Author Topic: #0445/0446: Robservations 04/17/02: An Anguished Father  (Read 1262 times)

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#0445/0446: Robservations 04/17/02: An Anguished Father
« on: April 16, 2002, 08:29:01 PM »
445 - (Joan Bennett) - A seance has been held in the great house of Collinwood, a seance which has suspended time and space and sent Victoria Winters on an uncertain and frightening journey into the past, back to the year 1795. There she has found a family torn apart by strife and fear of the unknown. On this day, one girl has come to an unexpected decision--a decision which will lead to her downfall, and which will lead to the uncovering of an expected and dangerous secret.

Naomi is horrified when Millicent comes home and announces that she is going to marry Nathan Forbes. Joshua overhears her say this, and grows downright apoplectic when Millicent says she's of age and no one can stop her. He saved my life, risked his own, says Millicent, but Joshua finds Forbes' sudden appearance "convenient." Grateful is fine, snorts Joshua, but to suddenly want to marry him? She believes him, maintains Millicent, he was planning to divorce Suki. Joshua calls her gullible, over Naomi's protests that he's being cruel, and says Forbes is only after her money, but Millicent says he loves her for herself.
Joshua forbids the marriage, but Millicent says tough, he can't do a thing about it. He pulls out the big guns, then--he'll have her declared insane, send her away for a "rest." After all, she did try to kill the man she now wants to marry! She was angry, she insists. This argument is escalating when Nathan shows up, infuriating Joshua. Millicent whispers to her intended what Joshua is planning to do, and Nathan assures her he will fix it. Nathan asks to speak privately to Joshua, saying he wants the old man's blessing to their marriage. Joshua agrees, mainly out of curiosity, but firmly states he won't give them permission to marry, no matter what! The two men disappear into the study and Millicent cries to Naomi that she hopes Nathan will be able to persuade Josh.

Nathan first tries to tell Joshua he and Millicent are in love, but that's one sentimental argument that doesn't sway Joshua, who calls Forbes a liar and hypocrite. It would be to Joshua's advantage to make him part of the Collins family circle, says Nathan, and Joshua puffs up against what sounds like a blackmail threat. Forbes tells him he knows the truth about Barnabas. This makes the old man extremely nervous and upset (Louis Edmonds turned in a stunningly fantastic performance here!) You can see him wondering, terror-stricken, if Nathan learned Barnabas died of the plague. Nathan informs Joshua he knows Barnabas never went to England--he's still in Collinsport, and has been seen-by Millicent, Maude Browning, Suki (who named Barnabas as their attacker), and Nathan himself! "Preposterous!" moans Joshua, who takes all these pieces of evidence like blows to his face and body. He can barely walk, his face is taut with disbelief and horror. Maude described being attacked by a man who looked exactly like Barnabas, continues Nathan relentlessly. He spotted Ben in Maude's room, followed him to the Old House, looked through the window, and saw Barnabas there!
Barnabas' cane, a one of a kind item, was found after Millicent's attack, not far from the Old House! Nathan states that he believes Barnabas has lost his mind, become a maniac--and that Joshua is hiding him at the Old House! "He can't be," says Joshua brokenly, and his vehemence is such that Nathan says he believes him. Nathan threatens to go to the authorities with all this if Joshua doesn't consent to his marrying Millicent. He tells Joshua to consider it, then leaves him alone in the study. "It can't be," Joshua declares to the empty room, "Barnabas is dead. . .dead!"

Nathan waits in the drawing room, confident of victory. Naomi joins him and is stunned to hear that Joshua is actually considering allowing them to marry. He never changes his mind once he makes it up, she insists.
Nathan explains that he told Joshua that he and Millicent love each other, but Naomi is sure this wouldn't change her husband's mind. I used to be fond of you, she says, and would have been glad to see you marry Millicent, but now, after the way he deceived Millicent and testified against Victoria Winters. . . Nathan says he didn't intend to deceive Millicent and the testifying was his duty. He tells her he does care about Millicent, and she says the young woman hasn't been mentally sound of late--too many shocks. She suggests they wait to marry, but he refuses--if Joshua gives his consent, they're getting married immediately! She goes to speak to Joshua, who had taken a gun from a drawer and has been leaning against the mantle as though it were holding him up. He brushes past his wife with a curt, "Not now, Naomi," when she asks if he's really consenting to the marriage. After he leaves, she takes a much-needed glass of sherry.

