Author Topic: #1226/1227: Robservations 12/30/03: Gabriel, Insane  (Read 1396 times)

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#1226/1227: Robservations 12/30/03: Gabriel, Insane
« on: December 29, 2003, 11:40:59 AM »
1226 - Intro: Melanie has fallen in love with Kendrick.  I think the feeling is quite mutual, but they have many obstacles to overcome.

You can stop shouting, says Julia, you will be told.  She approaches Melanie, who turns away from her.  Look at me, Melanie, orders Julia.  Melanie shrugs off her hands--don't touch me!  Gently, Julia again commands Melanie, look at me.  This time, she does.  You know where you must go, says Julia--I will take you there, you must rest--now come along, she adds, as if speaking to a madwoman.  I can walk myself! insists Melanie angrily, with no help from you!  Kendrick, I will be back in a moment, promises Julia, if you will wait in the drawing room.  He goes in, unable to fathom what the hell is going on.

5:55 - The clock strikes the half hour.  Julia joins Kendrick in the drawing room and closes the doors.  Well? he says.  Now you know, says Julia, why we have sheltered her.  What's wrong with her? he asks.  It's a question I cannot answer, says Julia, no one knows what's wrong with her.  How long has she been that way? he asks.  Ten years, replies Julia.  What's been done to help her? he demands.  Nothing can be done, she says.  I refuse to believe it, he retorts.  If it were a physical ailment, says Julia, she'd have had the finest doctors available, but it's a condition of her mind--when this happens to her, her whole personality changes and she actually becomes someone else.  I've never seen anything like it, he says, stunned--she was a totally different person!  That's exactly why I've tried to discourage you from seeing her, says Julia--will you go now?  No, I want to know more, lots more! he insists.  Can't you see how impossible the entire situation is? she asks.  I know the other Melanie, the real one, the one I care about, insists Kendrick--I will decide whether the situation is impossible or not.  There is nothing more I can tell you, she says.  You can tell me the cause and how it started! he says, sitting on the sofa beside her.  She thinks it over--Melanie was very fond of Justin, she begins--she loved him as much as if he'd been her real father--10 years ago, Justin Collins suffered a stroke--the experience sent Melanie into a state of shock--what you see now is the result (lame lie).  Are you telling me Justin Collins is the cause of her illness? asks Kendrick.  It's the only cause we can see, says Julia.  I cannot believe that, or accept it, he says--how often do these transformations occur?  No set pattern, says Julia, they just happen from time to time.  Is it possible Melanie could be under a spell? asks Kendrick.  I don't know what you're talking about, says Julia.  Then let me be more specific, he says--could Melanie be under some kind of curse?  She laughs--I believe such things only happen in fiction, says Julia.  Perhaps they do, he says, but ever since I've been in Collinsport, I've heard rumors and stories about a curse on the Collins family.  Julia shrugs-- there's always been talk of a curse, she says, but that's all it is, just talk.  The villagers don't seem to think so! shouts Kendrick--I think you should begin to take their heed seriously.  You're wrong, she says, the villagers have nothing better to do with their time than to make us the prime target of their gossip--I've told you enough now, please go, Mr. Young.  Melanie enters, back to herself.  She greets Kendrick with joy--why are you still here? she asks--I thought you went to the village.
He stares at her, not believing his eyes.  Has something happened? asks Melanie.  Good night, he bids her curtly, and leaves.  Melanie's forehead furrows with dismay.

