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Messages - Bob_the_Bartender

Current Talk '02 II / RaineyparkRe: Tom Jennings: No Frills Vampire
« on: July 18, 2002, 07:10:18 PM »

Gregory Peck to David Niven in the "Guns Of Navarone,":  "You'!!!"

Bob the Bartender, who fell in love with Audrey Hepburn in her great flick, "Roman Holiday," with that great actor, Gregory Peck a/k/a/ "Mr. Excitement!"

Current Talk '02 II / Is Jeff Still Shacking Up At The Evans Cottage?
« on: July 18, 2002, 07:01:39 PM »
Hey gang,

Just wondering, but do you think that by now, Jeff has made other sleeping arrangements for himself?  It seemed strange enough when old Sam Evans was still alive and with us, but it really seems awkward for Jeff to be staying under the same roof with Maggie now that her dad is no longer there.

And, just what does Jeff's fiancee (and future old lady) Vicky have to say about it?  Of course, Maggie's "fiance," Joe Haskell, has other "things" to occupy his mind now, so he's pretty much out of the picture.  

Nevertheless, I can just imagine how that coxcombical Captain Von Trapp, Nicholas Blair, must feel about the younger and (dare I say, better looking) Jeff Clark hanging around the Evans cottage.  It's got to be cramping Nicky B.'s style.  ("Hey, Jeff, don't let the door hit you in the keester on your way out," Nicholas must be saying.)


Bob the Bartender, who reminds you that two's company and three's a crowd.  (Unless, of course, you happen to be in the City of Lights!)

Current Talk '02 II / Tom Jennings: No Frills Vampire
« on: July 18, 2002, 06:41:54 PM »
Dear Fellow Dark Shadows Fans,

We've all probably noticed how sartorially splendid the vampiric Barnabas Collins looks in all of those snazzy suits and that cool Inverness coat of his.  Of course, Angelique, the lady vampire,  has also been quite the vision of loveliness in her stylish dresses and perfectly coiffed blonde hair.

And, then along comes good, old Tom Jennings, former local handyman, current drab, dismally-attired vampire.  I mean, have you checked out that depressing, Larry Talbotlike brown shirt that he's wearing?  And, what, not even a sports coat for the 24-year-old bloodsucker?

If Barnabas and Angelique are the Brooks Brothers and Neiman Marcus of vampirism, respectively, then good, old Tom Jennings has got to be either the Habands or Cost Cutters of creatures of the night.

While Barnabas and Angelique both have finely carved caskets, old Tom has a casket (which, you will soon see) that looks as if he picked it up on sale at the local Home Depot.

By the way, is it me, or does Tom Jennings "speak" in a rather slow and ponderous manner when he telepathically communicates with Julia?  "Julia,,....Julia."  Tom kind of reminds me of former Vice President Al Gore.  " ....president."


Bob the Bartender, former clothing consultant to Yanos Skorzeny

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Julia Hoffman, M.D.: Unpublished Author
« on: July 18, 2002, 01:03:09 AM »
Hey gang,

These are some especially inspired literary works for the good Dr. Hoffman to comtemplate writing.  I particularly enjoyed: "Men Are From 1795;Women Are From 1967," "Dude, Where's My Coffin," and, of course, Connie's extremely kind and glowing words of praise for Julia's "All the Men Who Want Me."

By the way, Connie, I find it fascinating that you're affiliated with the Selby Institute For Tantric Awareness.  Tantric Awareness, is that possibly like the ancient concept of "Tantric Sex"?

I understand that the normally reserved Roger Collins still laments the fact that he and his former wife, Cassandra Blair-Bouchard, never had the occasion/opportunity to engage in some wild, uninhibited "tantric sex."  And, as far as Dr. Lang's "super" man-made creation, Adam,  is concerned, well, we can only imagine how enthusiastically the big guy would have thrown himself into some "tantric sex" during some romantic, rainy afternoon in his West Wing room.


