Author Topic: Robservations 6/5/03 - #968-969 - Miserable is the Bride; A Bit 'o' PT  (Read 1575 times)

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968 - Jeb and his foster father fight to the death. They struggle fiercely, Philip trying to force Jeb over, but Jeb manages to escape, leaving Philip in a vulnerable, crouching position. Jeb orders Philip, get up--I'm going to let you go, because I've killed enough and don't want another death on my conscience--get out of here! cries Jeb.  Philip dashes off. Jeb hears a rustling sound behind him--Philip attempts to run at him, a last-ditch effort to send him into the sea, but Jeb dodges the attack--instead, it's Philip plunges over the cliff's edge. "PHILIP!" screams Jeb, but the sea under Widows' Hill claims yet another life. I didn't want it to be this way, murmurs Jeb. Neither did I, says Peter Bradford, still wearing his odd neckwear, but it doesn't matter, you won't escape. "Doesn't matter?" demands Jeb, "a man just died there because of you!" I won't rest until you're dead, vows Peter. Then you never will, says Jeb--you can't kill me, why don't you realize that before more lives are lost? It doesn't matter how many lives are lost, says Peter, only one thing is important--that I kill you, Jeb Hawkes. You never will, predicts Jeb, walking away. You can't get rid of me so easily, Peter warns him, I can follow you, and lead you without your knowing it, and I'll lead you back here to Widows' Hill and push you off--and you'll be destroyed, I'll destroy you.  No, Peter Bradford, says a female voice behind him, you will not destroy him. It's Angelique. Who are you? Peter asks.  I'm no ordinary woman, she says--I'm watching Jeb Hawkes, in whom I have a special interest--and he belongs to me--I am the one who will destroy him. What did he do to you? asks Peter. I had comfort, position, a wonderful marriage, a man who loved me, explains Angelique--and because of him I lost it all--he's going to pay dearly for that loss.
I can make him pay, Peter assures her, I drowned him once before--that's the only way he can be destroyed--by drowning. That's the only way YOU can destroy him, corrects Angelique, I have other ways--I told you, I am no ordinary woman. And he's no ordinary man, says Peter, if you fail, he'll go unpunished, marry Carolyn. Oh, it's come to that, has it? says Angelique bitterly, all the more reason why I shall not fail--I shall go and look for Jeb Hawkes, as soon as I return you to your grave. I don't want to, protests Peter--he might get away. He won't, says Ang, I promise you, Jeb Hawkes has a very short future--now go back, Peter Bradford, she intones.  The ghost begins to shrink and soon disappears.  Go back into the darkness knowing he will soon follow you and you will have your revenge, adds Angelique--go back now to where you belong, you will be avenged!  Peter is completely gone. Angelique smiles evilly.

Liz, distraught, finds Carolyn's note stating that she left with Jeb, she hopes her mother will give them her blessing, that she loves him very much. Carolyn enters.  You can't do it! insists Liz. You can't change my mind, so please don't try, urges Carolyn--I was at the carriage house, looking for Jeb--I made up my mind a few hours ago, I was going away with him; we talked on the telephone and it was going to be in a few minutes, but he never showed up, and he's not at the carriage house--I can't imagine what happened to him. I know, says Liz--and sits beside her daughter on the bed--painful as it may be, better to find out now rather than after you're married--Jeb doesn't really want to marry you
--he changed his mind at the last minute. That's not true, says Carolyn, he was worried about something terrible happening, kept talking about it, but wouldn't say exactly what. The phone rings.  I'll get it, says Carolyn, whatever it is, I must hear it for myself. She picks up the phone; it's the (new) sheriff, asking about Megan. We don't know where she is, says Carolyn--what's wrong?--oh, no, yes, of course we'll phone you if she comes here. She hangs up. Liz asks what happened. Philip Todd escaped from jail, says Carolyn--no one knows where he is or where to begin looking for him. Jeb, standing in the doorway, suggests, "Look for Philip in the water below Widows' Hill."