Millicent and Nathan are standing by the door when Joshua blows past them, too. Nathan tells her Joshua is going to the Old House to make his decision, and when he returns, it will be to tell them they can marry.

At the Old House, Joshua finds Ben by the cellar door. He asks what he's doing there, and the servant says he's just checking the house. "Where's Barnabas?" demands Joshua, calling Stokes a liar. Barnabas is dead and buried, stutters Ben, scared. He might not be, says Joshua. He knows he's in the house--where is he? Ben tries to stop him from going down into the cellar, pointing out that the sun is setting. Joshua shouts at Ben, threatening to return him to prison, and orders him to get out. Reluctantly, Ben leaves the house, staring at the rapidly setting sun with fear.

Joshua enters the cellar, pistol in one hand, a lantern in the other; he spots the coffin. He's terrified when it begins to open, and the first thing he sees is his son's black onyx ring. "Barnabas!" the stricken father cries, horrified.
NOTES:  Outrageous episode. To see Joshua far more concerned about the possilibity that Barnabas is alive and insane than Nathan's marrying Millicent, to watch him torn apart by all this evil and doubt, is hard to take. Get out those handkerchiefs, you're going to need them soon for one of DS' most heartbreaking episodes.

446 - (Joan Bennett) - A seance has been held in the great house of Collinwood, a seance which has suspended time and space and sent one girl on an uncertain and frightening journey into the past, back to the year 1795. There, a proud father, fighting blackmail, goes to the cellar where the son he believes dead and buried is actually alive.

A proud father is how Joshua is referred to in the intro, and indeed he is--a proud, sad, determined and very loving father.
Joshua is shocked to see his son sit up in his coffin, and Barnabas is horrified to be thus discovered. Barnabas demands that his father tell him what is true as Joshua covers his mouth in disbelief. I was in the room with you when he died, didn't hear your heartbeat, sat by your cold body, went with them when they brought you to the tomb-I'm imagining this terrible nightmare! No, says Barn, do not ask. I must know, Joshua cries. He believes Barnabas never died, he was in a coma--why didn't he come to him? Forget you ever saw me--I didn't want you to find me, says Barnabas, and refuses to tell Joshua how he knew. Joshua asks about Ruby and Maude, and Barnabas, shamefaced, must admit he killed them.
What kind of monster are you? Asks Joshua--did you kill Suki? Barnabas says he had to protect himself, and when he denies attacking Millicent the previous night, Joshua is angry--he believed there was an honesty between them, at least. There was, says Barn. What about your mother? asks Josh--you murdered again, to protect yourself, he accuses--you knew there would be more, shame and scandal-uou attacked your own cousin last night. This one Barnabas denies. He didn't attack Millicent--I had to kill--I couldn't stop, I'm under a curse, and couldn't help myself. You were better off thinking me dead, says Barnabas, and Josh says he'd prefer it. Barnabas agrees that he'd be better off dead, but still feels compelled to survive. Josh wants to turn his son in, but Barn asks about sitting in the courtroom admitting to be one of the living dead. They both agree it would kill Naomi. Josh calls for Ben, but Barn grabs his father from behind. Joshua pushes him away. It horrifies Josh to know Barnabas hates him so much, he would kill even him. Barnabas explains that he tried to make sure Naomi never knew--could he put the family through a trial? He asks Joshua to promise him to make Naomi believe him still dead. Joshua takes his pistol and leaves it on the coffin. "You know what you must do," he says. Taking a chance, Father? Asks Barnabas. Only one of us will leave the room alive, says Josh, and Barn must decide that for himself. Neither of us can kill the other, says Barn. If you have any sense of honor left, says Joshua to do what must be done. . .and hands his son the pistol.

