Author Topic: #1193/1194: Robservations 12/04/03: A Proposal Overheard  (Read 1290 times)

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#1193/1194: Robservations 12/04/03: A Proposal Overheard
« on: December 03, 2003, 11:27:16 AM »
1193 - The ghostly Joanna reveals her true, grotesque visage to Samantha, who, horrified at the hideous sight, backs away and topples off Widows' Hill.  Joanna kneels, gazes down the cliff wall, observes her handiwork, rises, smiling slightly, and leaves.

Collinwood - Gerard comes downstairs where, on the floor, he finds the note Joanna wrote to lure Samantha to Widows' Hill.  Joanna comes in.  Gerard shows her the note, which she glances at without comment.  I didn't know you'd gone out, he says.  I went out for a breath of air, she says.  I see, he says--by any chance have you seen Samantha around?  Not since our terrible experience earlier this evening, says Joanna--I hope she's behaving more rationally--is something wrong?  Yes, but I'm not sure what, he says, still holding up the note.  I don't understand, she says.  I found this note, he says, showing it to her.  It's from you, she points out.  No, it isn't, he says--it was written by someone else who signed my signature.  How curious, she says.  Yes, isn't it? he agrees--are you sure you haven't seen Samantha?  Positive, replies Joanna--excuse me.  Gerard leaves the house, Joanna watching him.

Fishing shack - Julia fixes a bandage on Desmond's wound.  Julia, it's nearly dawn, warns Quentin--you'd better get back to Collinwood.  As soon as I finish with Desmond, she says.  You'd better go back now, advises Quentin, we don't want Gerard asking any questions.  I can answer any of Gerard's questions, Julia assures him--there, she says, finishing up, and hands Quentin Desmond's blood-stained shirt, which he helps his cousin into.  I think he should rest at least 24 hours, says Julia--he should be able to travel tomorrow at dawn.  If he needs more time, we'll wait, says Quentin.  You can't afford to wait, insists Desmond--go without me.  Julia feels Desmond's forehead.  Desmond, when we go, says Quentin, you and Leticia are going, too.  He buttons up Desmond's shirt.  I wouldn't mind staying, comments Desmond, if I could get my revenge on Gerard.  Someday, promises Quentin.  Desmond winces in pain.  We'll plan on leaving dawn tomorrow, decodes Quentin.  Let's get him into the other room, she suggests.  Julia and Quentin help Desmond to his feet and lead him carefully into the adjoining room.

Collinwood - Joanna sits by the fire.  Daphne enters, smiling, tea tray in hand--good morning, she says--what are you doing here so early?  Actually, I never left, says Joanna, I went for a long walk and then when I found out what time it was, I decided to come back here and wait for you.  You must be exhausted, remarks Daphne.  No, says Joanna, I'm fine--you got some sleep yourself, didn't you?  Yes, and I had a good night's sleep, I'm glad to say, says Daphne.  Gerard enters, balancing a drenched, limp, bruised Samantha in his arms.
What happened? asks Daphne.  I found her below the cliff at Widows' Hill, he says--she's dead!

