Author Topic: Robservations 5/23/03 - #952-953  (Read 1200 times)

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Robservations 5/23/03 - #952-953
« on: May 22, 2003, 08:31:41 PM »
952 - Megan enters the antique shop, calling, Jeb, get out!   She runs away, shouting FIRE!

Collinwood - 11:20 - The phone rings in the foyer.  Liz answers. It's a hysterical Megan--the shop is on fire and Jeb is trapped in there!--he didn't come out, I tried to get to him, but it moved too fast--I'm calling from a pay phone.  We hear fire trucks roaring in the background.  They didn't find anything, Megan reports to Liz, not yet, what will we do?  I don't know, says Liz, but immediately leaves to join Megan.

Old House - I stayed close by the shop until the fire had taken, says Barnabas to Julia--by the time the firemen arrived, there was nothing left to save. Cringing, Julia says, at least he can't turn into that loathsome creature anymore, with his room burned. I believe I have accomplished more than that, exults Barnabas--Jeb never came out, although I knew he was there when it started. You don't know if Jeb can even be killed, Julia reminds him. I know poison can't kill him, says Barnabas, but every inhuman creature has one vulnerability, one way the earth can finally get rid of him. Do you think his can be fire? asks Julia happily.  I don't think it would be that easy to destroy him, he replies. Jeb isn't finished with you, predicts Julia, and won't be until he puts a stake through your heart. Yes, agrees Barnabas sadly, every inhuman creature has one vulnerability. Julia apologizes about his affliction--I will start the injections and it won't go on, she promises. He moves in close--you're a good friend, he says, but my one personal score is with the Leviathans to settle the way they made me harm you. Perhaps he is dead, we'll know soon enough, says Julia hopefully. At least I destroyed his room, taking away his special powers and great strength, says Barnabas--the Jeb who comes here to accuse me will be human, but nothing more.
Yes, agrees Julia, except for his hatred, which makes him so dangerous.

A dejected Liz and Megan return to Collinwood. In a monotone, Liz remarks, I hadn't realized it had gotten so cold--should I have Mrs. Johnson fix some tea?  I don't understand, mutters Megan--somehow I'd have felt better if they had found something, anything, in the wreckage. He wasn't human, Liz reminds her, you couldn't expect him to die like a human. I didn't expect him to die at all, says Megan--he had no right--I don't care about the shop, everything being gone that Philip and I own--I don't care about any of that--all I care is about HIM. She looks up in shock. Jeb is standing there.  Gone? he asks--who said I was gone?--no one could get rid of me that easily. Liz is stunned, Megan thrilled.

Liz, now smiling, asks Jeb, who holds the Leviathan box, what are you doing here? Waiting for you, he says jauntily, I knew you'd be back soon.  How did you get out? asks Megan. I was out the window and away before anyone could realize it, boasts Jeb, way out in the country, alone-- then I changed to me and walked right back here--and I'm tired. I'll arrange for rooms for tonight, says Liz, and hurries away.  Jeb, why didn't you come into the village, let me know? asks Megan--I was sick with worry!  I was sick, too, with what you let happen, says Jeb--now someone set that fire. Why would someone would want to set fire...begins Megan.  Because we have enemies, says an angry Jeb, and you're supposed to protect me from them. You knew I was visiting Philip, Megan reminds him, it's very important to convince him I'm frightened of you. He advances on her and suggests, you might just have a real reason to be. You're not being fair, she says, nor making sense--I just remembered something that also makes no sense--I saw Barnabas standing in the crowd, watching the fire--I called to him, but he didn't seem to hear me, and when I later went looking for him, he was gone. He was there, all right, says Jeb. Why didn't he speak to me? asks Megan. Because he's a traitor, says Jeb--I knew he'd move against me, but not this quickly. Jeb walks away.

