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Messages - Patti Feinberg

Robin V

Hope it's a TERRIFIC day.  We LOVE you!!



Calendar Events / Announcements '14 II / OT - Reading
« on: December 01, 2014, 11:07:07 PM »
I'm not sure if I'll phrase this correctly, but, here goes.
I was waiting to speak to the librarian today; in the center, the library had a display of different holiday books.
One was "Mistletoe Mayhem", a collection of short stories.
I read "The Stocking". Didn't understand it.
If I wanted to watch certain TV/movies, I could 'Hulu' or YouTube, etc.
I wanted to re-read this 3-4 page short story and ask a question or two.

If anyone has ever read it, please PM me.
If there is a sight to read a short story, please reply to this (for others to know).

I don't want to steal at all; I'm literally (probably) the ONLY person I know that BUYS songs on my phone. (Do I think Frank Sinatra, Marilyn Manson, or members of Three Dog Night are receiving these small amounts of monies, OF COURSE NOT...not the point though....)


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / New Info??
« on: November 26, 2014, 10:02:29 PM »
I don't know why I was looking at the small text at the bottom (this was on Current Talk).

It had a list (no link):

Topics You Have Posted In

Polls You Have Started

Hot Topics (more than 25 entries) You Have Posted In

Locked Topics

Qu'est ce c'est??? Oyevah..... [hall2_cool]


Current Talk '14 II / Re: My DS Reading List
« on: November 26, 2014, 09:59:26 PM »
Wouldn't the 'Catherine/Bramwell' be sort of linked with 'Wuthering Heights'?

Also, which ever (close to the above) with Tracy is also?? 'Wuthering Heights'????


Caption This! - Night of Dark Shadows / Re: Night of Dark Shadows
« on: November 26, 2014, 09:54:16 PM »
Tracy's REM....He'd better be getting me some bling for Christmas!!

Caption This! - Night of Dark Shadows / Re: Night of Dark Shadows
« on: November 26, 2014, 09:51:49 PM »
"God, I wish he'd leave; I'm dying to take off my bra and pantyhose."

Calendar Events / Announcements '14 II / Re: Of Romance and Dark Shadows
« on: November 26, 2014, 09:45:16 PM »
I understand that Mr. Davis is a graduate of Columbia University.  (No doubt, he had outstanding high school grades and he also must have absolutely aced the SAT's!!!) [hall2_grin]

In fact, I believe that several of the DS actors attended and/or graduated from Ivy League schools, including: Thayer David and Joel Crothers (Harvard University), Jonathan Frid (An MFA from Yale University), Grayson Hall (Cornell University, I think?) and Terry Crawford also attended one of the Ivy League schools.

Wow! I had never heard of any of this! Thanks you wonderful, nosy-Parker!!

Happy Thanksgiving


PS....can you imagine attending Harvard with Thayer David??? Cool bean man, cool beans. [hall2_wink]

Current Talk '14 II / Re: TV Last Night=1795 Questions..
« on: November 26, 2014, 09:29:31 PM »
I *liked* Naomi.
As EVERY adult woman AND man would attest, you C A N N O T have 2 adult women attempting to rule the house....Mrs. Johnson (not the character in 1795) played Joshua's sister, yes? (name please).

But....1895....JUDITH oh yeah baby!!!
A woman ruling the roost!!! Waaaaayyyyy ahead of it's time (and I mean BOTH 1895 AND 1968ish).
Plus, her.....Trask.....bricks.....yuckyuckyuckyuck  [hall2_grin] [hall2_cheesy]

About 1895...who was David Hennessey? (Character-wise)

Okay, and before IChing/time travel, there were Chris Jennings and Amy Jennings.

Under what circumstances did they arrive at or near Collinwood?

What were 'David & Amy''s' 1895 names? They were both the children of a certain blonde  [hall2_wink]

Going to start a poll now.