First Edith, then Gabriel, then Samantha, lists Daphne--three deaths in the past 24 hours--there just seems no end to the tragedy in this house!  Gerard joins them and says, I asked the servants to contact the police.  How did you happen to find her? asks Daphne.  I went up on Widows' Hill, looking for her, says Gerard, sounding truly shocked.  But why? asks Daphne.  I had found a note addressed to her, says Gerard, supposedly just to her, it was supposed to be from me, but it wasn't
--it asked her to meet me on Widows' Hill, but I didn't write the note--obviously, someone wanted to lure her there.  You mean you think someone pushed her over the edge? asks Daphne.  Believe me, I don't think she would jump, he replies.  But who would do such a thing? asks Daphne.  I don't know, says Gerard, all I do know is that this will raise more suspicion against Quentin.  Quentin--it's impossible! insists Daphne.  That might be, says Gerard, but the police know Quentin hates Samantha because she testified against him at his trial--he had the oldest motivation of all--revenge.  I won't listen to that, insists Daphne--Quentin did not kill Samantha.  Joanna solemnly looks at Gerard, who says I hope for your sake you're right; however, I'm sure this tragedy will intensify the search for Quentin--excuse me, I must go to Trask's Memorial Chapel--I must prepare for the funeral of both Samantha and Edith--yes, she was found upstairs last night in the East Wing by one of the servants.  He leaves.  Poor Edith, and Samantha, says Daphne.  I know it's difficult not to dwell on these things, says Joanna, but you must consider other things right now.  What do you mean? asks Daphne.  Samantha did stand in the way of your happiness, Joanna reminds her, and now that she's gone, you and Quentin can be married.  I can't even think about that right now, says Daphne.  You've got to, insists Joanna, your future and Quentin's depends on it--if you don't think about it, what will you do?  I can't help thinking about the effect this is going to have on Tad, says Daphne--first, his father's conviction, now this--it might be a shock he'll never recover from.  I'm going to see Quentin, says Joanna, I'll be back later this afternoon.  Daphne sighs sadly.  Everything is going to be all right, Joanna assures her--you'll see--she hugs her, then hurries away.  Daphne sits on the sofa, unsure of the outcome of all this.

Fishing shack - Told the news, Quentin can't believe Samantha's dead.  Yes, and Gerard thinks you'll be the first suspect, says Joanna.  Quentin chuckles--yes he does, and I'm sure Gerard will do everything in his power to see that I am.  Are you going to allow this to change your plans? she asks.  It's already changed my plans, he says.  But you have to leave soon, she says.  That's not what I mean, Quentin says, it's just become obvious that we must get away from here as quickly as possible.  How is Desmond? asks Joanna.  He's still weak, says Quentin--Julia says he can travel in the morning--we're going to need your help.  I'll do anything you ask, she says.  We'll need a carriage, he says.  I'll arrange for one in the village, she promises.  We'll plan on leaving dawn tomorrow, he says--we'll go to Boston to get Tad, (who was supposed to have a much greater part in this storyline) he's living with relatives there--now that Samantha is gone, there's no one to prevent me from taking him with me.  Gerard may try, points out Joanna.  Of course he'll try, but he won't succeed, says Quentin--next time he sees him, Tad will be 21 years of age and he'll be master of Collinwood--there's not much time, so you'd better get back to Collinwood.  She nods.  Arrange for the carriage, he says, tell Daphne everything, and arrange for her to be here at 3 o'clock tomorrow morning.  I will, she says.  Quentin sees her out.  I'll be careful, she promises.  Quentin looks shocked and unhappy.

Julia returns to Collinwood, exhausted and achy.  Gerard exits the drawing room and asks if she's been treating another patient.  Yes I have, she says evasively.  His name wouldn't be Desmond Collins, would it? he asks.  She looks at him.

No, Gerard, says Julia icily, I have not been treating Desmond Collins.  Could you tell me who you have been treating? he asks.  Just a patient, no one you know, she says, and heads for the stairs.  He must be very ill, you've been out all night, observes Gerard.  Yes I have, says Julia.  Do you know what the penalty is for aiding and abetting an escaped prisoner? he queries.  You don't believe me, is that it? she asks.  I believe one thing, he says--that Desmond was wounded trying to help Quentin escape--Quentin would never leave Collinsport without medication, so I'm sure he wouldn't risk looking for other doctors, so you would be the logical choice.  There's only one flaw in your logic--it makes too much sense, says Julia--Quentin would know that's what you'd think, so he wouldn't have called me to help.
He would, says Gerard, if he had no other choice.  Apparently he did have another choice, says Julia--frankly, I think they're 100 miles away from here by now--excuse me--she goes upstairs.  Gerard thinks it over.

