Author Topic: Robservations 7/22/02 - #570/571 - Barnabas Battles the Vampire  (Read 2125 times)

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570 - Old House - Barnabas and Willie return from searching for Julia. Why can't we find Tom Jennings? frets Barnabas--where can Julia be meeting him? He feels they're meeting in some place they're overlooking. Willie asks if he could destroy him, really. Barnabas sarcastically asks why he thinks they've been hunting him--without Julia, they can't finish the experiment! Is that the only reason? demands Willie. What else? asks Barnabas--Adam might come there tonight to inquire into the progress of the experiment. Willie suggests Barnabas has another reason. Yes, he'll kill the rest of the family, one by one, responds Barn obtusely--Adam goes through with his threats.
Willie smiles, shakes his head, then laughs. Barnabas is pissed and asks why. Willie says, "Oh, Barnabas, you're talkin' about all the people except the one who concerns you the most. I mean the experiment, Vicki, Adam, the family, I know you care about all these people, but the one you don't mention much is Julia, and she's the one you need the most." Obviously, says Barnabas, I can't do the experiment myself. You just don't get it, says Willie. Barnabas demands, "Are you being profound?" (LOL, gotta laugh at his tone.) "No," says Willie, "but you're acting like some man whose secretary is missing. And I know that isn't how you feel." Barnabas turns away. Adds Willie, "I mean, Barnabas, you're more than just worried about Julia." "For a specific reason," insists Barnabas. "That's all I'm sayin'" says Willie. Barnabas fears Julia will become a vampire, so they must stop him, and insists on going out again to search. Stubbornly, Willie wants to know WHY? Confesses Barnabas, "What do you want me to admit, Willie, that I care for Julia more than I appear to? All right, I will admit it, she's been an important part of my life for so long, a very important part, and I must find her, but where could they be?" (note this rare admission!) Barnabas considers it from a vampire's viewpoint--he remembers the docks at night, deserted except for the occasional woman hurrying home. . . Barnabas is drawn out of his thoughts by a knock at the door. It's Liz. She runs in and tells Barnabas they have her coffin all ready--it's empty, waiting for her. Barnabas is shocked, and she accuses him of not believing her. "Hide me," she begs, "you must."

Liz pleads with Barnabas to believe and help her. She asks him to send Willie away, she can't talk in front of him. She asks Barnabas if he's always liked her. Of course, he assures her. Roger wants to send her back to Windcliff, says Liz, you must stop him--I ran from my own house--Roger or Julia must have told him. Barnabas insists they have her best interests at heart. Liz says Roger is determined to send her back to Windcliff and let her be buried alive. She sees his stunned face. It could happen, she assures him, it's going to, they will think her dead, but she won't be. Barnabas assures her they wouldn't make such a mistake--I would let you stay if I felt it for the best. She will be all right if he lets her stay, begs Liz. I would come back to Windcliff and talk to your doctors, he says. That won't help, says Liz--Julia is in on it. Barnabas doubts it. I begged for Julia's help, reveals Liz. Barnabas asks if she's seen Julia, and she tells him what happened--she followed her to the coffin, in a place Liz had never been before. She asks Barnabas to be on her side if she tells Roger, and he promises if she tells him where Julia is.
It's an empty crypt at the edge of the Collins Cemetery, where I will be buried, says Liz, and where they are hiding my coffin--when Julia saw me in the doorway, she screamed at me to leave, because she knew I had found out the truth.

