Author Topic: Robservations 8/20/02 - #612/613 - Barnabas, Joe and Angelique  (Read 1436 times)

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612 - (Clarice Blackburn) - The great house of Collinwood is silent now, for most of its residents are sleeping now. But one man is awake. He is waiting for the clock to strike. When it does, he will leave Collinwood and attempt to commit a murder. Meanwhile, in the Old House on the great estate, two frightened people are guarding a dying man, hoping they can save him, unaware of what is happening elsewhere, unaware that this night will probably end with his death.

At Collinwood, Harry gazes at the clock, waiting for 2:30 AM.

At the Old House, Julia and Barnabas are guarding Joe. Julia listens to Joe's heart and says he's better, his pulse stronger--if he lives through the night, he might make it--he's young and strong and his system can tolerate a great deal. Who could have done this? asks Julia. Barnabas claims not to know. No one has been attacked for so long, she points out, she hoped it was safe, and now, to think Joe. . . Barnabas says it was a shock to him, too. No wonder he was so strange, muses Julia, he couldn't help himself. Yes, agrees Barnabas significantly (to us, at least). He suggests she get some rest, but she says she can't. Barnabas volunteers to stay with him. You're tired, too, she says. Barn promises to stay with Joe an hour, then come get her. She agrees. You must not leave him, she warns you know what will happen. Better than anyone, says Barnabas darkly. If he's summoned, stop him, she says, do anything, but stop him. Barnabas promises not to let him out of the room. Wake me in an hour, she reminds him. Barnabas gazes down at Joe soberly.

2:30 AM - Harry wishes he could keep the clock from striking, he doesn't want to leave the house, go to the Old House and put the poison in the medicine, but he must do everything Nicholas tells him-he doesn't know why, but he must obey him. The clock chimes the half hour. Harry slips the poison into his shirt pocket and realizes he must go now. His mother appears in night garb, long hair loose, and calls his name.
Mrs. Johnson knows her son is up to something, she knows him better than anyone and he's acting really strangely, she accuses. Harry denies it, but she says his eyes say he's lying. He's going for a walk, he says, and walks out on her. Mrs. J looks really miserable.

Joe sleeps. A dog howls. Barnabas, sitting in a chair, reacts. He looks out the window. She's out there, he knows, she wants him to come to her-he must resist, he must! Joe awakens, writhing in his sleep. Barnabas goes to him. Angelique, calls Joe. Barnabas cautions him not to say that name. I can hear her calling, Joe moans. Barnabas urges him not to move or speakl--lie quietly. Joe can't--he has to go to her, he has to. You can't go anywhere, says Barnabas, she isn't calling you, she doesn't want you, you must believe that. Joe opens his eyes. "It's you," he says. "She wants you." Yes, says Barnabas.
Eyes wide, Joe tells him he won't let him go to her--he's going to her himself. Joe struggles to get out of bed, but Barnabas pushes him back, telling Joe feels sorry for him. The dog howls. Barnabas says I must resist her, I can't leave Joe--yes, yes!--but I can't, he realizes, I can't--I must go to her. Barnabas turns and slowly leaves the room, closing the door after him. Joe is asleep, as is Julia in one of the wingback chairs downstairs, covered by her coat. Barnabas makes a creak on the steps as he quietly heads downstairs; he takes his cape and cane, looks at Julia, and opens the Old House door. Harry is surprised to see Barnabas leaving, just as Nicholas said he would. It's safe for him to go in now.

Harry enters the Old House through the unlocked door. It's really creaky. He tiptoes past the sleeping Julia and heads upstairs to Josette's room. He locates the bottle of Joe's medicine and empties the vial into it, his face sick. Why does Nicholas want him to die? wonders Harry. He doesn't understand!

Julia goes upstairs, calling to Barnabas in a sing-song voice. Harry hears her and quickly hides behind the drapes, one of DS' favorite hiding places. Julia finds Joe alone and looks confused.

In the woods, Barnabas hears the howling of the dogs. "I hear you calling me," he says. "Why don't you appear?" Looking especially lovely, Angelique does. Why did you summon me? he asks. I'm very angry at you, you disobeyed me, the vampire says--you allowed Joe to live. How do you know? wonders Barnabas. Never mind, I just do, she says--I ordered you to destroy him and you didn't do it. I couldn't, says Barnabas--I couldn't let him die. I told you he WOULD die--you must not disobey me, she says sternly. I have to, he says. "You won't," she says, "You can't, and I'll see that you don't." No, says Barnabas. "Joe Haskell will die," she says, "and you will be responsible." "Me?" asks Barnabas, his face twisting with horror.
"Yes," she says, delightedly, "I want you to be the guilty one. I want you to kill Joe Haskell and live with the guilt for eternity." Barnabas tells her she can never get him to do that. Can't I? she asks. No, never, he responds. We'll see, she says. He asks why she wants Joe dead. Her reasons are unimportant, she says, the fact is, Joe will die and you will be responsible. He must do everything she tells him-he has no choice. He looks at her, angry and sad, knowing it's true.

