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David Selby to Attend LA Screening of The Super Cops
« on: January 13, 2011, 10:06:57 PM »
David Selby will be at the New Beverly Cinema in LA on Tuesday, January 18, for a screening of The Super Cops. He will be discussing the film with co-writer Lorenzo Semple Jr. (also a script/story consultant for the 1960s Batman series) and Edgar Wright, director of Shaun of the Dead, as part of The Wright Stuff II film series. Details on David's site soon.

In the meantime, check out the New Beverly Cinema's web site for ticket information:

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Re: David Selby to Attend LA Screening of The Super Cops
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2011, 03:23:21 AM »
I got tickets!!! I can't believe after being a David Selby fan for over 20 years I will get to see one of my fave movies of his on the big screen and finally get to see him in person! Thanks MsCriseyde for posting the information!

I'll be sure to share with you guys and gals on the board what was discussed. Aggghhh I can't wait!  [snow_smiley]

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Re: David Selby to Attend LA Screening of The Super Cops
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2011, 12:44:54 PM »
Wow!!   i wish  i  could be there to meet  David  Selby  Yummy!
                       Love   Anne  [snow_kiss]
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Re: David Selby to Attend LA Screening of The Super Cops
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2011, 08:56:33 PM »
Interview with director  Edgar Wright

The other movie I’m excited about showing an audience is The Super Cops on Tuesday. That film we had to bring from London because there doesn’t appear to be a print in the U.S. I saw it on TV in the U.K. when I was very young, and at the same time I was really taken with the Batman TV series. Within the movie Ron Leibman and David Selby play Greenberg and Hantz, real-life cops who were nicknamed Batman and Robin. Ron Leibman’s character even takes to wearing a Batman T-shirt, which the real cop did. It’s not on DVD at all, so it’s very cool to get hold of. I’d seen it again more recently when I was writing Hot Fuzz, and it really stood up. And I hope that the kind of attention it could get from being shown in a situation like this might compel it to get released on DVD. It seems crazy that it’s not available. I was actually really thrilled when I saw The Social Network because David Selby is in it—“Oh, my God, one of the Super Cops is playing the Winklevii’s lawyer!” And Lorenzo Semple, who wrote The Super Cops and also wrote for the Batman TV series, is coming on Tuesday, so that should be fun. I’ve seen him in other interviews where he can be brutally self-deprecating about his own work, so I’m interested to hear what he has to say about The Super Cops, whether he remembers it fondly. I think it’s great.

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Re: David Selby to Attend LA Screening of The Super Cops
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2011, 09:41:11 PM »
The New Beverly posted a blurb on Facebook and Twitter within the past couple of hours. Tonight's screening is sold out. Any tickets that become available will be sold via the standby line.

Plenty of tickets are still available for tomorrow night's screening, which is minus the guests. The print of The Super Cops was flown over from England. The film is not available on DVD. It aired somewhat regularly a few years ago on the now defunct Turner South cable network, but their version was heavily edited, for drug references just as much as if not more than profanity. It's not been on television in quite some time. (The DVD version that circulated a few years ago was unauthorized.)

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Re: David Selby to Attend LA Screening of The Super Cops
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2011, 06:58:45 AM »
It appears they have two Quentins in the house tonight. Quentin Tarantino was a surprise guest for the Dirty Harry screening that precedes The Super Cops.

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Re: David Selby to Attend LA Screening of The Super Cops
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2011, 11:31:58 AM »
OMG tonight was amazing! The evening started at 7:30 and it wasn't over until 1:30 am. Quentin Tarantino stayed for the whole night - he never saw Super Cops before. I have to go to bed so I'll save my recount of the night for tomorrow but all I can say is WOW!  [snow_smiley]

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Re: David Selby to Attend LA Screening of The Super Cops
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2011, 04:22:53 PM »
Looking forward to your report, quentin-channing. In the meantime, here's a photo from the event that was posted on Twitter by an attendee:

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Re: David Selby to Attend LA Screening of The Super Cops
« Reply #8 on: January 20, 2011, 02:23:17 AM »
One more very significant piece of news. Today, Edgar Wright began prodding the Warner Archives via Twitter for a DVD release of The Super Cops, and, as these things tend to do, it gained momentum from there. Late this afternoon, the Warner Archives announced that The Super Cops will be remastered and released on DVD. The release date is still to be determined.

