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Messages - ROBINV

Current Talk '02 II / Re: The Adam Storyline - your thoughts?
« on: July 15, 2002, 12:02:33 PM »
I liked the concept of Adam, but once Nicholas gets his claws into him, the big guy changes into a person I don't much like.

We're heading into my favorite portion of this storyline now, with Ang's fangs at the ready!  This, IMHO, is what makes this storyline appealing.  No male is safe!

Love, Robin

Current Talk '02 II / Re: BEST CATCH
« on: July 15, 2002, 12:55:12 AM »
Barnabas - 10 for sure.  His face and voice nearly made ME jump into the TV screen when he was calling to a victim.

Angelique - 10 - The woman makes her bites nothing short of orgasmic, and even though she has trouble luring her fellas (who always resist, but always show up), once she gets them there, she has them hooked!

Tom Jennings - aka Tongue Man - 8.  He gave Julia some of her only decent hot moments on DS.  The poor woman's love life was as arid as the Sahara.  Tom's twirling tongue did her good!

Roxanne Drew - 7 - For some reason, she was one scary vampire chick!  She didn't seem anything like her original sweet young self once she was made a blood sucker.  And her "seduction" scenes with Lamar Trask were a hoot!  

Dirk Wilkins - 9 - Davis' best role, IMHO.  He was frightening and realistic as a vampire, and very toned down.    

Megan Todd - 8 - She wanted to stay a vampire--she liked it!  Marie Wallace was very sexy anyway and a truly hot come-hither vampire.    

Carolyn Stoddard (HODS) - 9 - Terrifying, and one of the best staking scenes ever.  She really had her hooks into her boyfriend!

Love, Robin

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Weekend montage
« on: July 15, 2002, 12:48:28 AM »
You are correct.  That's a nurse we will be seeing shortly in Collinsport Hospital.  And aside from an Oriental gentleman who will show up later, and a huge, silent black man in 1897, that's as far as DS went beyond white bread actors/actresses.  

Am I forgetting anyone?  I usually do!

Love, Robin

560 - Julia enters the old House, wearing a stunning gray outfit. Barnabas tells her he sent Willie to get Lang's journals, in case they have to go ahead with the experiment. Julia says she isn't sure she can do it, if she can ever fully understand the process Eric went through when he created Adam. Barnabas says they needn't think about it until Adam releases Vicki, and Julia tells him Vicki returned to Collinwood last night, physically fine but frightened. Julia says she only remembers leaving the Old House. Barnabas is glad Vicki is safe, but they realize they must create a mate for Adam-now!
Barnabas feared he'd never see Vicki again, but Julia is preoccupied with having to go through with her promise to do the experiment. Barnabas reminds of her what is at stake-the entire Collins family--does she want Liz or David or Carolyn to die? No, admits Julia, clearly tortured, and agrees to go through with it, albeit reluctantly. Barnabas assures her he fears this as much as she does, but they have no choice but to give Adam what he wants. Willie comes up to let them know he put the books in the basement. Julia wants to go down and start studying. Barnabas tells Willie they will need his help-he knows of Adam's threat. They tell him Vicki is safe. Willie is glad to hear it. Now, says Julia, we must go ahead with the experiment. Barn informs Willie he must help with the unpleasant chore of collecting the dead bodies they'll need. Willie backs away, he doesn't want to hear more. Barnabas sternly tells him he will do as he's told. That's grave-robbing protests Willie. Yes, says Barnabas, vile as it is, it's necessary. Willie refuses, not for anyone, he won't do it. Barnabas tells him he will, he must do as he's told. There is no way out. Willie asks if he's threatening to send him back to Windcliff, and Barnabas says yes, and this time, Julia will ensure it's a permanent stay. Julia agrees to this, looking like she doesn't like saying it. Go ahead, says Willie, but Barnabas reminds him he doesn't want to spend the rest of his life in a mental institution. Yes, he doesn't, but he'd rather do that than mess around with dead people. Barnabas works to convince him, reminding him of how terrible his life at Windcliff was, but Willie backs away-he can't and won't do this. Barnabas and Julia survey Willie like a difficult child.

Barnabas asks Julia how he's going to get Willie to cooperate. Julia says she has to go down to the basement and study the journals. She goes downstairs, leaving Barn to answer the door. It's Joe, who says he's been released from the hospital the previous day and feels a little shaky, but otherwise okay--he wants to thank Barnabas and Willie for finding him in the woods and getting him to the hospital--if they hadn't found him, he'd have died, says Joe, and if Barnabas ever needs anything, or Willie, Joe is at their disposal. Barnabas assures him he owes him nothing. Joe questions Barnabas about Nicholas. He's Cassandra's brother, says Barnabas, but has stuck around even though she left Roger and Collinsport--it's a mystery why he's staying. Joe says he got a note from Blair this morning--he met him at Maggie's the previous night, and they didn't hit it off, yet he got this odd note from Nicholas asking him to come at 7 PM, he wants to talk to him. Barnabas asks if he's accepting the invitation, and Joe says yes, out of curiosity. Barnabas asks Joe to come see him after he speaks to Nicholas, and Joe agrees. They agree they are both curious about him.

