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Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Release!!
« Reply #75 on: May 12, 2012, 08:21:16 PM »
Who knows, Roger may return for the sequel with his new wife Cassandra.

I think that's kinda brilliant, qc.

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Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Release!!
« Reply #76 on: May 12, 2012, 08:22:05 PM »
An IMDB analysis posted sometime today (Sat.) predicts the Burton/Depp Shadows will "be lucky" to gross $30 million over the weekend.  The blurb cites the movie's total budget as $125 million which is almost twice the figure I had seen some months back of $65 million.


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Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Release!!
« Reply #77 on: May 12, 2012, 08:27:35 PM »
The source of that IMDB post seems to be the Deadline article linked in Reply #60.

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Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Release!!
« Reply #78 on: May 12, 2012, 08:48:22 PM »
And speaking of that Deadline article, Box Office Mojo puts a more positive spin on DS' Friday box office take:

Friday Report: 'Dark Shadows' Can't Slow 'Avengers'

1 day 15 hours 48 minutes 22 seconds since the Depp/Burton Dark Shadows has been in release(ET)!!


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Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Release!!
« Reply #79 on: May 12, 2012, 08:54:54 PM »
I never really expected DS to top The Avengers' box office take on its initial release. I just hope the movie makes enough money in the long run so that Burton and Depp and WB will feel a sequel would be worth to make.

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Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Release!!
« Reply #80 on: May 12, 2012, 09:20:40 PM »
I just hope the movie does well enough to prompt whoever in the WB labyrinth is sitting on the decision to greenlight the 1970-71 feature films DVD release/restoration to move things along and give us a firm date for the release! (bearing in mind Darren's note that next year, on balance, would be better than this year).

cheers, G.

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Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Release!!
« Reply #81 on: May 12, 2012, 09:28:47 PM »
I agree with Gothick. My priority has always been the restoration of NODS. I can live with any film as long as it's failure doesn't get in the way of that project.

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Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Release!!
« Reply #82 on: May 12, 2012, 09:35:49 PM »
Okie dokie, after avoiding this thread and other sites with potential spoilers for a few days, I finally saw the movie today.  I just read all of your thoughts and was interested to see all of your views.

As for myself, I absolutely LOVED it.  I didn't expect to- as I mentioned in the other thread I'd been starting to get rather pessimistic these last few days.  But I now wonder what I was worried about- I shouldn't let reviews and other people's remarks get into my head like that!  But all in all, I probably loved the movie more than any here, with the possible exception of Taeylor  [ghost_grin]

Okay, so of course I do actually have some criticisms, so let me get those out of the way first.  As with many of you, I wished there had been a bit more of a backstory and buildup to Barnabas and Angelique's relationship.  As Prof. Stokes or someone mentioned- maybe some kind of montage of them kissing a bunch of times or something.  At the very least, when you think about the OS, we never actually *see* their backstory, but there is a conversation about it, and it's heavily implied that they'd definitely had their fun.  Here in the film, the conversation is far too brief.  As with many of you, I also wish there could've been more to Carolyn's secret before this sudden left-field reveal.  Someone did point out a few hints, which I admit I didn't really notice during the film.  I knew from Chloe's interviews that she had a secret, so that was the only reason I wasn't totally shocked by it, and I did see her backing away into the house and closing the front door, so I knew she was up to something, but I guess I wish it could've had at least a little more elaboration or foreboding.  And lastly, I agree that not enough was done with Roger's character.  Even if he was relegated to mostly standing around being snarky, I wished he could've at least had a bit more screen time doing that very thing. 

Oh, and I guess one more lastly, though it's more of a joke to myself than anything, I have always told people how I absolutely hated the scene in the Indy 2 movie where they rip the guy's beating heart out, and when I saw Angelique touching her chest like that, I had a feeling that that was what was going to happen-- ewwww  [ghost_grin]  But it actually wasn't that bad, it was just that the thought of it kinda made me laugh because it reminded me of that scene I hate so much.  For that matter, it reminded me of Pirates 3, too, because there is a lot of time spent on a beating heart that they're all trying to stab, and I wonder if that was in any way intentional.

