Author Topic: #1010/1011: Robservations 07/08/03: Interview With a Vampire--Finis!  (Read 1453 times)

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1010 - Larry commands the man to come out of hiding. Yaeger, swaggering, does so, sneering, "With pleasure, sir". He lunges toward Larry, intending to stab him, too, with the sword, but Larry dodges out of the way, and Yaeger runs right past him. Larry pursues Yaeger, leaving the dead body of Horace Gladstone lying on the ground. Yaeger runs; Larry follows. Yaeger races to the lab's back door, unlocks it and lets himself in. He swiftly begins to open the safe, but is interrupted when, upstairs, he hears Sabrina asking Larry what he wants.  I haven't got time, replies Chase--where is Cyrus? He left earlier this evening, reports Sabrina. I must get down to the lab, insists Larry.  I'm not allowed to let anyone down there, Sabrina reminds him. Yaeger struggles to replace the painting over the safe, experiencing a great deal of trouble, but finally succeeds (another classic DS blooper). Larry convinces Sabrina to let him go down to the lab, but Yaeger has already exited through the back door. Breathing heavily, Yaeger listens through the door as Sabrina and Larry come downstairs. What did you expect to find here? she asks. A man, says Larry, I chased him all the way from the docks, and saw him jump into Cyrus' courtyard--I was sure he'd be here. Who is the man? asks Sabrina--what would he be doing in here?  I don't know, says Larry, who goes to check the door. Cyrus always keeps that locked, insists Sabrina.  Get the keys, he requests tersely.  She heads upstairs to do so.  Never mind, says Larry, he's probably gotten away by now--I'm going to call the police--the man he was chasing just committed murder. Yaeger continues to listen at the door.
Murder, repeats Sabrina, horrified. I found a dead man lying on the ground, says Larry. Did you see who the dead man was? she asks. No, says Larry, I've never seen him before. What about the murderer? she asks nervously. I only got a fleeting glance at him, says Larry, it might be John Yaeger. Are you sure? she asks.  No, admits Larry, I'm not--if I had to swear to it under oath, I don't know if I could do so. Outside, Yaeger smiles with relief. (Didn't Larry get a good view of him when he lunged at him with the sword?)  I'd better go to the police and have them post a guard on Cyrus' house all night, says Larry--wait here until the police come--undoubtedly, they will want to question me at the scene of the murder--I'll be back. Larry picks up the phone and calls the sheriff--I want to report a murder.  Overhearing this, Yaeger muses to himself, I can't risk going back inside. And the police will be here soon, watching the place--I must get the antidote and become Longworth again--but how? He gets an idea, smiles, and slinks off.

Buffie, just closing the Eagle, looks exhausted. She locks the door and wearily heads away. Yaeger checks his watch and waylays Buffie, darting out at her.  She jumps--you gave me a scare! she says. Sorry, he says.  What are you doing here? she asks. Waiting for you, he says. What for? she asks--what do you want now? I'd like you to do me a little favor, he says, pinning her with his eyes--you wouldn't mind doing your old friend a little favor, would you? And they stare into each others eyes, Buffie's fearful but attracted, Yaeger's deadly and cold.

What do you want? asks Buffie.  I need something, he says, rather desperately--I want to know if you can get it for me. He's leaning in very close, intimately, holding her shoulder, making her uncomfortable.
Can't someone else get it for you? she asks. No, he says. Look, it's late, complains Buffie--I've had a hard night, I'm tired. Miss Harrington! he says through gritted teeth, violently shaking her--I don't have time for gentle persuasion!  Look, she says, you don't own me, I'm not a piece of property, and I told you I'm tired. Being tired is better than being dead! he shouts in her face--isn't it?  You can't mean something like that, she says. Grabbing her, screaming in her face, he says, I need something desperately and will go to any extreme to get it!--now what is your answer? What do you need done? She asks. You wouldn't understand if I told you, he says, just follow my instructions. What do you want me to do? she repeats. I knew your common sense would prevail, he says, grinning--I want you to go to Dr. Longworth's lab and get something for me. Can't Dr. Longworth get it for you? she asks. No he can't, says Yaeger--the doctor is away and I'm afraid I can't go in there. Why not? she asks. Don't ask questions! he commands.  You're in some kind of trouble, aren't you? she asks softly. He again cruelly grabs her and warns her, I'm not in trouble--now, don't start asking questions, because this key will let you in the side door of the lab. That's against the law, she protests--if I get caught... He hands her the key--you won't get caught, I promise, he assures her.  She gazes at the key--I don't like this, says Buffie--I haven't done anything wrong in my life, and I don't have a record. You're not going to get caught, there's no risk involved, he shouts--take down the painting, there's a wall safe--he gives her the combo--when you get into the safe, you'll see a small bottle with green liquid inside. That's what you need? she asks--what's in it?  it's not your concern, says Yaeger. I think it is, insists Buffie--if I'm going to go... He grabs her arms again and speaks her name is a gruff, warning voice. Let me go get it over with, she sighs. I must prepare you first, he says.  Buffie looks desperately into his face.