Old House - Julia ponders where Barnabas could have gone--where? She's upset. She leaves Joe's room and goes downstairs. Harry comes out of his hiding place and listens, then quietly opens the door and leaves.

Back in the woods, Angelique finishes giving Barnabas his orders. He tells her he'll never do it. She believes his will. Even she, with all her powers, can't force him. "Come here, Barnabas," she says, reaching for him. "No," he begs, backing away. She tells him it was a mistake to disobey her. "Don't, please," he begs. You won't do that again, she says, snaring him in her arms--not after tonight. She pulls his coat collar away, exposing his jugular, and bites his throat as he moans with pain and fury while she skillfully brings him around to her way of seeing things.

Julia walks downstairs and looks outside--no sign of Barnabas. She calls into the night for him. Harry troops downstairs while she's outside calling to Barnabas and leaves the back way. Julia returns to the living room and hears a door slamming. She again calls to Barnabas, but gets no answer.

Harry, walking through the woods, finds Barnabas lying unconscious on the ground!

Harry helps Barnabas back to Collinwood. Barnabas can barely stand. Mrs. Johnson is horrified. Barnabas claims he only feels a little dizzy and seats himself in the chair under his portrait. He claims he was crossing the woods to the Old House and felt dizzy, and next thing he remembered was seeing Harry. Harry found him passed out on the ground. Mrs. Johnson tells him he did a sensible thing for once and goes to call a doctor. Barnabas talks her out of it, but she notes how pale and sick he looks. Barnabas assures her Julia will tend to him. He's sure nothing is wrong, and rises to leave. He must go to the Old House, Julia is there. Mrs. J tells him to let Harry help him, but Barnabas thanks her for her concern--he'll be fine, and he doesn't need Harry's assistance. Harry and his mother look at each other as the weak man stumbles out.

Old House - Julia paces, worried.  Barnabas comes in, leaning heavily on his cane. He's surprised to find her awake. He had to go outside, he said, he heard the dogs howling. He was sure someone was out there in the woods and went to investigate, but couldn't find anything. She reminds him he wasn't supposed to leave Joe. Barn becomes agitated--he was convinced someone was out there and had to find out! She says he should have awakened her before he left, but he had no idea he'd be gone as long as he was. Why were you gone so long? she asks--at least an hour.
That long? he asks evasively, holding his collar closed around his throat--I was searching. That doesn't make sense she says, but I'm too tired to think it through. We are both exhausted, he says--it's been a long night. It's almost morning, she points out. Barnabas agrees. She suggests he get some sleep; she will stay with Joe. He insists on staying with him, even though he can barely rise from the chair--he wants to check on Joe, then he'll let her take over. I've been with Joe, he's OK, she says--he awakened once and said nothing--he didn't know where you were. Did you give him his medicine? asks Barn. No, she says, he doesn't need anymore tonight. Barnabas wants to go up and see how his is, for his own peace of mind. She tells him someone was in the house while he was gone--I heard what sounded like the back door slamming. Did she see an intruder? He asks. No, replies Julia. Barnabas suggests her nerves might have affected her imagination. Julia offers to go with him to see Joe, but Barnabas insists she rest--she needs it as much as he does--I'll just be a moment. She watches him slowly ascend the stairs, puzzled.

In Josette's room, Barnabas closes the door and goes to Joe. He pours the medicine onto a spoon, knowing it is going to kill him--that's why Angelique is making him do it, and he must do it because it's her command. Barnabas slips his hand under Joe's head and raises it, moving the spoonful of poisoned medicine towards his mouth.

NOTES: Another very sexy biting scene in that ep. That Angelique really knows how to make her man do what she wants, even though it goes against every fiber of his being!

Will Barnabas end Joe's life at the vampire's behest? As much as he doesn't want to, her will is stronger than his. Who will prevail?

Poor Harry, just a pawn in Nicholas and Angelique's nasty games. He didn't want to do it, either, but he knew he had to, because he is as much under Nicholas' spell as Barnabas is under Angelique's.