Daphne, heading for her room, finds herself instead draw to the parallel time room (better than television)!  She opens the doors--PT Julia enters, opens the window and, using binoculars, gazes down at Kendrick Young meeting PT Samantha in the woods.  You took a terrible chance sending me a note here, says Samantha.  I had no choice, he insists, I must get answers to my questions.  There's nothing I can tell you that you don't already know yourself, she says.  You were the closest friend my sister had in that house, Kendrick says--you must know something.  All I know is she left the house, says Samantha, very suddenly, Without giving notice? asks Kendrick.  Apparently so, says Samantha.  If you know my sister, says Kendrick, you know that isn't like her at all.  Maybe it isn't, agrees Samantha, but that's what happened.  Do you know why she left? he asks.  No, says Samantha.  Was she unhappy?--did she have a disagreement with someone? he asks--there must be some reason.  I told you, I don't know, says Sam, I was shocked she didn't even say goodbye to me.  Julia Collins said she left no forwarding address, says Kendrick, is that true?  If that's what Mrs. Collins said, then it must be true, replies Sam.  I don't believe her story about my sister, says Kendrick, I had the feeling she's been hiding something all along--that's why I'm asking you.  There's nothing I can tell you, says Sam, I honestly don't know where your sister is.  What are you afraid of? he asks.  Nothing, she says.  That's not true--everyone in that house is afraid of something, he says, and I'd like to find out what it is and if it has anything to do with my sister's disappearance.  Take my advice, says Samantha--go away from here and don't ask anymore questions.  What am I supposed to do, just go away and forget about Stella? asks Desmond.  You'll be hearing from her, I'm certain of that, Sam assures him, and she'll tell you what happened.  I wish I could be as optimistic as you are, he says.  I think you'd better go, she warns, if you're found, you'll get into serious trouble.  Kendrick turns to her--I'll leave the grounds, but not the village, he says--not until I learn what happened to my sister--I'll go to the police if necessary, and you can tell that to the family for me!  Sam looks unhappy.  Julia drops her binoculars from her eyes, done with spying.
PT Samantha enters the room.  What did you tell him? demands Julia.  Tell whom? asks Samantha--what are you talking about?  I saw you talking to that man on the terrace, says Julia, holding up the binoculars--there's no need for you to lie to me.  He sent me a note requesting that I meet him out there, explains Samantha.  You needn't have acknowledged it, says Julia.  Daphne listens in the doorway.  He was already anxious and suspicious, says Sam, if I had ignored his note, it would have made matters worse.  What did you tell him? asks Julia.  Just what you told him, says Sam--that she left very suddenly.  My words didn't make any sense to him? asks Julia.  He felt...begins Samantha.  He felt what? demands Julia.  That you are hiding something from him, says Samantha.  He's an arrogant fool! bitches Julia.  What did happen to Stella? asks Sam. Nothing happened to her, insists Julia, you know that--she just left.  But why?--there must have been some reason, says Sam.  She was unhappy here, explains Julia, my sister and I tried to find out, but she wouldn't tell us.  It just doesn't make any sense, says Sam.  Whether it makes any sense or not needn't concern you, says Julia--now I want you to tell me everything that man said to you, all the details, then we'll never talk of Stella again, is that clear?  Yes, agrees Samantha.  Daphne's show is over when Julia closes and locks the PT doors.  Sighing, Daphne steps away.  Joanna joins her--I've been looking for you everywhere--you've looked into that other room again?  Yes I did, says Daphne.  Do you understand what's happening there? asks Joanna--how can that be possible?--Julia tried to explain it to me, but it just doesn't make sense to me--the idea of being able to see another occurrence in another time--she called it parallel time?  Yes, agrees Daphne--parallel time.  What did you see in there? asks Joanna.  I saw people who are just as troubled as we are, perhaps even more so, says Daphne--I guess it doesn't matter what band of time you live in--people are different, but their problems and fears are just the same as ours.  Yours and Quentin's problems are going to be over after tonight, Joanna assures her--all the arrangements have been made--at three o'clock tomorrow morning, you and Daphne (she means Quentin) are going to leave Collinsport forever!  Both women smile, delighted.

Collinwood - Julia comes downstairs, unaware that Gerard is watching her from the drawing room.  She leaves the house.