On the phone with the sheriff, Jeb describes what happened between him and Philip on Widows' Hill--he turned and charged at me...I'll repeat it as an official statement--however, it must be today, after that, I don't know where I'll be. Carolyn listens in dismay. I answered their questions and they answered mine, says Jeb--Philip had a nervous breakdown earlier this evening--when they called the doctor, he escaped--they don't know what caused the breakdown, but don't think it was the first one he had
--they're pretty sure these periods of madness only come on him when he feels the need to kill. This time, he almost killed you, says Carolyn. Seeing how upset Carolyn is, Jeb reassures her--he didn't kill me.  I know, she says, but...I heard you tell the sheriff you were going away. I am, says Jeb, with you--we're getting married, remember? Intensely relieved, Carolyn goes into his arms--I thought you'd changed your mind. Not a chance! he promises. She  clings to him and says, everything seems like a threat, I'm so afraid of losing you. You won't, he says--I'm going to the police station so we can get out of here. Wait a minute, says Liz--I don't approve of the marriage, but I can see Carolyn loves you, and if I let her walk out of here, I'll lose her forever--stay here and get married at Collinwood, the way you should, begs Liz. No, says Jeb, there's no need for a big wedding, no time--we'll go off as we planned, it will be better that way. Carolyn takes her mother's hands in hers--let me speak to Jeb alone for a few minutes, she asks. Liz leaves.  Mother has come a long way, points out Carolyn, couldn't we...? Jeb refuses to wait around while Liz invites half the state of Maine to a big Collins wedding (yeah, like Dan Curtis would spring for the bucks!)  It doesn't have to be a big wedding, says Carolyn hopefully, it can take place just the way we planned--I'm sure my mother can arrange for a special license, the only difference will be it will take place here, with my family. No family, insists Jeb definitely, no one is to know about this until it's over. Carolyn agrees--anything she says, as long as you marry me. I hope I get that chance, says Jeb, looking none too sanguine.

Collinwood drawing room - Angelique sits with Liz, sipping coffee--I meant to call you, Mrs. Stoddard, she says, and I'm glad we ran into each other in town--it's hard to call when all the news is bad. I'm so sorry to hear about you and Sky, says Liz--I thought you were so...  "Perfect for each other," finishes Angelique, "so happy."--yes, we were. Jeb enters to report to Liz, I took care of the matter at the police station.  Angelique stares at Jeb. I took care of the marriage license, says Liz, so you and Carolyn can pick it up whenever you want. She introduces Mrs. Rumson to Mr. Hawkes. Mrs. Rumson? repeats Jeb. Mrs. Sky Rumson, grins Angelique. We stayed with them at Little Windward Island, explains Liz.  Mr. Hawkes has been there, reveals Ang. I don't think I have, says Jeb.  Really, says Ang, I could have sworn we had, Jeb and Sky were such good friends. Liz expresses surprise at this connection.  I met him a few times when I was taking pictures for his magazines, says Jeb, but I'm not a friend of your husband's.  I must be confusing you with some other photographer, suggests Ang. Of course, says Jeb, I'll go get Carolyn. Ang puts down her cup, stands and walks over to Jeb. Are you and Carolyn planning to get married? she asks. Yes, answers Jeb--today, here. Well, says Ang, there's an old Irish saying--"may ye have all the luck ye need." Thank you, he says, not quite knowing how to take the fury in her eyes mixed with her pleasant tone.

Carriage house - Jeb enters to find Angelique waiting for him. I expected you sooner, she says, but don't feel bad--I spent the time repairing my nails--she shows him a pair of nail scissors. Tell me, she asks, casually cutting something from black construction paper, what do you know about me?  Not much, answers Jeb, except that you're very beautiful--and that you're Mrs. Sky Rumson. I know a great deal about you, she says--for instance, you should have been destroyed when the box was destroyed, when the cairn blew up, and the room burned--that should have been the end of you, too. How do you know about all that? demands Jeb. You have a tremendous will to live, she says--unfortunately, that's not enough against me, because I know too much. What do you know? he asks. For one thing, she says, still cutting, I know the way Peter Bradford was going to do away with you. But he didn't points out Jeb, and neither will you, because no one is going to lure me near water again. I don't need water or to lure you anywhere, she says--I have the means to destroy you right here in this room.

