General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '12 II => Topic started by: DLA75 on December 25, 2012, 04:54:08 AM

Title: If Dark Shadows ever did a Christmas Storyline?
Post by: DLA75 on December 25, 2012, 04:54:08 AM
I have read that Dan Curtis always wished he could find a way to do  A Christmas Carol Dark Shadows or was just do  A Christmas Carol with the DS cast. Either way the Holiday never seemed to come to Collinsport in any time period or timeline  late December was like any other time of year lots of rain and thunder.

Barnabas and Julia help must save Jolly Old St Nicholas and power of Christmas from the clutches of Nicholas Blair or Count Petofi?
Title: Re: If Dark Shadows ever did a Christmas Storyline?
Post by: Gothick on December 25, 2012, 05:09:20 AM
The holidays, but I don't think Xmas specifically, are mentioned during the Dec. 1966 start of the Laura Collins storyline, and again in Dec. 1969, during the early weeks of the Leviathan storyline.

I kind of like to think of the early Leviathan story as DS' own bizarre comment upon the traditional Xmas story--for unto us a child is born... what child is this who laid to rest in Megan's upper cupboard is panting so heavily... (I would go on, but I will spare you).

cheers, G.
Title: Re: If Dark Shadows ever did a Christmas Storyline?
Post by: michael c on December 25, 2012, 10:21:29 PM
indeed collinsport seemed to have it's own unique microclimate...

no one ever spoke of it being hot or humid or even warm, even during the height of summer, the fires at collinwood blazed 365 and heavy woolen coats were worn year round. the general atmosphere was cold and dark and stormy.

and yet for a new england town it never snowed, the foliage never turned or fell and was in fact bright green no matter what season.

so perhaps the writers thought it prudent to mention the actual time of year with minimal frequency. actually given the context of the series a halloween story certainly would have been fitting but i don't believe that particular holiday was mentioned once.
Title: Re: If Dark Shadows ever did a Christmas Storyline?
Post by: Uncle Roger on December 26, 2012, 12:50:09 AM
Very true. And, even more unusual, it never snowed.
Title: Re: If Dark Shadows ever did a Christmas Storyline?
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on December 26, 2012, 04:30:10 AM
What's interesting so far as snow is concerned is that, with a simple voiceover from Julia, the '91 DS completely bypassed the winter months, thus never having any need to show snow. The only place to my knowledge where snow ever shows up in the DS universe is in one of the comics based on the '91 DS that has its story set during those months that were bypassed on the show. Though there may be a winter story in one of the Marilyn Ross novels. But it's been so long since I've read any of them that I have no memory if there is one (or maybe more) or not.
Title: Re: If Dark Shadows ever did a Christmas Storyline?
Post by: Gerard on December 26, 2012, 05:09:39 AM
The only time I ever heard Christmas mentioned was in the beginning of the Leviathan story line (as Gothic has stated), when Julia asks Carolyn, in late November, if she was doing early Christmas shopping.  That I remember, but I missed the mention in the Laura storyline.  Beyond that, there was no more indication of the holidays or so much as a flake of snow.  Characters did wear heavy coats, but that was even during the summer, and at times they went outside in light clothing even in the depth of winter.

Title: Re: If Dark Shadows ever did a Christmas Storyline?
Post by: Gothick on December 26, 2012, 07:01:26 AM
When Laura drifts into the coffee shop, Maggie asks her if she's come back to town "for the holidays."  I don't know the episodes around that time all that well so there may have been at least one other mention of "the holidays" around then. (We are talking about December 1966--46 years ago!)

I do seem to recall snow being mentioned in some of the Ross novels.  It's been too long since I can't be more specific.  It would certainly have been one of the *many* elements that made it clear that the world of those pastiches was one very different from the world of the actual series.

