Author Topic: Robservations 5/16/03 - Maggie and the Zombie; Followed By a Moon Poppy  (Read 1189 times)

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942 - Jeb picks up a book and sits reading at the desk. A man resembling Aristede enters.  Look around, Jeb invites him. When the man picks up a teapot, Jeb spots the Leviathan symbol on his ring. You didn't come to this place by accident, did you? asks Jeb. No, by design, replies the man
--I felt I could be useful here--"I'll do anything," the man assures him.

I'm Bruno, the man tells Jeb--I already know your name, and other things about you, too. Idon't know if I like that, comments Heb. You don't trust me despite my ring? asks Bruno. Anyone can wear a Naga ring, says Jeb. True, agrees Bruno--give me a try, give me a job to do--you'll trust me after that. It's easy to talk trust, says Jeb. You've heard that before, guesses Bruno--you're suspicious of people who talk a good game, but whose actions you must worry about, right? You catch on fast, says Jeb. Point one out to me--that will be the end of him, promises Bruno. Not that easy, says Jeb. Why, because the book says not to kill? asks Bruno--I don't buy that. (Two of a kind, great!)--if someone deserves killing, kill them!  I'm not sure he deserves killing yet, says Jeb. Even if he doesn't, his death will serve as a warning to others trying to betray you, says Bruno. Jeb smiles--I like that--and you. Thank you, says Bruno. I warned one of our members just the other day, says Jeb, and I'm sure he won't be doing anything for a while--not with a broken leg!  They laugh together heartily. I like the way you think, praises Bruno, but I'm confused--why are you being so hesitant with this guy you suspect is betraying you--who is he? A man named Barnabas Collins, says Jeb. Bruno looks serious--I know who he is, he says, since the outline of the plan is familiar to all of us. Then you know, says Jeb, why I must be cautious, and why I can't punish Barnabas--if I'm wrong, Oberon and Haza...but I'm not wrong. Now you have me to help you get proof, says Bruno. Yes I do, says Jeb, and I also have someone else--a girl named Maggie Evans.

Barnabas, on the phone in Collinwood's foyer, tells Mr. Scofield, we haven't heard from her--and it's most unlike her--I can't imagine anyone wanting to hurt her--yes, thank you. David wheels in and asks Barnabas, who were you talking to?  Joseph Scofield, the special investigator from the state capital, explains Barnabas. They found her yet? asks David. No, says Barnabas.  I was thinking, says David--Jeb had a reason to kill Paul and the sheriff, but he wouldn't kill Maggie. I can't help remembering that Michael hated Maggie, frets Barnabas. I know, says David, but Jeb is Michael grown up, and only does good things now--that have to be done. That's not quite true, says Barnabas, he may be grown up, but is still as headstrong as he was as Alexander and    Michael--his making you fall off your bicycle is proof of that. It only proved I needed to be warned to be a loyal Leviathan, insists David. But you are, says Barnabas, I don't doubt that--that's why I'm telling you I'm worried about Jeb. Why? asks David. He's so impatient, says Barnabas, which can be both strength and weakness, and I fear there are other weaknesses we must learn about, so I can protect him--I wonder if there are others mentioned in the book.
There aren't, says David--I've read the whole book. Then perhaps you should read it again and let me know what you find, advises Barnabas, or perhaps I should look somewhere else.

Maggie awakens in the tomb, wondering where she is and how she got here--the last thing I remember was Jeb stopping me in the woods, frightening me--why would he do anything to me, he barely knows me--yet, I am here!  She rises, gazing at her surroundings--I've got to get out! she cries. She runs upstairs and tries the doors, begging someone, anyone, help, let me out! When no one responds, she returns downstairs. She hears someone entering; and the door swings open to reveal he zombified Sheriff Davenport. "I understand," he tells the terrified Maggie--"I didn't like being in the grave. I wanted to come out, too." He lurches toward her.
Stay away! she orders--you're dead! YOU'RE DEAD!

Maggie backs away from the hideous apparition that used to keep the law in Collinsport. You must stay, he insists.  Did Jeb send you? she asks. Don't ask questions, he pleads, taking a step toward her. She dodges him, screaming.  Don't make any trouble, he warns.