Down in the basement, Julia looks through the suitcase full of journals. Willie comes down and she asks him to help her sort through the paperwork. Willie asks if they're going ahead with the experiment. Yes she says, we have to. It's crazy, maintains Willie, and she agrees he's right, but she's doing it. Willie says putting parts of the dead together is crazy and wrong.
Replies Julia, "I no longer know what is right or wrong, I only know what is necessary." (a classic Julia remark.) Willie begs her to talk Barnabas out of this, but she says she can't, and can't refuse to help him, she's already agreed, and she will. Willie realizes nothing will stop it from happening, and tells Julia he's going to leave, he can't take part in this--he's leaving now. All right, she says; she won't insist he go to Windcliff. She asks him where he'll go, but he doesn't know, he just knows he can't be part of this, can't watch it. It's too horrible. He backs away, then runs up the stairs. "It's too horrible," he repeats, and Julia's face looks like she completely agrees with him.

Upstairs, Joe tells Barnabas he'll stop by the Old House 8 or 8:30. Willie joins them, surprised and nervous to see Joe, who thanks him for helping to get him to the hospital. He tells Willie their fight was his fault and asks if he accepts his apology. Willie agrees, and insincerely shakes Joe's hand. Joe leaves. Willie tells Barnabas he wishes they'd left Joe to die. (nice, Willie!) Barnabas says neither of them could have done that. If it were up to me, says Willie, Joe would be dead. Barn wryly says it's fortunate it wasn't. Despondent, Willie supposes Joe and Maggie will be getting married. Probably, agrees Barn, then asks Willie if he's still infatuated with Maggie. Willie doesn't want to discuss this and tells Barnabas he's clearing out--he can't take what's going on with the experiment. Barnabas tells him he can't leave here and he knows it, he was allowed to leave Windcliff in Julia's custody, and if he leaves now, Julia will have to commit him again. No, says Willie, she said he could go if he wants to--Barnabas doesn't need him anymore, he's got Julia, and Haskell's got Maggie. (aw, poor Willie) Barnabas asks Willie what might happen to Maggie if Adam learns Willie refused to help with the experiment-- Adam would be furious, and might take out his anger on Maggie. (ever the manipulator, Barnabas!) Why, asks Willie? For the same reason he kidnapped Vicki, because he knew how Barn felt about her, and might do the same to Maggie. Barnabas cleverly reminds Willie that Adam saw him with Maggie and once tried to kill her, right?
Yeah, says Willie. Barnabas manipulates Willie very skillfully, and it scares Willie to think his leaving might put Maggie in danger. Think about it, suggests Barnabas. Julia comes up with a journal that describes the initial steps of the experiment. They need a cadaver, says Julia, and Barnabas asks Willie if he'll help them. Willie clutches his hands and agrees. "I guess I got to," he says, resigned. He doesn't want anything to happen to Maggie. Willie agrees to do what he has to do--but he doesn't like it!

Blair House - Joe knocks at the door. Angelique lets him in. Her dress has a gold skirt and is really beautiful, and she's showing off more cleavage than usual. Seeming nervous, she tells Joe Nicholas had to leave for a few minutes but will be right back. She introduces herself and says she's supposed to be Nicholas' secretary-but really isn't. She asks if she can trust him with the truth. She asks to look at him, and decides he has an honest face-she can trust him. Joe is perplexed. She glances out the window anxiously, checking for Nicholas. They have just a few minutes, she says. Who are you? he demands. She says Nicholas is forcing her to pretend, and she desperately needs Joe's help-will you help me? How? Asks Joe. I must escape Nicholas and needs someone's help, she says--Nicholas is holding her prisoner against her will and she can't escape him--he has an enormous hold over her and she can't break it without help. She can't call the police, it isn't that simple. She says if Nicholas suspects she said anything to him. . .
Joe observes that she's terrified of Nicholas, and she says he does terrible things to her. Joe wants to take her to the sheriff, but she fears Nicholas' wrath-he'd try to harm her. Would Joe protect her? Sure, he says, if it comes to that. "Am I really going to escape?" she whispers. "Am I really going to be free?" She begins to cry, and Joe asks her not to. She can't help it, it's such a relief finding someone willing to help. Joe promises that Blair won't harm her, they'll keep him away from her. She's relieved, she says, and knows she's acting foolishly, but could she put her head on his shoulder? She tosses herself at him before he even finishes saying yes, and tells him he's very kind. He hugs her, comforting her, and she says she knows she's going to be all right-now. He promises no harm will come to her if he has anything to do about it, and she immediately sinks her sharp white fangs into his throat. Joe tilts his head back in a combination of pain and pleasure as she drinks his blood.

