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Messages - doombuggy69

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Here is the website for Majestic Studios who are doing the DS action figures. Their contact information is available on the main page on the left hand side.

Note they are also doing a figure of the Zuni Voodoo doll from Dan Curtis's Trilogy of Terror!

Hey Gang!

Just got back from the San Diego Comic Con last weekend and do I have news for you!  Majestic Studios has licensed the DS property from Dan Curtis productions, and will be releasing new 12 inch DS Action figures in the fall 2005!  Follow the link below for a peak at the prototype figures on display at the Majestic table at the Con.  This is hot news that has not even been announced by the Festival yet!!!  Here is the story on the figures from what I was told direct from Majestic.  There will be possibly be 4 initial figures released in fall 2005. Barnabas, Quentin, Angelique and Dr Hoffman. Barnabas and Quentin are already in prototype stage, and you can see them at the the link below.  Barnabas comes in 2 versions. In his 1795 and present time outfit. There will be 3 changeable heads for Barnabas, including one with fangs, and the "Old Barnabas" from 1967.   Quentin comes in his 1897 outfit, and will have an interchangeable Werewolf head!   If these figures sell, Majestic wants fan input on what characters they should do in the future.  I suggested Nicholas Blair, but there is plenty of time for everyone to make their favorites known. They said are even considering a coffin to go with the Barnabas figure. But it will not come with the figure as they need to keep the costs down on the figures.  The figures will retail for $40.00, and be sold at chains like Tower Records and Suncoast Motion Picture stores.  These figures are still new, and plans can change. I urge all fans to write in your support for Majestic Studios.  Let them know we WANT THESE FIGURES!!!  I will post their contact information in a separate message below.

Here is the link with photos of the prototype figures from the convention last weekend!


Hey Connie, you will finally have your own Q Man action figure!!!   LOL!!

Current Talk '04 I / Re: Could It Be???!!!
« on: July 06, 2004, 05:44:25 AM »
It's possible you did see an old set piece from DS. Some of the DS sets were stored in an ABC warehouse when the show went off the air. OLTL has been known to use several old redressed DS set pieces over the years.  I have a photo from a 1980 epsiode of OLTL that is in one of my daytime magazines.  It's the wedding of Marco Dane, and in the set for the church, you can see the old DS stained glass windows from the foyer landing. In another picture, you can see the double doors from Collinwood's drawing room.

 If those set pieces are still around after all these years, I wish Jim Pierson could get a hold of them and auction them off at the Fest!

Current Talk '04 I / Re:DS DVD set 12 out already!!
« on: May 19, 2004, 06:16:08 AM »
Hi Brian,

You are partly correct in your statements. When sci fi channel purchased the entire package of tapes in 1992, this was DS first excursion into cable that reached a wide audience. The tapes were cleaned up and "tweaked" in a way. The bloopers were of course left intact, but the video glitches and broken scenes were removed or carefully edited out. Unfortunately portions of dialog were left out in some cases when doing this.   The 1989 VHS tapes seem for the most part the same tapes that played in syndication in the 80's. (although a higher quality master) But all the unedited video glitches were left in. The DVD's seem to be so far the same edited versions that Sci FI aired.  The new streamlined and seemless episodes.  ANyone who is a Shadows purist like myself should still hold on to their old 1980's tapes, as "those" original shows will never be seen again!

Current Talk '04 I / Re:DS DVD set 12 out already!!
« on: May 17, 2004, 02:10:32 PM »
I don't know about the VHS tapes Darren, as the only MPI tapes I bought were 153-200. The MPI tapes were originally too expensive, and I already had off air copies from the New Jersey Network reruns of early to mid 80's.  I just needed the elusive final year.   I assume the trims were done on the MPI tapes as well.   That scene I mentioned was also trimmed for the tapes that SCI FI ran.  However my tapes from the Worldvision reruns of 1985 did not have the edits. Those tapes were complete as variious breaks and jumps of the tape were left in tact. I guess at that time they didn't care about making it perfect.

Another edit is on episode 695. At the end, Amy is burning Chris's shirt in the fire. On my 1985 syndie episode, the tape breaks yet again causing severe black screen picture but with jumbled audio.  In the Sci FI and DVD version, this "break" has been corrected by editing a still video frame of the fire place over the dialog of Don Briscoe and Denise Nickerson. I noticed many scenes like this on the Sci FI reruns.  Many times when the original tape jumps or goes to black, they will edit a still frame of a character or object to make it a seemless shot.  Of course they didn't do this on the 1980's syndie episodes.     

Current Talk '04 I / DS DVD set 12 out already!!
« on: May 16, 2004, 06:18:51 PM »
While at Best Buy yesterday, I was shocked to see on the shelf 2 copies of DS DVD set #12!  Two weeks before it's actual release!!  I couldn't resist at $43.99 and picked it up.   For the first time since I have been buying these DVD's, I have a problem with one of the discs. Disc #2 in the set will not play at all. I have tried it in 3 different players. It's so bad, that it won't even boot up to the menu. It just grinds in the players.

So my question is, what does one do with a bad disc? I suppose I could take it back to Best Buy and maybe they would trust me to replace the whole thing.  But they only had one left and that may also be bad.

Does MPI have a good track record for replacing bad discs?  If I call them woud they send me out a replacement?

