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Topics - Brandon Collins

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Current Talk '24 I / Hawkes Harbor
« on: December 10, 2019, 04:29:38 PM »
I did a quick forum search on "Hawkes Harbor" and only came up with a few mentions of it in past years.

I just finished reading the book last night, having picked it up earlier this year at a discount book store. I wasn't expecting much, and I have to admit that the beginning portion of the book was a bit difficult to get through. But once I was in, I was in for good.

It wasn't difficult to discern who each character represented from the Dark Shadows world, and the same goes for the settings used most in the book. I have to say though, that I found some of the relationships between characters to be a bit unexpected from how they were presented in the show. I have to wonder if these were present in the first draft of the novel, or if they were the result of changes made after the DS Gods determined that the book would not be an officially licensed DS novel?

The relationship between Jamie (Willie) and Grenville (Barnabas) was really all over the place. The early part of it (where Barnabas practically abuses Willie at every turn) I found to be pretty accurate. However, by the end of the book (SPOILERS HERE) where they practically became road trip buddies was a little much for me to swallow. And Jamie's fate at the end of the book was also not what I would've guessed given that Willie is always involved in later DS projects (particularly the audio dramas).

Anyway, has anyone else read the book and what did you think?

EDIT: I must not have been searching the Home page of the forum, because I just found more mentions and a topic. However, I'd enjoy talking about it further if this topic stays up.

Current Talk '24 I / What/If
« on: November 21, 2019, 08:58:56 PM »
You may be aware that with the new Disney+ streaming service, Marvel is planning a show called "What If" which imagines characters from the Marvel movies in different circumstances than we know them. For example, what if Tony Stark were Hulk instead of Iron Man? Or what if Nick Fury had never been present to help develop SHEILD/The Avengers? How would the story change?

I thought it might be fun to consider this for Dark Shadows. What if Angelique hadn't cursed Barnabas, but he became a vampire because he was randomly bitten by a bat? What if Julia and Angelique switched places? What if entire characters, say Carolyn for example, were absent from the series? How would this change things?

Current Talk '24 I / Dark Shadows POP Figures
« on: September 17, 2019, 02:13:07 PM »
Last night it occurred to me that with the distant prospect of a new DS hitting tv screens that we could also see some new DS merchandise with the new/old characters. That got me to wondering if anyone would be interested in seeing Funko POP! figures of our beloved DS characters and, if so, who would you want to see?

Obviously we know who would bring the most sales in: Barnabas, Angelique, Josette, Quentin. But what about some secondary characters, or just characters in general who have not really ever received the merchandising treatment, i.e. Julia Hoffman?

Current Talk '12 I / Unexpected DS Music
« on: May 03, 2012, 05:07:00 AM »
Oddly enough I was just flipping through the channels on my tv and I stopped briefly on the guide channel for mucable company to discover that the piece of music they were playing was Shadows of the Night, or Quentin's theme. What a pleasent and might I say eerie surprise at midnight while I'm laying in bed.

It looks like Chloe Moretz is becoming the go-to young actress for all types of horror movies. She's already done a few, has DS coming out this year, and now this:

Current Talk '11 II / Who's Reading The Forum?
« on: July 19, 2011, 11:03:16 PM »
It's no secret that when a fandom is particularly passionate about a certain piece of entertainment, and there are popular forums in existence for that fandom, that those who work on the movie or show read the forums to get fan reactions or ideas of what should happen next.

As I was reading through some of the threads earlier, I wondered to myself if anyone who is working on the current production of the new Dark Shadows movie was possibly checking this forum to see what we all think of rumors/spoilers that are currently out there. Is it possible that Tim Burton himself is checking messages on this forum without being an actual member?

What does everyone think?

Current Talk '08 II / New Big Finish Dramas
« on: August 06, 2008, 09:25:21 PM »
I haven't heard much about these, so I'm wondering if anyone purchased them at the fest, and if so, what do you think of them? I'm interested in buying them but I'd like to hear some reviews first.

