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Messages - Julia99

There are several of Grayson's articles there but not the one i'm thinking of and frankly, i'm not compelled to dig any further--

Julia [smirk]:  If they only knew. ..

That is indeed the album that's only turntable right now (yes, I have a turntable--I'm 52!). And as for "evidence," I can only go by my own ears, and sorry, but it doesn't sound like Grayson to me. And I honestly can't see how anyone can say it is once they've listened to it. Let's see some "evidence" where Grayson said she did the record! That would put an end to the discussion, eh, wot?

okay go buy yourself the August 1970 edition of Better Homes and Gardens. . .it's part of an interview she gave.

" I wont make a break for it!"  Isn't that her main line. . promising not to run . . and "he wanted let out".. the cat (okay with my watch on his neck with HEL" scratched on the back. .but hey .. i always hate that this film doesn't show her being rescued! I mean the whole frickin' point of the film--well its really to see Hailey Mills--shouldn't they have had Grayson thanking Hail for being weird and supposing the watch came form the kidnapped bank lady?  Oh and I do think the bank robber gets a bit friendly rubbing her neck or am i just planting scenes now?

As to the water torture . .we have a film archivist and Grayson's biographer saying it is her . .so if there's gonna be further quibbling anymore..let's have some 'evidence' --

This is all the funnier if you are aware of a mid Sixties interview in which Grayson mentions having been approached by the director to play in the Graduate.

She didn't mention which role, but I'm sure you know which one *I* see her in.

"Do you want me to SEDUCE you?"

No way. .really??!! i think you told me this before but it boggles the mind. . Mike Nichols really thought about her in the movie. . .?

Gee, let me see - have I ever seen The Graduate?


I forgot where i am hanging out .. i came out with one of these obscure actress references earlier today and several people just stared at me in amazement. . .

Someone pick me up off the floor. . how can you sophisticated fellows not know what Toblerone is. . its at the checkout stand of every major grocery store and in all airports  now . .. glad you found the website--next time we are standing around with nothing to do, i'm whipping out a  Toblerone!  oh wait. . maybe that doesn't sound quite right. .

Mrs Hopewelll:  Well my son Ben is getting very friendly with our friends, the Robinsons,  daughter Elaine ..

Vicki:  What has that to do with my resume and references?

[Now Dom, MB and Midnite. . you get this reference i'm sure??]

Maggie:  Jock itch?  Let me see.  .

Barnabas:  They called it a magic jumping bean?

Willie:  You gave them one of your mother's jewels for a bean?

Joe:  Oh i love charlie girls.. . better than that jean natay crap that Maggie wore--

I got an email from one of my friends this morning. . inquiring if "my people. . my community" had mentioned this.  .hahha!  Talking about Sarah's wardrobe you say. .they should've played the MUSIC>...

The top five outfits:

Choice #13
Choice #4
Choice #11
Choice #5
Choice #14

And the rest:

Choice #1
Choice #12
Choice #8
Choice #16

Choices #9 and #15
(the bottom 6)

Choices #2, #6 and #10

Choices #3, #7 and #17

am i totally wrong in this?i always thought that grayson was brought in because her husband sam hall was one of the show's writers.and it was he who wrote her from a supporting character into the lead.

don't take this wrong (or personal)  but YES YOU ARE ASBOLUTELY WRONG!!   This is a notorious misnomer perpetuated unfortunately at DSFests by KLS (another actress named Honeypot or something played Julia first--) and Roger (my aching hair) Davis.   In fact Grayson got the gig first and at a party at her apartment DC realized who her husband was and asked him to come to work on DS.  That was about 3 months after she started--about the time Barnabas started terrorizing Julia--