Julia, why did Kendrick leave like that? asks Melanie.  Julia doesn't reply.  You said or did something him, accuses Melanie--what was it?  No, dear, says Julia, I didn't do anything, it was you.  Me, what do you mean? Melanie asks.  You had one of your attacks, says Julia, he saw you change.  Oh, no, that can't be true, cries Melanie, distressed.  I'm afraid it's true, says Julia.  Lord, what did I say, what did I do? asks Melanie--did I try to hurt him?  No, says Julia, but he did see your personality change.
Melanie, horrified, says, poor Kendrick--what a terrible thing to happen to him--I should have told him before!  We knew it was bound to happen sooner or later, says Julia.  But if I'd told him, it wouldn't have come as such a shock! says Melanie.  Now you understand why I've been encouraging you not to see him, says her aunt.  He hasn't gone away forever, has he? asks Melanie.  I think it's best if he has, says Julia.  But he didn't say that, she says, he didn't say he'd never see me again--because I couldn't stand it if that happened, wails Melanie--I'm going to die if it did!  You've got to face this realistically, says Julia.  I love Kendrick, says Melanie, he's the only man I've ever loved, I can't let him just go like that.  You can't stop him, points out Julia, it's not right for somebody with your secret--you can't love anyone.  (What a terrible thing to say!)  That's not true, says Melanie, I love Kendrick, I can't help myself--I'm going to go to him, face him and tell him how I feel.  You can't do that, says Julia.  I love him, repeats Melanie, if I'm going to lose him, I must hear it from him.  That's absurd, protests Julia, it's the worst thing you could do.  I don't believe that! says Melanie, I believe he'll listen to me!  She runs to the door, Julia calling, come back!  Julia is unable to stop her and Melanie leaves.  Julia closes the door behind her.  Flora comes down--where did Melanie go? she asks.  To the village, says Julia.  What on earth for? asks Flora.  Wringing her hands, Julia explains, Kendrick Young was here, and saw her have one of her attacks.  Oh, no, says Flora, was she violent?  No, says Julia, but it was a shock all the same, and now Melanie's gone to the village to explain everything to him.  We'll get Quentin and have him go after her, before she gets into town, says Flora.  Two women, master manipulators, troop upstairs.

Woods - Hearing crunching branches, Melanie calls to Kendrick, begging, answer me!--but instead, she turns to see Gabriel standing behind her!
How nice to see you, says Gabriel, smiling, seemingly normal.  Don't touch me, she orders.  Don't run away, I won't hurt you--I'm very happy to see you, he assures her.  You are? she asks.  Yes, very pleasantly surprised, he says--I didn't think you'd be running around the woods at this hour, here you are--what are you doing here?  Looking for someone, she says.  Kendrick? he asks--yes, I heard you calling--that can wait, can't it?  I'm afraid it can't, she says, eyeing him fearfully, it's very important I see him.  I have some very important things on my mind, you know, he says, beginning to sound unhinged--I'm in desperate need of some help, I need your help, that's why I'm glad you were here in the woods.  What do you mean? she asks.  You'll find out, he promises.  Where have you been all this time? asks Melanie.  It would take so long to tell you, he says, I've been running, always running, I'm so tired of running.  Let me take you to Collinwood, she says.  I can't, he protests, the police will find me.  She takes his hands--I know, she says, but there you'd have Mama and Julia to protect you.  Listen to me, he says, there's something I want you to give Mother--this letter--make sure no one else sees it.  What is it? she asks.  Never mind, he says, give it to Mother and make sure she reads it--you will do this, Melanie, won't you?  I will, she promises, and hurriedly runs off.  Gabriel watches her go.

Collinwood drawing room - We'd just better pray Quentin finds her before she finds Kendrick, Julia, says Flora--the state she's in, she's likely to tell him more than you did.  There's nothing wrong with what I told him, says Julia defensively.  There was no reason to tell him anything at all, says Flora.  After what he'd seen? asks Julia, I had to say something to him!  How do you know he won't repeat that to everyone he meets? asks Flora.  I don't know, says Julia, but it was better than saying nothing about it!  We should have found some way of dealing with him a long time ago, says Flora--we always knew something like this was inevitable. I tried to deal with him, I even offered him money, says Julia.  He refused? asks Flora.  Yes, says Julia, he said he wouldn't take any amount of money to not see Melanie again.  Do you think seeing Melanie change that way shocked him so badly, he'll never come back? asks Flora.  I don't know, says Julia, there was no way of telling what he was thinking when he left.  We'll have to face it, says Flora, if it didn't shock him enough, he'll be more trouble than ever--if he really is in love with Melanie, we'll never get rid of him!  We've got to keep trying, insists Julia, we must convince him the situation is hopeless.  Yes, agrees Flora, but we must be careful--we don't want to happen to him what happened to...  Julia interrupts--how is Morgan? she asks.  No change, reports Flora, depressed--Catherine's been upstairs with him all evening--he just sits in a chair and stares out the window--he hasn't said one word to her!  There's nothing anyone can do for him, says Julia.