Bob the Bartender, card-carrying member of the Legion of Decency.

PS The SpellCheck feature does not recognize the word "tantric."  Perhaps, "tantric" shoud now be added to the dictionary.

Current Talk '02 II / Julia Hoffman, M.D.: Unpublished Author
« on: July 17, 2002, 06:29:32 PM »
Dear Fellow Dark Shadows Fans,

I found it very interesting how Julia explained to the extremely inquisitive Jeff Clark, how she and Barnabas were collaborating on a book on Dr. Eric Lang.  Hey, did Julia ever publish her "History Of The Collins Family" book, which she labored on for so long?

Perhaps she and Barnabas intend on entitling this new book, "And 'God' Created Adam: The Remarkable Life And Times Of Dr. Eric Lang"?  

No doubt, the estimable Dr. Hoffman has other tomes in mind, titles such as "The Three Face Of Maggie Evans" and "Presumed Guilty: The Incredible Life Story Of Willie Loomis."  Maybe Mark Rainey can offer some tips to the good Dr. Hoffman on how she might interest a publisher in her eclectic array of non-fiction works?

Can you think of any other books/novels the prolific Dr. Julia Hoffman might want to put to paper?


Bob the Bartender, an enthusiastic member of the Kelly Ripa Book club.  

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Nicolas Blair
« on: July 17, 2002, 04:40:41 PM »
Dear Raineypark,

I'm glad that I was able to be of assistance with your nettlesome loss of sleep problem.  Heck, I'm known to be better than Ambien in putting people to sleep!  

You know, I've always wondered how Julia (among other DS characters) can get a full, restful night's sleep after sitting/sleeping in that uncomfortable looking wingback chair in the Old House drawing room.  I'm surprised that she doesn't need an adjustment from Collinsport only chiropractor, Dr. Sammy Subluxation, the next morning!

By the way, try thinking  of Nicholas Blair singing "Adelwies" to Maggie Evans as they dine at the Blue Whale Tavern.

Dear Scout75,

I'm glad that you broached the compelling question of Nicholas Blair's hair.  Do you remember the great Dick Tracy comic strip and cartoon show?  Well, the late, great cartoonist (and Dick Tracy creator), Chester Gould, had an arch villain named "Flat Top" in the comic strip.  He looked remarkably just like Nicholas Blair, same flat, Kansas wheat field look on the top of his dome.

I have to wonder if Nicholas took a hot steam iron and literally flattened the follicles on the top of his head.  I don't want to say that Nicky B.'s coiffure is too stiff looking, but I have to believe that the Royal Navy could safely land and take-off one of its VTOL's, Vertical Take-Off and Landing air craft on top of Mr. Blair's noggin!


Bob the Bartender, who finds serenity in whistling "How Do You Solve A Mystery Like Maria Conchita Alonso" during the day.

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: VAM & THE GUYS
« on: July 17, 2002, 02:56:15 AM »
Dear VAM,

You have some wonderful shots of the Dark Shadows actors.  Mr. Patrick, with that sharp moustache, looks very distinguished.  

I wonder if the esteemed Mr. Patrick regaled you and the audience with some of his wonderfully wicked limericks?  I once heard one, in which he began with the line: "There was a young lad named Willie (Loomis)...," which goes on to relate ol' Willies's "encounter" with a sheep.  But, I don't think that I should deliver the randy limerick's punchline.  (I might embarrass Ringo!)


Bob the Bartender, who definitely prefers the good, clean humor of Mr. Bill Cosby to the vulgar, crass humor of Robert Schimmel.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Nicolas Blair
« on: July 17, 2002, 02:26:19 AM »
Hey gang,

Have you noticed that when Nicholas Blair smiles (or, as I like to describe him as, an oleaginous fop), that he shows both his upper and lower sets of teeth?