NOTES: Angelique make a fantastic vampire, folks, seductive, sexy and convincing. Karlen did a brilliant job as Willie today, and it was great seeing Joel Crothers again. Nicholas was his usual flawless self. I loved the way Barnabas manipulated Willie and Julia into doing what he wanted. Vampire or human, Barnabas can still get pretty much everyone to do what he wants! He is the master-and yet he wasn't this good at it when human in 1795, was he?

561 - Joe lies on the sofa, neck dripping blood, his head in Angelique's lap. She caresses his face. Nicholas comes in and observes, with pleasure, that she did what he told her to do. Ang is glad Nicholas chose Joe; she rather likes him. What happens now? she asks. Nicholas will send Joe home. Ang doesn't want that, but Nicholas says Joe will come to her whenever she needs him; he needs her as much a she needs him now. As Joe stirs, Nicholas orders Angelique out of the room. He asks Joe how he feels, and if he's well enough to sit up. Groggy, he does, his face pale. Nicholas tells Joe to cover his throat, and Joe does, with his turtleneck. He asks Nicholas if he knows what happened to him, and what he's going to do about it.
Nothing, Nick assures him. Joe says he wants to see Angelique. Nicholas assures him he isn't keeping Ang prisoner, as she claimed. Joe wants to see her, and Nicholas calls her into the room. She tells Joe she wanted to see him, too, and says Nicholas isn't keeping her prisoner-she just felt like a prisoner, but now that she has Joe, she no longer feels that way. Joe, confused, buries his head in his hands. He shouldn't even be here! Placing her hand on his shoulder, Ang tells him to submit to his needs, since he does want to be there. He won't tell anyone he was here, will he? she asks, as the rooster crows the dawn. Nicholas tells her she had better go, and she quickly leaves. Joe, upset that Angelique is gone, promises to keep silent. Nick tells Joe to go home; he's been there all night long. Joe wonders how to explain it, he was supposed to see Barnabas, and he had a date with Maggie, too. Nicholas is sure Joe will come up with suitable explanations, and Joe protests he's never lied to Maggie before-she mustn't know about this. Nicholas promises it will be their little secret, and ushers Joe out into the dawn, a huge, satisfied grin on his face.

Old House - Julie works, writing in a notebook. Willie carries in another box of notebooks, the last of Lang's stuff from his lab. Julia tells him to put it in the basement, and Willie says they're crazy to go through with this. We've started, says Julia, so we will. Willie guesses so, and tiredly takes the box to the basement. Barnabas enters. He went to Collinwood to make a phone call, but was unable to reach Joe. He wasn't at work, either. Barnabas is concerned over Joe's failure to come see him after visiting Nicholas--he has a feeling something strange is going on and wants to learn what it is.

In his room, Joe ponders that girl, Angelique, whom he can't get out of his mind. What is she doing to him, he asks himself, closing the drapes. He sits down, vowing not to let it happen-he must stay away from her, if it takes his last ounce of strength. Barnabas knocks at his door. Joe invites him in. Barnabas notes that Joe isn't looking so well, terrible in fact, and very pale. Joe admits he isn't feeling well; he guesses he left the hospital too soon. Should you see a doctor? asks Barnabas, but Joe insists he just needs a little rest--he did go to Blair's house the previous night, but Nicholas just wanted to talk to him, just to get acquainted. The phone rings. Barnabas asks him if he's going to answer, and Joe says no, he doesn't want to. This surprises Barnabas, but Joe says it's Maggie, and he doesn't want to speak to her. This surprises Barnabas, too, but Joe says he doesn't want Maggie to know he's sick. Barnabas asks if he should send for a doctor, but Joe angrily says no. He says he wants to lie down, and apologizes for kicking Barnabas out. Barnabas says if there's anything he can do, and Joe, seeming lost, says there's nothing. "Goodbye, Barnabas," he says, sounding like it's the last time he'll ever see him. Alone, Joe gazes at his reflection in the mirror, checking out the marks Ang left on his throat.