Okay, now on to the things I liked.  I had absolutely no problem with the tone of the film.  For me, this was not a comedy.  It was not a spoof or a parody, and I don't feel that it in any way tarnished the reputation of the OS.  I do think that the trailers should've been truer to the real tone- not to take out the comedy entirely, but just not to overdo it the way they did.  I LOVED the reveal of Magtoria!  My only teensy tiny nitpick with that is that she's rehearsing introducing herself, starts to say Maggie and then sees a poster that makes her change her name... but what had she said her name was when she answered the ad??  I mean, didn't she have to give a name??  So, maybe she'd seen a poster like that before and already decided on the alias, and looking up at it only reminded her of it, but for me it was something that brought me out of the film for a moment.  But otherwise, I had no problem with the idea that the character was not a carbon copy of either the Maggie or the Victoria that we know from the OS.  And Bella was great!  I really had no problem with Helena's Dr. Hoffman.  I'd heard in the very beginnings of the development of this film that it was going to be a small role, so I wasn't expecting her to have a huge amount of screentime, and I found it just right.  I loved the reveal of what she was up to- I didn't expect it and I felt that it fit very well into the story, and it provided a good justification for Barnabas' actions, which I already guessed because of the film score's track titles.  I was not as turned off by some at Julia's little "act".  Grayson Hall might never have done that but to my thinking, she probably would've wanted to.  One little point that probably won't make a difference to any of you, but that came to my mind, is that there is a similar scene with Mary Steenburgen in What's Eating Gilbert Grape, for a similar purpose, and I can't help but wonder if there was any possibility that was more than a coincidence.  In both cases, though, the intent was clearly manipulation, and I am fine with that as a plot point. 

I loved both Chloe's and Gully's portrayals- wished that both of them had more screen time.  Jackie Earle Haley was great in a small role, and I suppose some might say he was too buffoonish but I felt it struck a good balance.  I also thought Mrs. Johnson was a hoot, and I was glad that that wasn't overdone.

Unlike most of you, I loved Eva's performance.  While as I said above (and many of you have said), I wish there'd been a bit more to flesh out her motivations, but I found her to be a delicious and seductive villain.  Some thought the ending was too much but for me, the buildup to the final confrontation and then its execution were just right.  I wasn't sure at first what to make of the "facade cracking", but I guess I just went with it, and it felt all in character to me.  For me, her offering Barnabas her heart (though as I just mentioned above I have a little trouble with that image itself) was her final pleading gesture that revealed her true feelings and vulnerability in the end.  And he would not take it.  Maybe that's corny or too obvious to some of you, but I liked it.   

Well, unlike most of my thoughts above, which I think I was somewhat open-minded about, I admit that I'm heavily biased when it comes to Mr. Depp, so it should come as no surprise to any of you that I thought he was fantastic as Barnabas.  I would have preferred if he'd taken away one or two of the comments where even he should've realized that the family wasn't supposed to know he was from another century.  But other than a few such nitpicks, I didn't feel that his reactions made him out a fool.  But that's just me.  I felt that he perfectly conveyed the pain and the torture of what he'd been through, and I also felt he conveyed his love and loyalty to his family.  Even with Roger, when you think he's going to do something terrible to him, that something terrible turns out to be that he gets a lot of money to leave; while to Barnabas that would be a terrible fate, for Roger it's a godsend, lol!  (Poor David, though!)  Anyway, from my perspective, I think that he did honor to the character of Barnabas Collins.

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Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Release!!
« Reply #83 on: May 12, 2012, 10:42:51 PM »
I was surprised by how much I liked Willie here. I thought he should've been a young man who was at least unconventionally attractive, but the actpr really sold the character, and maybe I'm weird but I could see there was an offbeat good looking guy under the crazy clothes and hair. But then I think underneath it all the '91 Willie was cute too.
I did notice Carolyn sneaking into the house I did think something was up there. For a second I thought Carolyn was going to be a vampire and was horrified that Barnabas must've bit her, but the werewolf reveal was a neat twist. The actress really made the most of all her scenes, she was interesting even when I thought she was just a rebellious teen, and she reminded me a lot of how Carolyn in the OS was in the begining.

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Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Release!!
« Reply #84 on: May 13, 2012, 01:51:34 AM »
I've attached my review of the film. I was going to post it on my blog site but it was giving me trouble. I agree with much of what others have already said. Please share any thoughts or opinions!
Brandon Collins

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Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Release!!
« Reply #85 on: May 13, 2012, 02:56:59 AM »
Here's yet another article about Friday's box office - one by the Hollywood Reporter - and one which puts an even more interesting spin on DS' take:

Box Office Report: A Still-Super 'Avengers' Easily Eclipses 'Dark Shadows'
The Johnny Depp vampire movie, directed by Tim Burton, could prove more potent abroad.

