Author Topic: Robservations 7/23/02 - Joe & Maggie Finale? - #572/573  (Read 1459 times)

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Robservations 7/23/02 - Joe & Maggie Finale? - #572/573
« on: July 22, 2002, 08:29:47 PM »
572 - (KLS) - Morning at Collinwood--and the residents of the Great House are unaware of the dangers that surround them. But in the Old House on the huge estate, there are two people who are very aware of those dangers, and on this day, they will make a desperate attempt to end them.

Barnabas paces the Old House living room. Julia, looking exhausted, comes downstairs and Barnabas is concerned. She has to go out, she says, she must visit Maggie Evans, who's been seeing Nicholas Blair. Vicki told her that he's interested in buying a painting of Sam's, and she wants to question Maggie about Nicholas, who is posing as Cassandra's brother. They are both sure he caused Cassandra to die, and Julia thinks it possible Blair made Tom a vampire. Barnabas disputes this--Nicholas is no vampire. Julia knows that, and a vampire exists close to them, but she feels Nicholas is involved, and they must learn what that involvement is. We must find and destroy that vampire, says Julia, or none of us will be safe!

Maggie answers the door at the cottage. It's Julia, and she seems disappointed. Maggie was hoping it was Joe, who hasn't reported for work at the cannery in 3 days. He isn't answering his phone, either. Julia wonders if Joe left the hospital too quickly. Julia asks how she's doing, launching into Vicki's telling her she had a great offer for one of Sam's paintings. $2,000 bucks, says Maggie, and Nicholas set the price himself, even though she would have accepted less. Didn't you find that curious? asks Julia. Maggie speculates that Nick is both generous and wealthy, and offered because he felt she needed the money, even though she doesn't like the idea of taking charity. Maggie doesn't know him well at all, she says, but he's definitely mysterious--they barely know each other, but he's been very kind to her.
Julia suggests he's attracted to her, but Maggie says Nicholas knows she's engaged to Joe and loves him--he's never behaved as if it's more than friendship. Julia admits she might be too cautious, but advises Maggie to beware of kindness from strangers. (you and Blanche duBoid.) Maggie is tempted to accept Blair's offer; she can really use the money. You'd be foolish not to, then, says Julia. Maggie has until 5 PM to make a decision, and she said It would probably be yes. Maggie says she wants to call Joe. Julia gets up to leave and they bid each other a cordial goodbye. Maggie picks up the phone and dials, but Joe, who has come into the cottage from the back entrance, falls unconscious at her feet.

Maggie helps Joe up after he regains consciousness. She asks what happened. He blanked out for a minute, he says, and she helps him to the sofa even though he says it isn't necessary. She wants to call a doctor, but he won't let her do so despite his fainting spell. She notes his pale, sickly face, but he says he's just weak. Perhaps I returned to work too soon, he says, I just need rest. She begs him to see a doctor, but he says if he does, he'll be back in the hospital, and he doesn't want that--he's OK. She accuses him of being unreasonable and he shouts at her. Hurt, she says she's tired of arguing, too. She's also tired of being stood up, she complains--you forgot our date last night, where were you? He had some important business, he hedges, and couldn't get to a phone. What business, she asks. He had to see someone, and can't tell her who, agreeing that she has a right to be mad. You treat me as though I don't matter at all, says Maggie. He asks her to look at him, please, and when she does, he tells her he loves her. If you really do, she says, you don't behave like it. No matter what I say or do, I love her, he says, and you must believe that. She looks into his pale, sad face and they hug fiercely, then kiss. He begs her never to stop believing her loves her, but his behavior--there must be a reason for it. Can't he tell her what it is? He says it has nothing to do with the way he feels about her, and he can't tell her more than that, so please don't ask. Just accept that, he asks, and she promises to try.
You must help me, he says, there's something you must do for me--let me stay the night, with you--sit up with me all night, don't let me out of your sight, if I want to leave, don't let me--lock the front door--lock all the doors!--don't ask why, just do it, please. She agrees, softly, a woman in love. Joe's face is tortured.