Melanie returns to Collinwood, where her aunt and mother meet her at the door.  You haven't been to the village and back so quickly? asks Julia.  Melanie shakes her head--I never saw Kendrick, she says--I was with Gabriel.  Julia and Flora are shocked.  Melanie holds the letter.

The women pelt Melanie with questions.  You've seen Gabriel? asks Flora.  Yes, I was frightened at first, says Melanie.  Where did you see him? asks Julia.  In the woods, says Melanie.  He didn't try to hurt you, did he? asks Flora.  I was afraid he might, says Melanie, but he didn't--I told him where I was going, but he said I couldn't go because he wanted me to come back here, and give you this--he said you were the only one who was to read it.  Flora opens the letter and reads aloud, "Dear Mother--I am so desperate for help--and you're the only one I can turn to, the only one I'm willing to talk to--you have never failed me in a time of need--I'm confident you will not fail me now--I'm so alone--so terribly alone, and confused about things--I beg you to meet me at midnight, in the gazebo--I need your guidance and advice--I will be waiting at midnight--Love, Gabriel."  You're not going to go, are you? asks Julia.  Yes, I will go, says Flora.  You can't--you can't take a chance like that! insists Julia.  I have no choice, says Flora--he's my son, and this may be our only hope of getting him back.  He could get violent, warns Julia.  It's a chance I'll have to take, asserts Flora.  You can't take that chance, says Julia--he could even kill you!  He must have been all right when he wrote the letter, insists Flora, it's quite coherent--Melanie, how did he seem to you when you saw him?  Fine, she says.  You said he frightened you, Julia reminds her.  He promised not to hurt me, says Melanie--I believed him.  Was he lucid? inquires Flora--did everything he say make sense?  Yes, says Melanie, he knew what he was talking about--in fact, I began to feel quite sorry for him--there was a terrible sadness about him.  There's every possibility that could change by midnight, cautions Julia.  The matter is settled, insists Flora, I'm going!  She heads for the door.  At least wait until Quentin gets here and have him follow you, advises Julia.  No, says Flora, slipping a shawl around her shoulders--and I want you to promise me, both of you, that Quentin will hear none of this!
How can we promise a thing like that? demands Julia.  I'm still head of this house, says Flora, and I want both your words--now!  Melanie nods--I'll say nothing.  Julia doesn't reply at first, then agrees, too.  Flora leaves.  Melanie and Julia both look somber and worried.

Gazebo - Flora walks up the few steps, looking anxiously around for her son.  Gabriel appears from the bushes and slowly comes toward his mother, something hidden behind his back.  She gasps when she turns and sees him.  You're afraid of me, too, he says, distraught.  No, she says, of course not, you startled me.  You look so pale in this light, he says--how do I look?  Tired, she responds, so very troubled.  Do you think it was easy, he asks, running from place to place, stopping for a moment to rest, then running again?--yes, I'm tired.  My poor Gabriel, she says, but the worst is over--I'm here now.  Yes, Mother, he says, indeed you are.  She steps toward him.
Unknown to Flora, he has a knife hidden behind his back.

NOTES:  Is Gabriel about to commit matricide?  He apparently is totally crazy now, and God knows how he's survived, without money and booze.

I feel sorry for Melanie.  On the one hand, I understand Flora and Julia's desire to protect her, but it seems cruel to discourage her from her feelings for Kendrick, and his for her.  Love can overcome many things, and perhaps it can overcome this problem.  They can't keep Melanie in a box forever--she deserves a chance to be happy.  At the rate things are going, she might be the only one.

Another wonderful performance by Pennock.  He does play crazy so well!

