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Messages - Gothick

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Fans, I know I am not the only James Marsters fan on this board.  I just read about this, and I think it's really wonderful that James is doing this!  (and yeah, I also think he'll look really beautiful with a shaven head).

Actor James Marsters (aka ¢â‚¬ËœSpike' from "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" and "Angel") will be appearing on the Ryan Seacrest Show, Tuesday, April 27, 2004 from 12 noon to 1 pm. James will be shaving off his famous platinum blonde locks to help raise money and awareness for the Elizabeth Glazer Pediatric AIDS Foundation. The top 10 donors will receive a personalized autographed photo along with a lock of James' hair. To make a donation go to: and make an on-line donation no later than noon on Monday, April 26, 2004. Be sure to mark your donation in honor of James Marsters.

Also, for those fans who can come to the taping, please do so. James will be making an appearance after the show in the courtyard sporting his new look!! This is for a great cause!

**Photo and lock of hair will be mailed out within a week of the event.

Thanks in advance for all your support,
Steve Himber
Manager for James Marsters

Best wishes,


Wow, what GORGEOUS snapshots of Julia here.  Only Grayson could look that elegant in a lab coat.

Wonderful work from Nancy, too, in these shows.


Current Talk '04 I / Re:Other then DC, who created Barnabas?
« on: April 21, 2004, 08:18:56 PM »
Maybe this is too extreme, but I tend to think that DS became a big success in spite of DC's interference... um, I mean, INPUT.

we all have our own opinions...


Current Talk '04 I / Re:Other then DC, who created Barnabas?
« on: April 21, 2004, 05:01:20 PM »
Wallace's memory may be hazy, but he is correct that the show started getting really supernatural around week 10.  I forget the episode # but there is a scene where we see a book opening by itself in the drawing room.  The book is a Collins family history and it opens to a picture of Josette, I believe.  Around this time there is also an episode where there is a power failure and somebody (I think Vicki) sees a dark figure moving about in the foyer.

The episode where we see Josette's ghost at the Old House descend from her portrait and dance around the portico was episode 70, I think, which puts it about week 14.  Not too bad for "hazy" memories from Mr. Wallace.


Current Talk '04 I / Re:hoDS, DC & DVD
« on: April 19, 2004, 05:02:10 PM »
Yes to all this.

I just purchased the DVD edition of the cult 1973 Robert Fuest film "The Final Programme."  Apart from a beautiful presentation of the movie in the correct screen ratio, the DVD includes a great commentary with the director (who also wrote and designed the movie) and Jenny Runacre who was the female star.  A group cast commentary for hoDS and NoDS would be a wonderful idea.

I also love the idea of a stills selection.  Another extra that would be wonderful is if any video footage could be recovered of the many TV interviews Grayson and Sam did in a tour of the country in August 1971.  I suspect they're all gone, but if any do surface, what fun to see this as part of the movie viewing experience.


Current Talk '04 I / Re:Other then DC, who created Barnabas?
« on: April 19, 2004, 03:54:29 PM »
There's a book called Shadows on the Wall (I think) that is the material Art Wallace wrote for the original DS story outline.  Although he had long since stopped writing scripts in '67, he did reputedly do the outline for the basic Barnabas introduction storyline--the chained coffin, the cousin from England, etc.

As for the name Barnabas, somebody found that on an old tombstone--I'm thinking it was Bob Costello, but I could be wrong about that.  If memory serves, Costello was also responsible for casting Grayson when he ran into her in a bar one evening and basically asked whether she would like to play a doctor who tries to cure a vampire.  "A WHAT???"  Gods, if only one could go back in time... and be a fly on the wall...


Oh, of course I exempt the Divine Barbara Steele in my previous statement, but her fan following mainly relates to work she did in the Sixties and Seventies--when she appeared on DS she wasn't involved with stuff that had the kind of major visibility that Newman and Hu's work has had.

I don't think Steele ever came to NYC to appear at one of the Festivals, but maybe she did and I missed it (or was out of the country at the time).