Cyrus' lab - Sabrina paces. She sits on a stool. The phone rings. It's Yaeger, posing as Cyrus. I'm calling from a pay phone in Rockport, he explains--I'm heading to Portsmouth for the evening. Sabrina, surprised, repeats, Portsmouth? Yes, he says, I've run into a colleague and we're discussing my work--I'm most anxious to see what he's been doing--I'll be back sometime tomorrow morning. Are you all right? asks Sabrina--you don't sound like yourself.
I'm just tired, he says. Why are you running off to Portsmouth? she asks--why don't you come back here and get some rest? Don't start worrying about me, he says, I'll be all right. Cyrus? she asks, you haven't by any chance seen your friend Yaeger, have you? No, why? he asks. There was a murder here in town earlier this evening, she reveals--there's a possibility that he committed it. I don't see how, says Cyrus, I spoke to him yesterday, he said he'd be out of town. He might have changed his mind, she says, I wouldn't put anything past him. Sabrina, stop worrying about it, he says--lock up the lab and get some rest--right now, do you understand? Yes, she agrees. I'll see you in the morning--good night, my darling. Good night, she replies, but seems very perturbed. Yaeger smiles and exits the phone booth to inform Buffie--Sabrina will be locked up in about 10 minutes--you should go there and get what I want--bring the bottle to the beach below the Collins estate, the cave near there--I'll be waiting for you there. This thing gets crazier by the minute, mutters Buffie. Come, come, Miss Harrington, he says, what would life be without its share of mystery and adventure?

Sabrina locks Cyrus' desk and gives the place the once-over. A door slams.  Larry comes down and asks, have you heard from Cyrus?  I just heard from him, says Sabrina--he's with a colleague and won't be home tonight. That's too bad, says Larry, noting now strangely she's acting--what's wrong. He sounded so odd on the phone, she says, it was almost as if he were not himself. You know how far away his mind can be sometimes, says Larry. It's more than that, she says--when he said goodnight, he called me "my darling"--he's never used that phrase before--his only term of endearment has been "my dear."  I don't think that's anything to worry about, says Larry. I suppose you're right, she agrees--what happened with the police? I gave them a full account of everything I saw, says Larry, that's all I could do. Did you find out the name of the man who got killed? she asks. Horace Gladstone, he says. I met him several times right here in this lab, reveals Sabrina. Here? asks Larry. He was a friend of Cyrus', says Sabrina.

Upset, Larry asks Sabrina, were Gladstone and Cyrus close?  I don't think so, says Sabrina--they had a professional relationship--Gladstone supplied Cyrus with chemicals for his work.  It's getting more interesting all the time, says Larry--I spoke to Gladstone earlier this afternoon--we were to meet at 10 tonight.  There's a long silence, then Sabrina asks, "Well?" Larry continues, I didn't know what to do--he said he'd be there, and that's how I came to be so close when this murder took place.