The DVD release isn't necessarily a shocker with Warner's growing library of MOD (manufacture on demand) titles, but the remastering is a pleasant surprise.

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Re: David Selby to Attend LA Screening of The Super Cops
« Reply #9 on: January 20, 2011, 05:12:01 AM »
That's great news, MsCriseyde!  I like Super Cops and look forward to seeing the complete and remastered movie, and I hope they'll include some good extras.  Thanks also for the link to the photo.

Eagerly awaiting your write up, quentin-channing, and glad you had such a good time.  (Your first time seeing Selby in person, sigh. ) I'm especially curious what he had to say about working with Gordon Parks Sr.

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Re: David Selby to Attend LA Screening of The Super Cops
« Reply #10 on: January 20, 2011, 09:44:45 AM »
Well ladies and gents I hope I can do justice to the night because it was unbelievable. And just a word of warning this is going to be a LONG post...can't help it there's just too much good stuff to share [snow_smiley]

This was the first time ever going to the New Beverly. I had looked online and read about the history of the place and that Quentin Tarantino had saved the theater. It's been renovated, and while it still has that old nostalgic one screen feel to it, the seats and atmosphere were great. I've been to some revival places and you are packed in there like sardines. This place had cup holders and plenty of foot room. So I'm talking to my sister and she says "I think Tarantino will show up". I asked her why thinking there's no way that he'd be there the night we were but she said well it's his theater. Lo and behold 15-20 minutes before they start he comes walking in casually like everyone else in a hoodie and jeans. It was then that I knew we'd be in for a really long night because QT can talk movies.

So it turns out the first feature of the night "Dirty Harry" is one of QT's favorite films. I could write a whole post just on that and the talk afterwards but then I' d be here all night typing. In any case QT brought some classic 70's and 80's trailers from his personal collection to watch before the films. Really fun stuff from stars like Burt Reynolds, Chuck Norris, James Caan, and Charles Bronson. We see the movie and then Edgar Wright and QT talk about the whole history and political implications of Dirty Harry, serial killer movies etc etc.

Tthen Edgar, before the bathroom break announces the special guests, Lorenzo Semple Jr and David Selby will be joining us and QT is going to stick around to see Super Cops because he's never seen it!

Now here's where I thought I might be able to at least say hello to David but unfortunately after I returned from the bathroom I still hadn't seen him anywhere. We all get back from the break and somehow David and his wife are already sitting in the front row. I didn't notice this until it was too late to say anything before introductions.

So Edgar introduces Mr Semple and David Selby. There are ALOT of Semple fans because of his connections with Batman. I got the feeling that I was one of the few in the audience that went to this just because I was a fan of the film and David - I was right as Edgar asked how many people had seen Super Cops and it had to be less than 10 of us. Most of the audience that came to see Dirty Harry stayed so it was still an almost packed house.

So the plan was that Mr Semple would talk first and then watch the movie but he probably wouldn't stay for the whole thing. He's an adorable older gentleman who walks with a cane. Very unassuming. You'd never think this was a man who was a writer for the Batman tv show.  It was kind of hard to hear everything he said. He spoke in short and succinct sentences but he did go off on tangents a little bit so you had to keep up.  He said that he wrote Super Cops because it was the assignment given to him. He didn't believe he got the job because of his previous connection to Batman, it was just a coincidence. He loved Gordon Parks Sr. He went through a little of Parks' career history as well. He said his script had to go through the person at the studio who was specifically in charge of approving scripts with black characters. He also said that he thought Gordon Parks was hired specifically because he was black and that it would help when filming out on location in the poor neighborhoods but David couldn't confirm this. Semple had no influence on the casting or anything else in regards to the movie, he just wrote it. He is a writer and has a need to write. He is very modest about his accomplishments.

The Edgar asked David about the film and his first comments were a doozie. David jokingly said that he was from West Virginia and he was prime NYC cop material. He had guards while he filmed and during one scene a stranger almost knifed him. I think he said he had a 6 inch blade. His security got to him just as the man did and from that point on he was very close to them. They were about to continue talking but then they decided to continue the discussion after the film.

The print they had was great. It was still dirty in parts but much better, especially the audio quality, than the bootleg that was sold on Amazon for a while. It came from England and we got to see it was approved with a AA rating from whatever film board was in charge of handing out approval.

The audience really enjoyed the film. It holds up but  more than that seeing it again on the big screen really showed off the comedic timing and fun of the movie. It turns out Mr Semple stayed through the whole thing and as he left he got a big round of applause.