Fishing shack - Quentin looks out the window and opens the door to Julia.  Have there been any problems with Desmond? she asks.  He's been asleep since you left, says Quentin.  Good, she says, I'll wait a few moments, then wake him and examine his wound for the last time--you're not leaving any too soon--Gerard started asking me questions--I didn't tell him I knew where you were.  You weren't followed, were you? he asks.  No, she says, I took a very roundabout way of getting here.  Someone knocks at the door; Quentin goes to hide in the other room.  Julia lets Daphne in.  What are you doing here? asks Quentin, it's only 9 o'clock, you were supposed to stay there until everyone went to bed.  I couldn't stay at the house one minute longer, says Daphne.  Julia goes into the other room to tend to Desmond.  Is something wrong back there, Daphne? asks Quentin.  No, she says.  But if Gerard finds out you're gone...says Quentin.  I don't care if Gerard finds out, says Daphne, I just wanted to be with you until it's time to go.  He takes her into his arms--it's all right, he assures her, you can stay here.  I was sitting in my room and realized that Gerard and I were the only two people in the whole house--I couldn't stay there, I was frightened.  He hugs her--you'll never have anything to be afraid of as long as you're here with me.  You know about Samantha? she asks.  Yes, he says.  I'm so sorry it happened that way, she says.  It's all right, he says, there's nothing we can do about it now--look at me--he takes her face in his hands, smiling--I love you, you know that.  I love you, she says back.  When we get to Boston, he says, will you marry me?  You know I will, she says.
He kisses her enthusiastically.  Gerard stands outside the door, listening to everything.

NOTES:  Oh, no, Gerard has overheard all and is probably just waiting to make his move and sic the police on Quentin.

More mysteries in parallel time.  What have the Collinses done to Stella?  Is she dead or alive?  Why is Julia being so secretive?

Farewell, Samantha.  I think it's really creepy that Joanna did away with Sam and returned to Collinwood, posing as a living human being, with such ease.  Why did she really come back?

I wondered why David Henesy was barely in this storyline, but I recall a story--Henesy wanted more money, and Curtis refused to give it to him.  Henesy threatened, "I can always go back to high school."  Perhaps that's exactly what he did!

1194 - HAA's intro: Samantha's death is being considered a suicide, but it has freed Quentin from his marriage, and given him, even in his peril, a chance for a new life.

Rose Cottage, Leticia's room - It seems so strange to be making these plans with Samantha not even buried, says Daphne.  Samantha never loved Quentin, ducks, says Leticia, the only time love came into her eyes was when she looked at Gerard.  Quentin says we can take no more chances of being separated, says Daphne with a grin.  Leticia smiles back--he's right, she says.  I'll be so happy just to get out of this village, sighs Daphne.  I remember when we first came here, says Leticia, when Gerard brought me to this house--I never had any idea I'd be leaving like this!  We must be very careful, cautions Daphne--Joanna's arranging for a boat to meet us at the cove at three o'clock--we'll sail from here and go to Boston to pick up Tad.  And then? asks Leticia.  Europe, says Daphne excitedly, Quentin says we'll live in Europe--we can't bring anything with us, we don't want anyone to know when we're going.  Where's Gerard? asks Leticia.  At Collinwood, says Daphne.  Do you have to go back there? asks Leticia.  Yes, says Daphne.  Be careful, warns Leticia.  I will, Daphne, assures her--Quentin's given me the combination to the safe--there's money there, money we'll need.  Be as natural as you can with Gerard, warns Leticia, don't let your fear of him show--Daphne, do you think I can leave without telling Flora?  Telling Flora what? asks Flora, entering the room--I wrote this scene in one of my novels, I believe, it was called WINTER SECRET--two girls eloping, all very romantic.  Leticia begins to say something, but Flora interrupts--I've been very patient with you, aware for some time you know where Desmond is, but I haven't questioned you, because I thought the fewer people who know, the better the chances are for Quentin and Desmond--but now something new has developed, hasn't it?--oh, you don't have to tell me, I can see it in your faces.  We're leaving tonight, at three o'clock, reveals Leticia.  Is he well enough to travel? asks Flora.
Julia thinks so, Daphne assures her.  Are all four of you going? asks Flora.  Yes, says Leticia.  Well, Desmond is using good sense, says Flora--if he should take anyone from this village, it should be you.  Flora, oh Flora! cries Leticia, running into her arms to hug her--I'm so happy you approve!--I'll make Desmond very happy.  I have no doubt of it, says Flora, and you'll make me happy, too, but I'm selfish enough to want you to begin now--I want you to tell me where Desmond is.  Leticia exchanges a troubled look with Daphne.  I must say goodbye to him, insists Flora, surely you both understand that.  We do, Leticia assures her.  But you mustn't tell Gerard, or anyone at all, cautions Daphne.  I love my son too much to let anyone harm him, says Flora--Gerard Stiles will learn nothing from me, she vows.