Julia prepares a blood-red injection and warns, this time, Barnabas, you must accept the dosages I decide on--last time, because I listened to you, you aged--this time, you must accept this. She gives Barnabas the injection.  He winces--even one night as this bloodthirsty creature Jeb made me is too long, says Barnabas. Julia takes her bag and the other paraphernalia upstairs.  Barnabas, putting on his jacket, sees something he doesn't like at all. "What are you doing here?" he asks Jeb.  I didn't think you'd have the presence of mind to set a fire tonight, says Jeb, because you did, and don't deny it--Megan saw you. Yes, I set it, admits Barn. Jeb asks, "Don't you know you can't cross me anymore?"  I'm going to keep on trying, insists Barnabas, until you are destroyed. I promise you, you'll be destroyed first, warns Jeb, but not until you see me take over Collinwood, marry Carolyn, and do all the things I'm going to do--and then you'll be unable to see the light, you'll be a hunted animal, just waiting for people to find out.  Waiting? asks Barn--aren't you going to boast about it, tell everyone?  That's my business--and I told you to keep out of my business, says Jeb. Your anger has a habit of getting in the way of his good sense, just like when you were a child, says Barnabas. No! says Julia, dismayed, spotting Jeb. Julia, Mr. Hawkes was just leaving, says Barnabas. Jeb grins--of course, it's almost dawn. Laughing, Jeb leaves the Old House. Julia, terribly upset, says, I really hoped he was dead... You're exhausted, notes Barnabas--when I go down into the basement, you should go to Collinwood to get some rest--this has been too much for you, we must get Willie Loomis back. We will, says Julia, soon, but until then, I will stay. She gives him a look, brooking no argument.

Collinwood - Megan puts on her coat--I'm going to visit Philip, she tells Liz--Mrs. Stoddard, is it right, my staying here?--what will people say, under the circumstances?  It doesn't matter, Liz assures her, we know the real circumstances, don't we?  Jeb went out walking, says Megan. I want to show him the carriage house, says Liz--I think he'll be comfortable there; it will be nice having him close by, and I know Carolyn will like it--they really seem to care for each other, don't they? Megan whirls around and curtly replies, "Yes, they seem to REALLY care for each other!" She leaves.  Liz wonders what THAT was all about.

Jail - It's been a nightmare, Megan, says Philip, sitting in a jail cell, accused of three murders I didn't commit--but I had no choice--I had to confess to them. You could have let him kill me, says Megan.  No, says Philip.  He still will kill me, insists Megan, if he thinks you're wavering--I can tell by the way he looks at me. I've got to get out of here, says Philip--his room is destroyed, he can't become the other thing anymore--this is the time to move against him, when he's an ordinary man! No! cries Megan, then calms herself down--he's not an ordinary man, and don't delude yourself into thinking he is, or that you can do anything--Philip, our only chance is to convince him of our loyalty, he hates that more than anything!  And if we ARE loyal, asks Philip, will he tell the truth, confess to the murders? No, says Megan, but he'll find someone else to take your place--you'll see. Is that all I can hope for? asks Philip--some other innocent person to die in my place?  Don't talk about dying, cautions Megan, it scares me.  Philip hugs her and holds her close.  I'm glad the shop burned down, he says viciously, glad it's all gone--I was beginning to hate it and everything it stood for--if I ever get out of here, we will forget this, leave it behind and start over--won't we? She pulls away from him, looking into his eyes.  Yes, she says. Out of all this horror, one good thing has come, he says--I've got you back again.
He hugs her, but the cruel expression on her face belies what Philip believes.

I think my new accommodations are very nice, Mrs. Stoddard, says Jeb. I think you'll be comfortable, she says--and there's a room in the back where you can be your other--higher--form. He praises her for thinking of everything.  I've tried to, she says. You've done very well, he says, I like being near Collinwood--I feel like I belong. You do, she assures him--we've waited such a long time for you, sometimes it seems as if this family just kept this house waiting for you, until you were ready to take over. Very soon, promises Jeb. Perhaps you should move in now, suggests Liz--should I ask Barnabas? NO! says Jeb quickly, don't ask Barnabas anything. Why not? asks Liz. Barnabas is no longer our leader, says Jeb
--he betrayed me, so don't consult Barnabas on anything--is that clear? Should I keep him out of Collinwood, too? asks Liz. No, says Jeb, not yet, I want Barnabas to be an outsider, but not so far outside he can't see what's happening. He grins.