Back at the shop, Jeb tells Bruno, you know exactly what I want from Maggie Evans. I can get the info you want immediately, promises Bruno--when I get what you want, I suppose you want her killed? Don't suppose anything, orders Jeb. After I'm through with her, warns Bruno, she'll know you are suspicious of Barnabas--she'll be dangerous! Jeb thinks that over--all right, he decides, kill her when you're finished--but make it look like an accident.

David studies the Leviathan book and wonders is THAT something Jeb must be protected against?--I'd better go tell him about it. He wheels off.

Maggie sobs with fear. You shouldn't cry, urges Davenport--my wife used to cry, and I didn't like that, either! He again tries to touch her; she screams. Bruno enters the tomb and orders Davenport--leave her alone--get out of here.  You can't let Davenport walk out of here, insists Maggie--who are you?--are you dead, too? (talk about weird Dr. Seuss--who are you, are you dead, too?)  No, just as alive as you are, says Bruno--I'll help you--just as soon as you help me. I don't understand, she says--who are you, where did you come from--did Jeb send you? You ask too many questions, Maggie, did anyone ever tell you that? he asks.  How did you know my name? she asks. You're doing it again, complains Bruno.  Maggie tries to race past him. He stops her, grabs her; she struggles, demanding to be let go. Feel how warm I am, Maggie, he says-- dead men are icy cold when they touch you--death is very cold!--you wouldn't want to die. Why do you keep talking about my dying? she asks. Because you're going to die, he says, unless you help me. How can I help you? she asks. Simple, he says, taking out a knife and stroking it, all you have to do is talk to me. Scared, she asks, what about? About Barnabas, he says--you care about him, don't you, and I'm sure he cares very much about you--he thinks you're very beautiful--how beautiful would you be with your throat cut? She trembles.  When Bruno points the knife at her, she screams and asks, "What do you want to know about Barnabas?" Has he ever told you anything about belonging to any group? demands Bruno--about any plan he has in mind?  No, answers Maggie. I think Barnabas has, says Bruno, and has also told you he intends to leave the group--think carefully and quickly, advises Bruno, because I have a lot to do. I don't know anything, she says.  I hate little girls who lie, says Bruno, aiming the knife at her face. I'm not lying, she cries--Barnabas never said anything about a conspiracy! Why did you use that word--conspiracy? Bruno pounces. Stammering, she says, you must have mentioned it.  I didn't, he says--Barnabas must have! No, says Maggie--I swear, it was Paul Stoddard who used it. Realizing she made a mistake, she covers her mouth with her hand. Ah, so you know about Paul Stoddard, do you? asks Bruno. Of course, says Maggie, he was my friend's father. He was a lot more than that, says Bruno, and YOU know a lot more than that. He gazes down at his knife. And you're going to tell me, aren't you? AREN'T YOU?  He holds the knife menacingly under her throat. She's silent, but sobbing.  Bruno realizes she isn't going to reveal anything. Let me go, she begs. He laughs at her. Let you go? he chuckles--listen, when I came in here before, I had no reason to kill you, but now I have every reason in the world--you made me fail!--and I don't like that. He orders Davenport to come in.  What do you think about our walking dead man? He asks Maggie. He's horrible! Opines Maggie. Maybe you had better get used to the icy coldness he carries around with him, suggests Bruno--the thing that killed him can come to you, and then you can come back exactly like that, Maggie Evans! NO! she cries. Then talk, says Bruno, it's your last chance. I can't, she sobs. He starts to go.  Please don't leave me with Davenport, she pleads. You'll get used to being like him yourself, Bruno promises--very soon! Maggie shakes her head in horror.