Buffie approaches the door and is about to slip the key into the lock when she overhears Sabrina and Larry talking. What did he want to see you about? asks Sabrina. He said he wanted to talk about John Yaeger, answers Larry.  Sabrina looks the lawyer in the face--what does this mean? she asks intensely. I'm almost too afraid to speculate, says Larry--were Cyrus and Gladstone on good terms? Yes, I think she, she answers--why?  I was just wondering, says Larry--well, that's all we can do tonight--have Cyrus call right away when he gets back. I'll go with you, says Sabrina.  She turns out the light; the two of them go upstairs. Buffie enters the lab, closing the door behind her. She runs to the safe, take down the picture and is about to open it, using the combination Yaeger gave her, when she hears Sabrina telling Larry, I left something in the lab. Buffie quickly hides. Sabrina comes downstairs to retrieve her forgotten pocketbook, then goes back upstairs. Buffie slips out and, reading the combination off the paper, twirls the dial.

Yaeger paces impatiently outside the cave, waiting for her to bring him the antidote. He spots footprints in the sand heading inside the cave. Interesting, he muses--I wonder where it leads to? Since he has at least half an hour before Buffie shows up, he decides to investigate--as I told Miss Harrington, what's life without a little mystery and adventure? He begins lifting the rocks covering the opening.

Buffie finds the antidote, which clearly says, DO NOT TOUCH, and examines it. She closes the safe, returns the painting to the wall, and leaves the lab.

Yaeger enters a room--this has to be another building on the Collins estate, he muses, the only one that could have a cellar this size is Loomis house.
He spots Barnabas' chained coffin and runs his hands over it. Well, well, he wonders, what dark secret is Will Loomis keeping from the rest of the world? I must find out, decides Yaeger--it just might come in handy someday. Using nothing more than his hands, he begins to remove the chains from the coffin!

NOTES: How fascinating this all is--since Yaeger murdered Gladstone, who would have to be punished for the murder? Would they try Cyrus and John as two separate people? It opens up a pickle of a legal debate, doesn't it? Didn't you get the idea that Sabrina is beginning to sense the truth?

Yaeger forced Buffie to do his bidding by threatening to kill her. How she can still feel any sort of attraction for him is beyond my comprehension. He treats her terribly, but we sense this time, she did what he asked out of fear, rather than attraction.

Now we have the villainous Yaeger breaking into Barnabas' coffin--will he become a victim of the vampire, or will someone intervene? Notice Yaeger's motive--to have something he can use to blackmail the Loomises.  Mr. Yaeger is scum from beginning to end!

Larry seems so dull, and one senses Chris would have been more convincing in this role. When that long silence happened between Sabrina and Larry, I wondered which of them had forgotten a line. It also seems to me that Larry surely got a perfect view of Yaeger when he attacked him, so his claim that he wasn't sure holds little water.

1011 - Nancy Barrett does the intro--she is back!

Carolyn tries to get into the cellar, staring raptly through the bars.  "Still trying to rescue him?" taunts Will, standing beside her. It's not true, she says. It's all right for ME to be fascinated by a vampire, says Will--I'm getting a book out of him. I thought I heard something, she says. Sure you did, he says cruelly. There's someone down there, she insists. Sure there is, there's a vampire, says Will, and as soon as I finish getting his story, I'm going to interview you--not many men get the chance to know both a vampire and one of his victims! (He sounds so jealous!)  He's gotten out, suggests Carolyn--or perhaps Fred, the handyman, has come back. He's gone, Carolyn, chides Will. He walks away.  Carolyn distinctly hears the chins being rattled. "You've got to do something," she urges her husband. Will does. Finding Yaeger about to open Barnabas' coffin, he slams him over the head with a pistol, sending him tumbling to the floor, unconscious. Carolyn runs downstairs to join her husband, who is rifling Yaeger's pockets. Who is he? she asks--how did he get in here?  I don't know, says Will.  What did he see? she asks desperately. Stop asking so many questions! yells Will, still trying to find ID on the guy. Will, he knows! says Carolyn, upset.  What, that we have a coffin in the basement? asks an extremely annoyed Will. A chained coffin, she reminds him. He doesn't have ID on him, says Will, slapping his fist into his hand. What are we going to do? she asks urgently--he'll come to, ask questions!  I've got some questions for him, says Will--like what is he doing here? Did he get the coffin open? she asks anxiously--did he, Will? If he had, says Will, I wouldn't have had to do this to him--or maybe Mr. Collins would have taken care of him--perhaps I should have let that happen. Will begins to drag Yaeger's body away. What are you going to do? asks Carolyn.  Protect my investment, answers Will, that's all--putting all this time into my book, I'm not going to let some stranger ruin it now. Carolyn looks perturbed.