Current Talk '14 II / TV Last Night=1795 Questions..
« on: November 25, 2014, 08:24:44 PM »
So, the Depp movie was on last night, but, I think we all know what else was on, so I wasn't really able to watch much of the movie (what a shame, I've only seen it about 100 times, no exaggeration).

Recently, I was thinking of the 1795 story line. I'll list the players:

Naomi  [hall2_kiss]
Aunt Natalie
Count Du Pres? (is that right?)
TRASK grrrrrrr!!!!!
Ben Stokes
And some version of the guy Vicki would end up dating, but in 1795, he (I know it's Barn's uncle) married ChJosette).

Okay, here's where I'm a little fuzzy:

N. Barrett played......somebody. Didn't she either get engaged to or married to Nathan Forbes, who was already married? If he was married, to whom?
D. Hennessy played her kid brother....I cannot remember his wasn't Daniel, was it?

N. B's character 'went 'round the bend' when she found out no marriage to Forbes (sick 'em Barn!!)

Calendar Events / Announcements '14 II / Solving..
« on: November 25, 2014, 08:16:05 PM »
"How do solve a problem like
Maria Meriweather"

Happy Birthday Lady!!

How do you hold a moonbeam in your hand?


Calendar Events / Announcements '14 II / Re: OT - Movie's I've Ordered
« on: November 25, 2014, 08:04:49 PM »
Finished watching, "Lost Moment".
Can't remember it now (a whole 2 days ago), but hey, my son is off all week from school, so cut me some slack.

I know that before putting the DVD in, I went to IMDb.
They listed that the actors included Agnes Moorehead (Endora on 'Bewitched'). Gee, really, I THOUGHT SHE DID JUST A LITTLE BIT MORE THAN ONLY BEWITCHED.  [hall2_rolleyes]

The IMDb post also sort of mentioned the subject of that, at the time of move (MCMXLVII), yes, 1947, the makeup to make Ms. Moorehead seem old was.....IDK what 'they' were saying. It was terrific, especially for 1947!!

The film is a 'little' loose (don't quite want to say sloppy, but it's borderline) just in one area only.

Overall, if you can get in on Net/Hulu or at your local library, it's worth a watch.

I FINALLY JUST GOT "SITTING PRETTY" (aka Mr. Belvedere)!!!!!

Current Talk '14 II / 2012/IMHO
« on: November 18, 2014, 12:40:52 AM »
Every so often, while trying to fall asleep, I've been thinking of the 2012 DS movie.

I completely believe it was just for 'us' (DS fans).

The younger peeps in my life have seen it, and only think it's moderately adequate.

We all know of the 'inacuracies' and that it was due to time limitations.



Calendar Events / Announcements '14 II / OT - Movie's I've Ordered
« on: November 18, 2014, 12:37:53 AM »
May not be DS exactly, but film noir/mystery. I've never heard of any of them; but I expect more than a few of you have.

Lost Moment

Secret of the Blue Room.

(Whole reason I was on Amazon was to order 'Mr. Belveder', which I haven't seen in about 30 years. The original is actually titled, "Sitting Pretty', which of course I ordered. Also, one of the best movies (IMHO), "Butterfield 8".)


MB, I miss the Snowmen, and on my local GEORGIA news, it shows that more that 2/3rds of country is under snow...!

Current Talk '14 II / Side Montage Question
« on: November 15, 2014, 08:31:55 PM »
(I never know what to call the pics on the sides of the various boards.)

On one, today, 11/15, on side there's a pic of Angelique hovering over a bed in which I think (depending on time) is ChJosette....right above that pic, is a pic of a man, not young, white hair. I have no idea who he is (RT, PT, 1795, 1896, NoDS, HoDS, 2012 Depp).....


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: In Honor Of The Fact...
« on: November 15, 2014, 08:27:15 PM »
Yeah, they're hibernating here in Georgia.

We've had freeze watches/warnings, etc.

Oh baby it's cold!!
