Author Topic: And Now The Return of Another New Slideshow (Sort of), Part 2 [**Now featuring alternate versions of scenes - see replies #18,#21,#23,#49,#64,#69,#76,#88,#90,#100,#105,#107,#115**]  (Read 96995 times)

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And here's the novelization of Scene 141 and Scene 142 up to where the film cuts off. There are a few bits here and there that aren't in DC's script or that are described differently -

  As he finished speaking, Julia Hoffman came into the
room. And she told Barnabas, "I'm afraid you won't be
able to see Elizabeth tonight. I've just given her another
sedative. She's sleeping now."
  Maggie asked, "Julia, how is Todd?"
  Julia moved across the drawing room to her. "About
the same. He's also under sedation and sleeping." Then
she went to the other side of the room to get her purse
and take her compact out of it.
  Barnabas was studying her closely. "Oh? You've moved
Todd here?"
  She nodded. "Yes."
  "Is that wise," he asked.
  Her eyes met his. "Yes, we think it is." She paused
rather dramatically before adding, "Eliot Stokes thinks
that Carolyn will try to get to Todd tonight."
  "He seriously believes that?" Barnabas asked.
  "Yes," she said.
  "I see," Barnabas said worriedly as Julia moved closer
to him. She opened her compact and began studying her
  Maggie spoke up. "I don't even want to think about
it. I just wish they'd find the one who started all this."
  Roger frowned. "They'll find him, don't worry." He
glanced Jeff's way. "I hope you're not planning to go
back to your studio tonight, Jeff."
  Jeff said, "No. Mrs. Johnson has fixed a room for me."
  "Good," Roger said. "Barnabas, I think you should
stay the night at Collinwood, too."
  As he discussed that with Barnabas, the others re-
mained silent. Julia went on fixing her face and studying
the mirror of her compact. All at once her face drained
of color. She stared into the mirror with disbelieving
eyes. The group behind her were reflected in it. The
group, that is, except Barnabas! His image did not show
in the small mirror.
  Barnabas was saying, "No, I must get back to the
old house. I have work to do."
  Julia turned and looked at the group, shocked by her
weird discovery. She watched Barnabas with a new light
in her eyes . . . studied him in a way she never had
  Roger worried, "But it's dangerous going through those
woods alone."
  Julia pretended to be finishing her make-up. She
turned again and once more looked in the mirror. Again
there was no reflection of Barnabas. She closed the com-
pact and stood there frozen.
  Barnabas addressed the group, "On the way here I
encountered half a dozen of the sheriff's deputies. The
estate is being well patrolled."
  "There still is a great risk," Roger said. "Even that
many men can't be everywhere at once."
"Nothing will happen to me," Barnabas assured him
with a grim smile. "I'll say goodnight."
  Maggie looked at him with deep interest. "Goodnight,
  He took her hand and bent to kiss it. "Goodnight, my
dear," he said with emotion. Jeff, who was watching,
eyed him jealously.
  Roger said, "I'll see you to the door, Barnabas. There
are a few things I'd like your opinion on."
  "By all means," Barnabas said graciously. And the
two men went out into the entrance hall.

And as I said last time when I did the novelization's version of Scene 140, something that was in that version of Scene 140 might seem odd given what's coming up in the next section of Scene 242. And what's upcoming appears in both DC's script and the novelization. But we'll deal with it once we finish with the script's and the novelizations's versions of the rest of Scene 142...

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For those of you jokingly asking me privately if I've been deliberately posting 'obscene' screen caps from hoDS, at first I was going to ask, "What the hell are you talking about?!"  [hdscrt]  But then after I went back and looked at some of the past few posts and realized what you're seeing, I have to ask if your minds are always in the gutter trying to turn everything into something obscene?!  [lghy]  But the answer to the question is, "No, I have not been deliberately posting 'obscene' screen caps." Though it is totally hysterically funny that to some people it might look that way!!  [stfl] And I do have to thank you for pointing it out because otherwise I might have never seen those caps in the same ways you're seeing them...