So Edgar Wright and David sat on the stage and basically David reminisced with some prodding from Edgar. Edgar commented about how fantastic David's speaking voice was without a mic. David's first reaction was "Have you ever seen a more innocent cop". It got a big laugh. He said the last time he saw it was probably when it came out but he doesn't remember if there was a screening or not because in those days they didn't have all that. He was fiddling with his jacket trying to get it on with one of the sleeves stuck inside out and that got a laugh because we just saw this guy as one of the Super Cops and he couldn't get his jacket on!

He said it was tough, going into the neighborhoods. The time, it was the 70's in NYC and he was told you don't want to be wearing a uniform when you're in these places. There was alot of turmoil on the set. This was a studio film but it was low budget and there was upheaval with the executives. The crew didn't like the catering that was provided by the local church. David said it was soul food and the union guys didn't like it so the studio had to fork out for double catering. IN the middle of filming he was called late at night and asked to drop out of the film by one of the producers.  He said never in his career had that happened. Tarantino asked why and David said he never found out. David said he told them he said he wouldn't quit and then when he went on set the next day they were told "You have two days left to shoot. We're being shut down". Then he said a few months later they went and filmed some stuff on a studio backlot in LA but he couldn't remember what scenes those were. it was tough because they had to recreate all the sound of being in the real NYC. They filmed alot under the L and that was tough to have to redo.

David talked about Gordon Parks Sr. He loved him. He said that Gordon told him on set one day that he had a fight with a studio guy. He said "There was a coffee table between me and the guy. But I got him". Parks had punched him in the meeting. David really stressed how much tension there was on the set because of the neighborhoods they were in and the studio problems. He couldn't remember if Gordon was also having some other problems and then he and QT were trying to figure out if that's around the time his son was killed or not. Then QT got into this discussion with David about American black cinema that saved studios...Shaft, David mentioned Superfly. They made these films with no budget and made huge profits.

Some other things...David hasn't seen Ron Leibman in a long time but if he did he'd give him a hug. He said he saw him Richard III but that was another lifetime ago. He also said Leibman's ex-wife Linda Lavin is doing a play in NY that will go down as one of the best of this time. He didn't mention the name. Edagr said he really liked the chemistry between him and Ron and David said that he really like Martin and Lewis and when he sees those big eyes Ron gives the camera it reminds him of Jerry Lewis.  He also said sometimes they would pick up Ron at his therapists office before going to the set.

They movie was really gorilla film making. The location manager would literally go out with brown bags of cash into the neighborhoods and ask people if they could use their apartments. Nothing was blocked or seriously planned out.  They'd find kids and ask them if they wanted to be in a scene in a movie. The script for the most part though was not improvised. David said alot of the physicality of the characters was made up and carried through the movie. Like the food bit where Hantz is always eating. That became kind of a running gag. He wasn't sure if the mix of comedy or drama was right on but I think the audience and Edgar really liked it more as a comedy. David said there was no training or soul-searching for the role. They did not hang out with police before filming. Alot of the real NYPD did not like Greenberg and Hantz anyway so they weren't impressed that there was this movie being made. The real Greenberg and Hantz were nice quiet guys according to David but did not hang out on the set unless they were there to film. The funny thing is the last credit is given to the two guys as technical advisors so I always assumed they played a bigger role. David had no idea what the guys thought about the finished film. Edgar said that the real Greenberg was caught in some insurance scandal and David's character Hantz got found with 6 joints on him. That got a laugh. David's makeup artist was on pot the entire time. He told him that's how he was going to get through filming the movie.

They had no stunt guys. Everything they did was on the fly and Edgar remarked that's why when they jump out of the refrigerator boxes they practically fall down. The baby carriage down the stairs scene was done once. David said there was no take 26, most things were done once. They found a real building that was being torn down. That was really them riding down the wrecking ball. David really wanted to do the jumping through the window scene when they confront the Hayes brothers. David jumped through the window but the top seal part was not a breakaway window (the kinds they use in movies). Ron goes in after him and the thing falls down on him and he had to go to the hospital and they lost a day of shooting. He was given a pair of black shoes that look more like a cops and they were uncomfortable and didn't fit do he wore his own sneakers. Edgar commented that one the things that really stayed with him wasn't so much the plot but the comedy and the way the two of them ran around the city. Edgar tried to do an imitation which was very funny.

