Author Topic: Robservations 1/6/03 - #754-755 - Laura Pursues Barnabas  (Read 1249 times)

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Robservations 1/6/03 - #754-755 - Laura Pursues Barnabas
« on: January 05, 2003, 04:05:35 PM »
754 - (Diana Millay) - The year is 1897 at the great estate of Collinwood.  And this night, a new horror hides in the forest surrounding the house as the full moon signals an evil transformation.  A child has disappeared, and one woman knows who and what may be tracking him as he runs from anyone who tries to find him.

The werewolf leaps at Beth, who screams, but can't bring herself to kill the man she loves, even in this dangerous form.  It knocks her to the ground, which attracts the attention of Edward and Barnabas, who are nearby on the same path.  Barnabas beats the werewolf off with his cane, forcing the creature to retreat.  Barnabas asks Edward, "Have you ever seen this creature before?"  No, Edward assures him.  We must take Beth back to the house, says Edward, before it returns.  Jamison is in the woods! Beth informs them, hysterical.  Barnabas wants Edward to return to Collinwood, but Edward doesn't want Barn left alone--we need a gun, and I need your help with Beth.
I have my cane to protect me, says Barnabas.  The wolf, back on his boulder, watches, growling low in his throat.

Cottage - Jamison goes to Laura in the cottage and begs her to make up with his father. She is sure Edward will never forgive her, even though Jamison points out that he forgives him and Nora their trespasses all the time.  It won't work that way with me, Laura assures him.  Then I'll have to go back to the school! Complains Jamison.  No way, says Laura, you come with me instead "to a beautiful place where there is no time".  Jamison wants to know if he can come back to "see people."  You mean Quentin, says Laura, displeased--well, he's planning to leave Collinwood soon himself.  How do you know that? demands Jamison.  I thought you hated him, his mother reminds him.  I don't know how I feel anymore, the boy confesses.  Even me? she asks softly, as he joins her in front of the fire.  I know you love me, she says--go away with me--it will all be so wonderful--even time will be different!--where we're going, there is no time.  This disturbs him, so she amends it--what I mean is, people don't pay attention to time.  It must be very far away, says Jamison.  It's a place of warm sun, she describes, very sunny--you'll love it there, it's a place of special people.  Jamison wants to know what this fabulous place is called (Las Vegas?).  I'll tell you, promises Laura, if you agree to come with me--I don't want you telling your father.  I'm worried you'll leave without me if I say no, worries Jamison.  I must go, she says.  When? He asks.  I can't stay much longer, she warns him.  I don't want you to go, protests the boy.  Then come with me, says Laura--Nora will come with us, it will be just the three of us; just like when you were young--"Darling, I cry every night when I think of you and Nora in that dreadful school."  (oh, good one, Laura!)
--Edward won't be able to stop us--we won't let him know when we leave.  When would we leave? He asks.  Tonight, she says--say yes, darling.  Jamison agrees--I'll go!  She hugs him, stroking his hair.  You'll learn so much so quickly, she gushes, it will be well worth what we much go through--and we shall be together, always. . ."   (brrrrrrrr!)

Barnabas finds Edward in the drawing room, examining a rifle.  Barnabas joins him and tells him Beth doesn't want them to send for a doctor.  Disbelieving, Edward recounts how the animal--if that's what it was--was wearing clothing and walked like a man.  Your bullets won't kill this creature, warns Barnabas.  Nonsense, insists Edward, desperate to go searching for his son.  Jamison might have gone to Laura, suggests Barnabas.  This makes sense to Edward, who passes his rifle onto Barnabas--"I don't put much trust in your cane."  Edward leaves.  Barnabas wishes he had silver bullets, realizing that, for the first time since I arrived in this century, I understand why I'm here.  He knows THIS werewolf is connected to Chris, and hopes to solve at least one of his riddles soon--he'll stash the creature in the mausoleum.