Barnabas tells Julia that Joe seemed quite ill, but he feels there's more to it than meets the eye. He wants Julia to examine Joe, but she says another doctor could do that. Barnabas says it's weird that Joe won't see a doctor. Julia offers to drop her work on the experiment and go examine Joe, but Barnabas says the experiment comes first. Willie stands there, arms crossed, looking unhappy. Julia tells him she needs his help, and Willie says, about tonight, about what he's supposed to do-he doesn't think he can rob a grave. Barnabas tells him they've already discussed this. There's a knock at the door and Willie covers his face with his hands. Julia encourages him to join her down in the basement. Barnabas answers Nicholas' knock and expresses pleasure at seeing him. Nicholas looks quite dapper in his hat, as usual, and says he stopped by to give him an apology for depriving him of Joe Haskell's company--Nicholas "accidentally" got him drunk, and he let the drinking get out of hand.
By the time Joe left, he could barely walk and is probably feeling terrible today. Nicholas apologizes for any inconvenience he caused. Barnabas agrees these things can happen. Nicholas praises Joe as a very interesting young man, and again apologizes. They smile at each other and Nicholas leaves. Barnabas looks thoughtful, as if he isn't sure he believes Blair.

Dusk. Joe gazes out the window despairingly. It will soon be dark and she will summon him, he thinks, he must resist her-he's got to!

Barnabas tells Willie it will be dark soon, and again Willie says he can't do it. Get it over with, orders Barnabas. Willie fears getting caught, but Barnabas doubts anyone would be in a deserted cemetery at night--Willie knows what his job is-now do it! Willie's face twitches with misery, and he nods, very unhappy.

Angelique rises, hungry, and Nicholas tells her he's been expecting her. Where is Joe, she asks, and Nick tells her that SHE must summon Joe if she wants him-he'll hear her--he needs her as much as she needs him. Angelique looks out the windows, parts the curtains, and calls Joe to come to her. "Come to me," she wheedles. Joe looks at his reflection in the mirror, ordering himself to resist her. He's warring fiercely with himself, wanting to go and not wanting to just as much. Angelique continues to call her victim, telling him she needs him now. "You need me. You want me. Come. . .come to me."
Joe struggles, then realizes he does need and want her-he can't resist her any longer, he can't! He leaves his room. Angelique is smiling. "You know how to find me," she says, "come as quickly as you can. You will be drawn to this house, irresistibly drawn, through the forest to the house by the sea."

Joe takes a shortcut through the cemetery, and of course comes upon Willie Loomis, who is diligently digging. Brought temporarily out of his trance, Joe says, "Willie Loomis! You're trying to rob a grave! Come on, Willie-I'm taking you to the police."
Willie shakes his head, terrified.

NOTES: Who will win out here, Angelique's summons or Joe's intrinsic desire to do the right thing? Poor Willie sure doesn't need to be caught by Haskell, not in the midst of this evil deed, but on the other hand, Angelique's hold over Joe is already pretty strong. If she calls to him again, which will Joe choose?

Lara Parker once remarked that she tried to make her vampire bites like little orgasms. She certainly accomplishes that, and I love her as a vampire even more than as a witch. Her power over Joe is quite something to see, especially given that he loves another woman and is doing his best to resist coming to her.

Willie always gets stuck with the rotten jobs. Remember when Barnabas sent him to get cattle for his blood needs? Willie hated that, too!

Love, Robin

Current Talk '02 II / Re: My name is Victoria Winters....
« on: July 13, 2002, 10:10:01 PM »
Those blasted black dots ruin EVERYTHING!

I have the videotape of DOD and while I consider it a distinctly weird movie, I will confess to pausing it at, um, certain places.  

But I'm not saying which ones!

Love, Robin

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Barn's bangs
« on: July 13, 2002, 10:04:00 PM »
Note to Ringo: Aquanet keeps EXISTING hair plastered to your head!  

I always figured they had Barn in spiky bangs so he would look scarier, more like a vampire, but he shouldn't have continued to have them once he was human again.  

Frankly, I preferred Bramwell's hairstyle, all fluffy, and was stunned to see how thick Mr. Frid's hair really was!

Love, Robin  

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Change of Season at Collinwood
« on: July 13, 2002, 10:01:26 PM »
I think there was an attempt to give DS a timeless quality, and I suppose celebrating holidays would have spoiled that.  

I know some of the introductions mention the season, or that it's cold, or the leaves are falling, etc., but that's about as much as they share with us.  Considering what they had to work with, the cast and screw performed miracles.

Of course, we all know Dan Curtis was a cheapskate and wouldn't have sprung for a tree or other decorations.  Christmas was mentioned a time or two, but never actually celebrated.  And let's face it, with gothic tales, thunder and lightning are a pre-requisite, although Stephen King managed to make snowstorms terrifying in THE SHINING and CHRISTINE.

I'm glad some of you enjoyed my little Collinwood Thanksgiving.  