Old House - Julia sleeps in a chair in the drawing room, awakening when she hears Barnabas coming up from the basement. They smile at each other. One more day safely past, he tells her, thanks to you. Yes, but I have a feeling the night won't be so safe, she says--I'm frightened. Don't be, he says. He turns to leave.  "Don't go out," asks Julia.  I must, he insists--no matter what happens, there is one more thing that I must do."

Megan returns to Collinwood. Did you see him? Liz asks. Yes, says Megan--it must seem strange to the rest of the world--the woman whose husband was killed, in the same house as the woman whose husband confessed to his murder... Will Philip will stick to his confession, or is there danger he will tell the truth? asks Liz.  No danger, says Megan, as long as he feels sorry for me. What about you, asks Liz, are you feeling sorry for yourself? I've never been happier in my life, responds Megan with a horribly creepy grin.

Jail - A bat joins Philip in his cell and becomes Barnabas. How did you get in here? demands Philip. Quiet, please! says Barn. Where did you come from, who let you in? persists Philip. No one knows I'm here, says Barnabas--let's keep it that way.  There's something different, strange about you, says Philip--I don't understand it, it frightens me. Don't be frightened, I'm here to help you, Barnabas assures him--they're going to accuse you and try you for three murders you didn't commit. And hang me for them, I know that, agrees Philip, but if I make one move to get out of here, Megan will die--Jeb has made that quite clear--she's his hostage for my continuing good behavior. Megan is not Jeb's hostage, but his slave, his worshipper, corrects Barnabas. I don't know what to believe anymore, sighs Philip, I just doesn't know--I thought I'd be able to steal that box, and almost did.  I completely understand, says Barnabas, you had no power over this, anymore than I did after he changed me into this vile creature of the night. Philip looks at him, light dawning, and backs away. "A creature of the night!" he cries. Don't draw away from me, please, begs Barnabas, I will not harm you, believe me!  I didn't betray you to Jeb, explains Philip, he already knew about you--someone else betrayed you.

Carriage house - Philip asked me to go away with him, Megan chortles to Jeb--leave everything. What did you say? asks Jeb. I said I would, she gloats--if he ever gets out of jail. They laugh together.  Oh, but I wouldn't go anywhere with him, she says--that weak, spineless...  You loved him once, Jeb reminds her. That was until my eyes were opened to the truth, she says--Philip said he was glad the antique shop was gone--well so am I!--it reminded me of him--here there is nothing to remind me of him, it is perfect, and that room will be perfect for you in your higher form--I'll consecrate it immediately. No, you can't, says Jeb, stopping her. But I did before, she protests. The consecration didn't come from you, says Jeb, but from Oberon, and the dream. We can't wait for a dream, says Megan. Can't we? asks Jeb--there is plenty of time. No, you must have your room now, says Megan. I don't want it now, he says, looking into the fire. What did you say? she asks. He repeats it--I don't want my room, that was just fine when I was younger and had to change, but now I'm in a different form, I am me, and I don't see any reason not to remain in this form. She kneels beside him and says, "YOU are what's in that room--Jeb is only what the world sees!"  But the world seems to like it fine, says Jeb. "You mean Carolyn Stoddard seems to like it fine!" says Megan angrily. He looks at her furious face and asks, what if she does?  I didn't give up everything in my life so that someone like Carolyn Stoddard could have another date to take her to dinner! snarls Megan. Jeb smiles. If you want her, then it must be the way the book demands--the Leviathan way, asserts Megan. Why, would you be jealous otherwise? asks Jeb, rising to stand beside her. I've given up a lot for you, she reminds him. So you keep telling me, he says, and I'm tired of hearing it, and of your thinking of me as Michael or Alexander, someone you have a special hold over--because things have changed--I'm different--and things between us are different. He leans in close, Megan, uncomfortable, says hesitantly, that isn't true...  Jeb grabs her into his arms and kisses her.  Megan responds passionately, twining her arms around him. When they separate, he smiles and asks, "Isn't it?" Thunder roars. Megan scared, pulls away from him and asks, "Jeb, what did you do?" The front door blows open.  What's happening? cries Megan. Jeb looks outside--something is there, he says--who is it?
Who is it? echoes Megan.  She turns to Jeb and asks, "Who did you make angry?" Frightened, Jeb stares into the night...