Barnabas enters the crypt. He finds Julia lying there, unconscious, and takes her hand in his, calling her name. Liz watches through the window as Barnabas carries Julia into the Old House. Willie comes in and Liz, closing the curtains, asks what he's doing there. Looking for Barnabas, says Willie, but she is sure he's spying on her. Willie offers to close the curtains and asks where Barnabas went. On an errand for me, says Liz--if anyone comes to the door, Willie is to answer it and tell them he hasn't seen her. Willie promises. They hear banging at the front door; Barnabas calls to Willie, who opens the door. Barnabas enters, carrying Julia in his arms. Willie opens both doors as Barnabas places her on the chair. "She's dead," says Liz somberly. Willie asks if it's true. She isn't dead, but almost, says Barnabas, kneeling in front of Julia. Willie wants to get a doctor, but Liz says it's too late. Willie asks if that's so, is she going to die? Barnabas doesn't know, but he tells him to prepare Josette's room, now. "You're lying to me," accuses Liz, "she's dead. You can't keep that from me." Barnabas tells Willie to take Liz upstairs, to the front room, first. Tomorrow they'll figure out what to do. Liz glances at Julia and says death follows her everywhere she goes. She isn't dead, protests Barnabas, and hands Liz off to Willie, who ushers her upstairs. Barnabas talks to Julia. When she opens her eyes, he's glad--stay with me, he begs. The dog howls. Julia says, "He calls to me and I must go." I know, says Barnabas gently. She awakens, looks around and says, "I'm going to die!" He forces her to sit back and gently tells her to rest. "I can't," she moans. He tells her he's going to help her, he can he will, he swears it. "No," the mutters, seeming to faint. "Julia!" he cries. Willie races out and says they must take her to the hospital. Barnabas asks what time it is, and Willie says 4:30. Nearly dawn says Barnabas, but Willie fears Julia will die before then. They must take that chance, says Barnabas. They have to take her for a transfusion, screams Willie. Will that end it? asks Barnabas, or will Tom appear in the middle of the night at her hospital bed?--no, they have to settle him, it's the only way to settle her--now I know where Tom will be at dawn, and I will be there, too, he says firmly. "Get me a stake, Willie--now!" orders Barnabas.

Willie holds the stake in his hand. Barnabas comes downstairs and tells him Julia won't be well until they do what they must. Barnabas gazes out the window and tells Willie he's sure this will work--it's time to go. Willie offers to go with him--we don't want to get there before it's light, blathers Willie. We won't, says Barnabas. It won't be safe unless he's in the coffin, Willie reminds him. Barnabas and Willie head out to save Julia.

Liz drifts downstairs, holding a candlestick, looking, in a black robe, like an angel of death. Julia sleeps in Josette's room. Liz comes in, puts the candle down, and tells Julia, "You're dying.
Tonight you were so strong, and now you're dying." Julia awakens and looks at Liz. "They left you alone to die, all alone," says Liz. "I forgive you for being involved, for not telling me where my coffin was. Roger made you do it, I don't know why, he made you plot against me, and now it's you who will be buried before I." Julia, her face pasty, slumbers.

Barnabas and Willie enter the crypt. It isn't light yet, Willie warns. Barn tells him to be quiet, then opens the coffin--it's empty! Willie, face ashudder, screams, "He's going to come back any minute!--I ain't stayin' here!" Willie races off, dropping the stake and hammer in his haste. The window in the crypt shows the pink of dawn as Barnabas retrieves them. Tom enters and Barnabas whirls around. "You!" he says. Tom snarls in an Elvis imitation as Barnabas warns him there's no time, it's getting light--just a moment is all you have. Tom attacks Barnabas, gripping his wrists, forcing him to drop the hammer. Barnabas and Tom grapple. "The light!" screams Barnabas, "you're wasting your time with me!" Tom attacks again and pushes Barnabas back against his coffin as they choke each other. Tom, stronger, forces Barnabas to release his grip. Barnabas, trapped between Tom and the coffin, screams helplessly as the vampire goes for his jugular!

NOTES: Oh, God, that had to be a Friday episode, and I bet I didn't sleep a wink in 1968, wondering what was going to become of my beloved Barnabas in the terrible clutch of the vampire!

I never did like the Liz--death business and was not thrilled to see her return, but she DID alert Barnabas to Tom's hiding place, which certainly led to one of DS's most exciting cliffhangers. Barnabas looked SO terrified at the possibility of Tom biting him! I wonder why he didn't wait a little longer to be sure he was in his coffin? Methinks he WANTED a confrontation like this, a way of defending Julia!