Love, Robin

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Bonus Hunk
« on: July 12, 2002, 12:25:41 PM »
That scene was great!  Angie was very erotic with the deputy, and he sure was enjoying her attention!

When Nicholas came in and caught them, I roared.  She covered her fangs with her hand and looked like a teenage girl caught having nookie on the living room sofa!

Love, Robin

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Meanwhile, at the Old House...
« on: July 12, 2002, 12:21:14 PM »

Kudos galore!

Love, Robin

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Change of Season at Collinwood
« on: July 11, 2002, 11:14:22 PM »
Thanksgiving at Collinwood:

Quentin flips a spoonful of overcooked mashed potatoes at David.

In retaliation, David attempts to fling a turkey drumstick at Quentin but misses and hits Carolyn, who is sitting next to him.  

Carolyn, enraged at the greasy drumstick ruining her new silk blouse, picks up a handful of yams with marshmallows and sends it flying across the table at David, who ducks at just the right moment.  

The yam-mallow mess instead connects with Mrs. Johnson, who was leaning over to replenish the corn.  

Angry that God's food--and HER COOKING!--is being used so badly, Mrs. J. tosses a double handful of corn at Carolyn, but misses and hits Barnabas, who was taking a sip of his wine.  

Gazing down at his immaculate double breasted suit now ruined by wine and corn, Barnabas picks up his buttered roll and flings it at Mrs. Johnson.  His aim is off and he catches Roger, grazing his face with the oily surface of the roll.    

"FOOD FIGHT!!!!!" screams Elizabeth, her matronly face blazing with revenge.  She starts tossing peas at Roger, Quentin and Julia, all of whom return the fire with everything they can find on their plates.  Food is tossed back and forth, staining faces, clothing, hair, and soon the room is filled with the sound of laughter, food and fun.  

"Thanksgiving at Collinwood has formed a new tradition," whispered Maggie Evans-Haskell to her husband, Joe.  His response was to dot her nose, eyes and cheeks with brown gravy, then lick it off.  

Even the ghosts enjoyed the holiday that year.

Love, Robin

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: Who are you?
« on: July 11, 2002, 11:03:29 PM »
Many congrats, Stuart, and happy anniversary to your wonderful publication!

I tested out as Carolyn, quite a surprise for me.  Then again, I knew which answers would lead to which character assessment, so maybe I wasn't answering quite honestly.  

Of all the DS characters, the one most normal, at least in the beginning, was Maggie, and she's the gal I'd like to be!

But the bitch in me wants to be Angelique!

Love, Robin

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Who has the best scream?
« on: July 11, 2002, 10:58:39 PM »
Best female scream:  Carolyn.  She could raise the rooftops, and with such passion!  Remember her scream when old man Barnabas bit her!  I bet he was deafened!

Best male scream:  Barnabas.  He's da bomb of male screamers.  He's going to let loose with a good one (and for an excellent reason) quite soon.  I'll note it when it happens.

Love, Robin

558 - Barnabas paces his drawing room, wondering how Stokes is faring with Adam.

Stokes sticks around Adam's squalid room, and the big guy wonders why he doesn't leave and tell Barnabas what he said. Stokes is pondering the huge change in Adam, but doesn't believe what he told him is entirely to blame--someone has been teaching him all the wrong things--is it Nicholas Blair? asks Stokes. Adam insists he knows what he wants and how to get it, and keeping Vicki is the only way he can force Barnabas to give him what he wants. No matter how just your cause is, you're committing an injustice, insists Stokes, it should be kept between you and Barnabas--Vicki loves Jeff Clark, not Barnabas, and Jeff is very unhappy now--how would you feel if someone took Carolyn away from you and threatened her life? No, protests Adam. Why not? asks Stokes, if what you're doing is fair, then that would also be fair. Carolyn is good, says Adam. So is Vicki, counters Stokes--think about never seeing Carolyn again, then you'll know how those who love Vicki feel now. Adam turns away from Stokes, but you can see he is thinking about the professor's valid point.

Julia comes to see Barnabas. She was at the hospital and couldn't get in to see Tom Jennings--only his attending doctor can see him. Julia did see a few doctors who described it as a bite inflicted by an animal with fangs--so they were right--but there's only a slight chance Jennings will survive. We must get to him and find out who attacked him, says Barnabas--I'm still waiting to hear from Stokes, who was really surprised by Adam's actions--Stokes is eccentric but not evil--he said he would try to help them--he went to see Adam to try to persuade him to release Vicki.
Julia wonders why he didn't follow Stokes to Adam's hiding place, but Barn says Stokes warned him if he followed him, it might put Vicki's life in more danger. They must wait and trust and hope Stokes will succeed. He may well be their only hope.