Quentin is doing a lot of stuff behind the scenes, but we aren't seeing him.  Selby hasn't left the show to have his appendix out--yet!

1227 - Gabriel turns away from his mother so she doesn't spot the knife.  Why have you turned away from me? asks Flora.  I've got to keep moving, he insists.  Listen to me, she pleads, I can't deny you failed the family (why even mention that?), but now is not the time to dwell on that--now is the time to come home and let your family take care of you.  Back to that prison at Collinwood? he asks--no, I can't go back there, no matter how cleverly you tuck me away--the police are going to find me!  It was all a mistake, protests Flora, you didn't do anything!  I'm not going to stand there and prove my innocence, he says, I'm going away--out of the country--and oh, those jewels, he exults, gazing greedily at all the sparkling, expensive items Flora is wearing, those jewels will help me--help me get far away.  If going away would help you, she says, I'd give you anything you need, but it won't help--when you have these attacks, you should be with your family, not strangers.  I don't know anything about any attacks, says Gabriel, his mouth twisting with cruelty--"All I know is, you talk too much!"  Noting the ugly change that has come over him, Flora is sickened.  Gabriel goes on, ranting, "All you Collinses are always talking, you think it's so precious, all those words!--it's not what I want, I don't want your words."  She steps forward--Gabriel, she says sympathetically.  He raises the knife, snarling, "I said I don't want your words!"  She cries out in horror--"NO!"  Give me those jewels or I'll cut them off you, he threatens, his mouth a hideous rictus.  No, Gabriel, no! she cries.  Stop calling me that, he commands--I hate that name--I hate myself--and oh, I hate you, so much...his demeanor changes abruptly, and he asks, sounding normal again, "What are you doing here?"  You asked me to meet you, don't you remember? she asks.  I did? he asks--well, you were a fool to come, he giggles.  Perhaps, she says, but I'm still your mother.  My mother? he asks, reverting back, "You know, you'd like just to stop me from what I'm supposed to do--well it's not going to stop me, all those lies--because I'm going to kill you, and everyone else!"  Listen to me, she begs, I am your mother!  He holds up the knife, pronouncing it "the only family I'll ever need," this knife!  He menaces her, about to stab her.  Kendrick appears and they begin to grapple in the gazebo.  Kendrick knocks Gabriel to the ground, retrieves the knife, and orders Flora, get out of here--I'll take care of Gabriel!  You mustn't hurt him, protests Flora, he isn't well, he's confused.  You seem very concerned, considering he was about to kill you, points out an agitated Kendrick.  He IS my son, Flora says.  And Stella was my sister, but she had no one to plead for her life, did she? asks Kendrick.
Gabriel rises to his feet and attacks Kendrick.  The men get into it.  Kendrick buries the knife in Gabriel's shoulder.  Gabriel falls to the ground.  You've killed him! accuses Flora, beginning to cry.

Collinwood - Quentin knocks at Melanie's locked door--come out! he orders.  She sits in a chair, her face neutral--go away, she says.  Just because Kendrick knows about your attacks is no reason to lock yourself in the room, insists Quentin.  There's another reason Kendrick must never know, says Melanie.  Her face collapses as she confesses, "I kill his sister!--God help me, I killed that innocent girl"  You can't blame yourself, says Quentin.  Why can't I? she asks--all my life, I wanted to know who I was--well it doesn't make any difference, because I'm as much a Collins as anyone else--the mad Collinses!--and this room will be my asylum for the rest of my life.  You can't talk like that, says Quentin, still on the opposite side of the door--you've got to come out!  Why, so they can lock me someplace else? she asks bitterly.  They're not going to lock you anywhere! he says.  Stop wasting time with me, she says--go and find Mama and Gabriel (didn't she promise not to spill the beans)?  What about him? demands Quentin, instantly alerted--"What about Mother and Gabriel?"