571 - A pale Julia lies in Josette's room, writhing on the pillows, begging Barnabas to help her. Liz, sitting at her side, tells her he left her to die, but Julia denies that.

As Barnabas and Tom fight viciously, the sun is rising. Tom, fangs bared, forces Barnabas to release the weapons. Tom goes for Barnabas' jugular, forcing a scream from Barnabas, but before the vampire can sink in his fangs, a rooster crows. It's dawn, warns Barnabas, and if you don't get into your coffin, you will be dust. They grapple again; Tom chokes the breath out of Barnabas, rendering him unconscious. Just as Tom is about to attack Barnabas' throat, he stops, realizes how late it really is, and hastily climbs into his coffin just in time. Barnabas awakens from his stupor and painfully rises, clutching his throat. He places his hand on the coffin.

Julia moans, "The light! Close the curtains!--I'll die" Liz hurriedly closes them, blocking out the light of dawn.

Barnabas opens Tom's coffin and gazes down at the sleeping (and breathing) vampire. He wonders if someone ever looked at him as he now is looking at Tom? No, or he wouldn't be alive now, he muses. He picks up the fallen stake and mallet, agonizes for a moment, realizing he must do this if Julia is to live. He must do what he feared, dreaded, perhaps even wanted for himself. He places the stake over Tom's heart. Down, down, he plunges the mallet. Tom screams, a horrific sound. Julia awakens with a start, protesting the death of her vampire lover, then falls back against the pillow. Liz anxiously asks if she's all right.

Barnabas gazes disgustedly down at his gruesome handiwork and tosses the mallet and stake off to one side, then closes the coffin. He can't leave the body there, he realizes, it must be buried--after dark. He can't take a chance of doing it before then. Now he must see if Julia is all right.
Nicholas, impeccable as always, watches Barnabas exit the crypt, then hurries inside himself. He opens Tom's coffin and glances in.

Julia sits up, to Liz' protests, and requests a mirror. Liz brings her Josette's hand mirror and Julia finds her vampire hickeys have vanished. She is thrilled--they're gone, she exults. She, however, still looks very pale. Liz asks what Julia is talking about, and Julia covers by saying she must have dreamed of having a scar on her neck. You don't, says Liz. Barnabas anxiously comes in to see Julia. I'm feeling better, she says. He asks Liz to leave him alone with Julia, whose miraculous recovery puzzles Liz. Barnabas takes Julia's hand in his and tells her it's over--Tom will never bother her again. She clutches his hand and thanks him. He tenderly tells her she saved his life so often, he doesn't deserve thanks.

Liz looks out the Old House window and spies Roger heading up the walk. She's afraid when he knocks, and looks for a place to hide. He finally opens the door and enters, calling to Willie and Barnabas. Barnabas comes downstairs and Roger asks about Liz. He doesn't know where she went. Barnabas tells him she's been there since late last night. Roger is angry at Barnabas for not alerting him, but Barnabas explains he was concerned about Julia. Liz, who has been hiding behind a wing backed chair, darts up and tells Roger he hasn't been worried, he doesn't care-- he was going to return her to Windcliff. Liz accuses him and Julia of a huge plot to bury her alive at Windcliff--Julia even has her coffin ready!
She tells him about following Julia and seeing a coffin in the crypt. Roger turns to go check it out, but Barnabas tries to stop him. Roger is anxious to corroborate Liz' story, and she wants him to do so. Barnabas insists on going with Roger to the crypt, but first he must check on Julia. Liz tells her brother that he'll find she isn't crazy, which he says would make him happy. When he sees the coffin, she says, they will discuss Windcliff. IF the coffin is there, cautions Roger.

Barnabas frets to Julia about Roger finding the coffin--and the body. Julia is upset, but Barnabas doesn't know how to stop him.

