General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '05 II => Topic started by: michael c on December 08, 2005, 01:50:33 AM

Title: nancy's neck
Post by: michael c on December 08, 2005, 01:50:33 AM
during the 1897 storyline barnabas makes quite a feast of charity trask.something about this gave me deja-vu.

more than any of the other actresses on the show barnabas seemed to have a real taste for the nancy barrett characters.
carolyn.millicent.charity.1970pt carolyn.i wonder why?

i haven't seen the show all the way through but after the early maggie evans stuff i can't recall him ever biting any of kathryn leigh scott's other characters.was this guilt for the way josette suffered?since barnabas and whatever character nancy was playing at the time were often "related" doesn't this make his taking of her blood to be rather disturbing and a touch incestuous?

did he ever bite lara parker?joan bennett?grayson hall?

i wonder what it was about nancy barrett that made the writers think that her characters were so suitable for consumption? [spam1]
Title: Re: nancy's neck
Post by: stefan on December 08, 2005, 03:31:31 AM
As good as Nancy B. is I was under the impression she played the second tier chracters and ingenues and was thus vampire expendable. Also, noting that she really was too young and small for Frid and that there wasn't any romantic chemistry between the two they used her to convey "dangerous Barnabas". I mean, after all, he was a vampire and had to bite someone. If it wasn't Juia or Vickie or Maggie or Elizabeth Stoddard, what leading lady was he going to bite?
Title: Re: nancy's neck
Post by: victoriawinters on December 08, 2005, 07:08:55 AM

did he ever bite lara parker?

No, but she bit him.

I disagree on the sex chemistry between Barnabas and any Nancy B. characters.  The scene with Charity in basically her black lace nighty saying she wanted to be with him forever is just about x-rated.  She also cooed a great deal as bitten Carolyn and was his all too willing victim.  Even Tony Petersen thought there was something naughty going on between them.

P.S. I see my loca smilies are back. [santa_cheesy][a_xmas]
Title: Re: nancy's neck
Post by: stefan on December 08, 2005, 03:17:14 PM
I disagree on the sex chemistry between Barnabas and any Nancy B. characters.  The scene with Charity in basically her black lace nighty saying she wanted to be with him forever is just about x-rated.  She also cooed a great deal as bitten Carolyn and was his all too willing victim.  Even Tony Petersen thought there was something naughty going on between them

I didn't see the Charity scene but I do remember Tony Peterson watching the bite thing between Caroly and Barnie. Barnabas was very dismissive of Peterson's assertion that Carolyn and Barnabas were having an affair. There's no reason for me to believe Barnabas cared for Carolyn or any of the Nancy B. characters in a romantic sense as in Josette or Vickie but Nancy B. was one of the few ingenue/women I saw who sometimes behaved in a frankly sexual manner or had a sexual way about them. Maybe the writing team capitalized on that ability. There was also something shocking and a bit lewd about this darkly musky man and this small blond petite female having "that" kind of relationship.  [ChristmaS15]
Title: Re: nancy's neck
Post by: BuzzH on December 08, 2005, 03:48:46 PM
more than any of the other actresses on the show barnabas seemed to have a real taste for the nancy barrett characters.
carolyn.millicent.charity.1970pt carolyn.i wonder why?

He also bit her in HODS.
Title: Re: nancy's neck
Post by: Gothick on December 08, 2005, 09:02:21 PM
In one of the most shocking scenes in all DS, [spoiler]an enraged Barnabas bites Countess Nathalie du Pres to force her to submit to his scheme for Josette. This happened in the THIRD visit to 1795/96/97 after the end of the 1897 storyline.  Barn also attempted to bite Dr. Julia Hoffman in 1840, but circumstances helped keep the bite from actually happening.

As for Joan Bennett, she was the victim of Vampire Dirk (played by Roger Davis) in an equally shocking sequence in 1897.  Although publicity stills showed Liz discovering Barn in or by his coffin, the scene was never enacted in the series.[/spoiler]

Title: Re: nancy's neck
Post by: Sandor on December 09, 2005, 06:24:53 AM
And leave us not forget, Gothick old friend, that Tim Shaw was also victimized by Vampire Dirk in the 1897 storyline, though the bite was implied and done off-camera (we just heard Briscoe's screams). Is there some sort of "who bit who" index for DS fans? Would be fun to see an entire list, but Nancy Barrett's characters would definitely be front and center on said list.
Title: Re: nancy's neck
Post by: stefan on December 09, 2005, 04:29:08 PM
In one of the most shocking scenes in all DS

I won't give away the scene as it's a spoiler (it's hard working around the spoiler issue sometimes) but it was a great Frid moment and that scene and the scene before it really demonstrated Frid's ability to weave his way through all sorts of emotions and actions without loosing the audiences sympathy. Note that just 15 minutes before "it" happened Barnabas was his most haunted and tormented self, befuddled and shocked at the events happening to him.  Apparently he and the Countess had formed a union in helping save Josette yet almost within a blink of an eye Barnabas turns deftly sinister when she refuses to help him again.  A great DS moment and expertly acted by both Frid and Hall.
Title: Re: nancy's neck
Post by: BuzzH on December 09, 2005, 05:05:13 PM
In one of the most shocking scenes in all DS