And in the continuing saga of the budget, this one says $100 million. Who knows?  [ghost_rolleyes]

1 day 21 hours 56 minutes 59 seconds since the Depp/Burton Dark Shadows has been in release(ET)!!

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Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Release!!
« Reply #86 on: May 13, 2012, 03:19:04 AM »
Check out this podcast review of the movie

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Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Release!!
« Reply #87 on: May 13, 2012, 03:57:05 AM »
It's hard to believe that we are going to have to rely on the international box office to bail this movie out. Even if it does better than The Tourist I believe WB expected much better.

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Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Release!!
« Reply #88 on: May 13, 2012, 04:06:50 AM »
My head is spinning a bit right now (from both having seen the film and from the spirits enjoyed afterwards), but I'm in full control of my faculties.

Altogether, 32 of us met at my friend's house at noon, and - despite it being early in the day - we shared two small glasses of champagne each to start off the festivities.  It was one joyful toast.  From there, we went in our caravan to the cinema, forming a long line at the ticket stand, and gathered in the lobby, waiting for a few to hit the concession stand (very few can afford it).  From there, we went to the appropriate theater and filled almost two rows.  We were the majority there.  Most of the other attendees were of middle age - I saw only one teen who was in the company of parents.  That was most telling.  Despite the PG-13 rating, it appeared that everyone, save one, would've been able to attend an R-rated film.  After several previews and the warning to shut off all cellphones, banning even texting, it began.

I loved it.  Everyone did.  Was it perfect?  No.  Was anything in DS ever perfect?  No. 

First, regarding the "controversy" that this film was a spoof or send-off of the original, not one thought so, including me.  We saw nothing in it designed to denigrate the show everyone on this message board loves.  Did it have comedic elements?  Of course, especially the fish-out-of-water of Barnabas trying to adjust, adapt and understand life two centuries later.  Some were slapstick, but most were logical.  We laughed, and not because we felt that the movie was "making fun" of anything from the beloved OS, but because we considered it all true.  We sympathized with Barnabas trying to fit in, and one of the best scenes was him talking with Carolyn about attempting to do just that.  It was funny, but we could feel his attempt to figure out how to behave, how to be accepted.  Many, if not most, of us have been in those situations.  We want to be accepted, to belong.  The film's Barnabas portrayed that nobley, with a good deal of comedy.  He was confused and exasperated.  He was trying his best.

And now for the characters.

The movie Barnabas was wonderful.  He was a completely sympathetic character, just like the original.  Despite his being a "reluctant vampire," he tried to move beyond it and do what he could for the family he loved.  Coming from another time and culture, he struggled with trying to fit in, to understand, to keep himself secret, but it's hard to keep one's self secret all times and the wrong things slip out (and the film's Elizabeth constantly covering for, and "correcting" him was spot on). 

So, speaking of Elizabeth, she was a different incarnation from the original (or the '91 reforming).  She had class, style and forthrightness.  She didn't care about her own problems, she cared about her family.  And she was not above doing what it would take to protect it. 

Her daughter Carolyn was a wonderful manifestation.  I had "concerns" about lowering Carolyn's age from 19 to 15, wondering how that would work, but it did.  I could only envision Carolyn as a later-teen who was more independent and going to bars and swinging with the guys to the latest tune on the jukebox.  That's what she was in the OS and '91.  But she captured the cynical, post-tween child that I remember we all were.  It was a reimagining, and it works.

I should say, before I continue, that because of what I had read about the film, and its divergence from the OS, that I would try to think of it as a whole new thing, just like when I read Hawkes Harbor, the rewritten novel that was suppose to be included the in the failed HarperCollins novel resurrection that died.  SE Hinton changed names of people and places to get it published after it had been rejected by the HarperCollins PTB as "too graphic."  So I tried to read it as a first ever incarnation, even though I knew who each character was.  But it didn't work.  Her novel was DS, even though reimagined in a different way, and despite its divergence from the OS, I still liked it.  The same with this film.  It's not the same - it's different, but it's still our DS.

Roger, like other characters, was also different, a more cold, allusive, uncaring man.  The OS had him as a b*st*rd at times, especially regarding his son, but he would always redeem himself.  Not so here.  This was a different Roger.  He didn't care about his family, including his son, unless he could get something out of it.  I wasn't the least bit surprised when Barnabas realized how shallow he was and he chose to take the one of two ultimatums Barnabas gave him.  That scene, involving David, was one of the most emotional in the film.  A few of my friends shed tears.