Antique shop - David tells Jeb--I came because I had to talk to you about something--Maggie Evans is missing, and no one knows where she is.  Too bad, remarks Jeb. Do you know where she is? asks David.  No, says Jeb.  Good, says David, because Maggie isn't the only reason I came--I must speak to you about something else--warn you--Barnabas was speaking to me about my accident, and thinks it shows you're headstrong--a weakness--Barnabas suggested the book might explain any other weakness you might have--he told me to look in it, and tell him--I didn't tell Barnabas what I'd found, I came here to tell you--it said for the leader of the Leviathans, there is only one enemy to be feared above all others, and must be protected from--the wolf that walks like a man.
This revelation makes Jeb's voice tremble--forget that, he says, there can't be a wolf within a million miles of here, there can't be!  I didn't understand what it meant, says David, I just wanted to warn you. Thank you for that, says Jeb, and for telling me about Maggie Evans. They'll find her, says David, especially with that special investigator here--I heard Barnabas talking to him about that over the phone (one thing Collinsport needs it Mulder and Scully doing a thorough investigation). So Barnabas spoke to the special investigator about Maggie, did he? asks jeb--did he tell him Carolyn was missing, too?  She isn't missing, says David, she went somewhere with Aunt Liz. As far as I'm concerned, says Jeb, she's missing--and I want her. If you like her so much, asks David, why can't she become one of us? Who said she couldn't? asks Jeb. I heard Barnabas tell my aunt it wasn't the right time, says David. He and I don't agree on that, says Jeb, and disagree on a lot of things, so many, in fact, that I'm beginning to worry about him. About Barnabas? asks David. You're worried about him, too, points out Jeb, otherwise, you would have gone to him with the werewolf story--unless you're afraid he's a traitor. A traitor? asks David--I don't know. "Don't you?" asks Jeb. David hears Barnabas' voice in his head, reminding him, "You mustn't be blind about Jeb, we need to learn about his weaknesses, to protect him, to protect him..." Don't you? repeats Jeb. I don't know! insists David. There's one way to find out, says Jeb--watch every move he makes, and the enemy isn't a wolf that walks like a man--the enemy is Barnabas Collins--and you and I are going to destroy him! Bruno enters.  Jeb introduces David to him. David asks to be excused, I was just leaving. Bruno holds open the door for him and asks, what happened to your leg? I broke it, says David, fell off my bike. That will teach you to be more careful next time, won't it? asks Bruno sharply, and pushes David out of the shop.  Maggie wouldn't talk, Bruno reveals.  Jeb is incensed.  Nothing I did convinced her to speak, says Bruno--she just cares too much for this Barnabas Collins, too much. BARNABAS! BARNABAS!! shouts Jeb--I'll prove he's disloyal, I will prove it, no matter what I have to do! Getting an idea, Jeb smiles--and I know exactly what that thing is--I'll take away her feeling for him, leaving her with nothing but her loyalty to me. Take a little trip to Portland, Jeb orders Bruno, because a lot of people will be asking questions--and I want them to get the RIGHT answers.

Tomb - A creepy-looking Davenport stares at Maggie, who tries running past him to escape through the doors. He takes hold of her arms.  They struggle.  Let me go! begs Maggie.  Jeb. The Leviathan box in his hands, comes downstairs--Davenport, get out--guard the door, he orders.  Why did you cause something to happen to me, why? demands Maggie--where did you come from, why did you do this?  You will understand, he assures her--everything is going to be all right. He sets the box down and adds, I'll make everything all right. Why are you doing this to me? she asks. You know, says Jeb, just as you know who I REALLY am--you do know, don't you? he asks, staring into her eyes.  I don't know, she says, I must be going crazy, this can't be happening! It's happening, he assures her, and I want you to tell me who I am--go on. "I don't understand it, but you're Michael grown up," she says. I'm sorry I had to frighten you, he says, you had to be taught a lesson, and now the lesson is finished, except for one more thing. He looks at the box. You're going to walk out of here, he says, go back to Collinwood, and everything will be exactly the same, except for one thing--he holds out the box--I want you to open the box, Maggie, go on, open the box!--do as I tell you--open the box. She gazes down at it...

NOTES: This is where it might seem the writers are flying by the seat of their pants, plot-wise. All of a sudden, Jeb's greatest danger is the wolf that walks like a man, and, amazingly enough, Collinsport has one of those! While I'm sure many are glad to see Stroka return as Bruno, to me, he's just a reincarnation of Aristede, minus the dancing lady, a killing, groveling machine. Davenport is goofy, but does bring a certain monotonous charm to the zombie role. It did creep me out when he asked Maggie not to cry; his wife used to cry, and he hated that. I just wish he'd take a bath. He still looks like he just walked out of his grave.