Offline Mysterious Benefactor

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Back in 1970 when I first discovered this still from Scene 142 -

I presumed it was as wide as the still was, and that was pretty much confirmed when other magazines began printing copies of it that were cut off at the same points on the left and the right. But imagine my surprise in 1974 when a magazine printed a version that was much wider -

- and even included Julia* and Roger (and there's also a version in the DS Memories book that, along with showing Julia and Roger, shows much more at the top and bottom).

So, all of that begs the question: Is there a version of this still, from the same moment in Scene 142 but from a different angle -

- that also may include Julia and Roger and possibly show more at both the top and bottom? If there is, I've yet to come across it. But I wouldn't be the least surprised that it's out there somewhere...

(*Though isn't it interesting that in the still Julia is looking away while in the film she's looking right at Barnabas as he's kissing Maggie's hand. But then, as I've said before, there are many stills from both films that don't exactly capture moments in the films as they actually happen...)

Offline KMR

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For those of you jokingly asking me privately if I've been deliberately posting 'obscene' screen caps from hoDS, at first I was going to ask, "What the hell are you talking about?!"  [hdscrt]  But then after I went back and looked at some of the past few posts and realized what you're seeing, I have to ask if your minds are always in the gutter trying to turn everything into something obscene?!  [lghy]  But the answer to the question is, "No, I have not been deliberately posting 'obscene' screen caps." Though it is totally hysterically funny that to some people it might look that way!!  [stfl] And I do have to thank you for pointing it out because otherwise I might have never seen those caps in the same ways you're seeing them...

Dearest MB, would you clue in the slower members of the board such as I? Poring over the images on the last few pages, there's nothing that seems remotely obscene, unless one wants to think of the Cupid and Psyche statue as obscene, which seems quite a stretch...

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Here's a clue: People with a bit too much smut in the brain (and I say that totally lovingly [nodassent]) have taken it upon themselves to see something in the top left corner of these captures that was never meant to be seen the way they see it:

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And speaking of those particular captures in the real world (as opposed to the world of smut), I'm surprised no one has mentioned what's missing in them that I would think should be there. True, I said that the first time I notice it in 47 years wasn't until the other day - but that was because I hadn't seen certain other captures, especially the ones that are posted in the same topics with them, side by side with them...

The answer it literally screaming out from replies #567, #571, #578, #580, #581, #584, and especially #582 and #583 where the above captures are posted!!

Online Uncle Roger

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I guess that I have a somewhat different version of what may or may not be pornographic because that totally eluded me. Silly me! I thought that was a reference to some of the revealing lighting effects on Nancy Barrett's vampire shroud.
Fade Away and Radiate

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Picking up where we left off with Scene 142:

                                             Maggie x to          Tighten
            MAGGIE AND JEFF                   Jeff
            They keep their voices low because Julia is still on   |
            the other side of the room.  in   B. G.   of   SHOT         |

And that's when today's first quote -

Page 64/Scene 142 - Maggie: 'May I ask why you were so rude to him?'

- comes up, followed by today's second quote -

Page 64/Scene 142 - Jeff: 'I asked a perfectly valid question. What's wrong with that?'

- coming up, followed by today's third quote -

Page 64/Scene 142 - Maggie: 'It was the way you asked it. Your tone of voice.'

- coming up, followed in the script by:

WIDE TO INCLUDE JULIA IN B.G.                 

And when it comes to the dialogue, the descriptions, the directions, and the notations, we really have no way of knowing how things might have played in this part of the scene in the film because everything here ended up on the cutting room floor.

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Continuing with the cut portion of Scene 142:

142    CONTD                                        CONTD 142

And that's when today's first quote -

Page 65/Scene 142 - Jeff: 'Doesn't it strike you odd that none of us really knows anything about Barnabas Collins?'

- comes up, followed by today's second quote -

Page 65/Scene 142 - Maggie: 'I think we know enough.'

- coming up.

And when it comes to the dialogue, we really have no way of knowing how things might have played in this part of the scene in the film because everything here ended up on the cutting room floor.

