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What's the difference between junior, senior and full posters?

This will take you to a post on the Testing board...
The stages registered members go through on the forum range from DSF Newbie, DSF Junior Member, DSF Full Member, DSF Senior Member, and finally...

Polls Archive / Re: The Original, the Revival, and You -
« on: January 17, 2006, 01:50:43 AM »
mscbryk, I hope you feel better soon!  I don't think David Nahmod's intent in his review (on the current Calendar/Events board) was to ridicule the original series for the sake of comparison to the revival, though I do think those are annoying labels for our show when taken out of context.  Anyway, he's a nice guy and I'm sure would be happy to explain his comments, though he's probably more likely to see replies to his article.  It's just a suggestion.  :)

I hate when people say things like this, but I think they must not have watched the original show, and are simply repeating what some twit wrote about the original (not doing their homework).

The author is actually a long-time, loyal fan.

PennyDreadful is the newest Senior cousin.  She zoomed past several posters like they were standing still.

[zoom]Belated congrats, PD![/size][/color]

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Junior v Full Registration?
« on: January 16, 2006, 07:37:55 PM »
Actually, I wasn't clear. I meant near G-D status...

Thank you for clarifying.  Based on the quote you chose, which is about all member groups, and since your topic title refers to "Junior v. Full," it seemed difficult to tell.  If:
there are 2 cousins who I believe are very close...and a 3rd who's up there too..
was meant to be a question, I have a guess as to which member will reach God status first based on the current posting rates of our top posters, but of course anything could happen.  However, I suspect it won't happen for several months.

What a shame that no one has commented about our newest Senior cousin.  I'll try posting it elsewhere. 

Thanks for letting us know, Michael!  Jayne Meadows will be there on Friday, btw, signing copies of Ben's book.

(Russ Tamblyn, woo!)

This superb and timely review of the '91 series DVD (Happy 15th Anniversary!) was just published in Videoscope #57, available later this week at your local Barnes & Noble, Borders, Virgin Megastores, Tower, etc., is posted here with permission of the author.

Dark Shadows: The Revival (1991)
2 1/2 antennas
D: Dan Curtis, others. Ben Cross, Jean Simmons, Joanna Going, Barbara
Steele, Roy Thinnes, Jim Fyfe, Michael Weiss, Joseph Gordon Levitt,
Julianna McCarthy.
592 minutes. DVD
Sony Home Entertainment

     This is the short lived but superbly Hammer-esque revival of the legendary Gothic horror soap opera Dark Shadows. A wonderful produced show in it's own right, Dark Shadows: The Revival, like the late Mr. Dangerfield,  can't get no respect! Sony's abysmal presentation of the series' 13 episodes makes a 4 antenna production get a mere 2 1/2.

     The dissing of the Dark Shadows revival began the night it's first episode aired on NBC, which was also the first night of the first Gulf War. NBC pre-empted the show for several weeks to cover the war. With no announcements whatsoever, they ran the show at 1AM, then shook their heads in disbelief when no one watched!!!! By the time Dark Shadows aired in it's normal timeslot, several weeks later, most people didn't even know  it was on!

     So NBC changed it's timeslot, again with no announcement! When it didn't immediately become NBC's #1 show, they cancelled it. Thousands of Dark Shadows fans held vigils at NBC affiliates all over the country. They were ignored, and one of the most promising horror series in years was gone after 13 episodes.

     It was a wonderful series. Unlike the stagebound, videotaped original, Dark Shadows: The Revival was shot on film in a real mansion. Cross played Barnabas Collins with the same tragic aura that Jonathan Frid displayed in the 1960s. But the younger, sexier Cross gave Barnabas an erotic intensity that Frid could never have conveyed. When Barnabas Collins feasted upon blood in the 1990s, the results were truly orgasmic, for both the vampire and the victim.

     Collinsport Maine in 1991 was a scary place! The residents actually ran through the storms that were, in the 1960s, only seen through windows. The thunder, lightning and howling winds were real, and terrifying.

     Former horror movie queen Steele played the lovelorn Dr. Julia Hoffman in 1991, who tries to cure Barnabas of vampirism while loving him from afar. Steele was about 53 when the series was shot. Still youthful and beautiful, she gave Julia a seriousness, and a sexiness, that the frumpy, over the top Grayson Hall failed to convey in the 60s. Going's Victoria Winters was no dummy, unlike Alexandra Moltke's earlier portrayal of the character. While Moltke's recurring line was "I don't understand! Help! Save Me!", Going's Victoria strong and savvy. But still vulnerable.

     Dark Shadows: The Revival took a wonderfully fun, sometimes cheesy but innovative show from 1960s daytime TV and gave it all the blood and thunder we saw in the best of the early Hammer Films.