David was an incredible expose.  Unlike the original, he wasn't a cruel little snot (even though he liked to get his licks in against Carolyn, but what little boy, with an older neo-sibling around, doesn't do that?), but a lonely, suffering child.  His aunt refused to believe him; his psychiatrist (Dr. Julia Hoffman) refused to believe him.  Only Vicki gave him a small bit of hope, as did Barnabas.  Barnabas' affection for him was truly moving.

Ah, Victoria Winters.  This was the best portrayal of her ever.  Alexandra Moltke was good (since she set the standard), but her wimpy, whining "I don't understand" annoyance made her eventually a stone, and to be perfectly honest, when she left the series (with a few episodes of "Icky-Vicki"), it was time.  I considered the '91 version to be just, plain stupid (sorry Taeylor!).  This Victoria wasn't sure what she needed, but she was sure to get it.  And making her an amalgamation of Victoria/Maggie was brilliant.  The flashback scenes were enough to fill in the details.  I was absolutely ecstatic that my beloved Maggie Evans was in the movie, and she wasn't some slattern as in the '91 version.  Burton and Depp did their homework. 

Willie Loomis was a great character, even though he was obviously more based on the '91 version than the original.  He was enough of a comedic relief that didn't cross into the ludicrous, like the '91 one. 

Angelique.  Now there's an evil vixen.  For me, the prologue explained enough of her infatuation with Barnabas and her driven desire to destroy the entire family over centuries.  I especially loved the scene where it's stated that her hatred for what Barnabas did to her (by rejecting her after using her), did not really constitute hatred, but obsession, otherwise she would've outright killed him.  That's so true.  She knew he was still "alive" in his chained coffin, and the fact that he was would've driven her to slowly torment the Collins family rather than quickly destroy him in the hope that he would see what she had accomplished over the centuries, despite her surprise that he was freed.

And now we come to Dr. Julia Hoffman.  This isn't the same Hoffman from the OS, HoDS or '91.  And that's good.  I'm glad that Bonham Carter decided to go on her own version.  The Julia-in-love-with-Barnabas was good the first time, maybe the second, but by the third it was old and tired.  She found Barnabas "fascinating" because of his "condition," and conducted her experiments not because of any concern for him, but for what it would mean for her.  That is a totally different Julia.  Unlike all the Julia's we have known from the past, all with good intentions, this was a Julia that was totally self-absorbed and concerned for her own welfare.  Why must Julia be portrayed solely as a caring individual?  Because she was that way in the OS?  In HoDS, she was willing to murder Barnabas because he wanted to be with Maggie and not with her, despite all she did for him and was in love with him.  In the '91 version, she wasn't much better.  They changed her for those portrayals.  Why not take it to its logical conclusion here, if they had transformed her before?

And now for one character that was my favorite:  Mrs. Johnson.  I loved, loved, loved how they made her into an elderly, and age-afflicted, housekeeper.  She didn't have one line in the movie.  She had obviously lost a good deal of her cognitiive abilities because of her advanced age, but the family kept her on because they felt a duty to her, despite her inability to do things the way she use to.  I found that so heart-warming.

With most of the major characters covered, now for the rest.

I found the prologue okay, unlike others who think it was the best part of the film.  It did capture the reason why Barnabas became a vampire, but even though it had the gothic nature (and the soundtrack containing wisps of Colbert), I don't see why others (including here) thought it was the best part. 

The opening credits, with Victoria/Maggie on the train heading towards Collinsport, with Nights In White Satin playing as the soundtrack, was fantastic.  The sets were all incredible, as was the filming.  References to the culture of 1972 were spot-on and not overplayed - it was correct, nostalgic and the Barnabas as a fish-out-of-water were done correctly.  The entire concept of Barnabas trying to help his family overcome Angelique's attempt at destroying them gripped me (and all my friends).  The only thing I didn't like was Carolyn being a you-know-what at the end, despite the hints thoughout the film.  I thought that was contrived.  Something more should also have been made about David and his association with Laura, his mother.  But I'm glad that Barnabas, with Vicki, found that Angelique's curse had been broken, although not in the way either would've wanted.  I do see so much for a sequel. 

Again, was it perfect?  No.  How could a movie take over 1,200 episodes and compact it into two hours?  Well, how could HoDS take the same and compact it into a move of just an hour-and-a-half?  How could the '91 version do the same within 13 episodes?  Both failed.  Even the OS failed.  But it's still all here.  If it didn't form the minds of millions of people, this movie never would've been made.  I'm grateful it was.  It's my DS, just as much as the OS, NoDS, NoDS, '91 ('04, which I've never seen) are.  Burton and Depp did an incredible job.  I appreciate it, even if no one else might not. 