Barnabas sits. Julia paces. Stokes comes to see them. He tells them of his talk with Adam. He doesn't know what's going to happen--they discussed Vicki, yes, but Adam kept refusing to cooperate. Stokes thinks his last appeal might have gotten through to Adam, and expects Adam will reach Barnabas by nightfall. What about Vicki, is she all right? Stokes assumes she is, but didn't see her. Adam hid her somewhere else, but Stokes doubts he killed her--Adam lacks maturity, but is intelligent, and knows if he harms Vicki, it will destroy his chances of getting what he wants. Julia asks Stokes if they should give in to Adam's demand, and Stokes says they must work one step at a time, perhaps his appeal to Adam's conscience will work. Stokes says if his appeal failed, nothing else will help--Adam will kill Vicki, and the only way to prevent it is to give him the mate he wants. Barnabas says that decision rests with Julia. Stokes asks her if Vicki is less dear to her than to Barnabas (loved the way he phrased that.). No, says Julia, she doesn't feel she's capable of doing the experiment from scratch, it's very difficult. Stokes doesn't envy her decision.
Barnabas asks if he feels someone else is involved in this, and Stokes is sure that is so--he couldn't have conceived this plot himself, and suggested Blair, but Adam denied it. Julia excitedly says she and Barnabas suspected Blair, too. If it's Nicholas, what could he gain? wonders Barnabas. Stokes doesn't know, but evil man Blair is, it's designed to further his own ends. Adam is being used and doesn't know it, says Stokes--they won't have to wait long, and he asks Barnabas to call him the moment they know Adam's decision. Stokes leaves. Barnabas and Julia stare soberly after him.

Adam lies in bed, contemplating--if someone took Carolyn, he'd never see her again. . .it is wrong, he can't do it! He leans his head on his knee, morose.

The House by the Sea - 8 PM - Nicholas gazes out the window at the lovely, clear night, thinking it's a good night for making wise decisions. Barnabas will agree to another experiment, Vicki will go free, (he brushes away a fly), Adam will be happy, and I am the one who will gain the most. He stares at his reflection, adjusting his tie, admiring himself. Adam pays him a visit. Nicholas is surprised to see him; he took a big risk. Adam kept thinking about Vicki, who Nicholas assures him is safe. Adam wants to see her; he's taking her back to Collinwood. Nicholas assumes Barnabas has agreed to his demands, but Adam says he hasn't. They can't let Vicki go now, then, protests Nicholas. Adam says what they did was wrong--Vicki is innocent and doesn't deserve to be hurt.
Nicholas says someone has been giving him the "do unto others." message. It couldn't have been Barnabas with the morality lecture, figures Nicholas, so who told him holding Vicki hostage is wrong? Adam admits it was Stokes, who has never lied to him. Nicholas says Adam felt bad not because Stokes was right, but if he sets Vicki free, how can he get Barnabas to cooperate? Adam says he'll find another way, but Stokes reminds him Barnabas hates him, he won't do anything for him unless he applies the right pressure. He felt bad because Stokes wanted him to feel bad, to have a guilty conscience, insists Nicholas. Adam us confused about right and wrong now. Stokes knew he was holding Vicki captive because Barnabas told him, so he's helping Barnabas, not Adam. Was Stokes trying to trick me? asks Adam, finding it hard to believe, but Nicholas points out that as long as he holds Vicki, Barnabas must go through with another experiment; if he lets Vicki go, he will never get his mate and live in loneliness forever. Stokes tried to tell him it's wrong to hurt Vicki, and they have no intention of doing so as long as Barnabas does what he wants--Barnabas will have to give in to him, and make a mate for him rather than see Vicki die. This is a test, says Blair, Barnabas matching his will against Adam's--whoever gives in first is the loser, so who has the strongest willpower, Adam or Barnabas. "ME!" says Adam belligerently. Nicholas promises to show Adam Vicki is safe, then go to Barnabas with his answer; the warlock, leading Adam to Vicki's room, is cool and smiling.