Liz makes a deal with Roger--if the coffin is there, she stays where she pleases. Barnabas answers a knock at the door--it's Nicholas, with a big bouquet of flowers he wants to give to Julia. Barnabas says he'll see she gets them, but Nicholas wants to present them himself. Liz intervenes--is Julia worse?--she was so much better before. Nicholas asks Liz to ask if Julia would see him, then cordially greets Roger. Roger tells him he and Barnabas have something to do, but Barnabas gives Nicholas a long, suspicious look before telling him if Julia does want to see him, to keep it short. Nicholas promises he will, then glances around the room, playfully putting out a couple of candles with his fingers. Liz returns and tells him Julia will see him. Nicholas thanks her.

Barnabas and Roger walk through the woods. Roger is sure there is no coffin in the crypt. Barnabas suggests he discuss Liz' problem rather than embarrass her and expose a lie. Roger feels Barnabas agrees that there's no empty coffin. Barnabas tries to talk him into returning to the house, but Roger feels obligated to check as he promised Liz he would.

Julia thanks Nicholas for the flowers. He says he was very concerned about her--good doctors are vital to all of them, and they can't afford to have her sick. He notices how weak she looks, but she says she'll be out of bed tomorrow. And back to work? asks Nick--I imagine you have a lot to do. She agrees that the virus did come at a bad time for her. He can imagine, he says, and she retorts that she doesn't believe he came just to inquire after her health--there's more to it than that. What? he asks. You tell me, says Julia.
He smiles and suggests he's planning to be ill--he'll need her to take his case. No, she says, your health is extraordinarily good--I believe you indestructible. I hope so, he says, knocking wood, and gives her a big grin. He stands to leave. She asks if he found out what he came there to see. Yes, he replies, you're much better--he gallantly kisses her hand and leaves. Julia gazes suspiciously after him.

Barnabas advises Roger--if there IS a coffin, there's no need to open it, just the fact that it's there would be enough. We'll see, says Roger. Barnabas hesitates outside before joining him in the crypt--which proves to be empty. There is no coffin, says Roger, just as we both suspected. Barnabas is shocked, asking himself what it means.

At the Old House, Liz insists the coffin had to have been moved. How much do you expect me to believe? asks Roger. Ask Julia about the coffin, begs Liz--I wants you to know I'm sane! Barnabas asks that Julia not be disturbed, but Roger goes upstairs to ask her anyway. Liz asks Barnabas why everything is so weird now, she doesn't know when it all began to change--with Cassandra, she thinks. Barnabas agrees--that's indeed when it changed. Liz admits she still fears being buried alive, but she's OK aside from that. (is that all?) Barnabas assures her he believes her.

Roger questions Julia about the coffin in the crypt--Liz did follow her, but not to the crypt. Roger decides this means Liz must return to Windcliff, but Julia says she won't make progress there if she doesn't want to go and won't cooperate. Roger finds Julia's talk about her own hospital strange. Julia advises him to let Liz stay home--she will be a consultant. Barnabas comes upstairs and tells Roger and Julia that Liz believes they are plotting against her. Again Julia tells him to let Liz stay at Collinwood, where she feels secure. Roger goes downstairs. Julia confesses she lied, which Barnabas agreed was the only thing to do. They must find out who removed the body and coffin, says Barnabas. Julia wonders about Nicholas' visit--is there a connection? How? Why? asks Barnabas--only one person knows about Tom Jennings--the vampire who made him what he was. . .tonight, that vampire is walking the earth, and I must find "him,"--soon!

NOTES: How odd that Barnabas is sure the vampire is male--it doesn't occur to him that this predator is female--and perhaps someone he knows intimately?

Liz is so weird now, seemingly lost in her own fantasies of death. She otherwise seems more like herself--no further Naomi confusion--but that leftover fear of being buried alive stays with her.

Loved Nicholas' visit to Julia. He's so cool and suave, finding out exactly what he wants to know in his own subtle way--and their dialogue is wonderful. I often wished he had pursued Julia; they're equals on so many levels and it would have been fun to watch.

Barnabas tenderly tells Julia how grateful he is to her, and she is thankful that he saved her life, but you get the impression she still isn't hearing anything close to what she wants to hear from Barnabas.