Title: Re: If Dark Shadows ever did a Christmas Storyline?
Post by: michael c on December 26, 2012, 12:48:15 PM
laura's introductory scenes in the coffee shop(in a hat and gloves no less!)are personal favorites...

even before any of the "phoenix" stuff took off i recall being absolutely mesmerized my diana millay's strange delivery and attitude in these episodes. there was something weary and languid about her as a perky-but-nosy pre-barnabas maggie pumped her for gossip.

definitely a favorite period.
Title: Re: If Dark Shadows ever did a Christmas Storyline?
Post by: Joeytrom on December 26, 2012, 07:15:19 PM
In December 1967, during the 1795 storyline it was actually appropriate they didn't mention Christmas as during that time period, Christmas wasn't allowed in New England I believe.

The same goes for December 1970 during the 1840 storyline.

They could have had a holiday episode during December 1968 as they were in transition of stories and there were some filler like episodes.

Title: Re: If Dark Shadows ever did a Christmas Storyline?
Post by: retzev on December 26, 2012, 11:17:56 PM
For what it's worth, at the end of episode #126, which aired on Monday, December 19th, 1966, the closing voice-over states: "On behalf of our sponsors, we would like to wish you a very happy holiday season. Dark Shadows is a Dan Curtis production."

Title: Re: If Dark Shadows ever did a Christmas Storyline?
Post by: Lydia on December 27, 2012, 05:31:43 AM
Joeytrom, by 1795 I doubt that the Puritan influence was still strong enough so that Christmas was outlawed.  Massachusetts had a governor appointed by the British government in the later colonial period, and I just can't believe that a royal governor would observe a puritanical ban on Christmas.
Title: Re: If Dark Shadows ever did a Christmas Storyline?
Post by: Lydia on December 29, 2012, 09:58:02 AM
But, as I think further, it occurs to me that Joshua would make a good Scrooge substitute for A Dark Shadows Christmas Carol...though Abigail would be funnier.
Title: Re: If Dark Shadows ever did a Christmas Storyline?
Post by: Bob_the_Bartender on December 30, 2012, 03:47:00 PM
For what it's worth, at the end of episode #126, which aired on Monday, December 19th, 1966, the closing voice-over states: "On behalf of our sponsors, we would like to wish you a very happy holiday season. Dark Shadows is a Dan Curtis production."


Alas, even way back in December of 1966, the corporate sponsors of Dark Shadows could not bring themselves to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas instead of the more politically-correct "happy holiday season"! [santa_angry] [santa_wink]

As Collinsport's own answer to Ebenezer Scrooge, the one-and-only Roger Collins might have also put it: "Bah humbug!!!" [santa_evil] [santa_grin]


PS Maybe Liz, Roger, Carolyn, David, Barnabas, Quentin, Maggie, Dr. Hoffman (as if she was really going to go back to Windcliff for Christmas?), and maybe even Vicky (?), all just sat in front of the Collinwood drawing room fireplace instead of watching the annual "Yule Log" presentation on television? [santa_huh] [8_2_73] [santa_grin]
Title: Re: If Dark Shadows ever did a Christmas Storyline?
Post by: dom on December 30, 2012, 04:12:48 PM
I can't imagine this hasn't been done before (serious or comedic) but I wonder what some of the characters might have received or given as gifts on xmas. Where the tree might have gone? Would there be a train under the tree? a wreath on the door -- two wreaths? A goose for dinner? Stockings on the mantel? Fresh tree cut from the woods or a fake tree?

I really don't see how acknowledging the holidays would have been a negative thang but, whatevah.
Title: Re: If Dark Shadows ever did a Christmas Storyline?
Post by: IluvBarnabas on December 31, 2012, 05:24:42 PM
I have to agree with Bob.....Roger from the first year would have made an excellent Scrooge for sure. Can't see Burke as Bob Cratchit though....Burke was too strong-willed to take any crap from Roger.

Or maybe have Barnabas as Scrooge and Willie as Cratchit....Scrooge abused and took Cratchit for granted, as did Barnabas with Willie a lot of times.