Laura tells Edward Jamison isn't there and throws him out, then gazes into the fireplace in order to summon Nora.  Spotting the gun, she asks, are you here to kill me?  Is Jamison here? Demands Edward.  Laura, startled at first, then mocks him--you Do have difficulty with those children--one of them always seems to be slipping away from you.  Edward angrily informs her about the creature wandering the woods--Beth was almost attacked!  Go search for Jamison, Laura urges him, annoyed.  Don't lie to me, says Edward.  Laura insists she's telling the truth.  Laura returns to gaze into the fire, caress her scarab, and call to Nora.

Beth, nervously gazing out the drawing room window, asks Barnabas if he saw "that animal." I was sure your first concern would be Jamison, remarks a curious Barnabas.  Beth uses the excuse hat she's very upset.  We need more people to help search, says Barn--do you know where Quentin is?  He's about to head upstairs to search for his cousin when Beth tells him Quentin went to town.
Barnabas finds her behavior suspicious, but Edward joins them, reporting no success in his own search.  Edward starts phoning for the police and Beth shouts, "NO!"  Then she babbles that she doesn't know why she said that, and Edward continues the call.  When Quentin returns, Barnabas tells Beth, have him meet me at the cottage or the Old House--"He and I must settle Laura tonight!"  Edward returns to Barnabas--"They'll find him!" he says--"They'll hunt him down--God, if he's harmed Jamison. . .!"

Jamison comes out of the cottage bedroom complaining of a high fever.  He's afraid they will have to postpone their trip if he's sick.  Nothing will stop us, she promises.  He fears he'll be worse on the trip, and she assures him it will all be over by then--go back to sleep--it will be much easier than you realize--I'll be with you.  She takes him back to bed. Barnabas flies up to the window and materializes inside.  Will Nora have to get sick, too? asks Jamison.  For a little while, his mother replies--but sometimes being sick will open a whole new life--you won't remember, you'll be so happy.  Barnabas finds the scarab by the fire.  Barnabas instantly returns to the main room and demands to know, what are you doing here?--give me back the scarab!  Barnabas offers to trade the scarab for Jamison.  Laura refuses.  Barnabas notes how rare a piece it is, originally used to worship the god Re.   Laura insists she knows nothing about it and grabs it back.  I don't believe you, he says, again asking for Jamison.  He's not here, she says.  I saw him, insists Barnabas--I was watching from the window.  Run back to Collinwood and tell them! says Laura, anxious to be rid of him.  I'd prefer to take Jamison with me, says Barn--I want him to stay alive.  Do you think I'd do him any harm? She asks, feigning outrage.  I know you would, he counters--I know what you are.  I am Jamison's mother! She says, infuriated--you are nothing but a very distant relative--how distant, indeed?--someone should answer that question.  Barnabas again orders her to give Jamison to him.  Don't move, she says.  As he moves toward the bedroom, Laura waves her arm.  Barnabas is enveloped in white light and wracked with pain.  I have my tricks, she taunts, just as you have yours, whatever they are.  Jamison exits the bedroom and in his fevered state, mistakes Barnabas for Quentin.  Stay away! Laura commands Barnabas, and tries to encourage her sick son to return to bed.
The boy needs a doctor! Says Barnabas and they begin shouting at each other.  Seizing the opportunity, Barnabas grabs the boy, warns Laura she hasn't seen his powers yet, and runs from the cottage. Laura, beaten, screams after Barnabas, "You'll pay for this!  Before this night is over, I'll see that you pay!"

NOTES:  Vampire vs. Phoenix!  Which is stronger?  Laura had Barnabas in a bit of pain there for a while, but he shook it off and saved Jamison--hurray!

Now Barnabas knows there is also a werewolf in 1897 and figures it must be connected to Chris somehow.

Poor Beth is beside herself--she knows the truth, all of it, and she's terrified Quentin, the man she loves, is going to end up dead.  She has good reason to be scared, too.  I wonder--if Barnabas had silver bullets, would he have just arbitrarily shot the creature without knowing who it is?

