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Messages - Bob_the_Bartender

“Well, I’ll tell you, Mr. Devlin, if you didn’t have a full head of hair on the top of your head like me, I’ll bet that you would also wear a hat while sitting inside of the Blue Whale too!”

“Really, Liz.  What do the common folk do?”

Minding Your Own Business Is  Highly Overrated

Uncle Roger,

That sounds like a book which Hyacinthe Bucket (pronounced “Bouquet”) would especially enjoy reading.



This discussion of the exact number of the Collins family “jewels,” reminds me of a World War II gag song, sung to the music of the theme song from the film, The Bridge on the River Kwai,” which goes:

“Hitler has only got one b@ll,

Goering has two, but very small.

Himler — is very similar,

And, Goebbels has no b@lls, at all!”


How about the advertising slogan for Dr. Hoffman’s favorite brand of cigarettes:

L.S.M.F.T. = “Lucky Strike Means Fine Tobacco!”?

PS I heard that David Henesy used to sneak a few drags of cigarettes, along with his fellow child actors, on the DS set.  What would the Rev. Trask have said about such mischievous behavior?

Yes, Gerard, I remember all of those cigarette ads on tv, like on all of the televised baseball and football games.

By the way, who was the biggest “nicotine freak” on DS: Burke Devlin, Sarah Johnson or Dr. Julia “Lucky Strike” Hoffman?

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #1244
« on: August 25, 2019, 10:43:58 PM »
It looks like an early American representation of the British expression about a person being “toffee-nosed” or stuck-up.

Maybe they meant to celebrate the 53rd hexagram of the I Ching, the hexagram of cheap ripoffs?  [ghost_rolleyes]

the theme song of the game show, “Password,”

Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / Re: Sy Tomashoff 1922 - 2019
« on: August 02, 2019, 11:30:42 PM »
We lose another member of the Greatest Generation.

Requiem aeternam, Mr. Tomashoff.

Uncle Roger,

As Charles Delaware Tate once observed, “It’s no fun getting old.”


God bless Denise, Jasmine and Josh.  I hear you, Patti; it’s terrible to lose your mom and Denise is still so very young.

Amen, Gerard.


We all hope and pray that Denise recovers completely and that we see her at a future Dark Shadows event with her wonderful family.


I'll bet that Barnabas and Dr. Hoffman enjoyed catching The Godfather at the Collinsport Cinema.

PS Paul Michael (King Johnny) as Don Barzini.