Buffie appears at the cave, calling to John--I have your antidote!  She sits on a rock to wait for him. Something happened to him, she thinks to herself, why did he have me steal this from Longworth and bring it to him here? Why is he hiding? What has he done?

When Yaeger awakens on the Loomis' living room sofa, Carolyn is holding a gun on him--don't move, she warns. Mrs. Loomis, he says. How do you know me? she asks. I make it my business to know pretty ladies, he says, grinning, even though he's obviously got a bad headache.
Carolyn calls Will. Where is your husband? he asks--why is he letting a girl do a man's work? I know how to do this, she assures him, holding the gun with both hands--and I will. The clock chimes.  You're keeping me from a very important appointment, he says. What are you doing in this house? she asks. He grins--I'm a curious man, he says, when there's a secret, I make it my business to know it, and you've got a very interesting secret, Mrs. Loomis--why is that coffin downstairs?--why is it chained?  I don't know what you're talking about, says Carolyn. So you've decided to bluff it out? he asks--that knock on the head didn't make me forget what I saw--there's someone in that coffin, isn't there? Don't you get up! she warns. Someone in that coffin?--I told you before, she says. Yaeger, on his feet, asks, why isn't your husband isn't up here?--is he down there moving it, is that why? Stay right there! cries Carolyn, jabbing at him with the gun--I mean it! I think we had better forget about tonight, both of us, he says. WILL! screams Carolyn. We will continue this fascinating conversation, promises Yaeger--later!  He slams the hand containing the gun aside, sending it flying.  Carolyn screams, her hands covering her mouth, her huge blue eyes even larger with terror.

Yaeger runs out of the house. Will! Carolyn screams, bending down to get the gun. Will appears, furious with her. I couldn't help it she cries, still in a kneeling position--Will, go after him, he'll go to the police! No, says Will, it's the last thing he'll do.  He knows us, she says, standing--he called me by name. Calm down, Will orders. You shouldn't have left me alone with him, she moans, leaning her head against the mantle. I had to fix the secret room in case there were others--that's how he got in, says Will, but there will be no way of getting in there anymore. I she pretended I didn't know what he was talking about, she says, but didn't fool him--"Will, there's only one thing to do--let Barnabas Collins go--that man will be back." You want me to go back to being what I was? he demands--a writer who never writes?--Carolyn you've seen the change in me, you said so yourself--this book is going to be big, I swear it--every critic in America is going to respect old Will again, yes sir--his most imaginative work--a classic!--yes, that's what it's going to be called--no one will believe it was all true, what a joke. One man will know it's true, Carolyn reminds him--that man who was here tonight! She puts her hands on his shoulders--Will, she begs, be reasonable. He pulls away from her.  Hm, do you know where we could hide Barnabas, Carolyn? He asks excitedly. There's no safe place, she insists. There is, he says, going to the bookcase--the secret room back there! (Ah, this exists in PT, too.) No, Will she protests. Ah, but you could get back there any time you wanted to, couldn't you? he asks. Will, she almost screams, forget about me and think about that man who was here--he's evil, and he'll come back, I know it, I know it! She looks pleadingly at him.  He nods.

Buffie grows increasingly annoyed waiting for Yaeger. When he finally shows up, he says, I've been on a little adventure--did you bring it? Yes--and she hands him the antidote. Did anyone see you enter the lab? He asks.  I don't think so, she says. Did she have trouble with the safe? he asks.
No, she says--what is that stuff?  No questions, he commands.  I think I have the right to ask some, she says petulantly. No you don't! he yells. I stole it and don't even know why, she bitches. But you enjoyed it, didn't you? he asks. She nods, surprised at herself. He chuckles--I know you even better than you know yourself, he says. If you and Cyrus are such good friends, she asks, why didn't you get it--why are you hiding here waiting for it? Go back to town, get out, he orders. Look, she protests, I was scared coming out here!  DON'T YOU DO AS YOU'RE TOLD!  he roars. I thought you'd at least come back with me, says Buffie. If anybody asks, you haven't seen me tonight, he orders. Who would ask? Questions Buffie--what have you done?  Nothing, he says, nothing wrong, at least (!)  I don't believe you, she says. I merely defended myself, he says. Against whom? she asks. A man has a right to defend himself, he insists--now leave me. Their faces are almost close enough for them to kiss. I will, she promises, I sure will, but from here on in, you stay away from me, too--don't come around anymore--I don't want to see you. You will, he says with assurance, smiling, you will. Never, she says. Yes you will, he says, I'll see to that. She turns and goes. He grins after her, then sits down on a rock, the antidote in his hand.