Flora kneels beside Gabriel.  Thank heavens he's alive, she says.  Yes, alive, spits out Kendrick, to pay for the murder of Stella.  No, says Flora, leave him alone, leave us all alone, what's over is over!  What am I supposed to do, demands Kendrick, forget the fact he killed my sister?  He didn't, says Flora--whatever else he's done, or been, he did not murder your sister--I know...  You know WHAT? asks Kendrick.  Flora covers her mouth.  If Gabriel is innocent, someone else is guilty, says Kendrick--who killed my sister--tell me, who killed Stella?  She cringes at the unmitigated fury on his face.

You must tell me, says Kendrick--who murdered my sister?  I know Gabriel didn't do it, reveals Flora, but I don't know who did, believe me.  I don't believe you! screams Kendrick, brandishing the knife he took from Gabriel--you must tell me before I. . .  Before what, Mr. Young? asks Quentin, joining them on the gazebo.  Flora, relieved, goes to him.  It's all right, Quentin assures her, Mr. Young, I think you'd better go.  Oh, no, says Kendrick.  I said go, repeats Quentin.  All right, I'll go, now, says Kendrick, but do save a little time for me, Mrs. Collins, because I'll be back.  Get out of here, commands Quentin.
Kendrick leaves.  Gabriel moans.  Mother, is he hurt badly, Quentin asks.  I don't think so, she says.  Quentin kneels beside his brother--"Come on, old man, I'm going to help you to your feet and we're gonna go back to Collinwood."  Gabriel holds onto him--I was at Collinwood when I was a baby, he says happy then, hopeful--there's no hope for Gabriel now.  Quentin holds his brother close and rocks him.

Collinwood - Melanie is lying in bed when someone knocks at her door.  Go away, she says, I don't want to see anyone.  I think you'll want to see me, says Kendrick.  She sits up on her bed.  "Kendrick," she says.  Please let me in, he says.  No, I don't want to see anyone, she says, bowing her head.  I am going to see you--now open this door! he demands, banging on it.  She lifts her head and listens as he continues to bang at the door and call her name.  She unlocks the door; he enters.  Now you see her, says Melanie, the madwoman...  Don't talk like that! says Kendrick.  Why shouldn't I? she asks.  "Because I love you!" he replies.  She looks at him, her face softening.  "You love me?" she asks in disbelief--'"Oh, if you knew how I've wanted to hear that!" You've heard it and it's true, says Kendrick--I don't want you to torment yourself anymore.  Torment myself? she asks, their faces very close--I'm not tormenting myself, you're the tormentor, you come here and tell me you love me, what else can that be but torment?--we met too late!  We met at exactly the right time, he assures her, smiling, we are right for each other--things that puzzled me are clear now--the emotional running away you were doing.  You did some running away yourself last night, she points out.  Yes I did, he admits, I had to sort things out--it's all clear in my mind and I'm back, Melanie, we're going to face these attacks together.  Together? she asks, shaking her head, what can you do?  You've got to tell me all about them, he insists, how they started, how often...  Oh, Kendrick, now! she cries, you want a happy ending, for a Collins there's no such thing.  There is, says Kendrick, just because you have these attacks...  It isn't just the attacks, she says, what if you were to find out something else about me?  Nothing you could tell me would change my love for you, he assures her.  No, she says, I'm not sure of that.  I am, he says--tell me anything you want--it can't make any difference.  She looks at him, unsure.