Old House - It's 10 PM and Barnabas and Julia are regretting not killing Adam that first day in the lab. Adam knocks at the door. Julia rises, staring at him. "Adam," she says. Adam tells Barnabas, "It's your decision to make, not mine." Barnabas asks if he is refusing to release Vicki. Adam says they'll discuss Vicki after he's created his mate. Barnabas asks about what Stokes said to him, and Adam says Stokes tried to trick him. Not true, says Barnabas, but Adam says Stokes is Barnabas' friend. Julia asks Adam if he doesn't realize this is wrong. Adam replies that he's tired of talking of right and wrong. He's seen Vicki, she's safe, but after tonight, he doesn't know what will happen. Barnabas turns to Julia--the ball is in her court now. Julia says she needs time for this decision, but Adam insists he wants his answer now. Barnabas tells Julia they have no choice, Adam means what he says. Julia agrees they can't let Vicki die, and promises to try. She can't guarantee success, but will begin another experiment. On one condition, says Barnabas, they will begin after Vicki is released. No deal, says Adam, you will see Vicki when you are finished. Barnabas says they need time, and he can't hold Vicki until then. Vicki deserves to be free, says Barnabas, but Adam insists on holding Vicki. "Then we will not do what you want," says Barnabas. Adam asks if he's willing to let Vicki die, but Barnabas assures him he can trust him to begin the experiment after Vicki's release. Adam doesn't trust him, but Barnabas says no release, no experiment. Are you testing me? asks Adam, but Barnabas assures him he means everything he says--Adam gets his mate only if they get Vicki first.
Adam agrees to let Vicki go free, but warns him if he doesn't keep his word or try to trick him, he will get Vicki, kill her, then turn on everyone in his family, everyone who bears his name, and kill them, one by one! (Sounds more like Angelique's son than Barnabas', doesn't he?)

NOTES: So thanks to Nicholas' influence, son pushed father to the brink and Daddy agreed to his terms--but he insists that Vicki be released before the experiment will take place. Adam, in turn, warns Dad that if he doesn't comply, not just Vicki but every other Collins will die. Does that mean Liz and Carolyn are safe? Well, Carolyn, we would assume.

And Stokes, brilliant man that he is, asks Adam how he'd feel if Carolyn were being similarly threatened, and he almost got through to him--until Nicholas again intervened.  Heavy issues!

559 - Nicholas preens, admiring his reflection in the mirror. Angelique drifts in and asks him if he's admiring himself again. He says sure--he has every reason to. Do you? she asks. Yes, all my plans are working out perfectly, he boasts. She is surprised to hear Barn has agreed to another experiment for Vicki's freedom, and comments that her former husband must love Vicki very much. That must be most distressing, teases Nicholas, and if Barnabas had loved her half as much, she wouldn't be where she is today. She asks if he's really planning to release Vicki. Yes, he says. How can you, knowing Adam abducted her, and kept her in a room in the house? She wonders. Nicholas shows her the mirror, which doesn't reflect her, but only Nicholas (we do see a bit her of her and forehead, mistake there). The mirror shows Vicki sitting on the bed in her room. Nicholas explains he's allowing Vicki to escape--she will get the biggest surprise of her life. The door opens by itself and Vicki looks at it. She rises to her feet, looks out cautiously then slowly, almost as though she doesn't believe it, exits the room. Ang asks Nick what she's waiting for. Nicholas explains she's afraid of what lies beyond the door, and it isn't her time yet. Vicki steps out of the room. Ang asks what he's going to do to Vicki. Nicholas tells Angelique to find a hiding place and watch--she might learn by watching a master at work--Ang called him conceited, but he says at least HE never makes the same mistake twice (oh, no?) Vicki walks downstairs, still slowly, fearfully. She glances into the living room, then tries the door to the outside, which she finds locked. She enters the living room, checks the window and finds it locked, too, and she can't seem to unlock it. She continues to look around the room, finding another door, which she rattles and finds locked, too. She hears the tinkling music from Josette's music box, then Nicholas Blair's voice, which she doesn't recognize. She says she's never been to this house before, but he says of course she has, look around! She asks, "Where are you? Please let me go!" He tells her she can go as soon as she tells him who he is and where she is. She knows neither, and he says then she must stay. She shakes her head, upset. The music grows louder, and she begs him to stop it. Where would you hear Josette's music box? he asks. The Old House, she replies. And that's where you are, Nick's voice tells her, but she denies that. He tells her to think harder, remember what happened--she left Collinwood to come to the Old House to see "me". You aren't Barnabas, says Vicki, and he says to think again--she's in the Old House, isn't she? Vicki is unsure, and he tells her to try to cooperate or he won't be able to help her. Does she know who he is yet? She thinks so--Barnabas. Splendid he praises her. Where are you? he asks, and she replies, "The Old House." When she leaves, she will go to Collinwood, she says, because Jeff is waiting for her and she's late. He tells her to go home, hurry, she doesn't want Jeff to start worrying, does she? He tells her to go to the door, open it, and return to Collinwood. "Back to Collinwood," repeats Vicki, and exits easily through the front door. Nicholas and Angelique, grinning, observer her departure, Nick very proud of himself indeed.

Angelique asks Nicholas if Vicki will remember anything, and he assures her Vicki's last few days were a complete blank. Nicholas takes his hat and gloves, he has something to do. She asks if she should stay there, bored, waiting for him, and he says he couldn't have put it better himself.