I think Julia is suspicious!

613 - (Grayson Hall) - The hour of dawn lingers far out at sea beyond the cliffs of Collinwood, as though reluctant to bring the light of day to the land around the ancient house, sensing, perhaps, than an endless dark is more suited to the evil deeds that could be done this day when two men, trapped by the same unearthly force, become tangled in a plot that could mean the destruction of one or the other.

(I was thinking how unwise it was of Angelique to drain Barnabas of so much blood, he passed out, especially since she had a task for him to do. You'd have thought she'd have restrained herself, but when it comes to Barnabas, there is no restraint on Angie's part!)

Barnabas is just about to administer the poisoned medicine to Joe when Julia interrupts and stops him. She asks what he's doing and takes the spoon away--I told you it isn't time for more, I already told you that! She empties the spoonful of medicine back into the bottle while Barnabas tries to wangle his way out of it by claiming he thought it was morning. It's still dark out, says Julia, and Barnabas agrees. She finds his behavior strange. The night seems long, he mutters, and I'm so tired. I came up to relieve you, she says. However, Barnabas still wants to keep watch. Julia tells him not to fall asleep; Joe must be watched every moment until morning. She takes the medicine with her; an extra dose could be very harmful. Julia gives him an angry, speculative look before leaving. Barnabas moves a chair to Joe's bedside and sits with him. No harm this night, he mutters to Joe. It's 3:30 AM. Joe twists his head from side to side. 5 AM - Joe moans in his sleep, "Make her want me--she will, I know she will." Barnabas urges him to be quiet. Joe says she doesn't want him, he won't kill himself, live now, that's what he'll do, get back at her, and at Barnabas, if he's the one she wants. Barnabas reminds him he tried to help him, but Joe, seeming delirious, says he just wants Angelique. Barn cautions him to be silent, but Joe says he'll tell everyone everything, about both of them and Angelique- everything! He swears it, but Barnabas tells him he won't. Would you even tell MAGGIE about Angelique? queries Barnabas--tell her what you've become? No, Maggie must never know, says Joe. Barnabas urges him to sleep. Julia enters and asks how Joe is. Resting, says Barn--he was delirious a moment ago, but calmer now. He asks if Julia will watch him--he's tired and needs sleep. Yes, says Julia, I will watch over him from now on. Barnabas rises, intending to go downstairs to rest, but Julia has a question first--why were you trying to give Joe the medicine when I walked in? I told you--I was tired, confused. Julia doesn't accept that--she analyzed the medicine, and found it poisoned. As Barnabas feigns shock, Julia accuses him of trying to poison Joe. Barnabas reminds her he was the one who found Joe; why would he do such a thing? Julia doesn't know. If I wanted to kill him, would I have brought Joe to you for his care? He asks. Julia says that someone put poison in the bottle--and YOU were giving it to him. Barnabas assures her he didn't know there was poison in there, and she wonders who else could have done it. Perhaps when I left earlier, someone could have come in, suggests Barnabas--you did hear someone, right? Julia is puzzled-- why did Barnabas leave him for such a long time? Long enough to put the poison in the medicine. If that's the case, asks Julia, why didn't that someone give him the medicine?
(Joe has awakened and is overhearing all.) Barnabas begs exhaustion and says he doesn't know. She relents and tells him to go rest--all I know is that someone almost killed Joe, she says. Barnabas looks ashamed for a moment, but slowly leaves the room, closing the door behind him. Julia holds the poisoned medicine and then looks at Joe, who is, in his head, pondering that Barnabas tried to kill him, to get rid of him, because of HER-he wants to murder him!

Old House - daytime - Maggie and Julia come in. The younger woman wanted to check on Joe, and is relieved to hear he seems better. I don't want to see him, Maggie hastily tells Julia, who suggests it might help--Joe tried to kill himself, and while they aren't as close as they used to be. . . Maggie interrupts to ask if she knows who SHE is--the girl. No, says Julia. It's not my business, says Maggie, but she's doing terrible things to Joe. If you learn the woman's name, I would like to know, says Julia--I care about Joe and it would be easier to help him with all the facts--he might be willing to tell you--try, Julia asks, but see him. Maggie agrees, if Julia thinks it will help, and heads upstairs.

