants him to. Barnabas steps forward and calls to Julia, "Hear me. Hear my voice echoing through the centuries. Hear me and draw me to you, draw me forward in time. Julia, let me return to you, let me return to you. Julia, hear my voice, hear me! I am here, Julia, waiting. Concentrate! Draw me to you! Draw me to you!"

Natalie and Millicent hover in the bushes, listening. Barnabas tells Ben he doesn't understand what's happening, this should work. Ben suggests they go home now. Barnabas refuses--it must work, it has to--perhaps the rest of the past must continue as it did, suggests Barn--perhaps Julia is to find him as Willie found him. Ben is confused by yet another new name. Barnabas orders him to come along with him. Ben follows, lantern held high. They go to the secret room. Barnabas tells Ben he'll stay here when the sun rises. Ben is confused, but Barn asks him to just do as he asks--leave and return tomorrow morning and put chains around the coffin. Ben protests.
Tell Joshua what happened, asks Barnabas. Ben wishes he could understand. Barn says this is the most merciful way for me to be destroyed--and I must be destroyed. Leave now, he tells Ben, and come back with the chains and tightly chain the coffin--make sure no one ever disturbs my final rest--Goodbye, Ben, you've been a good friend--You'll never see me again. Ben leaves, giving Barnabas one last perturbed glance before doing so. Natalie is gazing through the gate at what Ben is doing.

Dawn - Natalie, accompanied by Nathan, enters the mausoleum. They carry a stake and mallet. He asks her if she's sure she knows what she's doing; she assures him she does. I had you released from prison to help me, says Natalie, but you can always go back there. He doesn't want that. Then do what must be done, she insists. (But how can he, being Barnabas' victim?) Natalie opens the secret door and goes in. Nathan follows her. You were telling the truth, he observes. Of course, I wouldn't lie, she says--open the coffin. He looks unsure. You're supposed to be brave, she points out--open it. He does. Barnabas lies inside, hands crossed over his chest. "You see?" says Natalie--he can't harm you now. "No," agrees Nathan. "Destroy him," hisses Natalie in his ear. Nathan draws back the arm holding the mallet and plunges it down toward the stake pressed against Barnabas' heart.

NOTES: Well, this sure didn't happen originally! Is Nathan going to destroy Barnabas, with Natalie's help? And given that Millicent, too, was Barn's victim, how is it she isn't protecting him? I'm pleased Vicki was sent off with the fella she loves (although why she loves him, I can't imagine), but all this digression from vampire lore as it's been presented on DS just doesn't make sense. Technically, Nathan and Millicent should both be wanting to kill Natalie! This is just hard to take.

A sad farewell between Vicki and Barnabas, and this time, she did kiss him. You have to hope she'll be happy, since she never did learn her origins. I remember hoping for her eternal happiness in the 18th century, but we later learn disturbing news about Vicki that infuriates long-time viewers. I know some people wished Barnabas and Vicki had had some physical contact when he proposed to her and she refused. Well, here you got your tender goodbye. Granted, Barn deserved more after all he did, and the danger he's in now, but at least he got a little thank you peck on the cheek.

Love, Robin

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I know some people wished Barnabas and Vicki had had some physical contact when he proposed to her and she refused. Well, here you got your tender goodbye. Granted, Barn deserved more after all he did, and the danger he's in now, but at least he got a little thank you peck on the cheek.
Poor Barnabas...

He's such a fool for love.
BARNABAS: Here at Collinwood, old hates don't die. They lie in wait for the innocent and unsuspecting...

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I was a bit surprised to see Natalie's shocked reaction to Barnabas.  Didn't Joshua explain to her the nature of Barnabas's curse before they summoned Bathia Mapes?  If so, then I'm not sure why Natalie is so vengeful against Barnabas now when she was willing to help before.  


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I was a bit surprised to see Natalie's shocked reaction to Barnabas.  Didn't Joshua explain to her the nature of Barnabas's curse before they summoned Bathia Mapes?  If so, then I'm not sure why Natalie is so vengeful against Barnabas now when she was willing to help before.

I thought the same thing myself, but, of course, the continuity's not always the greatest on DS. Though it is good to see Vampy Barnabas back to his murderous self--struttin' 'round in his cool 1795 costume.

It's also nice to see Ben Stokes.

Where was Louis Edmonds during this time? On vacation? Off doing a play? ?!?
BARNABAS: Here at Collinwood, old hates don't die. They lie in wait for the innocent and unsuspecting...

QUENTIN: We're guaranteed to make you believe (spells) exist. Our entire family can be explained in no other way...

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Where was Louis Edmonds during this time? On vacation? Off doing a play? ???
We did see him a couple of episodes ago as Joshua when Barnabas was telling Julia how it transpired the first time - unless they inserted tapes from the original, but I assumed that they enacted it all again.

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We did see him a couple of episodes ago as Joshua when Barnabas was telling Julia how it transpired the first time - unless they inserted tapes from the original, but I assumed that they enacted it all again.
Much of that was so poorly edited together, I simply assume that they re-used the original footage.

That would also account as to why Joshua was supposedly looking for Barnabas in Bangor--and why Ben Stokes was given Joshua's lines in the den scene with Lt. Forbes.
BARNABAS: Here at Collinwood, old hates don't die. They lie in wait for the innocent and unsuspecting...

QUENTIN: We're guaranteed to make you believe (spells) exist. Our entire family can be explained in no other way...


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DVD episodes for August 6th and 9th.
The 9th and 10th episodes on Set#12/Disc#1 (4th and 5th episodes on MPI tape Volume #86)