In her bedroom, Carolyn accepts a pin from Liz that belonged to her great-great-great-great-great grandmother. That should certainly make it old enough, chuckles Carolyn. And you can carry my hanky, says Liz, handing it to her. Thank you, says Carolyn, for all this--and for accepting Jeb. Liz looks away.  I realize you haven't really accepted him yet, says Carolyn, but you have given him a chance. Carolyn puts her hand over her mother's. We're all giving each other a chance, says Liz. But it's going to work, says Carolyn--I know it's going to work--no matter what fears you or Jeb have, I'm sure of that--I love him very much, and I'm very glad we're being married here. I had imagined you would have a big wedding, sighs Liz. It isn't exactly what I had in mind, either, concedes Carolyn, but it's the one I have and I will make the best of it--I have new stockings, now all I need is something blue. She opens her desk drawer to look.

I didn't ruin your marriage to Sky! Jeb angrily tells Angelique--your husband did that himself, by his own selfish greed--now stop talking about it, and stop threatening me with your powers, because I haven't got the time. No, she says, you have to go to Carolyn, don't you?--then go, and may this follow you wherever you go--until it consumes you.  She takes the construction paper figure she's been cutting out, which looks like a black ghost, and presses it over his heart.  Jeb takes it into his hands and examines it.  What is it? he asks, making a face at her--what is this thing? You'll find out in time, she assures him, you'll be seeing it again. When? he asks-- how? You'd better get dressed, she advises, taking the figure from his hands, you don't want to keep your bride waiting. You can't do anything to me, says Jeb defiantly. Can't I? asks Angelique--will you wonder if I can after you leave here?
--will you wonder when you hold Carolyn in your would be too cruel of me to let you wonder--I think I might as well tell you now, so that you'll know before you go away. She sits by the fire.  Come over here, Jeb--I will show you what's going to happen--or would you prefer to find out for yourself?  Jeb looks into the fire as ordered.  Tell me what you see, she says.  I see a bedroom, says Jeb.  We see the flames and the colorful disco ball, then Jeb, lying on a bed. It's me, asleep, says Jeb--it can't be!  It can be anything I want it to be, corrects Angelique. What's going to happen to me? asks Jeb.  You'll see, soon enough, promises Ang.  In the vision, Jeb awakens and spots a shadow on the wall, attacking him, enveloping him. He screams as it chokes him to death. Jeb draws away from the horrifying vision in the fire. "Have you seen enough, Jeb?" she asks, "or do you want to see more?" Jeb grabs the cutout from the table--"That shape was the same as this," he says, "only horrible and deadly." Ang smiles, then giggles. All right, says Jeb, I admit you have powers, you can make me run, scream and die in your visions, but you can't make it work. Oh yes I can, Ang assures him. No you can't, says Jeb--you can make me die, but only by water. "By drowning--the way you did at Widows' Hill so long ago?" asks Angelique--"Oh, no, I will prove to you, Jeb, that death waits for you around every corner, not just on Widows' Hill--and it will follow you wherever you go!"

Liz slips a blue sapphire bracelet around Carolyn's wrist--it makes you a traditional bride, she says. In a very small way, agrees Carolyn, who wears a simple pink dress (no white in her wardrobe?) That doesn't matter, says Liz, "Happy the bride..." "...the sun shines upon," finishes Carolyn, looking unhappy--"but the sun won't shine on me, will it, Mother, because Jeb can't wait--I'll be married at night--in darkness."  (very sad, wasn't it?)

Collinwood foyer - Jeb checks his reflection in the mirror. For those who have been waiting for him to wear different clothing, he's in a 70's leisure suit (shudder), white shirt and tie. He tells himself he looks good, fine, and everything will be fine. Then he sees Angelique's avenging shadow reflected in the mirror. It can't be! he cries--the world is full of shadows, all kinds, and none of them can hurt me!--there's no need to be afraid, no need!  He turns on a lamp; the shadow fades and disappears. Carolyn comes downstairs and asks, Jeb, what are you doing?  The bulb was burned out, he says, I was just seeing if it had been replaced.  Is that all? she asks, you looked so serious!  She hugs him--you're going to be a wonderful husband, she says, I can see that now (a man willing to change a lightbulb--does it get any better than this?)  They walk hand in hand into the drawing room. Liz answers the door to the minister--thank you for coming at our convenience, she says. Jeb looks at the wall and once again spies the shadow.  Carolyn has to call his name twice to get him to join her. The shadow dances a bit, then disappears.

