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Messages - GooberCollins

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Current Talk '08 II / Re: I Annoy Barnabas
« on: August 09, 2008, 07:18:19 PM »
The few dreams I've had about Dark Shadows have been... odd. They usually involve things that would never happen on the show, like Barnabas and Julia going on a road trip so that they can watch Vicki compete in the Special Olympics. [ghost_huh]

I do wonder what DS is like in Parallel Time. XP It was probably a Latin American telenovela. But I'm going OT again.

It just seems that Depp is appearing in every movie except DS over the next two years, and it's possible that Burton won't do it if he can't get Depp. As long as Burton respects the source material, I'm perfectly happy with him as the director, though.

Games / Re: The Signs That You Might Be Addicted To DS
« on: August 09, 2008, 03:02:35 PM »
110. Whenever there's a potential problem, you get incredibly stressed and repeat to yourself, "Tonight must go nothing wrong."

Yes, sorry, attempting to get back on topic now. I've been (far) more than a little stupid with a lot of my posts lately. [ghost_wacko]

I do find it strange how (unless I've missed something) neither Burton nor Depp has confirmed or denied that they're working on the movie.

Games / Re: The Signs That You Might Be Addicted To DS
« on: August 09, 2008, 02:19:50 PM »
Bleh, I think that was my fault; I think I missed Devlin66's post and started with 102 when I should have done 103. Sorry. [embb]

107. You begin to believe that someone who's only a psychologist can run a mental institution.

Me, I like vampire stories.  That doesn't mean I'm indiscriminate about them.

Same here. I just find it annoying when people consider something 800% better if it has vamps in it.

I really wanted to like Moonlight

And there's the pet peeve I wasn't going to mention unless someone else brought it up.

Plus there's this rumor Tim Burton is going to direct Johnny Depp as a nosferatu.  Maybe you heard?   [ghost_tongue2]

What movie is that? It sounds like it might be good. [ghost_tongue2]

Twilight (which I just read and thought it was pretty good, though the fourth book is getting horrible reviews)

Just to clarify, in my earlier post, I meant no offense to anyone who did like Twilight. I just personally didn't enjoy the book. Though I don't consider it good, I don't think it's particularly bad, either; I've just gotten flamed by rabid fans for expressing my opinion of the book on The Nightmare Board that I've mentioned before, which has unfortunately colored my opinion of the books themselves.

Calendar Events / Announcements '08 II / Re: 6 degrees od Dark Shadows
« on: August 09, 2008, 01:07:09 AM »
Again, I apologize, Borgosi. I had had a bit of a stressful day yesterday and all I (very idiotically) bothered to do was see the title and post "I HAD IT FIRST LOL."

In one of the Southern Vampire books, there's a doctor (mentioned briefly; not a major character at all) whose description could easily apply to Dr. Hoffman.

I want to read them, but I'm currently using my Wii's Internet Channel, and it (infuriatingly) doesn't support PDF files. [ghost_mad]

I think this qualifies as outright plagiarism. XD

Current Talk '02 I / Re: question about the character named jason
« on: August 08, 2008, 03:51:29 AM »
That's because Barnabas realized the impracticality of digging up the secret room's stone floor whenever he needed to bury someone.

Calendar Events / Announcements '08 II / Re: 6 degrees od Dark Shadows
« on: August 08, 2008, 03:13:54 AM »
*headdesk* I really am sorry. I could have sworn that I used the search feature before I posted that. Again, I apologize to borgosi, and to MB about the unnecessary server space I killed with my thread. [ghost_sad]

I agree that it seems the world has gone far too vamp-crazy. I don't watch the "vampire" shows that I love (and I do mean love; I consider BtVS my favorite TV show ever) because of the vampires. I watch DS not because Barnabas is a vampire, but because he is but one of a large cast of compelling, (mostly) well-written characters. The same with Buffy; I watch these shows for their quality of writing. I have read a lot of vampire fiction (and yes, Twilight, at least in my opinion, is as bad as that editor says; in fact, some of my attempts to get people interested in Buffy have failed because they adore Twilight so much and are unwilling to try anything else. I have a couple of other vampire fiction nitpicks that I won't mention because I know that one of them was quite popular on here), and nothing has been able to draw me in like Buffy and DS. I've read the first two Anne Rice books, as well; they're very good books, but not really my thing (of course, it's been a couple years since I read them, so a re-reading may be in order; I've started looking at fiction very differently in those two years).

What I'm trying to reach here is that I do think that a lot of people will go crazy for any vampire story, regardless of whether it's good or not. But the editor is quite right in pointing out that there is good fiction dealing with vampires available.

Games / Re: The Signs That You Might Be Addicted To DS
« on: August 07, 2008, 10:16:07 PM »
99. you hear dark shadows scores in your head as you do things, such as hear a noise and look in the areas where it came from.

Guilty. Does that make me insane?

103. You've shied guests away from a room you don't want them in by telling them that it's the Parallel Time room.

Calendar Events / Announcements '08 II / Re: 6 degrees od Dark Shadows
« on: August 07, 2008, 10:05:18 PM »
I mean no offense here, but I already made a topic about this on the Games board.

But yes, I've reached very far to connect various things to DS, as can be seen in my aforementioned thread.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Review Of Dark Shadows: The Beginning, Vol. 5
« on: August 07, 2008, 09:36:50 PM »
I'm quite enjoying the Laura storyline. Diana Millay is quite creepy, and I find her appearance in 1967 far less irritating than the one in 1897. Though I know how it works out in the end, I am very annoyed that I must wait until October to finally see the resolution, as well as seeing the first episodes of the Jason storyline, with the first Willie.

(Before I post this, I apologize in advance if this has been mentioned before. I did use the search feature to search for the author's name, and there were no results.)

A few weeks ago, when I was looking at my local Wal-Mart's book selection, I saw a hardcover volume containing the first two books of a series called The Dreamhouse Kings by Robert Liparulo. I can't remember what the second book was called, but the reason the first one caught my eye was its title: House of Dark Shadows, exactly the same as the first movie. I didn't buy this collection, and I only flipped through it, but from what I can gather, it's not a coincidence. The main characters are three siblings named Victoria, David, and Xander - granted, Xander is the name of a character from another TV series with vampires, but Victoria, David, and the title make it pretty clear. I also noticed a sentence that was something like, "Xander remembered his father talking about an old TV show called Dark Shadows, about a vampire named Barnabas who lived in a house like this." (I apologize if this is incorrect, but it has been a while since I read this). Anyway, I've been unable to find the two-pack online, so I assume it's a Wal-Mart exclusive, but I just wanted to let everyone here know to check their Wal-Mart's book section for it if they're interested. I may check out a copy from the library once I finish reading what I have at home to read.

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