Current Talk '08 I / First Impressions of the Remix
« on: April 28, 2008, 07:56:19 PM »
For those of you who don't know, which I'm going to assume is most because I haven't seen a post made about it, Target has a special two pack of DVD sets--one is Dark Angel Season 1, and the other is our very own Dark Shadows Revival Series. All this for just $20. So, natch, I grabbed it up. That's much cheaper than I've been able to find the DSR by itself, anywhere online. And if I don't want Dark Angel, I can get rid of it and have DSR practically for free!

Anywho, I popped the first disc in to watch the first episode last night. Luckily for me, my DVD player has an option under the Setup menu for the player where I can select how the DVD's content is presented (full or widescreen) even if it's supposed to be in one or the other on the DVD. Since the DSR is on DVD as widescreen, people have complained that it cuts off some of the picture, but for me it doesn't.

I found the first episode to be enjoyable overall, despite being a rehash of HODS. I don't know some of the actors names, so I'm just going to refer to the characters. Roger was missing something for sure. I think Louis Edmonds accent was one of the things that made Roger's character so memorable, and without this Roger having that, he seems a little off to me. I think Liz is perfectly cast, and the actress is wonderful, despite some of the crappy lines that she's given. Vicki, Carolyn, and Daphne are fine by me. David gets on my nerves. This kid has nothing on our original David, period. Julia (Barbara Steele, yes?) is decent, but I didn't know the actress had a British-tinged accent, so that was a little off putting at first. Sometimes her delievery makes her sound more like Lara Parker's Angelique.

Willie (Jim Fyfe I believe) goes in and out of my good column pretty regularly, and with every scene he is in my opinion of him changes. Sometimes he's great, other times he's very whiny. Part of the appeal of John Karlen's Willie, compared to the updated one anyway, was that he seemed much more traveled, and although maybe somewhat naive, he could take care of himself. This Willie seems like nothing but a bumbling idiot, that he couldn't exist except for being a sidekick to someone, and that's just not cool.

We didn't really see much of Maggie, Sam, and Joe, but I can say that the lines that Sam had in this first episode either were really bad, or he just can't act, or probably both.

Ben Cross as Barnabas is odd. I like him but I don't. Some of his scenes are pitch perfect (when he's talking to Vicki in Josette's room, when he says that "Almost 200 years ago" line, he sound eerily like Jon Frid), while others are very flat, or off the mark. That hissing when he gets ready to bite people, or when he bears his fangs is just LUDICROUS, and I cannot take it seriously whatsoever.

Overall, with most of the characters, but especially in this episode in exchanges with Julia, Barnabas, Carolyn, and Elizabeth, I feel like the CHARACTERS, not the actors, have been here, done this, all before, and that they know that and are just going through the motions. And it's not because I'm familiar with the storyline. Several of Julia's lines, especially the one where she tells Barnabas that she almost made progress by hypnotizing Daphne to figure out who attacked her, are delivered with a "Hmph, I know it was you and I'm just saying this to make other people think I don't know," tone, when she couldn't possibly know it is him who is attacking people this early in the show.

Several things that I noticed in terms of production bloopers:

When Daphne is walking from the Blue Whale to pick up her car, we see her from a frontal long shot, with her shadow behind her. We see a hint of another shadow to her right (from out perspective), then we cut to a side long shot of her, where her shadow is now extending from her left side, and we can see the shadow of the camera crane and the camera operator on the crane. The camera crane is obviously a mess up, but Daphne's two shadows is a severe lighting error. You also see palm frons coming into the top of the screen from a palm tree, but this was really the only instance I noticed a palm tree during this episode.

Also, the last scene where Barnabas is outside of Vicki's window, is so obviously shot during the daytime that it's rediculous. The lighting on Cross' face doesn't even look right, because you can tell that they've painted him to be pale, and sunlight doesn't so it justice. It looks like they just said screw it and decided to shoot during the daytime, and put up large black sheets on the light deflectors to mute the sunlight. But in the background, through the trees you can see that the sky is definitely blue. And the fog along the ground does nothing to help.

Now, I'm sure that the final scene is meant to be taken in stride with the storyline, but I think that I'd prefer to assume that after Barnabas leaves Vicki at the front door of Collinwood, he returns to his coffin, and that everything after that, beginning with Vicki brushing her hair, is all part of a dream Barnabs is having.