And when it comes to the bit that might seem odd in the novelization's and presumably that script version. it's contained in the part of the novelization that I've included below:

And here's the novelization of Scene 140. It contains some interesting bits that are not in DC's script -

  "I had to come," Barnabas said.
  Jeff gave him a direct, questioning look. "Why weren't
you here yesterday?"
  Roger intervened, "I don't think it bears further dis-
  Barnabas said quietly, "I don't mind answering Jeff's
question. I was called out of town on an urgent matter.
I wasn't able to get back. I would have liked to have
been here."
  Maggie gave Jeff a meaningful look. And she told
Barnabas, "It would have been better if you had been
able to manage it."

- but some of which might seem odd given what's coming up near the end of Scene 142 in both the novel and DC's script. Material that does not appear in the film...

She doesn't go as far as Jeff when she remarks with regard to Barnabas having missed Carolyn's funeral: "It would have been better if you had been able to manage it." Yet it's still a criticism. But when it comes to the cut portion of Scene 142, Maggie not only harps on Jeff for his behavior toward and criticism of Barnabas in Scene 140, she does nothing but defend him. And I suspect that bit of seeming incongruity is why Maggie's line from Scene 140 was subsequently removed from the script.

Online Uncle Roger

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I do think it's interesting that the vampire crisis brings certain tensions between Jeff and Maggie to the surface. There's definitely jealousy on his part and signs of growing dissatisfaction on hers. I have to wonder if their relationship would have endured.
Fade Away and Radiate

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That's an interesting subject to speculate. Who knows, the experience of St. Eustace Island may have brought them closer together. But if Jeff pulled the see-I-was-right-about-Barnabas card, who knows if Maggie would have balked at that because she supposedly got to see a side of Barnabas that nobody else did, and that side wasn't a put on, it was real.

Of course, if we're talking actress and not character, given what she says about RD in her hoDS diary, it's not like KLS would have exactly wanted to work with RD as her boyfriend if a sequel set in the present day had somehow been made...

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More of the cut portion of Scene 142, beginning with the first part of today's first quote -

Page 65/Scene 142 - Jeff: 'What about you, doctor? How do you feel about it?'

- coming up, followed in the script by:

Julia says nothing.                           

And that's when the second part of today's first quote -

Page 65/Scene 142 - Jeff: 'Doctor Hoffman?'

- comes up, followed in the script by:

JULIA - CLOSE UP                               

And that's when today's second quote -

Page 65/Scene 142 - Julia: (as if hearing him for the first time) 'Yes?'

- comes up.

And when it comes to the dialogue, the descriptions, and the directions, we really have no way of knowing how things might have played in this part of the scene in the film because everything here ended up on the cutting room floor.

I can't imagine why Julia might be distracted. After all, isn't it every day that a vampire doesn't cast a reflection in a compact's mirror?  [easter_grin]  (Though if we're talking '68 daytime DS, one just might cast a reflection - especially if the vampire in question is Angelique - but that's a different story...  [easter_rolleyes])

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Wrapping up the cut portion of Scene 142, beginning with today's first quote, which is directed at Julia -

Page 65/Scene 142 - Jeff (OS): 'Are you feeling all right?'

- coming up, followed by today's second quote -

Page 65/Scene 142 - Julia: 'Yes, of course. Would you excuse me -- I told Professor Stokes I'd come back and have another look at Todd.'

- coming up, followed in the script by:

       as he gives her a puzzled look.

End of scene and end of sequence.

And when it comes to the dialogue, the descriptions, the directions, and the notations, DC's script has a notation at the top of Julia's quote that reads: "X BY them and out". But we really have no way of knowing how things might have played in this part of the scene in the film because everything here ended up on the cutting room floor.