Jeb is on Barnabas' tail in earnest now, and what will happen if Maggie is turned Leviathan? Will she reveal what little she does know about Barnabas?

Carolyn is right--being hustled so abruptly from Collinwood is rather bizarre, but she doesn't know what we do. Liz does, and her question to Barnabas about whether or not her daughter is in danger seemed odd--she utterly trusts and belongs to the Leviathans, so what kind of danger could Carolyn be in? Why don't they just tell her that Carolyn is to be Jeb's consort? If she thinks Jeb beautiful in any form, wouldn't she consider it an honor to thus sacrifice her daughter for the cause? You would also think that Liz, being the wealthy patron of the Leviathans, would have been amongst the first to meet and welcome Jeb.

943 - Maggie tells Jeb, I don't want to look in the box, even though I don't understand why. Has Barnabas said anything about the box? asks Jeb--there's nothing in it to hurt you. You're staying here until you opens the box, he insists. Will you turn me into what you turned Sheriff Davenport into? she asks fearfully. What about Davenport? asks Jeb. He's dead, I went to his funeral, she says. Do the dead walk, or speak? Jeb asks. She shakes her head.  Davenport isn't dead, says Jeb, a mistake has been made. Why is he here, why do you keep him prisoner? she asks. I'll bring Davenport in here, offers Jeb--HE will put your hand on the box. Having made his threat, Jeb orders, "Put your hand on the box, Maggie." Terrified, staring into Jeb's eyes, Maggie reaches out her hand and places it on the box, looking as if she's being sworn in for a jury. Now open the box, he orders.  She does, still gazing at Jeb. Look in it, he commands, but she doesn't comply...

Collinwood - Barnabas is on the phone, speaking to the law. Surely you must have seen Maggie somewhere? he frets--your men are still out looking for her, I hope? Let me know as soon as they get back--thank you. Julia, standing anxiously by, says, you should have told them to go them to the antique shop. She isn't there, says Barnabas, I'm not even sure Jeb has anything to do with this. He must have, insists Julia.  I can't give myself away, says Barn--if I am to defeat the Leviathans, I must do it from within, I know--I'm going to the antique shop to talk to the Todds--if he is their leader, he may have told them more than he's told me. Be careful, warn Julia.  Barnabas leaves.

Maggie stares into the box.  It's empty, she says, there's nothing in it. Do you feel afraid now? asks Jeb.  No, she says--not even of you.  He grins.
How can this be? she asks. There is something in the box, says Jeb, a spirit of peace, a belief--and now you are one of us, and not alone--Mrs. Stoddard is one, David, Amy, there are many!--even Barnabas!--but you must not trust any of them, for that is how you will serve--what about Barnabas, is he faithful to our cause?--what has he said? Only that Carolyn must be kept away from you, says Maggie, but he didn't say why. You must tell the truth, warns Jeb--he told you nothing about the Leviathans?  I never heard that name before, she says.  You'll hear it often now, he promises, but you must not listen to the book--your loyalty will be to me--Barnabas likes to follow the book--"But I do not!"--that's why you were told to discourage Carolyn from seeing me--all I wanted to do was bring Carolyn the same peace I brought you--where is Carolyn? demands Jeb. I don't know, says Maggie--Barnabas didn't tell me. Jeb, furious, says, you must find out for me--but be careful with Barnabas, don't reveal you're now one of us.  Upset, Maggie says, I want to tell Barnabas; if he's one of us...  You care for Barnabas, don't you? asks Jeb. She doesn't answer. That's OK, says Jeb, as long as it doesn't interfere with what you must do.  I won't let it, she assures him. Now, he says, tell me about Barnabas and Quentin--are they friends? They know each other, she replies--beyond that, I don't know. You do, insists Jeb--tell me about Quentin. He had an accident, says Maggie, that's all I know. It won't be his last, predicts Jeb darkly. Maggie looks scared. Stay here for a while, orders Jeb.  You said I could go back to Collinwood, she protests. You must make your return very easy, he says--you don't want questions about where you've been--you'll see how easy life is with us--we take care of everything, and soon you will return to Collinwood and know exactly what to say and do.

