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Messages - McTrooper

Barnabas: Willie I've Ben Cross-ed at you all day now leave!

Willie:  Why do I get the feeling no one will get that joke until after 1991?

Julia:  Dr. Lang you have to help me my zit has started reciting War and Peace.

Dr. Lang:  Zit with lips!  Zit with lips!  Aghhhhh!!!

It was then that Rodger knew he could not win the Collinsport Bed-Head competition.  Though going balled should have been his biggest clue.  

Michael was fine as both Joe Haskell and Peter Bradford (and I personally thought his Bradford made a better lawyer than Roger Davis' Peter Bradford). I didn't see the Pretender though. What's he up to now?

The Pretender is pretty cool.
If you want to check it out for free you might be able to find it at the library.  (I watched 4 seasons of Alias that way).
Hey . . I wonder if the library has any Dark Shadows stuff?  I better check that out.

Any way . . . as far as what he's doing now:

It looks like he's on something called Fade (2006) (in production) .... Doctor McCabe
According to the IMDB it seems before that he did some voice acting for the Justice League cartoon. 

You know that Michael T. Weiss appeared in the '91 DS, right?  He played Joe Haskell and Peter Bradford.   [hall2_smiley]

No.  I didn't.  I watched all of the 91 DS, but I haven't seen it in years.

Still, Quentin wasn't in the 91 DS, so Michael must have watched some of the old DS episodes.

the Pretender Season 2 commentary on the episode Bloodlines Part 1
Michael T. Weiss who plays Jarod referenced Dark Shadows.

They were talking about the port chop sideburns of the character Angelo
and Michael T. Weiss says ". . he was Quentin from Dark Shadows".

I thought that was pretty cool to hear.  I wonder how big a fan Michael is?

Has anyone else heard ever heard Dark Shadows referenced in unexpected places like DVD commentaries?
Known celebrity Dark Shadows fans out there?

Don:  It's no use, that teleprompter is dead as a door nail.
Joel:  I think I can fix it.  I'll just need some duct tape and a Hershey bar.  Oh, and an old lobster buoy.

Who knew MacGyver's career started out in soap operas?

Caption This! - The Werewolf-Quentin's Ghost / Re: Episode #0688
« on: October 23, 2006, 06:54:25 AM »
Barnabas:  On top of my curse I now am curst with really long fingers . . a fate certainly worse than death . .  [bonny_hand]

Actually, Frid is not even acting in this scene.

That makes my joke about the wax statue all the more relevant.  

Behold a lost scene from the much-lauded Evil-Vacuum-Closet plot thread. 

Willie and Julia:  I pledge allegiance to black flag of the United states of Columbia and to the pub in which it stand's something, something.

Julia:  It is fun saying the pledge of legence drunk, i'm sore-ie that Iz doubted ya Willy.

I was going to come up with something about pleging allegiance to the afghan.

Hmm . .
Willie and Julia:  I pledge allegiance to the afghan Barabas bought in Pakistan.  And to the Republic of yarn . . one nation afraid of cats, but always warm and cuddly. 

Caption This! - The Werewolf-Quentin's Ghost / Re: Episode #0685
« on: October 10, 2006, 06:17:21 AM »
Lol MagnusTrask a human body shield.
- -
Barnabas: There, there the evil burrito Was just a dream . . (whispers) at least I hope it was.  

Stokes: Let's see what the problem is.  Ah, I it's quite clear that you Shimmied when you should have coco poped. 

Caption This! - The Werewolf-Quentin's Ghost / Re: Episode #0686
« on: October 09, 2006, 05:43:40 PM »
Me too.    No criticism intended.    I just thought my remark would be funny too.

I didn't think it was criticism.  I'm glad you liked it too.
It just seemed like an explanation to me not a joke . . hmm . . it could make for a very wacky fan fic though.  I'm not sure I could pull it off, but you're welcome to try.   [hall2_smiley]

Jeff:  My eyebrow is telling me not to trust you Barnabas.