As the credits rolled, we all remained as other shuffled out (as most do).  When we left, the next band of fans and erstwhile interested folk were waiting to enter.  Most were middle-aged, just like those when we saw it.  Some asked us:  "Is it good?  Is it like the show?"  Those of us who remembered said:  "Yes.  You'll love it." 

We went back to my friend's house.  Spirits were poured as we insatiated ourselves and then sat down to a "dunch" (a combination of lunch and dinner).  We all talked about the movie and toasted it again.  One of my friends, who originally hated the show, said "that's the best movie I've enjoyed in a long time."  Then, those of us who grew up with the original were bombarded with questions. 

If I could afford it, I'd see it again.  And again.  But for now, I'll have to save my money to buy the two soundtracks and, eventually, the DVD.

My DS lives again.  I don't care if this film flops.  Thank you, Burton and Depp.  You've given to me what I've spent my life enjoying, warts and all.  Warts are a part of DS, from the OS to this movie.  If they weren't present, it wouldn't be DS.  Much of what the late, great, Dan Curtis (to whom this film is dedicated) did on the OS and the '91 was just downright stupid and insulting - please, no one, tell me that it was "fantasy;" - fantasy doesn't have to be stupid and insulting and Dan Curtis should've known better, especially the second time around.  But we love him and what he did.  In the same vein, I love what Depp and Burton did.  It's my DS, and I'm glad it has come back from the grave.

My only other concern has been trying to market this film, as Hollywood always does, to the "target group" of 18-24.  They weren't there when I saw it, but the over-40's were.  And they loved it.  It's time for Hollywood to understand that people who are 18 don't have that much money or sophistication.  Okay, so a movie like The Avengers has broken records.  It happens.  The bottom line for Hollywood is the almighty buck.  That's understandable.  The 1% need to eat, too (even chateaubriand every day).  But if the over-24 crowd is appreciated and things are marketed towards them, then maybe the 1% can have some Bernaise Sauce on their chateuabriand.  I have no intention of seeing The Avengers.  Neither do any of my friend (most have no concept of what it is).  I finally tried to watch Avatar a couple times on TV, while I never saw it in the theater (because the ludicrous animated special effects made it annoying).  It's the most "profitable" movie in history.  I tried, regarding it, and all times it has failed. 

Okay, I'm done with my review and rants.  Wrapping it up, I loved this movie.  It is DS.


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Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Release!!
« Reply #89 on: May 13, 2012, 04:32:28 AM »
It's hard to believe that we are going to have to rely on the international box office to bail this movie out. Even if it does better than The Tourist I believe WB expected much better.

Something Warner Brothers wasn't counting on, and I don't think anyone was expecting, is just how big The Avengers would be. Timing is everything - and the timing for DS' US release hasn't exactly been the best. And because The Avengers opened so much earlier in other countries, that's why the foreign box office could be significantly better for DS. Though as several reports are saying, what Warner Brothers does seem to believe, or at least hope, is that like The Tourist, DS will continue to make money in the US for weeks to come. I suppose we'll see...

One thing I do find fascinating is which Web sites love to pounce onto the gloom and doom of every situation, even if they have to create it themselves, and which ones try to put the more positive spin out there. And I'm not even speaking about DS, I'm speaking in general, whether it be films, TV shows, or whatever. For example, I love to check the TV ratings almost every day, and it's amazing how some Web sites will go out of their way to find a way to frame things in the worst way possible. Even if a show's viewership, say, has gone up over the previous week or weeks, they'll have to point out how it's lower than some other week the show was on, maybe when it was even on years previous, or even compare it against some other show that was on in the same time period in some other previous season rather than simply reporting that the show's viewership went up and leave it at that. It's as if the writers at certain sites don't think they're doing their jobs unless they're tearing something down and/or painting it in the most unflattering light possible. And because something like The Avengers is doing so well, I pity the superhero/action films to come because these sites are going to find every way possible to compare whatever they do to The Avengers so as to make them come up lacking. It's sad really. And it's something to keep in mind when one reads their reports.

At least a place like Box Office Mojo had the good sense to say that even though DS may indeed come up shorter than some of Burton/Depp's other films' first weekends, no one should have reasonably expected it to pull in those sorts of numbers because it's a totally different type of film...