NOTES: I know who's at the door, but I won't say. We'll find out soon enough.

What's this? Is incest best? Is Mama Megan giving in to lusty temptation for her own hot boy child? Her attitude toward Philip is so cruel and undeserved. They were once so happy, and their wrecked marriage infuriates me more than anything else in this storyline.

Barnabas and Julia seemed especially close today, and when he came upstairs from his day in the coffin, it wasn't so much a vampire man with his protector as a husband and wife meeting for dinner after a hard day at their respective offices. Their smiles were genuine and caring.

Now Jeb doesn't even want to revert to his Leviathan form, and he was just telling someone he prefers it. Has love humanized Jeb?

Great scene with Barnabas and Philip, who must have thought he was about to become vampire food. Barnabas really does care about making sure he doesn't fry for Jeb's crimes--or does he?

953 - A mysterious hatted man stands in the doorway.  Jeb, you always goes too far, he says. Who are you? demands Jeb--come into this room! Be sure you really want me, the man warns, still standing in the shadows, for once you see me you'll know you have to follow my orders!-- I've watched you, both of you, make your mistakes, his more disastrous than yours, Megan; I've watched your blundering, your ineptitude, and I've come to save the Leviathans--"Let there be light, for I am tired of eternal darkness!" The lights flare back on.  Standing there, handsome and angry, is...  You may call me Nicholas Blair, instructs the man.  That name means nothing to me, sheers Jeb.  It will, Nicholas assures him--Megan, allow me to be alone with Jeb, for we have much to discuss--tell no one I am here, warns Blair, for you can be punished more easily than he, and the name I use it known here--I shall make myself known to the proper people at the proper time--go! Nicholas orders her, pointing to the door with his gray gloves.  She exits. Nicholas approaches Jeb, who is staring into the fire. Shall you give your explanations now for the crimes you've committed? asks Nicholas--the chances you have taken, the power you have usurped-- before we go into what will happen to you now?--look at me! demands Blair, for I can change anything, Jeb, even Carolyn's feelings for you. Jeb looks at him when he hears this threat. Begin--now, commands Blair.

Collinwood - Carolyn, wearing her nightgown, turns off lights in the drawing room. She hears a door slam--Megan is home. You frightened me, says Carolyn--it's nerves, that's all--it's storming--Megan, do you feel a presence in this room? No, answers Megan unconvincingly, turning on a light, you're simply exhausted. I suppose you're right, says Carolyn, I haven't been sleeping well, it's as if I'm afraid to go to sleep, that I'll have the dream again. Tell me the dream, says Megan.  It's too insane, says Carolyn--Jeb, with blood on his hands. Megan turns away, once more angry and jealous. I keep having it, says Carolyn--each time it goes one step further. What was the last dream? asks Megan.  I don't even want to think about it, says Carolyn. It would be better, says Megan--you should talk about it.  Where did you came from? asks Carolyn.  The coach house, says Megan--Jeb is quite settled, she assures her.,.and will be fine, just fine.

