Author Topic: It's official: Dark Shadows returns as a film with Johnny Depp  (Read 468507 times)

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Another Johnny Depp interview where he attempts to explain the new version and take on the script.

Among the many things that are fascinating with this film is that it's seemingly as if Depp has his hands on a totally different script than others do. Obviously that's not the case. But it's interesting to say the least that Richard D. Zanuck and Colleen Atwood have described the script as being funny, yet Depp has talked about how dark Barnabas will be, how his take on Barn will be very close to Frid's (which is certainly a serious take on the character), and how things are in keeping with the original series (which always took its subject matter seriously and presented it as such). I am sure that eventually we will be able to reconcile the seeming disparity of descriptions. But I suppose that until then we just have to hold on to what Depp says, particularly when he's closer to the project than the others who have commented are and it's his interpretation of the script that's going to be front and center...

Thanks for the link, jimbo  [snow_smiley]

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Hmmm - I see where IMDb has changed Bella Heathcote's character name from Vicki to Victoria. They've also changed Helena Bonham Carter's status to "rumored."


Also, despite those reports that say the film will begin shooting in May, they're still saying April...

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Thanks for that link, MB.  I did play the interview out of simple curiosity to see what JD would say about the series.

Maybe the simple explanation of the difference in how the script is being described is that Zanuck and Atwood are suits who don't have a clue, while Depp is a fan and reads the material through a fan's eyes?

I thought HBC looked less than excited to be playing Julia in her Oscar clip.  I chalk it up to extreme nervousness as she realizes just WHOSE shoes she's stepping into--one of the most distinguished actresses of the 20th century!

I would love a stunt cameo for Mrs Johnson--I'm thinking Kathy Bates?


Offline Nightfall59

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It sounded like HBC was hoping to play Angelique. But maybe it was just meant to be a joke that her honey Tim Burton thought she was better suited to play an "alcoholic psychiatrist" than a "sexy witch"? Ribbing between lovers and spouses doesn't always translate well.

Not sure how I feel about the "alcoholic" tag. A parallel between the need for alcohol and the need for blood could give the character of Julia a little something extra besides the usual she loved him from afar motivation. But, for all we know, Tim Burton may think all the "normal" characters in the old series were alcoholics!

I'm wondering when we are going to hear something about the remainder of the casting? Who will play Roger, Carolyn, David? Since they are still describing Elizabeth as a "matriarch", I'm assuming she still has a family.

And will there be a Maggie? Or would two main ingenues be too much for a (I'm guessing) two-hour movie?
"Not without you. NEVER without you."
Barnabas to Julia, 1970

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Quote from: ShadowGram
Updating the new DS motion picture starring Johnny Depp and directed by Tim Burton:
SG reported screenwriter John August wrote a draft script. Last July, Seth Grahame-Smith was brought in to "revise" the script. Seth's "been working to finish it and is making final polishes. The film promises to be faithful to the DS legacy as well as infusing the unique style and personality of Johnny Depp and his longtime collaborator Tim Burton. The storyline expects to introduce new elements not seen in previous tellings of DS.
"It is expected the entire movie will be shot at Pinewood Studios in England and on location. The creative production staff that has been hired worked with Depp and Burton on previous genre pictures such as SLEEPY HOLLOW and SWEENEY TODD. Danny Elfman, Burton's music composer of choice, will score the film with new material, though Robert Cobert's original theme will likely be integrated into the production also."
As of SG's press date, "production was expected to begin in May and run several months. Post-production will go into next year, with theatrical release expected in 2012."

Well, that would seem to answer some of our questions.

The film promises to be faithful to the DS legacy. That's definitely good to see in print again.

The film will be infused with the unique style and personality of Johnny Depp. No problems there - especially given Depp's own remarks.

The film will be infused with the unique style and personality of Tim Burton. Less reassurance there - especially given Burton's own remarks. But one can certainly hope that he won't go overboard infusing his "unique style and personality."

The storyline expects to introduce new elements not seen in previous tellings of DS. Excellent to hear that the story won't be a complete rehash of what's come before. Though the producers had said already that changes were going to be made.