Collinwood - 1:05 - Barnabas tells Julia, if Jeb is involved in Maggie's disappearance, Jeb knows nothing about it--I kept hoping he did--at least we'd have some idea where she is. Julia finds a note, in Maggie's handwriting, lying on the floor. Maggie writes to Barnabas--"I won't be able to meet you tonight, when I got back, there was a call from my Aunt Louise, who is on her way to Montreal to spend a few days at the Hotel Earl--I haven't seen her in a long time, so I went to meet her there--I'll be back in a day or so. See you when I get back, Love Maggie." I wonder how we ever missed it? asks Julia--it must have fallen from the table. We would have seen it by now, says Barnabas. Julia points out it is Maggie's handwriting. Barnabas picks up the phone to dial the Hotel Earl. At that moment, Maggie, blue suitcase in hand, returns home. Julia and Barnabas stare at her, shocked.
Maggie, holding her note, says, I can explain this. There's no need, says Julia, it just fell from the table--we're glad you're back. I'm sorry I caused you both so much worry, says Maggie, there's a personal matter I wish to discuss with Barnabas. Anytime, says Barnabas. Picking up her suitcase, Maggie says, I must go see David.  She heads upstairs, Barnabas watching her every step of the way. We should call the police and tell them she's all right, says Julia. She never mentioned her aunt, points out Barnabas. She probably thought we wouldn't be interested, says Julia. And her overnight bag--have you ever seen it before? (only used by half the women on the show, including Maggie). No, says Julia. Neither have I, says Barnabas. She might have just purchased it in Portland, suggests Julia--she's back, we don't have to worry about her, we worried needlessly--there's something else to worry about--she takes his arm and leads him a few steps forward and says softly--"Chris Jennings--there will be a full moon tonight."

Cottage - 1:15 - Chris checks his clock, musing bitterly it's only five hours until dark--and I'll feel the pain, locked in some cell at Windcliff for the rest of my life! He opens the door--who's there? he asks. He hears leaves crackling, and finds Sabrina standing there, a package in her arms. I look different, don't I? she asks him--older?--I was afraid you wouldn't want to see me--you never came to me. You know why! cries Chris.  I told no one your secret, she assures him. Maybe you should have, gone to the police, says Chris--you know what's going to happen tonight!  She gazes down at the box in her arms and enters the cottage. What do you want? he asks. I've often tried to picture where you live, she says. Go back to your hotel, he orders. We loved each other, she reminds him. I'm the reason you are what you are, he says, the reason your hair is white, the reason you couldn't talk. That's over now, she says, I've forgotten about those years, and so must you. (generous gal)  I can't--ever, he says. She hands him the box--please open it, she says. He does so, and finds a flower inside. "It will bloom as the moon rises," she explains--it may save you, Chris--I read of it--the moon poppy--you must take and eat the flower. Only a legend, he says. No, it isn't, she says--I found a journal, a new one published in England, a study of lycanthropy, which told of someone being cured--I wrote the author--he sent me this flower, which he raised himself--it's the only one left he knows about--Chris, please believe in it! He thinks it over, holding the flower. You say it's a legend, but you're holding the flower in your hand, she says, can't you believe anymore? What if it's a fraud, the man a fool? asks Chris. Believe, she tells him, believe--if you eat this flower when it blooms, you will never become that thing again-- but you must eat the flower when the moon is shining--at dawn, the flower will die. Chris looks at the flower and asks, if I try, will you promise to go? Touch my hand, she asks, holding hers out.
He takes her hand.  Do you remember all the plans we had? asks Sabrina.  Yes, he says hoarsely. You don't have to go through with any of them, afterward, she says--that would be for you to decide. Sabrina, he says, moving in close, don't try to give me hope. When you touched my hand, she says, I knew that there is still hope inside you. He promises to do it--if you go. You will come to me, she says, after the moon has risen, will walk into that room looking just as you do now--it will be over, Chris, I know it!  Exuding faith, Sabrina leaves. Chris stares hopefully at the moon poppy.