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And here's the novelization of the end of Scene 142. It's interesting that not only does it contain a bit more material than what's in DC's script's version, it also continues past Julia's exit from the drawing room:

  Maggie and Jeff were left in the drawing room with
Julia. Maggie moved to Jeff and in a low voice that
Julia couldn't hear asked him, "May I ask why you
were so rude to Barnabas?"
  In the same low tone Jeff said hotly, "I asked a per-
fectly valid question. What's wrong with that?"
  "It was the way you asked it. Your tone of voice!"
  Julia watched them from the corner of her eye. She
was aware that they were having a difference of opinion,
but didn't say anything. She did not want to embarrass
them and was still stunned about her discovery about Barn-
  Jeff said, "Doesn't it strike you odd that none of us
really knows anything about Barnabas Collins?"
  "I think we know enough," Maggie said.
  Jeff turned. "What about you, Doctor? How do you
feel about it?"
  Julia pretended not to hear.
  Jeff  addressed her in a louder voice. "Dr. Hoffman?"
  She pretended to hear him for the first time. "Yes?"
  "Are you feeling all right?" he asked with concern.
  "Why do you say that?" Julia inquired nervously.
  He stared at her. "You're pale. You're sure you're
not ill?"
  "Very sure," she said. "Would you excuse me? I told
Professor Stokes I'd come back and have another look
at Todd."
  "Of course," Maggie said.
  "Thank you," she said with a forced smile and left
the room.
  Jeff stared after her. "What do you make of that?"
  "Of what," Maggie wanted to know.
  He was indignant. "Surely you noticed! She suddenly
seemed to have some sort of spell. I'd swear she is either
ill or she was frightened by something."
  Maggie gave him a mocking look. "Another mystery!
You see dark shadows everywhere lately."
  "I'm not imagining it!" he protested.
  "You're suspicious of Barnabas and suspicious of
Julia," Maggie said with derision. "The next thing you'll
be suspicious of me!"
  "I will be if you close your eyes to what is happening
around here as you're doing now."
  She gave him a small smile. "I think I know what is
wrong with you."
  "You're jealous of Barnabas! That's why you're sud-
denly seeing mystery in everyone and everything! I
thought you were more grown-up, Jeff!"
  Jeff became angry. "I suppose you think I'm just a boy
now beside the mature charm of Cousin Barnabas. I
think he's a jaded, cynical fraud."
  "You would!" she said scornfully. "I find him charm-
  Jeff glowered at her. "Then there's no use our discussing
him. We'll never see him with the same eyes!"

Whoa - what a scene that turns into after Julia leaves the room. It certainly tells us exactly what Jeff thinks about Barnabas in ways that are only hinted at in DC's script and ways that barely even appear in the film. Which brings up an interesting point about Jeff, which is what does Jeff actually do in 90% of his scenes in the film other than stand around? It isn't until the end of the film that he actually serves any purpose in the plot whatsoever. And that's because, just like so many of the other characters, some of his best stuff in the script or in previous versions of the script was either dropped in subsequent versions of the script, or left on the cutting room floor, or never shot at all. And considering what DC thought of RD, all that is a real surprise...

It's also going to be interesting when I get back to the shooting schedule to see if Maggie and Jeff's argument after Julia leaves the room is actually a separate scene on the shooting schedule. And the reason I say that is because the sequence that's coming up next in DC's script is broken up into two scenes when one wouldn't necessarily expect it to be - and that's quite like how we saw in the most recent chart I made from the shooting schedule that some remaining scenes were broken up into separate scenes to replace other scenes (like the ones outside and at the sheriff's office) that were dropped from the script...

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And before we leave the sequence of Scenes 140 through 142 behind us, I have to say, OK - now I've crossed from surprise into shock that no one has come up with what's missing in the mirror shots that I would think should be there. So, I'm going to repost this portion of reply #582:

- as Barnabas delivers most of today's quote, which he does exactly as scripted on mostly on screen - however when it comes to Barnabas saying the portion "work to do", that's when the camera shot changes to what Julia sees in her mirror and we do indeed see that Barnabas -

- casts no reflection there and Julia's actions become clear... (And who can spot what's missing from the shot of the reflection? Today was honestly the first time I'd noticed... Apparently, just as with the daytime show, DC wasn't willing to pay for someone to keep track of continuity. Should we be shocked? Hardly!)

Trust me, everyone is going to feel pretty foolish if I have to be the one to give the answer.  [nodassent]  Although, it struck me a couple of days ago that there could be a reason for why what's missing is missing. But IMO it would be an exceedingly odd reason - one I have never come across in any of the dozens of vampire films I've seen...