Danny Elfman will score the film with new material, though Robert Cobert's original theme will likely be integrated into the production also. So apparently Cobert is quite happy in his retirement. But then, it was a long shot that he would come out of retirement to score the film. And from what I've seen(or should that be heard  ;)) of Elfman's work, particularly in The Wolfman, I'm confident he will do a good job of capturing the DS vibe.

Start of production has indeed been shifted to May. (Entertainment Weekly's Web site was on top and out front on reporting the shift.)

Post-production will go into next year. That's an interesting new element. Seemingly there will be a lot of effects, visual and otherwise, and they'll take months to work on. Though I suppose that shouldn't be surprising.

Theatrical release is expected in 2012. No surprise there.

But still no hint about the waitress vs. governess question...

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This isn't really film related, but Helena Bonham Carter gets so much flack for what she wears at awards shows (particularly from people like Joan Rivers) that I thought this video is interesting simply for the fact that we get to hear HBC's thoughts on why she wears what she wears: Helena Bonham Carter: "I just want to wear what I want." (Cameo by Helen Mirren.)
(The link to the video is currently at the top of the page, but it will move down as more are added...)

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I thought HBC's ensemble was very elegant and distinctive, maybe even with some witty references to some of Tim Burton's hobbyhorses. 

I've always found Joan Rivers to be a shrieking, neon-lit, cybernetic harridan.  I heard that a documentary about her showed that there is still a person inside that plastic casing--I leave it for others to discover.

IMO Americans take fashion far too seriously.  The only time it gets really interesting is when people let loose and wear something extravagant, flamboyant, and possessing real character.  Otherwise it gets really boxy and robotic. 

cheers, G.

Offline jimbo

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Thanks MB. It seems to me that the movie will be filmed in 3-D if it is going to take that long in post production. If the movie starts filming in May and is expected to film for several months that still leaves approximately 5 months in 2011 for post production work. Perhaps as soon as the movie is filmed TB will immediately move on to another project and later in the year return to complete post production on the DS movie. Just thinking at loud. But we did learn several things today and confirmed.

Offline KMR

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Do you think they're still planning on doing DS in 3D? I don't see the point. Plus, I thought I read something recently about a significant fall-off in box office returns on 3D movies.

Even without 3D, if it doesn't start filming until May, it would be surprising for a production of this size to complete post work in 2011. I'm hoping for release earlier rather than later in 2012, though!!

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I'm just still finding it hard to really believe there's all this talk all around the place about Dark Shadows, with big names associated with it. Rather surreal! I mean, HBC talking about DS on the red carpet at the Oscars!?! This is just totally way beyond awesome!

Offline Taeylor Collins

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I have been at my grandmothers (without a computer but it's been nice to get away) so I am excited about all the news!  I think the alcoholic spin on Julia sounds great.  You know the biggest complaint over the years has been DS has been redone over and over with the same outcome.  I personally think this is great development and it will lend itself to reinventing the DS.  I didn't want HBC at first but I am warming up to her.  :)  I thought she looked great at the Oscars. However, when I saw Cate Blanchett I couldn't help but long for her to play Julia.  Nevertheless, I know she is capable hands with an Oscar Nominee!
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I adore Cate Blanchett, and the idea of her being in DS would be great; yeah, I could see her as Julia. If in a sequel they happened to incorporate Laura into the story, maybe that would be a good role for her.

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I see on IMDb where the film has added Joel Harlow as its makeup department head. Previously Harlow has worked as Depp's personal makeup artist on The Rum Diary, The Tourist, and Alice in Wonderland and as the makeup department head on Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, so I suppose it's not that much of a surprise to see he's been added.

One thing I'm almost as curious about as the script is what look Depp will go for for Barn...


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It's March, they start next month, isn't it time to cast more roles?
Prof Stokes
Joe Haskell/Jeff Clark/Burke (I suspect these roles will be combined)
Mrs Johnson

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This appears to be a little dated and largely restates what's already been reported, but I hadn't seen it posted here:

In a two hour movie that will include Barnabas, Julia, Elizabeth, Willy, Angelique and Victoria Winters, I won't be stunned if we've pretty much run the course of the major players in this version.  There's only so much screen time to go around.  I suspect that characters such as Carolyn and Roger will be minor in this adaptation.