Jeb and Nicholas are seated in the coach house.  I only did what I had to do, insists Jeb. The state will hang Philip, says Blair--you sacrificed one of us--another game you were playing just as you were when you brought that sheriff back to life--if his state can be called that--every move unwise, and the most unwise was Barnabas Collins--you made him a vampire, made him totally useless to us--a shabby performance indeed, and a dangerous one--he will be after you and relentless about it!  I will take care of him, promises Jeb. NO!!!! bellows Nicholas--we must destroy Barnabas Collins, he says, his face shaking--now, Jebez, we have come to your most serious deviation--you never want to change into your Leviathan form again, do you? Jeb looks nervous. You want to be human, accuses Nicholas, which for a Leviathan is the greatest sin.  Jeb's eyes reveal that Nicholas' accusations are true.  Give me the box, commands Nicholas--do you think I'm going to let you stand in the way of the return of the Leviathans?--this was MY idea, the resurrection of the Leviathans, I will not see it fail; now the box--for the next time Carolyn sees you, she will run from you as she did when she saw you as you truly are. Jeb, miserable, reluctantly gives Nicholas the box.  I will consecrate the room so you can change into what you really are, insists Blair--do you understand?--answer me!  Yes, says Jeb. Wait here, orders Nicholas, entering the adjoining room. Jeb, furious, sits down by the fireplace, then stands and says a firm no. He heads for exit door, but when he arrives there, Nicholas is there, grinning at him--"You see, Jeb, I can anticipate your every move."

Nicholas laughs--am I going to have to keep proving my powers?--I hope not, that would be unbelievably boring for both of us. Your room is ready for you now, Jeb. You'll not mind it so much once you're in changed.  Please don't make me change, begs Jeb.  I have no choice, insists Nicholas--there's no harm in telling you my last endeavor on earth took place here also, and was a failure--I don't like being punished for failure, and won't do so a second time--get in your room, Jeb.
You cannot kill me, says Nicholas, not even in that other form--yes, I can read your mind, believe it now, and save yourself all the trouble. I may not be able to kill you in that room, says Jeb, but I promise you'll regret it. I'll take that chance, says Nicholas smoothly. They stare at each other.  Jeb hesitates at the door. Go in, says Nicholas.  Jeb obeys. Once the door closes behind Jeb, Nicholas summons Bruno, who has been waiting outside. Bruno notes there is no sign of breathing.  He's sulking, of course, says Nicholas. Does he know you spoke to me, that I told you where he was? asks Bruno. No, Nicholas assures him--you're afraid of him, aren't you?  I don't want him thinking ill of me, says Bruno. Don't worry about that, says Nicholas, I'll protect you. As long as I'm useful to you, says Bruno. Yes, agrees Nicholas. They listen at the door.  Is that where the change takes place? asks Bruno--whether Jeb wants it or not? He can delay it, but that's all, says Blair.  They hear the LLB breathing issuing from the room.
Nicholas assures Bruno all is well; together, they laugh.

Carolyn dreams, twisting her head on the pillow, murmuring, not again!  She dreams of Jeb's bloody hands, asking him what he's done. He laughs uproariously. The door opens and she sees a dead body. What is that? she asks, terrified--Jeb, you've killed someone. He shuts the door, if she believes that. She demands to know whose body that was.  He continues to laugh and assures her there's no body in there.  Blood pours from under the door; she screams at him not to touch her, even as he continues to insist there is no body there. Silence.  Jeb is gone. Carolyn opens the door with the blood pouring out from under it and enters. What's happened to the room, she asks, the body? She finds herself out in the woods, a coffin sitting there, in the cemetery.  Who's calling me to come here--who wants me here? she asks--open it, she tells herself, find out whose body is there, why Jeb has blood on his hands. The coffin opens by itself, but Carolyn can't bring herself to look. She wanders back to the empty coffin, wondering, what was the person who was there trying to tell me?--whose grave was it? She screams when she comes across a headstone that tells her--Paul Stoddard!
The dream comes to an end as it began--with a swirling disco ball. Carolyn awakens and sits up, gasping in horror.

Bruno, I disagree with the sacrifice of Philip Todd, says Nicholas--but perhaps Jeb is right--someone had to pay for the already-committed murders--but there must be no more killings while Philip is in jail--and that is your responsibility. I'm glad you came, says Bruno, now our day will arrive sooner. True, says Nicholas, and I plan to be in Collinwood just as soon as possible. He puts on his hat. Why Collinwood? asks Bruno.  Even though there is a reason, says Nicholas, that's the one question you cannot ask--a most important reason. He leaves. Bruno listens to the heavy breathing coming from the other room, grins, and sits down in a chair. The breathing stops. Bruno rises from the chair, calling to Jeb. He enters the room and the door swings closed behind him. Bruno faces the creature, gesturing frantically to it, yelling--"I didn't betray you, just told him where you were--don't kill me! DON'T!"