Love, Robin

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Re: Robservations 7/22/02 - #570/571 - Barnabas Battles the Vampire
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2002, 09:05:36 PM »
The scene between Barnabas and Willie was priceless!  The memory of Willie, chuckling as he prods the clueless Barnabas into revealing the real reason he worries so about Julia has stayed with me since I first saw the episode.  I felt it was a rare humorous break amid all of the recent dramatic tension.  It was also a turning point for Barnabas and a far cry form the days when he was trying to strangle Julia every five minutes.

Much as I enjoyed watching Barnabas and Tom battle...wouldn't it have been easier to dispose of the vampire by burning his coffin?  It worked in Son of Dracula.  That way, Barnabas and Willie wouldn't have had to worry about putting themselves in danger by waiting around for Tom (though Willie didn't wait for long, did he?)  Forget the stakes; strike a match and walk away.  That method could be used in the daytime or the night because Tom would still be destroyed either way.


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Re: Robservations 7/22/02 - #570/571 - Barnabas Battles the Vampire
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2002, 01:55:02 AM »
The scene between Barnabas and Willie was priceless!  The memory of Willie, chuckling as he prods the clueless Barnabas into revealing the real reason he worries so about Julia...

I kept expecting Barnabas to break into a chorus of "Julia (Don't Take Your Love To Tom)".  ;D

Much as I enjoyed watching Barnabas and Tom battle...wouldn't it have been easier to dispose of the vampire by burning his coffin?

Yeah, but then we wouldn't have had the Vampire Steel Crypt Deathmatch!
BARNABAS: Here at Collinwood, old hates don't die. They lie in wait for the innocent and unsuspecting...

QUENTIN: We're guaranteed to make you believe (spells) exist. Our entire family can be explained in no other way...


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Re:Robservations 7/22/02 - #570/571 - Barnabas Battles the Vampire
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2004, 08:07:23 PM »
DVD episodes for March 24th and 25th.

The 7th and 8th episodes on Set#9/Disc#4 (2nd and 3rd episodes on MPI tape Volume #68)

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Re:Robservations 7/22/02 - #570/571 - Barnabas Battles the Vampire
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2004, 10:23:14 PM »
Boy, Our Lad Briscoe really threw his all into Tom's Last Stand!  Love those fanging snapshots!

Last night I was re-watching one of my favorite movies, Roman Polanski's The Fearless Vampire Killers (1967), and I had to wonder whether Don Briscoe ever saw it.  Ferdy Mayne uses a tongue-twixt-teeth technique a couple of times that is somewhat reminscent of Our Don's.  I don't think Don did "the tongue thing" until [spoiler]Tom's return visit on the series.[/spoiler]

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Re:Robservations 7/22/02 - #570/571 - Barnabas Battles the Vampire
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2004, 05:39:01 AM »
Scout those were priceless comments. . .It's interesting that they had Briscoe come back(based on the fanmai I've read) but  that they paired him with someone else . .Carolyn.  Given that the storyarch that generated all the "buzz" was with Grayson. .   ..although they did have Chris and Julia running around a lot together trying to find that portrait and CDT but all the sexual tension was gone gone gone. . .

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Re:Robservations 7/22/02 - #570/571 - Barnabas Battles the Vampire
« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2004, 09:28:37 PM »
Good point, Julia99-
I have to say, Don Briscoe's Tom Jennings added some much needed spice to the Julia/Barnabas relationship - here was a young, studly vampire (Briscoe) lusting after Julia's blood, and while ex-vamp Barn was genuinely concerned for Julia's welfare (for both personal and professional reasons) , he must have thought - subconsciously - "Hey, there's a new dead guy in town, and he's got his fangs in MY Julia! I can't go for that (no can do)."
Perhaps if the writers played up the Chris/Julia chemistry more during the Leviathan storyline, Barnabas' jealousy could have been included as a factor in his wanting to defeat "Jeb and The Heavy Breathers."  Just a thought.   

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Re:Robservations 7/22/02 - #570/571 - Barnabas Battles the Vampire
« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2004, 09:45:05 AM »
Love the picture of Willie!

I get a kick out of these guys who think they're so clean, when all the time they're trying to cover up their dirt.