NOTES: Yes, the shadow is a dumb, dumb special effect, I thought so back in 1970 and think so now. It would have made so much more sense for them to just go directly to Angelique taking revenge on Jeb, which makes sense, than to have her wrestling Peter Bradford for it--he never should have appeared in this storyline in the first place. IMHO.

Poor Philip, rest in peace. All you wanted to do was run a small-town antique store with your wife, perhaps crank out a few red-haired babies, and instead you ended up with the foster child from hell and your dream burned to the ground. A sad, undeserved ending for a man with simple desires.  Pity.

I always find I get a lump in my throat when Carolyn prepares for her rush-rush marriage to Jeb (are all the locals betting on the birth date of Carolyn's "premature" baby)? This gal should have had a BIG wedding, with all the trimmings, but Curtis preferred to spend the money on the awful special shadow effects instead of giving the Collins offspring a grand affair. A shame. At least put a white dress on the poor girl! And only Mama Liz as the witness/matron of honor?

Angelique was SUCH a bitch in this ep! Granted, she has every right to be pissed at Jeb (instead of the trumped up nonsense with Peter Bradford/Vicki), but it almost sounds like she wants to take equal revenge against an undeserving Carolyn--for daring to love and be happy when she herself couldn't!  This witch is cold!

969 - Drawing room - Jeb plants a wet, pre-wedding smooch on Carolyn, who notes how nervous he is. I've never been married before, he says, then hesitantly asks, "I haven't changed my mind--have you?"  I always imagined I'd have a very large wedding with bridesmaids and parties, she says, but now the only thing I want is to be married to you.  He grins and kisses her again. Liz enters and tells the smooching couple, Reverend Brand thinks we should begin--he has a vestry meeting later, so if you're ready. We're ready, Carolyn assures her mother.  Liz laments about how impromptu this all is. Carolyn takes her hands--it's the way we want it, she says. I know, says Liz, but...Reverend. Brand, stand by the fireplace.  He does. Jeb suddenly smacks himself in the forehead--I forgot the flowers! He goes into the foyer, picks up a bouquet lying on the table and hands it to Carolyn.  How lovely! she exclaims.  Jeb and Carolyn stand before the reverend.  Liz, looking as if she's going to cry, stands behind them. He begins the ceremony, "Dearly beloved, We are gathered here in the sight of God and the eyes of this company to join together this man and this woman..." The camera pans back for a long shot as we fade out...
Jeb slides a wedding band on Carolyn's hand and stares down at it.  "With the power invested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife," says Reverend Brand. (We're even cheated of seeing the entire ceremony, blast it!) Jeb and Carolyn kiss heartily.  Liz wipes a tear from the corner of her eye. The Reverend hugs Carolyn, wishing her the best, then shakes Jeb's hand. Carolyn hugs her mother, asking, wish me happiness. I do, says Liz, I wish both of you every happiness--Reverend, you must have a glass of champagne before you leave, we must toast the bride. Jeb volunteers to open the champagne. Carolyn rapturously observes, I don't feel a bit different, I expected to, I thought I'd feel like a different person with other worries, but then, I've always worried about Jeb, ever since I first met him. Jeb comes in and chuckles--and you still married me? And I'd do it all over again, she assures him, smiling. Jeb pours the bubbly into glasses.  How long are you going to be away? asks Liz--since you're going to be living in the carriage house, I want to make some changes. We haven't even discussed where we're going, says Carolyn. Far, far away, laughs Jeb. Really, where? asks Carolyn--it doesn't have to be a secret even from me. You married a very mysterious man, laughs Jeb. Are you going to be gone a week, 10 days--you really must tell me, insists Liz. Now that I'm your son in law, says Jeb, I might as well tell you we don't believe in timetables and plans--we're just going to get in that car and keep right on driving--and when we get there, we'll decide where we're going to go. Rev. Bland dubs Jeb "an unconventional young man." Very, agrees Jeb--and when we get uptight about being there, they'll just head home--simple as that. Rising his glass, Jeb says, I want to toast my bride--may we have much time together. Yes, agrees Carolyn, much time. Julia walks diffidently down the stairs.  Jeb greets her--come in, he says, join us, help us celebrate, offer us congratulations--we're married. Julia's eyes fly open in astonishment. Jeb presses his head against Carolyn's and says--it's a surprise, you never thought it would happen, did you? Stunned, not knowing what to say, Julia doesn't reply. Come in! urges Jeb, every celebration needs guests. Julia enters the drawing room, hugs Carolyn and wishes her happiness--Jeb, take care of your bride, then accepts a glass of champagne from Liz. "To my husband," toasts Carolyn, "may neither of us ever forget the way we feel as this moment."  Julia, you must be very surprised, says Liz.  I am, agrees Julia. Everyone sips their champagne. And you're probably not the only one, Doctor, remarks Jeb, I think there are going to be a great many other shocked faces around the estate tonight. He smiles and drinks his champagne, raising it to someone who isn't there.