Will and Carolyn go downstairs to the basement, Will holding a cross against his chest. Do as I told you, he orders Carolyn. Will, she whispers, not wanting to. There is nothing to be afraid of, he assures her. I don't want to see him, she says shakily. This is the only way to move him, says Will. If he should come toward me. . .she says. He has no power over you, says Will, just hold out that cross. She holds up a cross she's wearing around her neck. We have got to do this, he insists.  She nods in agreement. Will opens the coffin. Barnabas (HE'S FINALLY BACK!!!!) lies inside. Don't ask any questions, orders Will--certain things have happened; we have to move you, it is necessary--and do not try to outwit us, Mr. Collins. What's happened--who's here? asks Barnabas anxiously. I said no questions! Will reminds him--now, will you please get up? Behind Will, Carolyn trembles, probably remembering her blood bond with this creature. Carolyn also has a cross, Will warns Barnabas, who is now our of the coffin, on his feet.
"Put them away," says Barnabas in a tortured voice. That WOULD make it easier for you, wouldn't it? asks Will--now you will follow me, Mr. Collins--we are taking you to a place that would be much safer.  Barnabas looks fearfully over his shoulder. Will makes a face at the vampire and says, "Come!" Will, holding the cross almost in Barnabas' face, leads the way up the stairs, Carolyn, also holding out her cross, follows the beaten-looking vampire.

Caves - Yaeger, surveying the antidote, asks himself, why must I become Longworth again?--go back to that dull, miserable life! That fool, Gladstone, he's making me take this, even in death, he dictates what I do! He's about to smash the bottle, but realizes, I must play it smart--I'll hide in Longworth until it's safe to walk the street again.  He drinks his antidote like a good boy and is instantly convulsed by the transformation pain.

Will and Carolyn lead Barnabas into the secret room behind the drawing room bookcase. In your own time, you must have spent plenty of time in here, eh, Mr. Collins? taunts Will--sit down. I must have my coffin, says Barnabas. You'll have it, sit down! commands Will. Barnabas sits. If you'd only let me go, laments Barnabas. Don't start that, the author warns. Will, listen to him, murmurs Carolyn. Shut up, Will says. Please listen, pleads Barnabas--you have enough of my story now. I will decide when we have enough, sneers Will. You can write your book, says Barnabas.  Oh, sure, says Will--and let you free? There's only one thing I want, says Barnabas sorrowfully--to go back to my own time, to the Collinwood I know. Let him go, Will, says Carolyn. He's got no chance of getting back, says Will. I have, says Barnabas. You don't know how to make the change, insists Will. If I could only get to that room! begs Barnabas. Hah--nothing will happen, says Will. I will harm no one, I promise you that--just let me try! pleads Barnabas, then turns to Carolyn and says, raggedly "Can't you talk to him--can't you make him see?" You have no more spell over her! cries Will--no one is going to stop me from doing what I want with you. Someone may, warns Barnabas, whoever found my coffin tonight--I am safe in my own time!--safe with friends who protect me. No, no chance of that, Will assures him, grinning slightly.