755 - (Diana Millay) - The great estate of Collinwood in the year 1897.  A year of trial for every member of the Collins family.  For the house is filled with horrifying secrets.  And as the night passes, there is more chance that each will become known.  For Barnabas Collins risked his life to save a child from a horrifying death.

Foyer - Barnabas is pacing in the foyer shortly before dawn. Beth joins him and tells him Jamison is with Edward and Judith, both of whom want to see him before he goes.  He suggests that she go to bed, but she says she can't sleep--Edward must be wrong about the creature wearing clothes and walking like a man, she says nervously, doing her best to protect Quentin--I was attacked, I should know.  I'll be all right once this night is over, says Beth. Barnabas prepares to leave, but runs into. She taunts him about playing the hero--were there tears in Edward's eyes when you brought his son home to him?--and blames the boy's illness on the school--tell Edward I've come for my son.  She tries to stall Barnabas leaving; he says, I'll leave you to plot your revenge.
I will have it! Laura hisses at him--before this day is over, I will have it!  After he leaves, Laura gazes balefully at Barnabas portrait.  Beth returns to tell Laura that Edward won't allow her to see Jamison--he's worse. Has a doctor been called for? asks Laura.  Would you object if one was? wonders Beth, who is frantic to get rid of her.  I'm a great believer in doctors, says Laura--why are you watching me so closely?--were you sent to spy on me?  Beth denies her accusation; Laura advises Beth to leave.  I was ordered to lock the door after you left, says Beth awkwardly.  I don't take orders from servants, says Laura--I'm going to stay--what if Jamison calls for me?  They won't let you see him--ever, says Beth.  They'd let Barnabas see him, says Laura bitterly--and Quentin--I'm staying right here!--go upstairs and tell them!   Laura notices the ring in the portrait and starts speculating--it's the custom to wear jewelry to the grave, yes. . .am I so fascinating? She demands of Beth, sneering--perhaps I drove Barnabas away by my sheer presence.  Beth assures her, I'll come to the cottage and let you know if there's been any chance in Jamison.  Laura ignores the maid and continues to speak, almost to herself, about Barnabas' strange habits--he seems like a night creature--have you ever seen him in the daytime?  No, says Beth, but I was probably upstairs, working.  I don't think he's ever seen sunlight come through these windows, says Laura.  Over Beth's protests, Laura dismisses her, and the maid leaves.  Laura goes to the drawing room fire and prays to Re for help in killing "my enemy."

Outside Collinwood - Beth, crying, wonders where Quentin is, and hopes he'll come home soon.  She goes into the house and upstairs.

Drawing room - Laura continues to beg for Ra's help in disposing of Barnabas   She summons Dirk and sends him to go to the Old House, watch through a window and report back to her.  Tell me where to find Barnabas! Laura implores Ra.

Old House - Barnabas leaves a note for Magda--if Quentin shows up, I want to meet with him at dusk--you must remain here today, Laura has threatened me.  He heads toward the cellar, but is stopped by a wall of flames that abruptly appears before him.  He can't get around it.  Dirk watches as Barnabas solves his problem by dematerializing.

Drawing room - Dirk runs to Laura to tell her what he witnessed.  He's not human, guesses Laura, it's as simple as that.  (takes one to know one!)  She wants Dirk to return to the Old House and tells him how to open the secret passageway in the drawing room--Edward told me about it years ago.  Dirk fears Barnabas will catch him, but Laura assures him that won't be a problem--HIS secret has only to do with the day
--Magda's at the cottage.  Dirk wants to know what he is searching for: old trunks containing papers, diaries, books, letters--bring me anything written within the last century.

Quentin staggers to the front door of Collinwood, but, hearing Dirk's and Laura's voices, leaves again.