Barnabas rises for the evening and begins to light the candles in the drawing room. Sky Rumson stands in the shadows. Mr. Collins, he says, I didn't mean to frighten you--do you know how much I hate you? Is that what you came here to tell me? asks Barnabas. I hate you for so many reasons, says Sky. Beginning with Angelique, says Barnabas. Where is she? demands Sky. I honestly don't know, says Barnabas.  She told you to tell me that, guesses Sky. "Angelique asks me nothing and tells me nothing," says Barnabas, "we are not friends."  "You're much closer than friends, you're enemies," says Sky, "and I know that neither of you can resist torturing each other--she's known you for a long time, she'll remember you long after she's forgotten me, I know that!--you've got to get me to her, because she's the only one who can help me." She would no more help you than she'd help me, Barnabas points out. She must, insists Sky--you must convince her, because you are responsible for what is happening to me. Nothing is happening to you, says Barn, Jeb destroyed the box, all of you are released. Not me, says Sky, I made my deal with a Mr. Strack, but that's not what I blame you for--what I blame you for is this--and he yanks away the scarf covering his throat and shows Barnabas' Megan's handiwork. Megan! cries Barnabas. Yes, says Sky.
Barnabas, ashamed, looks away.

Collinwood - Liz collects the champagne glasses on a tray. Jeb, I'm going upstairs to change, says Carolyn.  He hugs and kisses her and says, I wish we could go away right now. I promise not to be long, says Carolyn.  Liz exits the drawing room, too--Jeb, I'll hurry Carolyn as fast as I can. The ladies go upstairs. Jeb, alone in the drawing room, loosens his tie, exults, married--yes, married--no one stopped us, or came running in when the minister said if any man knows any reason this couple should not be united, speak now or forever hold their peace--even Angelique stayed away!...forget what she showed me, she was just trying to scare me, that paper on my forehead (it was on his chest, but who's quibbling?), mumbling those words--killed by a shadow, Nicholas says she has powers, I have none now, but nothing has happened, and nothing will. The shadow appears on the wall beside Jeb, growing, quivering. Jeb cries out and backs away, crying NO!
He closes the drawing room doors and leans against them on the foyer side, remembering that Angelique said that shadow would grow, kill him. CAROLYN! WE'VE GOT TO GET OUT OF HERE! screams Jeb.

Old House - We see Barnabas' portrait. Sky tells Barnabas, I am Megan's victim, as she was yours--what you did to her is not going to happen to me, vows Sky. Barnabas apologizes to him--I didn't know, he says.  You knew she had to find blood somewhere, accuses Sky. I did try to find her, says Barnabas. Not nearly as hard as I tried to find her, says Sky--suddenly hearing her voice in my mind, begging me to come to her, and me not able to stay away--I can't have it anymore, I won't! Barnabas drops his head in shame. Angelique can help me, says Sky, she has powers, more than anyone, and I need her help. I swear, says Barnabas, I don't know where she is--but there may be a better way--where is Megan's coffin? It was in the crypt (what crypt?), reveals Sky, but tonight she told me she hid it somewhere else. But where? asks Barn, you must tell me if I'm to help you. The east wing of Collinwood, says Sky, I don't know which room, but she won't be there until dawn, and you have to be back here at that time--I don't know how knowing where she is will help you. I have a friend who will help, explains Barnabas--if she summons you, go to her--we must find her! Julia comes in, surprised to see Sky. Barnabas tells the latter that, with your permission, I'll tell her everything. Sky nods. If you find Megan, says Barn, tell Julia tomorrow, she will know what to do. Sky turns to Julia and says, "So we're going to be on the same side at last, Dr. Hoffman--must I stay while you go through it, Mr. Collins?" Of course not, says Barnabas--tomorrow, go to Julia, she'll tell you what to do. Sky leaves. Julia tells Barnabas, I have no idea what this is all about, but before you tell me, I have something to tell you--"Jeb and Carolyn are married." Barnabas is clearly stunned.