Maggie enters Josette's room and walks around to the side of Joe's bed. He appears to be sleeping, and she adjusts his covers, waking him up. (Those who like chest exposure really got an eyeful of Joe's bare chest today.) He starts to say he was afraid it was. . .then stops--I'm feeling better, he tells her--I'm going to live, not die, no matter what. Maggie is glad to hear it. He says she shouldn't be here, nor come near him anymore, he doesn't want any friends. She asks if he wants to talk about the girl in his life. No, not about her, he says, never. She says she knows she has no right to ask. They look at each other, and Joe suggests maybe I could tell you--you're the only person I can talk to. She knows the woman is making him suffer--why? Because she, begins Joe--I can't tell you-go away. I want to help, Maggie assures him, but you won't let me--I understand, (no she doesn't), but if that's how you want it. . . . "Go away," he repeats. Choked up, she tells him she's glad to see he's feeling better. "Take good care of yourself. Goodbye, Joe," she says. He replies with an indifferent goodbye, then asks her to come back--there's something he must tell her. If anything happens to me, says Joe, Barnabas wants to kill me. Maggie says that's impossible.
Joe says Barnabas has tried before and will try again, and if anything happens to him, that's who's to blame. Maggie tells him to rest. Joe realizes she doesn't believe him. Barnabas saved your life, Maggie reminds him. He's trying to kill me now, says Joe. Maggie says she believes him, but Joe can tell she doesn't. She wants him to lie quietly and offers to stay a while longer, but he thinks she should leave. She backs away from the bed and leaves, looking very sad. It's all right, Maggie, says Joe to himself, Barnabas won't kill me, because I won't let him. How can I stop him? I have to kill him before he kills me.

Maggie tells Julia and Barnabas she wishes she could help Joe, who at times seemed delirious. Barnabas asked what he spoke about, and Julia asked if he talked of the woman. No, says Maggie forlornly. Julia tells her she's sure the visit helped Joe. Maggie bids Julia goodbye and thanks Barnabas for saving Joe's life. After she goes, Julia comments, "She still loves him." Barnabas agrees. Julia has to return to Collinwood to get new medicine. Barnabas is surprised she's willing to leave him alone with Joe, since she believes he tried to kill him. Julia says she doesn't know what to believe; she knows he saved Joe's life and it was possible someone came into the house--no, I don't believe you did it, she says. Barnabas tells her he's honored by her new-found trust. Julia asks Barnabas to wait by the door while he rests, so he can awaken if anyone breaks in--she doesn't feel he should be up in Joe's room because it's morning, and night is the dangerous time--they have another night ahead. Barnabas agrees to this and sits down in the wingback chair. He closes his eyes. "Rest," he tells himself--I must rest.

At Collinwood, Mrs. Johnson greets Julia. She asks about Barnabas, and tells Julia about his fainting spell the previous night and how Harry found him in the woods. Julia is shocked to hear this. Mrs. J said Barnabas wouldn't allow her to get a doctor and said Barnabas assured her he would get Julia to examine him--did she? Yes, lies Julia. For a moment, Mrs. J thought she didn't know a thing about it, but Julia says she had a difficult night, caring for Barnabas. He needs a lot of caring for, says Mrs. J--he was trembling, pale and couldn't even stand, but he wouldn't allow me to help him. He's feeling better now, says Julia, resting at the Old House. (Now Julia knows for sure something is up!).
In Josette's room, Joe tells himself he's got to do it, or he'll kill him--he must kill Barnabas, he has no choice! Joe falls out of bed attempting to get up, and leans heavily on a table as he searches for something with which he can kill Barnabas. Something, anything! There's nothing here but my bare hands, muses Joe--I'll choke him to death. . .no, I've's got no strength. He takes the heavy cord holding back the drapes.

Barnabas sleeping downstairs, doesn't hear Joe come down, loop the drapery cord around his throat, and pull tight! Barnabas gasps for breath!

NOTES: At the end of the previous episode, we wondered if Barnabas was going to kill Joe, now we speculate: Is Joe going to kill Barnabas? Imagine what Maggie and Julia would say if they knew the men were battling over one gorgeous blonde vampire!

How sad was the scene between Joe and Maggie? They do still love each other, but thanks to the witchy manipulations of Nicholas and Angelique, these two are miles apart. Maggie thinks a flesh and blood woman came between her and Joe, but it's something much more malevolent.

Surely now Julia suspects something is up, and perhaps related to the vampire chasing Joe--and perhaps Barnabas? Has she gathered enough clues to piece it all together?

Love, Robin


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Re:Robservations 8/20/02 - #612/613 - Barnabas, Joe and Angelique
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2004, 09:01:46 PM »
DVD episodes for May 21st and 24th.
The 9th and 10th episodes on Set#10/Disc#4 (4th and 5th episodes on MPI tape Volume #76)