Charles Dawson paces Collinwood's foyer.  When Gerard enters, Dawson anxiously asks, where have you been?  On an expedition, dear Dawson, smiles Gerard.  Don't dear Dawson me!--I expected you to use your powers--Quentin Collins has been at large for three days! Dawson reminds him.  And you are worried? asks Gerard.  Of course I'm worried! says Dawson--he said in court that he would settle his score with me.  Fear is a most unpleasant thing to see, remarks Gerard.  It's even more unpleasant to live through, bleats Charles, now you've got to do something right now!  Quentin and Desmond will be in jail by tomorrow morning, Gerard assures him, I promise you.
Charles smiles--you found him?  Obviously, my dear Dawson, says Gerard --just now.  Have you told the police where they are? asks Dawson eagerly.  No I haven't, says Gerard, but may I remind you I am still in charge here, and if I want the police to continue into this investigation, I shall ask for them--is that quite clear, do you understand?  What are you waiting on? asks Charles exasperated.  You may indeed, says Gerard--you see, I feel he has not suffered quite enough--no, I want him to know who his real enemy is--I have a plan--a marvelous plan that includes someone else--of course, it will take time to work out.  Who is the other person? asks Dawson.  The front door slams.  Well, come in, we were just talking about you, Daphne, says Gerard.

I'm sorry to have interrupted you, says Daphne, starting to move toward the stairs.  You haven't really, Dawson assures her.  Mr. Dawson would like to see you, says Gerard.  Dawson looks at Gerard oddly.  Oh, really? asks Daphne, well, I'm afraid I can't help Mr. Dawson in any way, I don't think.  She turns away from both men. I can vouch for Daphne, says Gerard--she doesn't know anything about where Quentin is, and I'm sure Mr. Dawson will trust my word--there should be no further questions, I'm sure.  Dawson smiles at Daphne, who excuses herself.  You're not going to bed right now, are you? asks Gerard--I was wondering if we could play a game of whist later on.  I'm sorry, Gerard, says Daphne, I'm not in the mood for games tonight.  I would like to talk to you, says Gerard earnestly, would you mind very much if I came to your room later?  She shakes her head and disappears upstairs.  Gerard closes himself and Dawson in the drawing room.  She knows, says Dawson.  And so she should be, remarks Gerard.  She knows where he is? asks Dawson.  Of course she does, says Gerard, a bit of romantic lovers playing a childish game.  I trust you won't allow Quentin to escape, says Dawson--this plan of yours--why can't you put it into operation now?  Paperwork, my dear Dawson, replies Gerard, paperwork--certain legal papers are very important to me, and you being a county prosecutor, should be able to get them for me.  I'll do anything! says Dawson eagerly.  Of course you would, says Gerard, anything --now, here's how the plan works, and I want you to do it very quickly.  He outlines the plan.

6:00 - Leticia and Daphne are in the foyer.  Four more hours, says Leticia--did you find Quentin's money?  I was just going to when you came, says Daphne.  I was so worried about you, says Leticia--where's Gerard?  He was here, says Daphne, Dawson was here with him--they've left, but Gerard will be back.  You'd better look for the money while he's gone, advises Leticia.  You're right, agrees Daphne, and goes upstairs.  Leticia sits down in the drawing room, exhausted.

Gerard returns to Collinwood and hangs up his cloak.  Leticia, in the drawing room, bids him a cool good evening.  Aren't you at least going to smile? he asks.  I haven't smiled at you for some time now, she reminds him sourly.  I think you should, he says--I'm feeling in a sentimental mood--do you remember the first time I brought you to Collinwood?  You was different, she says.  Yes, and I even changed you, too, he says--you've become somewhat more...  Oh, you've changed me, I'll grant you that, she interrupts.  Champagne? he offers--to celebrate, of course.  (Conveniently, there's a bucket with the champagne in it.)  I've got nothing to celebrate, she says.  He cradles the bottle--let's think of something, then, he says, in order to have a drink together.  You can drink alone, she suggests coldly.  No, my dear, he says, we shall drink together--to a wedding!  She looks surprised.  Yes, he says, smiling, there will be a wedding tonight at Collinwood!