I suppose David could have been Tiny Tim, the 1966 David that is. Vicki could be Mrs. Cratchit....

As for Scrooge's Belle, maybe Laura or Josette, depending on whether Roger and Barnabas ended up as Scrooge...although I can see Laura's Belle burning Roger's Scrooge to a crisp when she got fed up with him.

Maybe Ben Stokes as Marley's ghost.....

Maybe Carolyn as Scrooge's sister Fran and Joe as Fred, Scrooge's nephew. I know, Carolyn and Joe were romantically involved at one time, but remember what Roger said about his 'incestors' lol....and we know the Lauras of the show really got around with the Collins men....

Ghosts of Christmas Past (Naomi), Present (Carl, the present ghost always had a wicked sense of humor as did Carl so I think this would be appropriate), Future (Mr. Best, most appropriate choice, by far).

Can't think of any roles for Quentin, Elizabeth or Julia though...
Title: Re: If Dark Shadows ever did a Christmas Storyline?
Post by: Cousin_Barnabas on January 01, 2013, 02:10:49 AM
laura's introductory scenes in the coffee shop(in a hat and gloves no less!)are personal favorites...

even before any of the "phoenix" stuff took off i recall being absolutely mesmerized my diana millay's strange delivery and attitude in these episodes. there was something weary and languid about her as a perky-but-nosy pre-barnabas maggie pumped her for gossip.

definitely a favorite period.

I couldn't agree more.  I loved Millay here.  The writing, the direction, and acting for Laura were all superb.  It just wasn't the same the second time around...   Probably because there were other characters who took away a lot of the limelight.  [santa_undecided]
Title: Re: If Dark Shadows ever did a Christmas Storyline?
Post by: michael c on January 01, 2013, 12:29:58 PM
yeah laura's second appearance wasn't as good...

1897 was so cacophonous laura got lost in the din. and one thing i liked about her 1966 storyline was that it was a great mix of the supernatural and "normal" soap opera storytelling. obviously 1897 was anything but normal.

still it was fun to see diana again. for me she's a relatively small but very distinctive presence in the whole thing.
Title: Re: If Dark Shadows ever did a Christmas Storyline?
Post by: michael c on January 02, 2013, 02:24:51 PM
i recently watched the season two "christmas special" of 'downton abbey' and the maids were given as a gift from the family a bolt of simple cloth from which to make their own dress.  apparently this was a common custom in english houses.

do we think the collin's family gave mrs.johnson a similarly "do it yourself" gift? i can just see the barely disguised contempt on mrs.j's face upon it's reception. and you just know the christmas ham was canned.

i see liz and roger giving one another rather formal and somewhat impersonal gifts. for roger a pocket watch or fountain pen. for liz some fussy old perfume from the 1940's. a very heady floral that occupies the room long after it's wearer departs.

carolyn and david fare slightly better. for carolyn a fine cashmere sweater and silk scarf from 'brewster's'. for david a practical but cheerless gift like wools socks but also some spangly electric toy like that robot thingy that hangs out on the show's periphery for years without ever serving a narrative purpose.

poor vicki gets some dumpy gift like a cloth bound blank book to use as a journal for which she's still grateful because at the foundling home all the girls ever got was a pair of galoshes.

and like everything at collinwood a hint of sourness and gloom hangs over the entire affair. [santa_rolleyes]
Title: Re: If Dark Shadows ever did a Christmas Storyline?
Post by: Lydia on January 03, 2013, 05:40:30 AM
I'm sure Mrs. Johnson would prefer to get mayonnaise ingredients for Christmas rather than a jar of Hellmann's.
Title: Re: If Dark Shadows ever did a Christmas Storyline?
Post by: retzev on January 04, 2013, 03:57:10 PM
Alas, even way back in December of 1966, the corporate sponsors of Dark Shadows could not bring themselves to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas instead of the more politically-correct "happy holiday season"!

I agree, Bob. I also find it strange that the message was aired once, six days before Christmas, and never again.