I think there's a huge difference between the appearances of the 1991 series stars, none of whom had fan followings in the US outside of their work on DS, and people like Newman and Hu, both of whom have done substantial work on things with huge cult followings (especially the Dune and X Men series).

but no doubt time will tell!


I'll tell you what I think it will mean--TOTAL CHAOS at a venue not meant to accommodate crowds in the multiple thousands come trampling in wanting to meet their fave-raves.

I'm pretty sure both Alec Newman and Kelly Hu have major followings from other fandoms.  I'd think it likely that they would be invited to do personal appearances at the DS Festival, but perhaps that won't happen (one can only pray).

Don't forget the kamikaze Angel hags (maybe I should call them Angelenos?) who will be frothing at the mouth for vengeance because, as we all know, DS killed their show.

It's going to be a loooonnnngggg Festival weekend, folks.

sighing,  G.

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 I / Re:Collins Family Tree
« on: April 14, 2004, 10:08:43 PM »
The author ingeniously has Tony Peterson descending from a marriage Charity made with an unknown Peterson apres the events of 1897.  Again, as in the case of the Jennings, I think there should be a generation in between Tony and Charity.


Yes to all of it.

Even though it appears to be fashionable nowadays to demonize feminism, I'd like to see today's young women putting up with the kind of stuff women had to endure simply to survive back in the bad old days.  This cute little scene with cute little Joe (hmmm, not so LITTLE) doesn't begin to convey the drudgery and the horror.

I am so sick and tired of hearing people say Oh, I support women's rights but I'm not [one of those crazy, loopy] Feminists.

And I'm wandering awfully far afield from DS here.

Connie, I can't think which scene you mean.  I just hope Roger Davis wasn't involved.


You know, darling, lurking in the shadows gets a little dicey when you're wearing a birthday hat and wielding noisemakers with that degree of elan.

Happy, happy birthday and hope you got LOTS of cake.  Yeah, cake. That's the ticket.

Your Admirer,


I loved the Willie/Julia scene in this show.  It was one of the few moments where some REAL emotion came through in the whole wacky let's-create-Eve storyline, which otherwise didn't work all that well, in my not-so-humble opinion.


Current Talk '04 I / Re:Group Grope
« on: April 09, 2004, 08:13:45 PM »
Angelique intones to Jeff:

Jeff Clark, you WILL touch your Hair!  I have puh-romised you that!  You cannot resist the curse of the brylcreem mixed with the rose water!  Touch your Hair, Jeff!  Touch it, Bitch!

Oops, wrong show.  ; >

« on: April 08, 2004, 08:10:41 PM »
Well, since someone in the NEW WB DS production staff is supposedly reading what we write, here's something for them to chew on:

*Memo to your hotshot new makeup artist:  DON'T do a repeat of your award-winning BtVS vamp makeup for the DS Undead.  I'm sure I'm not the only fan out there who'd rather not see Collinsport overrun with Klingon-vamps (as I call them).

*If Robert Cobert ISN'T hired to score the series, please think about a sound that will be eerie, mysterious, and otherwordly, not the reheated Erich Wolfgang Korngold and Delius fests we get for the Smallville scores.
If you're not familiar with the original DS score, something along the lines of the classic Sixties Outer Limits score would work great.

*Memo to Mark Verheiden:  more adult dialogue for Dark Shadows, please?  I realize that the audiences seem to love the pablum you put into the mouths of your characters on Smallville, but we'd prefer a somewhat more sophisticated sound for such characters as Barnabas Collins, Roger Collins, and Liz. Why, on the old series even Willie was known to have a philosophical side.  I realize this is only the WB, so I'm not expecting Shakespeare, Ibsen, or even Tony Kushner. :>

Has anyone here ever seen the short lived WB series Gross Pointe?  Every time I think of things behind the scenes at the NEW WB DS office, I find myself recalling certain scenes of that series.  I really, really need a DVD release for Gross Pointe before the NEW WB DS hits my screen with a big, gooey splat.


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