Gerard pours what looks like a glass of Cold Duck for Leticia, who asks, who are you marrying?  I didn't say I was marrying anyone, he points out, sipping his own glass.  You're the only person left in this house, she says, you and Daphne.  But she thinks she's in love with Quentin, does she not? he asks--is Daphne seeing Quentin tonight, Leticia?  What do you mean, luv? she asks.  Oh, my dear, he says, you tell me so much--perhaps I meant them--they were going to get married.  At Collinwood?--not bloody likely, says Leticia--if Quentin Collins has an ounce of sense, he's a thousand miles away from here by now.  As the wounded Desmond is, too? he asks--what has happened to you?--you used to be so charmingly amoral, but now you've lost your sense of humor, you've lost everything, you are just like the rest of the hicks down in the village.  I prefer what's happened to me to what's happened to you, she says--who is getting married, Gerard?  That was merely to amuse you, he says, I had forgotten you lost your sense of humor.  I got to find Daphne, says Leticia.  Do you have a message for her? asks Gerard.  Yes, from Flora Collins, says Leticia, getting a brainstorm--she wants to invite Daphne for dinner, tomorrow night.  Please stay and help me finish some champagne, he asks, sipping his drink.

Someone is playing Quentin's theme in the parallel time room.  Hearing the music, Daphne wonders, if I open this door, will I see into that other time?  She opens the doors and observes PT Flora, who doesn't respond when Daphne calls her.  Why can't you hear me? frets Daphne.  PT Flora calls to Melanie--do you feel all right?  Of course, why? asks the young woman.  You didn't answer me when I called you, says Flora--you seem so inside yourself--where were you going?  I don't know, says Melanie.  You weren't going to the West Wing, were you? asks Flora.  No, I wasn't, says a shocked, scared Melanie--why did you think I was?--why?  I'm sorry, darling, says Flora, I just had a feeling.  I don't go to the West Wing, ever--you know that, says Melanie, shaky.  You must not, agrees Flora.  I told you, I never go there, insists Melanie--why do you keep saying I mustn't?--why do you keep talking about it?  I'm sorry for upsetting you, says Flora--the West Wing has been on my mind all day--your father went there last night.  Oh no! cries Melanie.  They found him in the corridor, says Flora, outside the room.  Why does this have to happen? asks Melanie, upset.  Nothing has happened, comforts Flora, we found him.  But if he goes there one more time, he will die, wails Melanie--he can't die!--he can't--I love him so--he can't die--we couldn't stand to have that lottery again.  Don't call it that! insists Flora--never!--darling Papa's not going to die, I'm sorry I told you that.  You had to tell me, says Melanie, we should leave this house, all of us.  A generation ago, says Flora, William Collins found that didn't help--it happens to us wherever we go.  We must keep Papa alive, insists Melanie.
We will, Flora assures her--now, Papa wants to see you, but you must not mention any of what happened--because he doesn't seem to remember what happened last night--we don't want him to, do we?  No! agrees Melanie breathlessly, I only wish no one remembered.  The two women leave the room, Daphne watching them in consternation.

Fishing shack - In less than three hours, we'll be on our way, Flora, says Quentin.  I'm sorry to disagree with your plans, she says, but Desmond is in no condition to travel.  Julia said he'd be all right, Quentin assures her.  I don't care what she says, insists Flora, that's a serious wound.  Our position here is very serious, too, he reminds her--the police could catch us here any moment, you know that--look, you know I'm going to take care of Desmond, and he's not going to die--there are enough things against us, don't you be, too.  She looks at him soberly.