I won't give away the scene as it's a spoiler (it's hard working around the spoiler issue sometimes)

All you have to do before typing something that's a spoiler is surround the text w/these tags--
Code: [Select]
[spoiler][/spoiler] in that order.  That way anyone who WANTS to see the spoiler can simply highlight the white box these codes produce, and those that don't can NOT highlight the box.  ;)

PS, just in case I've created a white box by typing the code, LOL, here's again how to white out a spoiler, type the word "spoiler" inside brackets [], at the beginning of the text, then after the text type the word spoiler again, but put a / in front of the word and again, put it inside brackets [].
Title: Re: nancy's neck
Post by: Midnite on December 09, 2005, 05:52:55 PM
Quote from: BuzzH
just in case I've created a white box by typing the code, LOL

Yep, lol, but now the spoiler tags in your post are inside code tags.  Code tags allow other tags typed between them (for the purpose of demonstration) to show up.  You can bring up the code tags by clicking the grey box containing the pound sign (#), and you can see see them in use in the reply above by quoting it.  And thank you for helping out!  It's much appreciated.   [santa_thumb]
Title: Re: nancy's neck
Post by: MagnusTrask on December 09, 2005, 11:07:01 PM
Re BC and Carolyn and "incest":  A vampire biting is not a sexual act.  It just looks a little like necking so it's often seen that way.    Women will swoon a bit as part of the victim's attachment, but that has more to do with the attachment being filtered through the fact that they're women, or men if the V is Roxanne or Megan or somebody.    (And factor gays into this if you want, you can do that yourselves.)

No one got concerned about BC and Willie or Dirk Wilkins. 
Title: Re: nancy's neck
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on December 10, 2005, 01:01:50 AM
No one got concerned about BC and Willie or Dirk Wilkins.

The ABC Standards & Practices department sure did, which is why all the male-on-male attacks took place off camera or were merely implied. You should see some the memos S&P drafted.  [santa_shocked]
Title: Re: nancy's neck
Post by: Misa on December 10, 2005, 10:48:08 PM
As far as incest goes, I don't think that Barnabas and Carolyn are closely related. He was born in the 1700s; She is the descendant of a cousin of his, and the way they spoke of Millicent and Daniel in the 1795 story, it didn't seem that they were that closely related either. They were probably 2nd or 3rd cousins twice removed. Now, if you look at their relationship as being what Barnabas said it was, he is a cousin from England; a descendant of the original Barnabas Collins, they are very distantly related. Someone should do a family tree of this supposed cousin from England just to show how distant the relationship is; remember, Joshua wanted his brother Jeremiah to marry cousin Millicent. I seem to recall that the characters implied, or maybe they even said that Millicent wasn't a first cousin. I know that it wasn't frowned upon to marry first cousins even in the Victorian age, and this was even further back than that. I'm not sure when people figured out that you probably shouldn't  marryyour first cousin, or when the law started to prohibit the practice.

Title: Re: nancy's neck
Post by: MagnusTrask on December 11, 2005, 07:01:33 AM
There's another reason it wasn't incestuous... they never had sex.   I know, I'm belaboring this and I'll stop.
Title: Re: nancy's neck
Post by: BuzzH on December 12, 2005, 04:21:28 PM
Re BC and Carolyn and "incest":  A vampire biting is not a sexual act.

I don't pretend to know anything about vampire lore, but Lara Parker has said for years that the bite *is* supposed to be a sexual act.  Not saying I agree or anything, but I guess some ppl consider it sex.  This of course doesn't mean that Bill Clinton would consider it a sex act, LOL!  ;)
Title: Re: nancy's neck
Post by: BuzzH on December 12, 2005, 04:25:30 PM
I seem to recall that the characters implied, or maybe they even said that Millicent wasn't a first cousin. I know that it wasn't frowned upon to marry first cousins even in the Victorian age, and this was even further back than that. I'm not sure when people figured out that you probably shouldn't  marryyour first cousin, or when the law started to prohibit the practice.

I'm not sure if Millicent and Daniel were 1st, 2nd or even 3rd cousins.  I *do* recall a present day episode, possibly pre-1795, where Julia tells someone (Dave Woodard perhaps?) that she at least considered the entire Collins clan to be rather "imbred", LOL!  ;)
Title: Re: nancy's neck
Post by: Raineypark on December 12, 2005, 05:15:08 PM
  A vampire biting is not a sexual act.

I respectfully disagree, Magnus.  No, it is not THE sex act......  but read a few descriptions of the "kiss of the vampire" in "Dracula" and then tell me that Bram wasn't writing about sex. [wink2]
Title: Re: nancy's neck
Post by: Misa on December 13, 2005, 03:27:44 AM
Yes, I agree there is a bit of inbreeding going on in the Collins family. What with Laura being Jamison's mother, then marrying her grandson, Roger. No wonder so many of them look alike!

Misa [santa_thumb]
Title: Re: nancy's neck
Post by: BuzzH on December 13, 2005, 03:52:22 PM
No wonder so many of them look alike!

True!  I'm surprised none of them had horns!   [santa_evil]