7:55 - Collinwood - Jeb stands in the foyer, scared spitless.  Carolyn assures her mother, I'll call you as soon as we stop somewhere. "Oh, darling!" moan Liz, hugging her. Jeb puts on his coat, about the shadow--it won't follow us, it can't, we'll escape it, we've got to, nothing is going to ruin this, NOTHING! Liz keeps calling Jeb, who is so engrossed in his own thoughts, he doesn't respond. When he finally realizes his new mother-in-law is talking to him, bidding him goodbye, he apologizes, assuring Liz, everything is great, and is going to be. Jeb puts an arm around Carolyn, pulling her away from Liz, who wishes them a good trip. Liz closes the door after Jeb and Carolyn, looking absolutely miserable. She picks up a box from the table and says, forlornly, "The rice, we forgot to throw the rice."  She sets it back down on the table.

10:00 - Liz sits on the sofa in the drawing room. Barnabas and Julia enter.  Liz stands, asking, did Julia tell you?  Yes, Barnabas replies. I'm going to miss her so, says Liz, I suppose the best thing to do is to keep busy--I wanted them to live here, but Jeb insists on the carriage house. I'm sure that's very wise, says Julia. I want to go check to see what damage the fire did, says Liz. I'll go with you, volunteers Julia--now. Will you? asks Liz--might as well, I feel at such loose ends--I'll go get the key. She leaves the room. You're very clever, Julia, compliments Barnabas, this will give me the chance to search the east wing. I wasn't thinking of that at all, admits Julia--I was feeling sorry for Liz--Barnabas, Jeb can't change into his true form, can he?  No, Barnabas assures her, I'm sure of that--when he destroyed the box, he lost all of his powers. How is he still alive? queries Julia.  I don't know, says Barnabas. But the other form is real, says Julia, this form we see now is just a materialization--what will we do?  If I'd known before, says Barn, I'd have done everything I could to stop that marriage, but we must remember, he did save Carolyn, and must simply wait and watch for the slightest sign he is making her unhappy before we do anything.

I can do some things correctly, says Jeb, according to your mother's plan.  He carries Carolyn into their modest honeymoon suite (looks like the Collinsport Inn to me). She laughs, and they kiss with great fervor. Jeb looks carefully around the room.  What are you looking for? he asks. Nothing, he says. Ah, you're lying to me already, I can tell, she teases.  I have nothing to lie to you about, he assures her--here we are in a strange hotel room, nobody in the whole world knows where we are--no one can knock on the door, or call us--Carolyn, we've left the whole world behind, with all its sorrows! Yes, we have, agrees Carolyn--there's no one alive except you and me, and nothing can change that. Nothing, agrees Jeb, and they kiss again, passionately.

Collinwood drawing room - You're right, Julia, says Barnabas--you must offer to give Megan the injections. Even if we aren't sure we'll work? asks Julia. But they must work! insists Barnabas. Liz enters.  (what if she overheard them?)  I'm sorry I took so long, says Liz, but Mrs. Johnson was very upset--I should have persuaded Carolyn and Jeb to let her attend the ceremony; in fact I should have insisted, but Jeb was determined to keep it a secret. Don't get upset about it, Julia says kindly, it's over with and you did everything you could about it. It helps to know you and Barnabas think so, says Liz, comforted--are you ready? Yes, says Julia. I can't imagine what started that fire at the carriage house, says Liz--Jeb said it completely destroyed one room, and that was all--it's so odd--would you like to join us, Barnabas?  I'll just find a book, if I may, he says, and go on home. Wait if you want to, says Liz, we'll only be gone an hour. The ladies leave. The east wing, thinks Barnabas, I must find her coffin.