Daphne sits in the Collinwood drawing room, relaxing on the sofa.  Gerard watches her, witch's symbol in hand: You will sleep, Daphne, sleep, you will have your last dream, the dream you must have and learn that we must be man and wife--sleep, Daphne, sleep--and you will remember the reason for our love...sleep, sleep, sleep!  Daphne falls into slumber and dreams.  We see packed suitcases, Gerard in the foyer trying to put his arms around Daphne, asking why are you leaving me?  She pulls away--don't touch me, she orders.  I must, he says--you're the only thing that's ever meant anything in my whole life--why are you leaving?  She tries to get away.  Is there someone else? he asks.  I don't remember! she cries--why don't I ever remember anything when I'm with you?--she goes to him for a deep, wet kiss.  You remember the most important things, he says, you remember that I love you--he kisses her forehead, then her mouth again as he continues speaking--that I adore you--you will remember that, won't you?  Yes, she says, continuing to kiss him.  And that you love me, too? he asks--you do, don't you?  Yes, she says, I know that--she kisses him some more.  Don't ever leave me, he says, promise that you'll never, never leave me.  He hugs her.  I promise I'll never leave you, she says.  This is only a dream, he says, but when you wake, you will realize that this must be.  She nods.  We will share our lives together, he says.  Yes, she agrees, oh, yes, Gerard!  This dream will come true, he says.  She smiles--I want it to so! she says  The first thing in the morning when you look, your eyes will see mine, he says--you will feel my arms around you, and I will feel yours--for you know that I love you--and when you wake, you will remember that I love you--and you love me--you will remember you love will will remember.
He awakens Daphne--you had a bad dream, he says.  She grins at him, rising--not a dream, she says--so real--she gives him a real, sloppy kiss.  We will get married, he says.  Yes, she agrees, swiping away what is either her hair or saliva still connecting them.  Yes! she says eagerly.  We will call for the Minster shortly, he promises--do you want me as much as I want you?  Oh, yes, she says, I do!  He closes the doors, leaving her in the foyer.  Where have you been, luv? asks Leticia urgently, running downstairs--I've been waiting for you in your room--we got to go.  No, I'm not going, says Daphne--tell Quentin I'm sorry.  What's wrong with you? demands Leticia, what did he do to you?  No one's done anything to me, says Daphne, I've just changed my mind, that's all, I don't want to go any longer.  Why?--why? asks Leticia frantically.  I'm going to marry Gerard, says Daphne.  Leticia runs from the house, horrified.  Daphne goes upstairs.

Fishing shack - I don't believe it! cries a disbelieving Quentin, she's going to marry Gerard?--what did he do to her?--why didn't you try to drag her out of the house?  I tried to, says Leticia (when?), there was nothing I could do--she wouldn't listen to me.  Quentin exits the shack, Leticia calling, don't go--it's a trap!  She closes the door, looking hopeless.

Still in her red governess dress, Daphne stands with Gerard before the minister, who asks, do you take Gerard to be your lawful husband?  I do, she says.  Do you take this woman to be your wedded wife? asks the minister.  I do, says Gerard, holding her hand and sliding a ring on her finger.  What God hath joined together, let no man put asunder, intones the minister--I pronounce you man and wife.
Daphne and Gerard are deep in mid-kiss when Quentin comes in, realizes what has happened, and cries out, "No!"

NOTES:  Seems like Daphne is officially Mrs. Gerard Stiles, but it was under Dream Duress, so is that legal?  Who knows?  The big problem here is that Quentin has revealed himself, and I'll bet Gerard has cops just waiting to get him.  Poor Desmond and Leticia, caught up in this ugly maelstrom!

More clues from parallel time.  There is a problem with the West Wing, something bad, and it sounds like Melanie's father (presumably Flora's husband) is affected by it.  Melanie loves her father a great deal, that's clear, but there's a lot of bad stuff going on with this PT family.

Flora loves her son and is understandably concerned about his health--but Quentin is right--they must leave ASAP.

Gerard stepped up his plans for Daphne, and managed to keep her under his spell enough to marry her right out from under Quentin's nose--and now he's free of Samantha, too!  Sigh.  Too sad and ironic.

Kate Jackson sure enjoys kissing her male co-stars, she puts so much gusto into it!

Will Quentin be re-captured?  Will Daphne come out of her reverie and find herself married to her hated enemy?  Will Gerard consummate their marriage before that happens?

Love, Robin