Well, says Melanie, I want you to know--you've got to know...  What is it? he asks, gazing at her lovingly.  I can't talk to you when you're staring at me like that, please don't look at me, she begs.  He turns away.  No, I can't, she cries.  He takes her into his arms, realizes she's trembling, and begs her, don't upset yourself, it's not worth it, please.  I'm not going to be frightened anymore, she says--in this room, no one can hurt me--and I can hurt no one as long as I'm here--so I'm never going to leave!  That's nonsense! insists Kendrick.  Is it? she asks--I've heard of cases like mine--people who couldn't face life, but didn't have the courage to die!  You are going out with me tonight, says Kendrick--if the only thing you can choose between is life and death, I won't let you make that choice--we CAN have a life together.  A life together! she says, with hysterical laughter, and what happens when my attacks come, and they will come?  If they do, he says, pulling her into his arms, we will face them together.  You seem so strong, so sure, she says.  He grins--it's strange you should say that, he says--after I learned what happened to Stella, I completely went to pieces.  Melanie turns away.  Knowing you, talking to you, he says, gave me whatever strength I have.  Please, don't talk about that now, she pleads.  I wish you had gotten to know Stella--really know her, says Kendrick, she was a lovely girl--when she was very young, she always used to come looking for me, wanted to do what I was doing--who would have guessed in the end that I would come looking for her.  Melanie sadly says, I'm so very sorry.
I know how your family feels about me, he says, I know the things we have to fight, but we will overcome them.  How can we overcome anything? she demands.  By taking one step, he says--go out with me tonight!  She shakes her head--I don't know if I can leave this room, she says, I have to think.  All right, think, he says, about some young, poor, beautiful girl lying in a grave in the woods--Melanie closes her eyes in misery--she has no more chance--but you still do--if you take it!--I'll be downstairs in an hour--be there.  He leaves without another word.  Melanie locks the door.

Gabriel, wounded arm in a sling, is back in the tower room, remarking, how strange it is--I never thought I'd be in Collinwood again, and here I am, locked in the tower room, with brother Quentin--exactly the same!  No, says Quentin, not exactly.  Oh, says Gabriel, you made sure I couldn't escape this time, right?  That's not the only difference, says Quentin, you see, you haven't been in the room before, but now you've been there--so you've got to tell me what you've found out--so I can help find out about the curse--and you can help save all of us.  Morgan spent the night in the room, says Gabriel viciously, he should have saved all of us!  I don't think so, says Quentin--I don't think Morgan spending the night in the room did anything--I don't think it satisfied the demands of the room.  What does the thing want? asks Gabriel  I don't know! says Quentin, and you've got to try and remember and tell me whatever you can, so that another Collins won't have to spend another night there--Gabriel, please!--look, you owe the family something.  You're so smug, so righteous about what I owe the family! says Gabriel angrily--but you never spent the night in that room, did you?--and I did!--I did!--I can tell you, the feeling of being desperately alone, and're not alone anymore...and something so was just...Gabriel is gulping on his fear, then says, I don't remember--it's here in my head, I just can't...I go over it a hundred times every night, and try to remember every single thing that happened.  All right, screams Quentin, putting his hands on his brother, what is it?--take it easy, calm down, get hold of yourself and try to tell me what it is!--now come on!  Gabriel calms down--"I'm standing in the room and I feel terror, and then...Quentin, I know what terrified me--I know what happened in that room!"
His eyes are huge.

What was it? asks Quentin.  What? asks Gabriel, back to the alternate personality, what are you talking about?  What you saw in the room--tell me! demands Quentin.  You know, you're always sticking your nose where it doesn't belong, says Gabriel, and, one-handed, attacks Quentin.  Quentin twists his brother's good arm behind his back.  Let go! orders Gabriel--I'll kill you!  Do you know who I am? asks Quentin.  I know who you are, screams Gabriel, I know I hate you, all of you, you hate me,--it's all out in the open!  Quentin pushes Gabriel into a chair--shut up and get some rest--I'll be back in the morning.  Quentin leaves the tower, locking Gabriel in.  Gabriel rattles the doorknob--I can't rest, he says, I've got too much to do, much killing to do--I wish I'd killed you when you were here, there would have been one less...that's all right, the door will open again, and you will all be dead!