Come to the cottage when you're done, Laura tells Dirk--if I'm not there, go to Collinwood.  They go outside, Dirk still protesting that they're taking a chance, Laura brushing away his fears.  They head out.  No sooner have they gone than Quentin staggers in and collapses in the foyer. Beth cries out, thrilled that he's returned.  She wakes him up and helps him into the drawing room, locking the door behind them.  Tell me what happened to me, gasps Quentin.  What do you remember? She asks.  Nothing after the pain started, he answers.  She can barely bring herself to tell him, but Quentin, impatient, insists--what do I become?--what kind of monster?
She says, you attacked me. . .you changed. . .into an animal. Edward and Barnabas saw you, and Barnabas beat you away with his cane--they describe you as "a wolf that walks like a man." Quentin is overcome with horror, and buries his face in his hands.  There must be something we can do, says a crying Beth.  Who did I kill? Asks Quentin.  No one! cries Beth, overwrought.  Look at me! commands Quentin.  It isn't you! wails Beth--you don't know what you're doing--it's the curse!  I'm going to kill Magda, threatens Quentin.  No! says Beth, she's your only hope--she can reverse the curse!  It might happen again tonight, says Quentin fearfully--where can I go?--where can I lock myself up?--where can I go where I'll be safe? (not to mention where others will be safe FROM you!  We can make plans, insists Beth, we have until tonight.  We have to find out everything we can, he insists.  They hug.  Someone knocks.  It's Laura, who wants to know why Beth locked the door.  I misplaced the key, says Beth.  Quentin hides behind the curtains (a favorite Collinwood hiding spot).

At the Old House, Dirk searches the books on the shelf and locates the catch to the secret door.  He opens the panel, steps into the secret room and gazes around the cobweb-covered interior.

Right after Quentin exits through the window, Beth unlocks the door to admit Laura.  I thought I heard Quentin in here, says Laura.  Quentin?--up this early?--you should know better than that, says Beth with a nervous chuckle.  I know him well enough to know this is the time he usually comes in, says Laura dryly--unless you've changed him (bitchy, Laura!). Beth excuses herself--I must go check on Jamison.  She leaves.

In the secret room, Dirk finds a diary written by Ben Stokes (that'll teach Barnabas to show him how to read!)  "I will tell you the story of Barnabas Collins and how he died," reads the diary--"or did he die?"

Drawing room, Collinwood - Laura finishes reading Ben's diary.  Dirk points out that Ben didn't reveal the secret.  No, agrees Laura, but it does prove there IS one--so Barnabas taught Ben to read and write--he's going to regret that (no good deed goes unpunished).  Ben Stokes said that Barnabas' secret would go to his grave with him, Dirk reminds her.  So, says Laura, we'll go to his grave!  You aren't serious, says Dirk--all the book proves is that Barnabas didn't go to England.  When will you learn to do as I say? Asks the impatient Laura.

On the landing at Collinwood, Beth assures Quentin  there's no full moon tonight.  Sarcastically, he asks her, "Am I supposed to be my old self?--should we have dinner tonight?--do you think I can forget about last night--or the night before?"   What if I'm different than the books say?--suppose I change even if there isn't a full moon?  Quentin decides to check with Evan Hanley, seek his advice.  Barnabas arrives, anxious to speak to Quentin alone.  I found out a great deal about our mutual friend, hints Barn--but we must act quickly.  Not tonight, insists Quentin, and exits.  Barnabas gazes at Beth.

Cemetery - Dirk has dug up Ben's grave and has the coffin out.  Ben lived from 1756-1816.  Open it, Laura orders a reluctant Dirk.  When he does, they spy a book in the coffin, and Dirk reaches in to get it.  A storm comes up, and a clap of thunder frightens Dirk.  It's only a storm, Laura says--give me the book.  She begins paging through it when Dirk, alarmed, says, look, someone's watching.
She can't quite make out the shadowy figure of Barnabas.  "Who are you?" she demands.

NOTES:  Who are you, indeed!  Quentin's got big problems and brushes Barnabas off when he reminds him of his obligation to help get rid of Laura.

Beth loves a man who turns into an animal during the full moon--and perhaps at other times, too--remember Chris' little problem.

Laura might just learn the truth about Barnabas, and once she knows how to get rid of him, she know she'll dispatch Dirk with a hammer and stake to off the vampire who's only trying to save a family who doesn't even seem to appreciate it.

Love, Robin