Julia returns to the Old House. She tells Barnabas Maggie thinks Blair is charming but he's interested in buying one of Sam's paintings. Pointless visit, comments Barnabas, but she says not quite--Nicholas Blair will be out of his house at 5 PM--he has an appointment with Maggie. Barnabas asks if she's proposing they break into his house and search? Yes, she says. He feels they will find something very interesting that will reveal a great deal about Mr. Nicholas Blair.

Dusk. Joe watches from the cottage window as Maggie works on needlepoint. She sees him staring relentlessly out the window and asks what he's looking at. Shadows on the grass, he says--the sun will be setting very soon. What about it, she asks. He orders her to lock the front door, and when she goes to do so, he stops her and says they're getting out of Collinsport. They'll get in his car and leave. She can't, she's expecting Nicholas. Joe wants them to leave now, forever, he says desperately, and tells her to pack her bags for his sake. She can't leave the place she's lived her whole life, she insists-- where would they go? He doesn't know or care, anywhere else. They'll get married, he'll support her somehow, but they have to get out of here! he pleads desperately. The dogs howl; Joe's eyes look like huge blue marbles. Maggie asks what he's afraid of, what's going on, but he says no one can help him. He has to leave, he says, calm now, he has to leave this house--he has to leave her. She reminds him of what he said, but he says he has to leave and can't tell her why or where. She refuses to let him go--she's going to do as he asked! Something strange is happening, but she feels he shouldn't leave the house. He says he has to and tells her to get out of his way. She refuses, and he tosses her to the floor and leaves.
"Joe!" she cries, her hair a mess around her face, tears in her eyes.

House by the sea - Joe enters the basement room where Angelique's coffin rests. He lays his hands on it and stares raptly. I tried to resist you, he tells himself, but couldn't. Barnabas and Julia find Nicholas' door unlocked and come in. Julia wonders about that unlocked door and expresses fear that they shouldn't do this--Nicholas night still be in the house. They know he's with Maggie, Barnabas reminds her. Julia is frightened and doesn't want to go through with this. Barnabas grabs her hand and prevents her from leaving--this is their best opportunity. He orders her to wait outside and keep watch for Nicholas while he searches. She protests at first, then agrees. Barnabas enters the living room and opens another door, looks inside, closes it. He looks through the drawers in the roll top desk, then knocks something down, which falls with a clang. He hears a noise and starts to beat a hasty retreat, but Joe catches him. Each asks the other what he's doing there. Barnabas says he came to see Nicholas; Joe claims he's here for the same reason. Why? asks Barnabas. Joe explains that Nicholas came to visit Maggie while he was in the hospital and he came to tell him to stay away from her. Barnabas asks if he's going to fight him, and Joe says he hopes it doesn't come to that--a simple warning will be sufficient. Barnabas tells Joe he should go home, but Joe thinks Barnabas is the one who should leave.
Barnabas asks Joe why he keeps looking out the window, why he's so nervous, and Joe says he isn't looking forward to his talk with Mr. Blair--it's time they had a meeting. Barnabas says, "I see." Joe begs him to go, right now!

Down in the basement, the coffin opens. . .

Will Angelique be having two for dinner?

NOTES: Uh oh, does this mean Angelique will come upstairs and Barnabas will learn his ex-wife/witch is now a vampire? That would surely put the fear of God into him!

Poor Maggie and Joe--tearing them apart is one of the worst things Nicholas does, IMHO. They were DS' only happy couple, and that's a rarity, but to see the one and only dissolved this way, with poor, sweet Joe being tortured, is so hard! Maggie has no idea what's wrong, but if she remembered Barnabas' attack, she definitely would.

573 - (KLS) - It's almost sunset in the small town of Collinsport. The growing mystery of a house by the sea has brought two silent and separate visitors to it. One of them is drawn by forces beyond his control, forces that would drain him of life. The other, there to unravel the mystery of 200 years, is unaware of the vengeful powers that lurk behind doors soon to be opened.