Larry comes downstairs to Cyrus' lab. The latter enters through the back door. I was just about to leave, says Larry--the door upstairs was open and I was sure you'd be here. I was out for a walk, claims Cyrus--I changed my mind about going to Portsmouth. Did you hear about Gladstone? queries Larry. Cyrus nods--I did, but I don't want to hear about it. It was a horrible death, says Larry--"run through with a sword!" Cyrus cries out, a sound of anger and disgust. Larry stares at him. Cyrus apologizes--it's just that Gladstone was a fine chemist and more than that, a friend of mine. I'm sorry, says Larry, I shouldn't have described it to you--I don't know what he wanted to see me about, anyway. Do the police have any idea who did it? asks Cyrus.  No, I never really got a good look at his face, says Larry, but I think it's John Yaeger.
It can't be, says Cyrus, his voice filled with fear. He had the same build, says Larry. Could you identify him in a court of law? asks Cyrus. No, says Larry. Then you shouldn't be so certain about people you accuse, insists Cyrus. Do you think Yaeger is capable of killing Gladstone? asks Larry. No, says Cyrus, I don't--he wasn't in Collinsport, for one thing, that's positive, I sent him away yesterday. Why? asks Larry. That's my business, Cyrus insists Larry. I won't ever understand your relationship with Yaeger, sighs Larry. It isn't necessary for you to, says Cyrus, not looking at him. You said that he wasn't blackmailing you, but Cyrus, you've got to get rid of Yaeger! For the first time, I think I agree with you, Larry, sats Cyrus--I was wrong to encourage him--Larry, you have my word that John Yaeger will never walk the streets of Collinwood again--never!

Will, alone with Barnabas in the secret shelf room, looks over a notebook. We were last talking of Josette duPres, he reminds Barnabas. I do not wish to speak of her, says the vampire. Angrily, Will says, I need to know about her--the book is nothing about her. You could never understand how I felt about her, insists Barnabas. I will try, Mr. Collins! insists Will, in my limited way, I will try. We were to marry, says Barnabas, just as we did in this time band of yours--if I could have the life, the few precious years we had here, if I could only have the memory of life with he to sustain me... Will, the cross still hanging around his neck but no longer clasped in his hand, asks, "Why did you not make her as you are?" Barnabas doesn't respond. I AM WAITING, MR. COLLINS! shouts Will. Barnabas says, "I hate myself for admitting that I tried, but I needed her so." Gleefully, Will writes this down. Fate has always been cruel to me, laments Barnabas--it was against me as it was that first night in your time when you found me. Will, engrossed in writing, forgets to pay attention.  Barnabas grabs the ribbon around Will's neck that holds the cross and pulls it tightly, strangling Will, then tossing him to the floor. Barnabas, fangs exposed, says, "No, Will, I will no longer bow to fate." Will gazes up at him, the cross no longer around his throat to protect him. Barnabas opens his mouth wide, going in for the attack.

NOTE: Let me says it loud: Jonathan Frid is BACK! It was so good to see him, just as it was 30 years ago, the first time I saw these episodes. And we got a bonus--Karlen and Barrett, too, back from making the movie. This episode was absolutely marvelous just because they were in it. Of course more fascinating stuff going on with Yaeger and Buffie, too.

Will bullies Carolyn, Yaeger bullies Carolyn, Yaeger bullies Buffie.  The ladies really took one for the team in this episode!

Cyrus does appear to have a conscience about Gladstone's death, or the details Larry describes to him wouldn't have disturbed him so much. Has he finally realized that Yaeger is a very bad person and truly wants to dissolve his "relationship" with him? He's vowed to Larry that Yaeger won't be seen in Collinsport again, yet as Yaeger, he was so unwilling to take the antidote. Which will win out and take complete control of Cyrus Longworth's body?

Great final scene; I was so glad to see Barnabas overpower Will! I was thinking that Will was treating Barnabas very badly for a man who expects to make a ton of money and fame for writing down his story. I realize Will is terrified of Barnabas, but they could also have become friends in all this time, and that didn't happen--Will seemed to enjoy ordering the vampire around and beating him down. Now, however, Barnabas is in charge again, and things get REALLY good as Barnabas clashes with Angelique and even Yaeger. The rest of our cast will return shortly, too, to continue and wrap up this storyline in fine style.

Notice the phony "hoity-toity" accent Will sports these days, very clipped and almost British? He sure doesn't sound like the common guy our Willie Loomis is, using words like "ain't" and leaving the g's off the ends of his "ing" words.

Love, Robin