Carolyn and Jeb lie side by side in each other's arms in what one hopes is post-coital bliss. Jeb, wearing just the bottoms of pajamas, rises from bed (nice chest!) He turns on a light, which goes on before he hits the switch, glances around, and spots the shadow. OH NO! he cries, rushing to Carolyn, who awakens, confused. Mike R. Phone makes a prominent, lengthy appearance above their heads as insists, we have to go, now, I can't explain, just listen to me. Why? she asks sleepily. We've got to drive on, he insists--I'm sorry, we've got to go. All right, she agrees, perplexed, we will.

East Wing - Barnabas searches for Megan's coffin (cheeky of her to put her coffin in Collinwood), thinking there are so many places to hide, no one's been down these halls for years. He opens a pair of double doors and is startled to see a gorgeous room, vibrant with colors. He tries to enter but is unable to; a barrier prevents it. "Why?" he asks aloud. "I can't get in! Why?" He spots a black and white photo of Quentin and David sitting on a table, and the written on it is, "Your loving husband, Quentin." Liz enters.  Barnabas calls to her, but she doesn't respond. "Why can't you hear me?" demands Barnabas. Liz opens a closet and starts taking dresses out of it.
A woman who looks exactly like Julia, dressed in black, asks Liz, "What ARE you doing?" Julia! cries Barnabas in a hoarse whisper. I'm clearing out her clothes, says Liz. "You will not touch her clothes," orders Julia.  He will want the room open, insists Liz. Oh, will he? asks Julia sarcastically. "You know that," says Liz, "it will be THEIR room." It will not, says Julia--it is hers, it will always be hers. "SHE is dead," says Liz. Barnabas listens, entranced. "She will be back," says Julia defiantly, "no one else will ever live here, it will always be hers. "Don't say she'll be back," insists Liz in a scared whisper, scuttling over to the doors, "don't say she'll be back, what if the children hear!"  Liz closes the doors. Barnabas calls to Elizabeth, then Julia, rattling the locked door, wondering, what's happening to me?--they can't be in that room--but it wasn't my imagination. The doors fly open.  Barnabas enters the room, but this time, it's empty, no light or furniture. But it wasn't a dream, he tells himself--what was it?  Puzzles, he leaves the room.

Liz and Julia return to Collinwood.  I'll get the workmen started on the carriage house tomorrow, says Liz--so much to be done. Barnabas stands on the stairs, flashlight in hand. He sees them come in and says their names. I had forgotten how shabby the carriage house is, says Liz--Julia, I have some marvelous chintz samples in the study.  She leaves to get them.  "You were at the carriage house, Julia?" asks Barnabas.  Yes, she replies.  "You were no place else?" Barnabas asks. No, says Julia--did you find Megan's hiding place? No, says Barnabas, but I have found something else--I don't know what to say--Julia, it sounds insane, but I just saw you and Elizabeth--in a room in the east wing! They stare at each other.

NOTES: This is our first glimpse of 1970 parallel time, a sometimes fascinating storyline that is filled with bright colors and beautiful sets. It has its drawbacks, too, but I don't want to go into them here. The cast was making HOUSE OF DARK SHADOWS during this time, and most of our beloved main characters are gone for eons, especially at one ep per day, which is all we saw in 1970!  Two eps per day makes the waiting less lengthy and excruciating.

Believe me, seeing Jeb and Carolyn twined together in bed is about as risque as DS ever gets! He's wearing the bottom of the PJ's and it appears that she's wearing the top. Although it's highly doubtful that Carolyn was a virgin before (she and Buzz must have smoked a little pot and gotten it on off-camera, and who could resist the sweet charms of Joe Haskell?), we can safely assume she isn't one now. No surprise that Carolyn had a small wedding, but couldn't we have at least heard the entire ceremony? This is Carolyn Stoddard, one of the mainest of main characters, it seems just plain wrong to treat her wedding with this little pomp. I know what the plotline said, but come on! I did love Carolyn and Jeb's euphoria after the ceremony, it was very true and real, and Liz' sadness was palpable. She doesn't really think Carolyn got the best possible guy, but she knows her daughter loves him, so what can a mother do? Decorate the little house where the newlyweds will be living (if Jeb ever decides to come back at all).

Felt the teeniest bit sorry for Sky in his predicament with Megan, but even more so for Barnabas, who was so ashamed and sad at what had happened to Sky. Blood sucker Barnabas may be, but eternally, he has a soul.

We had seven speaking characters in this episode, one more than usual.  Way to spring for the big bucks, Dan!

Love, Robin