Dusk at Blair House - Angelique, dressed in a flowing white dress, sits up in her coffin. Joe and Barnabas continue to argue about who will leave and who will stay; Joe says Nicholas is expecting him. Barnabas sees no harm in his waiting, but Joe says there is, Nicholas won't like it--he'll say Barnabas is trespassing. Barnabas reminds him the Collins family is renting this house to Nicholas. Angelique, listening to their conversation, wonders why Barnabas is there. This is her chance, she exults; she could end his existence forever, pay him back for all those years. It's what he deserves, yes--she must do it, and now! Joe keeps looking out the window; the sun has set, and he nervously urges Barnabas to leave--now, he can't explain, there isn't time, but he must go. Barnabas asks why the sunset has a special meaning to him, he notices how fearful and untrusting Joe is--you're not the same, observes Barnabas, and he demands Joe tell him what's going on. Joe says he can't, and it will soon be over, anyway, he'll see to it. He begs Barnabas to leave, for his sake. Angelique tells herself she's got to go out and stop Barnabas, once and for all! No, she can't, she remembers, Nicholas told her not to interfere without his permission--then again, he doesn't have to know. . .Barnabas tells Joe he'll leave--only if Joe comes with him. Joe doesn't want to, and Angelique realizes that Barnabas is trying to urge her meal to leave. He can't do it--what will Nicholas think if he's not there when he returns? She must keep Joe here! Barnabas asks Joe to resist the hold the house has over him, and tells him he understands better than he thinks. This unnerves Joe, and Barnabas again tells him to come with him. Angelique, standing in the basement doorway, orders Joe to resist Barnabas--he wants to stay here, with her! Barnabas offers to drop Joe off at Maggie's. Yes, says Joe, he could be with Maggie, walk right out with him! No, says Angie's voice in Joe's head, stay with ME--don't listen! Determinedly, Joe says, yes, let's go, get out of here, go to Maggie's. He and Barnabas race out of Blair house. Angelique is upset and probably hungry when she enters the empty living room.

Nicholas makes out a big check for Maggie for Sam's painting, and she tells him she really appreciates his generosity, especially now--a few weeks ago, the money wouldn't have mattered so much, but things are different now. "Your fiance again?" queries Nicholas, and Maggie says yes, it's like she no longer knows him. Nicholas says that happens sometimes, the better we get to know a person, the more we realize we hardly knew them to begin with. Joe's whole manner has changed, says Maggie--he disappears for long periods of time, won't answer his phone, doesn't show up when he says he will, etc.--he seemed fine when he left the hospital, perhaps it's something she's done. Nicholas doubts that. Perhaps he shouldn't say anything, but, whatever is wrong, he doesn't like seeing her hurt. If your relationship with Joe is over, don't punish yourself, he advises, nor look for something that isn't there to find anymore--you're too beautiful and too full of the joy of life to stop living over a lost cause. Maggie wonders if it is a lost cause. She thanks him for his kindness.
Maggie opens the door to Joe's knock. Nicholas is shocked and angry to see him. Joe asks if he's welcome and Maggie says of course and throws her arms around him. Nicholas gives Maggie the check, says he'll come by at 5 the following evening to pick up the painting, and bids Maggie and Joe an insincere good night, a huge, fake smile on his face. He promises to see them both again very soon.

Joe closes the locks the door behind Nick and tells Maggie he must speak to her. Where did you go? she demands. He can't say, but he did want her to stop him. She reminds him he threw her to the floor, and he says he couldn't help it--it wasn't him acting like that. He can't explain it, there's some force trying to control him, make him do things he shouldn't do.
She can't understand, and neither can Joe. He needs her help him resist it, he says. She asks if he committed a crime, and he assures her it's nothing like that. She asks what she's supposed to do--he won't trust her--he looks beyond her when she talks to him, leaves with no explanation. Pitifully, Joe says all he knows is he doesn't want to die. This shocks Maggie He begs for her help--stay with him, watch him, don't let him leave. Hit him over the head if she has to, and this is his last chance! Will you do it? he demands. She promises she will. He holds her, saying he doesn't deserve her help, but he desperately needs it.