On a side note, there is some more ediiting being done here on some episodes.  At least 3 snips I have noticed so far. Nothing major, but it's very frustrating in my opinion.  In episode 695, there is a scene with Barnabas reading about Quentn's life in the family history book. Maggie is beside him talking with him.  In the orginal Worldvision tape that was syndicated in the 80's, the tape starts jumping between their scene, but you can still hear some dialog. The MPI DVD has completely removed the scene between Barnabas and Maggie. I understand why they do this. They want a seemless looking show with no tape breaks. However, my humble opinion is that we should be able to see the show in the way it is original presented. Tape breaks and all.  I guess I will be keeping my 1980's syndicated tapes that have all of these gaffs intact!

Current Talk '03 II / Re:More Edits in DS DVD Set 7
« on: October 14, 2003, 08:08:59 PM »
As far as I can see, MPI is not cutting out any real scenes from DVD #7 that are not just damaged breaks in the tape that cannot be recovered.  The black cuts didn't air on ABC.  I have an original audio tape of the episode where Barnabas stops Lang from cutting off Jeff's head.  On my audio tape as originally aired on ABC, Barnabas rambles on and on to Lang for about 25 seconds. This dialog is missing from the current DVD, and syndicated version. This cut is the result of a break in the tape that most likely occured when Worldvision was preparing them for syndication in the 80's. MPI has no control over these damaged cuts in the tape.  They actually should be removed on the DVD's.  I don't have a problem with that.  What I do have a problem with is if MPI simply chops out whole scenes or bloopers.  I think since the Bathia Mapes fiasco, they now see from the fans the value of not altering anything more on them.

Well, we had "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" that was very popular for 7 or so seasons on WB/UPN. That alone did not give us a new DS like I had hoped it would. And PC was just a cheap daytime show with barely half the ratings that Buffy gave. I think the failure of the 91 DS series is still in some execs minds. Provided they have any minds to speak of.  As for daytime soaps, their ratings are eroding constantly, and I doubt they will all be on the air in 10 -15 years from now.

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Re:DARK SHADOWS REUNION
« on: October 06, 2003, 02:51:16 PM »
I found mine at Best Buy too. They had 3 of them in stock and on the shelf Saturday for 19.95.  Actually 2 now since I picked mine up.  You can also get them through DVD

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Re:Close Encounters of the DS Kind
« on: September 24, 2003, 03:45:15 AM »
Interesting story, thanks for sharing. Well I hate to see them spend 59.95 on a DS DVD, when you can get them for as low as $41.95 on line. What I hate to see even more is the birthday present will be DS set #1!  If this man has not seen DS since his childhood, those early Barnabas B/W episodes are absolutely dreadful to watch. I would never show them to someone who has never seen DS before.  I can just see them turing the shows off after the first episode.  Especially if you are not familiar with the great stuff that came later.  I wish you could tell her to buy set #7 first.  Start with 1968!  As much as I love 1795, that story really drags in places, but it would still be better than 1967.   

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Next Festival in Tarrytown????
« on: September 12, 2003, 02:48:41 PM »
Jim Pierson has announced on the Festival website the following:

Plans for next year were announced: the Festival will present a special Weekend in Tarrytown, the New York location of Lyndhurst, "Collinwood" in the films "House of Dark Shadows" and "Night of Dark Shadows." Details will be announced soon.

What happened to the posting I read on this board where Marcy Robin said the next get together would be in CA??   >:(  I am very upset and disapointed in Jim's decision to do the next event on the east coast for 2 years in a row. That is ridiculous!! The original idea was to alternate the Festival between west and east coast every year.  I live in CA, and simply cannot make it to an east coast event.  I very much looked forward every 2 years to attending the west coast conventions.  Now I have absolutely nothing to look forward to.  Thanks Jim....

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Daphne Harridge: The Lady in Red!
« on: September 12, 2003, 03:37:40 AM »
I thought it was amusing they saved Vicky's old clothes.  I believe it was episode 656, right after Vicky had disappeared with Jeff into the past, that Barnabas and Maggie were in her old room. (This was Dec 1968) They were packing all of Vicky's clothes up in a box, and Maggie was listening to Josette's Music box. She asked Barnabas what to do with the clothes. Barnabas was so distraught, that he told her to GET RID of everything! So she packed the clothes up with the music box. Although we never saw her take the box away, I can't imagine she would not do what Barnabas told her to do.

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Festival Program Cover
« on: September 12, 2003, 03:21:24 AM »
Just a guess, but judging from the clothes that the three are wearing, the photo was most likely taken in Feb or March 1969. Alex Stevens is dressed as Chris Jennings in the photo. I think they are all wearing the same clothes from the episode when Barnabas and Julia open the secret room and find that Chris didn't change back.

The photo from the MPI catalog I have seen complete and uncropped in the DS Festival display rooms. It's usually on the  cardboard displays.

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Go Kate Go!!
« on: September 05, 2003, 03:20:37 AM »

Terry Crawford is a very sweet person. She has been mainly involved in lots of charity work over the years. Current ly she runs the Inner Light Ministry. An organization that teaches human awareness. Hope you can attend a Fest sometime and meet her. Or whatever format the Fest's continue in.
Glad to hear you are still watching DS on the Sci Fi channel and enjoying it!


Current Talk '03 II / Re:Hallie's Hand
« on: August 24, 2003, 05:56:34 PM »
Yes, it's true. Kathy Cody was struck by a car outside the DS studio. This was reported in 16 magazine back in 1970 too. According to them, Kate Jackson was the first on the scene to help her.

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