Perhaps the best part of this initial episode is the cinematography. The thing looks like a movie. And television almost never looks like a movie. Ever. Especially these days. So I really think that's a big plus. The camera angles are numerous, and the dutch angles that are employed work very well to tell us so much about the characters that the characters aren't telling us themselves. The mise-en-scene is also great, within and around Collinwood for the most part. Big props to the DP for the series for pulling that one out, and having to work during the DAY to make a night scene. Even though it didn't come out right, at least they tried. And that had to be hard as heck.

Calendar Events / Announcements '08 I / Podcasts
« on: January 05, 2008, 06:11:13 AM »
So I was tooling around on iTunes today after class, and what do I find but Dark Shadow stuff? Yes, they have Bob Cobert's music on there and everything. And someone even had started a DS podcast, which, sadly, had only 3 episodes, one of which was pretty decent, made by someone called "Miller" who called himself "Barnabas" when hosting the show. Does anybody know this person, or is he perhaps on this forum? I'm interested to see if there are plans to continue this shindig.

Thought about starting one myself, but will have to wait until our new internet gets put in. That's right! No more dial up! FINALLY! haha

Current Talk '07 II / HODS Revisited
« on: October 17, 2007, 02:33:07 AM »
 [8_1_214]  [8_1_210] [devil2] [8_1_203]

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 II / GH: A Hard Act To Follow
« on: August 28, 2007, 05:31:04 AM »
I've just completed "Grayson Hall:  A Hard Act To Follow" and have written a review for those who haven't yet purchased it. I really enjoyed the book, the experience of reading it and getting to know our own Julia Hoffman was interesting to say the least.

Here's the link:

For those who can't see the links, the "Reviews" link is at the top just under the picture. Then when you get to the Review page, the link to the review is just under the paragraph of text.


Calendar Events / Announcements '07 II / My Fest Report
« on: August 22, 2007, 05:56:17 AM »
As promised in another thread, I have put my fest report from this year and last year up on a website. I've also put up all the pictures from both years, so if you didn't see my pictures from last year, feel free to check them out.

This year's fest report should be all set to go. The pictures, however, are another story. Most of them show up when the page loads, but some of them don't show up. It's nearing 1am here now, and I'm too tired to continue to deal with them at this point, so I'll try to fix them tomorrow when I find time, and I'll let you know when I get them working so you can have a look at the last few.

Please allow time for the pages to load, because there is A LOT of information on both the fest report pages and picture pages.

I'd appreciate any questions or comments you have, good or bad. :D

Oh, and here's the link to the website:


Calendar Events / Announcements '07 II / I'm Baaaaacckkk
« on: August 19, 2007, 10:11:31 PM »
Well, we've returned safely home from the weekend outing at Collinwo--I mean the DS fest. I've typed up a complete fest report on the way home (I got bored) and so I'll have that up on a website within the next couple of days, along with the few pictures that I took throughout the weekend. I have more pictures of Lyndhurst than the actual fest, but I looked at Joeytrom's pictures and his are great! So for more fest pictures, look that way!

Anywho, I'll post the link to that site once I have it up and ready for you!

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 II / 2008 Fest
« on: August 17, 2007, 10:40:54 PM »
So today, while waiting in the extremely long fest line, after finally getting my program, I found something that I just couldn't wait to share with the rest of you. And that is the information about next year's fest.

"Coming July 18-20, 2008....

Dark Shadows Festival at Marriott Burbank Airport Hotel and Convention Center, Burbank California....

Celebrating the DVD Release of House of Dark Shadows and Night of Dark Shadows plus preparations for Warner Brothers' new Dark Shadows movie with Johnny Depp!"

Just thought that you West Coasters around these parts would be ESTACTIC to know about this! And I'm off to have more festly fun!

Games / Name that Character!!
« on: July 18, 2007, 03:59:02 AM »
So, the object of the game is to guess the character that I'm thinking of. I'll give the first clue, and then everyone will ask a question to retrieve more information. Once you think you know who it is, take a guess. The first person who gets it right continues the tradition....

Clue #1: This person lived at Collinwood at one point.

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