5 PM - Barnabas sits at the table with Chris in the cottage---I'm sure Sabrina meant well, says Barn, but let me take you to Windcliff. Chris shakes his head. Julia knew of this flower when she was doing her research, says Barnabas, but was never able to authenticate it. Sabrina has done so, insists Chris. I know how much you want to believe Sabrina, says Barnabas. Do you believe her? asks Chris. Barnabas assures him--I only want to help you. Ever since you came back from the past, says Chris, you've done nothing to help me--if you had brought me the plant yourself, you have wanted me to try it? I'd only have pointed out the impossibility of it, says Barn, the flower doesn't bloom until the moon rises, and you'll have no desire for it then as you do now. Chris rises from the table. Do you think, asks Barn, once you've changed, you'll know enough to use it?  I will make myself remember, insists Chris.  We can take the flower to Windcliff, says Barn, so if you don't eat it, you'll be safe until the morning. There's only one way I can remember, says Chris bitterly--that's to stay here, knowing I'm going to change unless I do it!--there's nothing you can do to stop me--dusk is coming, and I'm going through this one by himself. Barnabas is concerned.

Collinwood - It's impossible, Barnabas, says Julia--Chris won't be able to do it, even if it IS the flower--I must go speak to him now. It won't do any good, says Barn, do you think I would have left him there if I thought there was a chance of talking him out of it?--Chris is determined. I'll call him up, says Julia. We won't have time, anyway, Barnabas reminds her.  He can always go to the mausoleum, says Julia, picking up the phone--let me try. Maggie enters and asks Barnabas, where have you been?  Julia puts down the phone.  Barn apologizes to Maggie--I've been on an errand. I've been looking for you, says Maggie--I'm sorry for interrupting, Julia. It's all right, says Julia, there's something I have to do. She leaves Maggie and Barnabas alone, closing the double doors.  I know why you've been so concerned, says Maggie--I know what's been going on around here, at least part of it--I didn't go to Portland, she says, the note...  It was Jeb, wasn't it? asks Barnabas--"What did he do to you?--I'll kill him!"  No, Maggie says, don't, you must never do anything against him--he has Sheriff Davenport there, walking and talking, and told me you were part of it. Not now, says Barnabas. She smiles with relief. How did you get out of there? he asks. He made me open a box, she explains--something was supposed to happen, but I didn't know what, and I knew if I was going to get out of there, the only way to do so was to pretend something had happened
--and to agree with everything that happened afterwards, so I did. He moves closer to her, murmuring, "Maggie." I knew you weren't a part of it, she says. I'm so glad you're back, and alive, he says. There are things you must explain, insists Maggie.  Yes, says Barnabas--to think that on this strange night, you might have come back to us in that dreadful condition--but we're lucky in a way--we can fight, and will--together--if he thinks you're one of them, you can help. There are many questions, she says. I promise to answer everything, says Barn. Julia interrupts, apologizing--I thought I should tell you--I can't do anything with Chris, he insists on staying. We must accept it, says Barnabas, and we now have a new ally--someone we need, but someone they must protect. Both Julia and Barnabas look at Maggie, who gazes back at them.

Chris paces his apartment, looking out the window, glancing at the moon poppy. The pain assails him; he looks at the flower... The full moon rises, the poppy blooms.  Chris, in agony, screams, I will do it, I will do it!  The werewolf's furry hand reaches out for the moon poppy...

NOTES: They are definitely pushing the love angle between Maggie and Barnabas here, leaving poor Julia in the lurch again.

Cool how Maggie deceived Jeb, but you could see the terror in her face.  He doesn't read people too well.

So many drug references--the moon poppy, getting "peace" from what's in the box, etc. Even good old Davenport seems to be on drugs in his groovy zombie state (someone commented that he looks like the Three Stooge's Shemp now)!

Will Chris, in werewolf form, eat the moon poppy and perhaps save himself?  Will Maggie, Julia and Barnabas, a trio to be reckoned with, be able to defeat the Leviathans?

Love, Robin