Nicholas returns to the house by the sea, demanding to know why Joe isn't here. He was, she says--he came and he left. She did her best, she explains, but she had competition--Barnabas! Was he here? asks Nicholas-- apparently, he just walked in! She heard him speaking to Joe when she arose, and she tried to will Joe to stay there, but Barnabas convinced him to leave with him. There was nothing she could do (and she seems damned pleased about it). She says she's sorry his visit with that sweet girl had to be interrupted. He orders her to get Joe back, but she says she doesn't like doing this to Joe, there's no reason. Infuriated, Nicholas says there is--her survival! She turns away, pointing out that she can get someone else. He doesn't want that--get Joe back here tonight! he shouts. "You want Maggie for yourself--that's it, isn't it?" asks Ang.
Perhaps, admits Nick. What if his love for Maggie is stronger than my power to summon him? asks Ang. Nicholas assures her Joe will come, she will see to it. If she doesn't, the sun will rise, and I will make you watch it, he says cruelly.

Joe and Maggie sit together on the sofa. She asks him how he feels. He's OK, he says, and she offers coffee. She leaves to make it and that's when Ang summons Joe. Come to me, she wheedles. He begs her to leave him alone, but she says he can't resist her call. Maggie hears Joe calling, "NO!", but Ang tells him he can only hear her voice. It's started, says Joe, and he asks Maggie to hold onto him. All you can hear is my voice, Joe, says Angelique, all you can see if my face--come to me now! He begs Maggie not to let go of him and she promises she won't. Ang demands he come to her--you want me! Joe vows to fight and pleads with Maggie to stay. Joe calls out "NO!" and feels confident it will work if he concentrates on Maggie and his love for her.

Angelique reports to Nicholas that Joe isn't responding, he's fighting her, but the warlock orders her to keep trying. The girl you're so fond of is helping Joe fight me, she reports gleefully. As incentive, Nicholas says, through clenched teeth, "You will get him here, Angelique, you will succeed this night or it will prove to be your last night on this earth!"

Joe rises from the sofa, noting it's past 2 AM and looking like it's going to storm. He's doing all right, he reports, and she asks if it's over. He doesn't know. She confesses she's tired. Joe asks her to give him some sleeping pills--if he can go to sleep and sleep soundly, he'll be safe. When he falls asleep, try to wake him up, and if she can't, she can get some rest herself. She goes to get the pills. 3 AM - Maggie tries to awaken Joe, but finds she can't. He's deeply asleep. She turns off the light and goes into her own room. Joe sleeps uneasily. At 3:30 AM, he's still asleep, and at 4, he hears Angelique calling him to come to her. Listen to my voice, she says, hear my call--come to me. "I must have you, Joe, the time to resist is past. You have no choice, no choice at all. You are mine now and you will come to me." Joe stirs, moaning in his sleep, as her words penetrate his brain. You are my destiny, she tells him, come to me!
Joe awakens with a scream. Lightning flashes in the sky outside the window. Maggie awakens to a knock at her door. It's Nicholas. He apologizes for waking her, but he felt something was wrong, that she was in terrible danger. He sees that she's fine, but she says she's been worrying about Joe's weird behavior--he spent the night sleeping on her sofa--she hopes he'll be better in the morning. Well, points out Nicholas, if he is, she may never know it, and directs her to check the sofa. Joe is gone! Nicholas smiles and Maggie looks sick to her stomach--and heartbroken.

NOTES: How cruel of Nicholas to sic Angelique on Joe and force him to leave Maggie's protection this way! Somehow, we sense that Blair's Master won't look kindly on his falling for a human female, and this can only end in heartbreak or worse for all involved.

We know who Angelique wants more than anyone for her next victim--Barnabas! Will Nicholas ever grant her wish to feast on her ex's neck?

Love, Robin


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Re:Robservations 7/23/02 - Joe & Maggie Finale? - #572/573
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2004, 08:22:22 PM »
DVD episodes for March 26th and 29th.

The 9th and 10th episodes on Set#9/Disc#4 (4th and 5th episodes on MPI tape Volume #68)