Nicholas' "business" is Maggie; he shows up at the cottage. She's delighted to see him. He apologizes for barging in so late and secondly, for not getting back to her about the painting. She hadn't thought about that, she's been visiting Joe at the hospital a lot. He's completely recovered, she says, and will be released in a few days.
Blair feels he should offer an explanation--he took a house by the sea, owned by the Collinses, and rented it. He says he now has a place to hang the painting and would like her answer. Joe shows up and Maggie is ecstatic, hugging and kissing him enthusiastically. Joe looks displeased to see Nicholas as Maggie introduces them. Maggie explains Nick likes one of Sam's paintings, and she asks why Joe didn't call and let her know he was leaving the hospital. Joe says he wanted to surprise Maggie. You certainly did that, says Nicholas--I would have brought champagne along for such an occasion, had I known. Maggie runs to the kitchen to get some sherry. Nicholas comments how well Joe looks. Joe says he was told he had a hard head, and some good luck. Nicholas says Maggie is a rare find, and Joe agrees, then asks Nick what he does for a living. A consultant, says Nicholas, specializing in human relations. Joe comments that doesn't tell him much, and Nicholas agrees. Maggie returns with the sherry, and Nicholas proposes a toast to Joe: "May it bring you everything you deserve."
They sip; Joe gazes suspiciously at Nicholas, who purses his lips over his sherry glass while Maggie beams.

Jeff is on the phone talking to the sheriff when Vicki walks in. He looks pretty disheveled, saying he won't get any sleep until Vicki is found. He hangs up, rubs his face. Vicki greets an amazed Jeff, apologizing for keeping him waiting. He asks if she's all right, and kisses her hard, then says, "Thank God!" She wonders at his effusive reaction, and he says he feared she had been killed. He asks where she was. At the Old House, visiting Barnabas, she responds. She apologizes for staying longer than she intended, and he tells her he and the law have been searching for her TWO DAYS! She can't believe it, but he assures her it's true. She takes his hands and says if she'd been missing two days, wouldn't she have remembered it?
He points out that her engagement ring is gone, and she stares at her ringless hand. "It's gone," she agrees.

Back at the cottage, Maggie offers Nick another drink, but he says he'll leave them alone. He asks her to let him know about the painting, and Maggie sees him out with a brilliant smile. She tells Joe Nick is a nice man, and Joe comments that he just met him, but Maggie seems to have seen a lot of him. It's clear Joe is jealous, but Maggie says she and Nick have only discussed Sam's paintings. Joe wonders why she never mentioned Nicholas to him when she visited him in the hospital, and she says she never thought of it. Nicholas is nice and charming, but that's all, she assures him. Joe, comforted, grins and they kiss.

Nicholas returns home to a pissed off looking Angelique. She turns away, annoyed. He asks how she is, noting she's a trifle upset. You know what's the matter, she complains. "You want to get out, meet new friends," he guesses. Why not, she pouts, you get to go where you want, why not me? Nick says if she behaves, it can be arranged. How about tonight? she asks, but he says no. Because they may be having a visitor before the night is over, says Nick--a handsome young gentleman by the name of Joe Haskell. Ang knows him as Maggie's fiancee. Nick says he might be wrong, Joe might not show up tonight, and if so, she will have to seek him--either way, Joe is her next victim.
Ang looks intrigued--and hungry!

NOTES: I guess Nicholas doesn't feel he can win Maggie all by himself--he must eliminate the competition of siccing Angelique on him! That isn't nice, Nicholas, and certainly not sporting! Maggie and Joe have waited a long time for his recovery, and Ang is going to suck out all the nice blood the hospital probably gave him! You've got to admire the man's sense of power, however.

Took Vicki a long time to find her way out of that room; the spunky gal who first came to Collinwood surely would have gotten out sooner! Then again, David imprisoned her for quite a stretch! If Nicholas could manipulate her this way, why not Tom Jennings? Why did he feel he had to send Angelique after him to keep him silent about seeing the coffin?

Love, Robin

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Angelique returning as a vampire
« on: July 11, 2002, 12:21:22 PM »
Angelique makes one superhot vampire.  Lara Parker was heard to say that she portrays her bites as "orgasmic," and having viewed this section of the series many times (and finding it the only bright spot in the Adam storyline), I can honestly say she succeeded!  Yowsah!

Love, Robin

Current Talk '02 II / Re: My name is Victoria Winters....
« on: July 11, 2002, 12:18:13 PM »
I suspect that I may be a DVD shopping whore, do they have support groups for that????

I don't know, but if you find one, let me know--my husband can join it with you!  I made the mistake of buying him a DVD player, and now he's buying DVD's like we're rich--which we're not!

And if there's a support group for those who love DVD whores, let me know and I'll join that!

Love, Robin