Backed against the door, Bruno pleads for his life--I tried to get in good with him for your sake as much as mine, I swear it! Trust me, we'll know what he's going to do before he does it. Stay away from me!  Don't come any closer!  He runs out of the room. Bruno? asks Jeb plaintively, back in human form. You were going to kill me! accuses Bruno. IT was, corrects Jeb--IT was. You and it are the same in that room, says Bruno. I don't want to be like that, ever, says Jeb, I swear I don't!--if I were only human!  Don't even say that! cries Bruno, I want to be like you are in there! You aren't in love, says Jeb, and leaves the coach house, Bruno calling after him.

Carolyn stares at herself in the foyer mirror, wondering what does the dream means--my father's grave?--why my father's grave?. . .Father, speak to me, she begs, tell me whatever it is you want to say! She closes her eyes, then turns from the mirror, confused. There's a knock at the door-- Jeb. I had to come, he says.  Why? she asks. I had a feeling, he says. That I was in trouble? she asks. I don't know--are you? he asks.  You reassured me before about my dream, she says, I keep having it, and it keeps going on. What's going on now? he asks, not really wanting to know. If we went to my father's grave tonight, she says, his coffin would be empty. This shocks Jeb--what do you mean? I don't know, I was in the graveyard in my dream, to find out who'd been killed.  She turns, sees his guilty face, and asks what's wrong.  Nothing, he says.  She goes into his arms--there's some truth in that dream, she murmurs, what is it?--what? Megan comes downstairs--Carolyn, I went to your room to give you a sleeping pill. Jeb breaks away from Carolyn and nearly trips on something--she's very upset, he says--take the pill, Carolyn. She accepts the proffered pill and water Megan is holding. Take Carolyn upstairs, says Jeb. I'm sorry, Jeb, says Carolyn  He kisses her--don't worry anymore, he says. Megan is pissed off and jealous. As Carolyn drifts to the stairs, Jeb orders Megan, meet me at Paul's gave as soon as Carolyn is asleep. Megan nods, seething.

Graveyard - Jeb digs up Paul's gave (he lived form 1920-1970).

Megan tucks Carolyn in bed--you'll sleep well, without dreams, promises Megan. Carolyn thanks her and reaches to turn out her light.

Jeb has dug up Paul's gave; the coffin is out of the ground. Of course Stoddard will be there, insists Megan--you're just being hysterical--you won't even open it, she taunts. He's working against me, wails Jeb. Of course he is, says Megan, because you killed him, and it's your own fault!--Jeb, let's not fight, she begs, this is ridiculous, all of it!  We'll see, says Jeb, opening the coffin. He is! exclaims Jeb--he knows!  Inside lies Paul Stoddard--grinning, eyes wide open. He's smiling! cries Megan.  Staring at me, says Jeb--gloating, he's going to tell her!--I'm going to burn it--we must burn the body!
Paul smiles up at them.

NOTE: Yes, that face is hysterical, absolutely a riot. They must have taken a photo of Dennis for this very occasion, and what an expression! It rather steals the drama from the scene, but it's priceless, not a blooper, but a real funny bone tickler.

Nicholas is back, and we've got him! Looking even more handsome and debonair, we now learn he is the creator of this Leviathan idea from the start! Or did they just bring him back as a ratings ploy? One can only imagine the punishment he endured at the hands of his master for his last failure, and doesn't want that to happen again. He was impeccable here, and it's so much fun to see him again.

Jeb wants to be human now! He was so thrilled with himself in his ugly form, what happened? Is it the power of love, and Huey Lewis and the News would say?

Megan is so jealous, it's wild to see Jeb's former mommy hankering to be his lover. Kinky, DS, very kinky! Makes one nervous that she's giving Carolyn pills, because one senses she wants to get rid of her at this point, stealing her foster son for her very own.

Love, Robin