     NBC, in their foolishness, destroyed it. And now, Sony Home Entertainment does the same.

     Sony's first blunder was to repeat NBC's mistake of burying the series. Dark Shadows: The Revival has been released on disc with no fanfare, no publicity. On Dark Shadows message boards, fans have been asking when/if the series will be released. You know the publicity department is not on the ball if the show's hardcore fans are not sure if it's even available!

     The second, and perhaps greatest mistake on the part of Sony is the presentation. The three discs that comprise this set are letterboxed. Why? The series was shot full screen for God's sake. This is a TV show, not a film. The purpose of letterbox bars is to preserve a director's visual images when a film is seen on the small screen. In this case, the letterbox bars DISTORT that image!! Worse, the show's opening and closing titles are boxed on all four sides! This makes the credits hard to read and is  annoying. What was Sony thinking?

     There are no extras. On other discs, Dark Shadows creator Dan Curtis made himself readily available for interviews. MPI home video had produced a very good behind the scenes doc on this series, Dark Shadows Resurrected. Surely there's material that Sony could have included on the discs, especially since the set costs $30.00!!! Sony was so cheap in their presentation, they didn't even include the sub-title options one finds on their other discs. Sony took Dark Shadows: The Revival, and threw it away.

     What makes this all the sadder is not only the superb quality of the series, but the vibrant colors and sound found in each episode. The print quality is incredible! This has got to be one of the biggest missed opportunities in the history of DVD!

     Sony, you are sitting on a potential goldmine. Recall these discs at once. Consider rereleasing Dark Shadows: The Revival next year, but do it right. Present it as it was shot, full screen. Give us those much needed extras.

     After 15 years, it's time to give Dark Shadows: The Revival the respect it deserves.
-----------------------------David Nahmod

Current Talk '06 I / Re: Favorite Tongue-tied Lines Of Dialogue
« on: January 15, 2006, 12:52:16 AM »
Arashi, that's one of my favorite lines to imitate.

When Barnabas was trying to convince PT Quentin that Maggie didn't leave Collinsport on her own, and Quentin, indicating the letter she left, says it "was mailed from Collinsport, so she must have got there, which means she did get there somehow, and she didn't walk, so she must have some way of getting there."

Um, okay.

I'm guessing that the big question is whether Michael T. Weiss takes off his shirt.  Yes, it appears he does.   :)

There is nudity, but it's a mystery if it's he that goes full Monty.

I hadn't noticed the video clips before.

Thanks, Vlad!  Video was to have been added today and it slipped my mind to check for them.  Silly me.

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Junior v Full Registration?
« on: January 14, 2006, 03:05:01 AM »
And PennyDreadful is the newest Senior cousin.  She zoomed past several posters like they were standing still.
[zoom] Belated congrats, PD![/color]

There're a few more comments about the Collection 1 & 2 DVD reviews in this topic:

Some reviews of possible interest

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 I / Re: OT-Support Your Local Vampyre
« on: January 14, 2006, 01:38:18 AM »
However please refrain from grouping Witches and Pagans with Satanists. Thanks.

I came across this about him from

I had mistakenly described Sharkey on the Minnesota page as a "Wiccan Dark Priest." Because of this I quickly received the following email from Sharkey's campaign: "Thank you very much for placing Jonathon's name for the race for Governor. However, he is a Satanic Dark Priest, not a Wiccan. Wiccan's do not believe in Christianity at all. Satanist are against the Christian God ... Can you please update this as soon as your time allows, to avoid the Wiccan Communities becoming angry at Jonathon."

Too late.   :-

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 I / Re: OT-Support Your Local Vampyre
« on: January 13, 2006, 11:38:20 PM »
"he thinks God the Father was a poor parent for allowing his son to be crucified"


This is OT, but...

Who says lawyers can't administrate?  ;)

And who says vampires can't run for office?--

I vant to get your vote!
Self-proclaimed vampire running for governor of Minnesota

The Vampyres, Witches and Pagans party?

I'm waiting while the trailer downloads.

Well that was worth the wait.  The movie looks hot.  I loved Selby as yachtsman.  :D

[li]A link to the official Spin web site. David Selby appears in this film as record company owner Rob Polan. Filming wrapped in December, and the final product should be ready by the spring. The site features images and a preliminary version of a trailer. David can be seen in both the images and the trailer.[/li]

I'm waiting while the trailer downloads.  And that's low resolution using DSL.  Anyway, so it's listed on the California Film Industry's site and is about the Miami Latin music scene?  Hmm.  I guess I shouldn't be surprised after learning that one of the exotic locales in the first season of his "Soldier of Fortune" was actually my neighborhood with a lot of palm trees brought in.   ^-^

Thank you for the info!

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