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Title: Discuss - Ep #0127
Post by: Watching Project on January 17, 2012, 06:26:02 PM
Robservations #127


This ep marks the final appearance of Thayer David as Matthew Morgan.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0127
Post by: MagnusTrask on January 17, 2012, 07:40:19 PM
I wonder why Burke and Roger didn't notice him slumped in the chair, as they passed him to get to Vicki?   Was Matthew momentarily spirited away, then returned in that chair?

Really nice story about Liz's great-aunt, whom Josette saved also, apparently.    Then Josette runs around the front yard again.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0127
Post by: alwaysdavid on January 17, 2012, 09:09:26 PM
Joan Bennett and Alexandra sit on the top of the staircase in the VTR Board sequence.  The Matthew death scene and the rescue are replayed. In a new sequence, Mrs J says in her usual upbeat manner that Vickie won't be seen again.  When she does come in Elizabeth refers to  her as , "Vickie darling."  Vickie credits Josette with saving her and so far nobody tries to disuade her she is dreaming or imaging it as they have before. Elizabeth tells Burke, "the girls are important to me, Don't hurt them,"  Vickie seems flattered that Burke was looking for her.  Vickie tells him, " I'm not afraid of this house anymore, I'm at home here."  I wonder if the writers had seen The Haunting. 
At 2 in the morning, Elizabeth brings Vickie pills to sleep and Vickie reveals that Josette looked like her and that she may be her ancestor.  Elizabeth looks away. Elizabeth has really let her guard down where Vickie is concerned.  The ghost story she tells ends with Josette twirling around the pillars of her decaying home.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0127
Post by: Janet the Wicked on January 18, 2012, 02:35:54 PM
I wonder why Burke and Roger didn't notice him slumped in the chair, as they passed him to get to Vicki?   Was Matthew momentarily spirited away, then returned in that chair?

Probably because he blended in so well with the mess that is the Old House.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0127
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on January 18, 2012, 05:02:19 PM
 [pointing-up]  [snow_wink]  Plus they were much more concerned with Vicki when they heard her calling out.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0127
Post by: Janet the Wicked on January 18, 2012, 09:08:24 PM
You know who’s missing from this whole scenario? Frank Garner. I suppose the actor may have had other commitments, but I think it would have made more sense and been much more entertaining having him and Burke rescuing Vicki instead of Roger and Burke. 
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0127
Post by: DarkLady on January 18, 2012, 10:00:58 PM
I entirely agree. And he was such a nice guy too.

Nice scene with Elizabeth and Vicki when Vicki returns to Collinwood. I wish they had made more of the Vicki-Josette connection, but we can't have everything, I guess.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0127
Post by: MagnusTrask on January 19, 2012, 02:40:34 AM
Probably because he blended in so well with the mess that is the Old House.

I guess that's also why they just left him there, after!
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0127
Post by: DarkLady on January 19, 2012, 04:38:38 PM
Well, it was a suspicious death, so they probably would have had to have the sheriff and the coroner take a look before they could move Matthew. I'll bet Elizabeth gave him a fine funeral and had him buried in the Collins section of the cemetery, with a headstone saying something like "faithful servant."

Elizabeth tells Vicki that Josette's ghost saved her great-aunt's life. Elizabeth's great-aunt would have been [spoiler]Judith Collins![/spoiler]

The episode ends nicely with that footage of Josette weaving in and out of the pillars of the Old House facade. Is she dancing? Or trying to escape?
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0127
Post by: Lydia on February 07, 2012, 12:59:15 PM
It's strange to think Vicky has no idea that it was Bill Malloy who saved her.  She goes on and on about Josette, while poor Bill, who rounded up the girls and brought them in from the Hill (carefully heading them off when they wanted to go to the Blue Whale instead), doesn't get any credit.  If only Mrs. Johnson had known!  She would cry with joy and wish that she herself had been the kidnap victim instead of Vicky, I'm sure.

The relationship between Burke Devlin and the Collinwood residents has become just a little bit more tangled, with Burke having been a principle contributor to the rescue of Vicky, and with Mrs. Johnson telling Vicky it's a good thing he took an interest.  I say Burke's going to be badgered into marrying Carolyn, though.  Incidentally, would Vicky have been able to get out of the secret room if nobody had found her?  I think she should have been able to hitch the chair over to the door and accomplish something, but I may be rating her intelligence too high.

Vicky took the sleeping pills that Elizabeth gave her without any questions like, "What exactly are they?  Are they habit forming?  Will they discolor my urine?"  That's the Dark Shadows way.

The episode ends nicely with that footage of Josette weaving in and out of the pillars of the Old House facade. Is she dancing? Or trying to escape?
I tell you once and once again...she's dancing!