Upstairs, Naomi enters the Old House. Barnabas tells his father he can't do what Joshua asks. They hear Naomi, but Josh demands Barn find the strength to do what must be done, if not for his own sake, for theirs. He leaves the pistol with Barnabas, then heads upstairs. Barnabas takes the pistol into his hands.

Joshua asks Naomi why she is there. He walked to the Old House, but Naomi knows there is a reason. Did Nathan send her? He tries to force her to leave immediately, looking nervously over his shoulder. Forbes told him he saw a light here, explains Joshua. There's a gunshot, and Joshua gasps and grabs Naomi's arm. She thinks Joshua is frightened and hiding something from her--how can she help? He says he wants to take her home. He's a privacy fanatic, she says, and it makes her feel alone. She accuses him of never thinking of her, and he says he does and is--now. He escorts her outside, gazing sadly at the room before closing the door.

Collinwood drawing room - Nathan sits with a drink in his hand, feet up. He hears Joshua ordering Naomi up to her room; he?s going to the yard on business. She persists in asking questions, but Nathan comes out and rescues Joshua--they have unfinished business.
Joshua, glares hatefully at him. Nathan admires the house; he likes Collinwood and pours himself a brandy--offers Joshua one. I?m changing, says Nathan, who believes everything is almost settled. Nathan explains to Naomi that Joshua is reconsidering his marriage to Millicent--they're anxious for his approval. Joshua agrees that if Millicent insists, he won't stand in the way, shocking Naomi. Joshua refuses to shake Nathan's hand, nor does he want him to awaken Millicent to give her the news. Nathan insists, and Joshua calls Naomi "dear" and reluctantly tells her to bring Millicent down. Naomi says she is doing this only because her husband requested it. They wait until Naomi disappears and Nathan gazes at Barn's portrait and asks Joshua how he found his son. They'll be seeing lots of each other, promises Nathan; they'll stay in the West Wing. Josh says they'll never live under his roof. Nathan implies he might tell Naomi who they know is at the Old House, but there will be no need if Joshua cooperates. Hating himself, Joshua nods. Nathan wants the Grand Tour, on Millicent's nickel, which Joshua says sarcastically, is extremely considerate of him. Joshua asks Nathan not to tell Naomi where he's going this time, and Nathan, smiling, drains his glass.

Joshua returns to the Old House basement. He finds the pistol sitting on top of his son's coffin. Barnabas appears from the shadows. Joshua is disappointed. You were never a coward, he says. I'm not one now, and Barnabas. "By your own acts ye shall be known," Joshua reminds him. Barnabas explains that he has his memories, but the curse won't allow him to die--he has been cursed with eternal life. Joshua can't buy this. The gun can't kill me, insists Barnabas. Joshua denies this. Barnabas wants to go, and take Ben with him. Joshua fears Barnabas will turn on Ben and continue to murder; near tears, he demands to know how his son can expect him to permit this, and Barnabas, his voice harsh and miserable, responds, "Because I am a vampire! I must have blood!" More madness, says Joshua, unable to look at his son--ignorance and superstitious tales! Now Joshua knows everything--I am compelled to this terrible life, says Barnabas. My son, my son, commiserates Joshua, but Barnabas says he is only aware of his father's pain. Let me escape, pleads Barnabas--I'm an animal, with instincts to kill, no longer your son. Joshua, in agony, reaches out to Barnabas, but Barnabas orders him, "Don't touch me!" Josh, face filled with misery, takes the gun in his hand. I must do this, he says, and adds, "Forgive me, dear son." He shoots Barnabas, who clutches his chest.
NOTES:  Incredibly moving, heart-rending scenes. I've thought about them sometimes, over the years, and am amazed at the incredible acting performances by Frid and Edmonds in this episode. For an ashamed, scandalized, yet loving father to shoot his son, to want him dead forever, is unbearable. I've rarely seen anything this hard to watch on even the best TV shows--or this beautifully acted.

Love, Robin