No one on the panel knew how well the film did when it was released. David mentioned that maybe the film was not on DVD because of Batman copyright but QT disagreed and said it was just one of those films that because of the time period it was released and the studio problems got buried and lost. Then I think they started talking about superheros and David mentioned the new Green Hornet movie and how there was a radio show he liked when he was a kid called the Green Hornet

I can't remember exactly why but David mentioned that he was on Dark Shadows. He asked if anybody had seen it. Adorable. A few of us screamed out that we had and he said he got letters from fans saying I named our baby after Quentin Collins but he knew that wasn't the case with QT's parents. QT then jumped in and said it was so great to finally meet David because growing up in Tennessee no one had the name Quentin. You'd go into a drugstore and flip through trinkets and things with kid's names on it and there'd never be a Quentin. He watched Romper Room every week and there'd never be a shoutout to Quentin. But then....this man came along, so handsome, he played a freakin werewolf, all my babysitters were so into him, and then it was great to have the name Quentin It got a huge round of applause.

At that point it was already past 1 in the morning. David had to add in a few more things. He said as a film nerd he thought these screenings were so special and a real treat. He also said that he has a project he wanted to talk to Edgar Wright about but wouldn't give us any details. In passing David said he had mentioned something to either Mr Semple or Edgar previously so I think the group hung out before the event and really liked each other. Who knows. I;d love to see David in one of Tarantino's films.

So the night ended, it was 1:30 am and the thought passed as I got out of my seat that maybe I could say hello to David but at that point I was so blown away by it all I don't think I could have put two sentences together. We were all tired and I'm sure David was and probably people closer to the front row would have gotten to him first. So we left. I didn't take any pictures or video but this was a night I'll never forget. I thought the surrealness of it all would have ended there but it didn't. We had parked pretty far down on a residential side street so it took us a while to get back to the car. To save time I decided to make a 3 point turn and go back exactly the way we came. Who do we see but David and his wife getting into their car across the street from the theater. I continued to drive past and all my sister could say after we spotted them was they have the same color car as we do! 

I don't think it could have gotten any more crazy that night. I got home totally wired and went to sleep thinking it almost didn't seem real. The first celebrities I see in Los Angeles are David Selby, a man I have admired and had a crush on since the 80's and Quentin Tarantino! They were both everything you could have imagined.

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Re: David Selby to Attend LA Screening of The Super Cops
« Reply #11 on: January 20, 2011, 05:51:08 PM »
Great recap. Thanks so much for posting it.  [snow_smiley]

I seem to recall that the movie got some great reviews and was well received. I definitely remember going to see it when it opened. But, unfortunately, in '74 I was only reading Variety sporadically, so I don't remember and can't look up how well it did. And as David said, movies were handled very differently back then - they didn't open everywhere on the same weekend - they opened in different regions of the country over a period of time. If you lived in and around major markets like NYC, LA, Boston, Chicago, ect. they usually opened fairly quickly after release. But if you lived in, say, South Dakota, who knows how long it took for a film to get to you?  [snow_wink]

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Re: David Selby to Attend LA Screening of The Super Cops
« Reply #12 on: January 20, 2011, 06:41:10 PM »
Fabulous report, quentin-channing!  I thought the running shoes on the cops was intentional, lol.  And who else believed that Greenberg and Hantz really did act as technical advisers?  Thanks so much for including the comments on Parks; I'm fascinated that his SC was paired with the arguably racist Dirty Harry.  Anyway, I'm happy for you.  David Selby for your first celeb spotting is not too shabby!

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Re: David Selby to Attend LA Screening of The Super Cops
« Reply #13 on: January 21, 2011, 03:04:54 AM »
You're welcome Midnite! Tarantino said that Dirty Harry was not a racist film but that it would be more interesting if it was. Goes to show everyone has their own unique opinion on movies.

I think the whole idea of the double features at the New Beverly (I think most nights are a double feature) is to pair up similar themed movies but from different styles or perspectives. So that night it was cops that don't play by the rules and Edgar Wright loved both films. I believe another Hot Fuzz/Shawn of The Dead actor Simon Pegg also screened Super Cops somewhere a few years ago because he also caught it on UK tv as a kid. I got a chance today to take a look at the bootleg that was sold on Amazon and I now realized it's a print that aired on tv and there's alot of poor looping to cover up the salty dialogue. It really lessens the impact, especially in the final scenes just before they become inspectors. It will be great to have a copy of the film as it was intended.