Drawing room - Quentin reports to Flora, Gabriel was almost ready to tell me, then he had an attack and tried to kill me.  What are we going to do? asks Flora.  We've got to give him more time, says Quentin, so he can get calm.  There isn't any time, says Flora, the police are looking for him now--even though he didn't kill that girl, he's never going to be able to prove his innocence--to the police of Kendrick--oh, speaking of Kendrick, he was here earlier, one of the servants convinced him I was going out for a while--he said he'd be back.  When he comes, I'll tell him you're still out, promises Quentin.  No, says Flora, I've got to talk to him sooner or later--what am I going to tell him?--that Melanie killed his sister?--oh I wish I knew what to do.  Perhaps I do, suggests Quentin--did he say where he is?  The hotel, she says.  I'll go to the hotel and have a talk with Mr. Young, volunteers Quentin.  It won't do any good, she insists, he's a very persistent young man.  So am I, says Quentin--I'll tell him a few things, for one thing, that Melanie had nothing to do with his sister's death, none of us did--we're all very sorry and that's that.  Why should he believe you? she asks.  Because, smiles Quentin, I'm going to tell him something about the Collins family that will make him believe me.  Nothing about the room, warns Flora.  Whatever is necessary, says Quentin.  Nothing about the room, she insists--do you hear me, I forbid it!

7:30 - The clock strikes the half hour.  Kendrick knocks at the drawing room doors.  When Flora answers, he says, I'm glad to see you at home.  You're wasting your time, says Flora, I have nothing to tell you.  You're only one of the reasons I'm here tonight, he says--I've come to take Melanie out for the evening.  You've come to what? demands Flora.  I think you heard me the first time, he says.  Impossible, says Flora--Melanie can't go anywhere with anybody.  I'm not anybody, says Kendrick, I happens to love her very much--and I intend to help her--I would never harm Melanie.  The harm has already been done, she says coldly.  What does that mean? he asks.  I think you'd best forget it, she says.  What harm are you talking about? he asks--I want to know if it affects Melanie.  Melanie isn't a normal girl, Flora reminds him--you've seen that for yourself, only my family can take care of her.  The great Collins family, he mocks, that's why she runs frightened to her room every time because that's all she's ever seen.  Whatever problems we have, she says sternly, we prefer to deal with ourselves.  How can you deal with your troubles? he asks--you're building them on a wall of lies!--the truth has been missing from this house for so long, you can't recognize it--let me help you--perhaps we were enemies at one time, before I fell in love with Melanie, but now I realize we must work together and break down this door!--and let truth in--who killed my sister?--you know who she was acquainted with--who had reason to kill her? I assure you, says Flora, we know of no one who had reason to kill Stella.  Perhaps there was no reason--perhaps it was a mindless, senseless act after all! suggests Kendrick.  Gabriel did not do it, says Flora.  Someone did--who?--who? demands Kendrick.  I don't know, says Flora.  First tell me where it happened, says Kendrick, and how!  I can't tell you anything! says Flora.
From the doorway, Melanie calls, "Mama--you had better tell him--I tried, but I couldn't--so you tell him--please!"

NOTES:  Does this mean they are going to name Melanie as Stella's murderer?  What will that do to the burgeoning romance between Kendrick and Melanie?  Right now, I'd say she needs Kendrick more than anyone else, and I hope that if she explains what happened--that she might have murdered Stella while her other personality took over, he will understand and accept.  It's asking a lot, but he seems willing to shoulder so much, perhaps he will understand here, too.

Gabriel is alternately himself and the other, killer, personality.  He hasn't asked for booze, I wonder, did he kick the habit while he was running away?  I certainly wouldn't trust him; he was all set to kill his mother.  How frustrating for Quentin to be unable to get the knowledge of what Gabriel went through.  Sure sounds terrifying.

I always root for Melanie and Kendrick.  They both deserve to be happy, and I truly believe they can provide it to each other.  I really like him for the way he stands up to both Flora and Julia, two very strong ladies indeed.

Love, Robin

These are the last episodes of DS being shown on the Sci Fi channel.  I will continue to post until the end of the series.  If you wish to purchase my Robservations CD, contact me at and I'll give you ordering details.  Happy new year, DS fans!

Offline Midnite

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Re:#1226/1227: Robservations 12/30/03: Gabriel, Insane
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2003, 06:46:02 PM »
These are the last episodes of DS being shown on the Sci Fi channel.  I will continue to post until the end of the series.

Look for the next summaries on January 2nd ... illustrated!

Happy New Year!!