I haven't seen such a (as Eddie Murphy would describe it) big-"fanny" smile since I saw Wally-Gator in those wonderful Hanna-Barbera cartoons of the1960's.

You know, with that sporty hat and those seemingly omnipresent gray gloves, Nicholas sort of also looks like a preening, narcissistic Captain Von Trapp.

Somehow, I just can't see the pretentious Nicholas, hanging out at the Blue Whale, downing a few brewskies with  Bob Rooney and Sheriff Paterson.


Bob the Bartender, beer lover and regular guy

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Just What the Heck Is Jeff's Job?
« on: July 12, 2002, 04:08:21 AM »

I wonder if the late, great "Splendid Splinter's" apparently wacky son is somehow related to the late, unlamented Dr. Eric Lang?

You know, when I first heard about this cockamamie plan of taking the head (or some other body part) from this truly great American hero and freezing it ala Walt Disney and/or Michael Jackson, I was dumbfounded!  Maybe the truth is stranger than fiction.

Maybe the Dark Shadows people can cryogenically preserve some of its notable heads, such as "Buzz" Hackett, Magda Racosi, Judge Crathorne, and, last, but not least, the irrepressible Jeff Clark!

Bob the Bartender, who always considers Judah Zachary
as being a "heads-up" kind of guy!

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Change of Season at Collinwood
« on: July 12, 2002, 03:47:31 AM »
Hey gang,

The technical crew on Dark Shadows probably had enough difficulty in placing all of that phony green-colored grass carpet on the "grounds" of Collinwood.  (I just love the way that Maggie, Vicky, Jeff, Adam, etc. always find a way to accidentally pull the grass/carpet up off of the ground/floor with their feet.)

Can you imagine how incredibly phony if they had put down that white-colored snow carpet that our parents used to put around the base of the Christmas tree?

And, speaking of the festive observation of the birth of the baby Jesus, I think that the acid-tongued Roger would readily quote his favorite fictional character and say:

                           "Bah Humbug!!!"

Bob the Bartender, whose favorite holiday is St. Patrick's Day, where the Irish proudly march up Fifth Avenue and then proceed to "up-chuck" as they march back down Third Avenue.  (I should know, I've been there, done that!)

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Just What the Heck Is Jeff's Job?
« on: July 11, 2002, 06:53:03 AM »
Dear Connie,

Do you think that Willie Loomis might be a distant "American cousin" of Hyacinth's "beloved" brother-in-law, Onslow?  By the way, I would love to find out the maiden name of Hyacinth, Daisy, Rose and Violet.  Maybe it's Crabtree, or, more likely Crabgrass!


Bob the Bartender, who wonders if Hyacinth's unrequited admirer, "The Major," would be hot for Mrs. Johnson?  

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: Who are you?
« on: July 11, 2002, 06:42:51 AM »

My God!  They still have the ACT's?  Man, I thought that they went the way of the Volkswagen Beetle and Look Magazine.

As I recall, colleges and universities in the Midwestern portion of the US utilized the ACT rather than the SAT, which was used by East coast and West coast schools.

I wonder how Carolyn, Willie and especially Buzz Hackett would do on either of those exams?  (I guess we all know that the cerebral Vicky and the "super genius," Adam, would have aced out on either exam.)


Bob the Bartender, a fellow who made Stanley Kaplan just a bit richer.

Current Talk '02 II / Just Asking?
« on: July 10, 2002, 08:51:55 PM »
Dear Fellow Dark Shadows Fans,

Do you think that Barnabas despises Vicky's fiance, Jeff Clark, more than Willie loathes Maggie's fiance, Joe Haskell, or vice versa?


Bob the Bartender, who will soon start loathing a certain, oleaginous fop.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Just What the Heck Is Jeff's Job?
« on: July 10, 2002, 08:45:24 PM »
Dear Scout75,

Well, on behalf of my sex, you must know how we men are, generally, such fools for love.  We don't always act in a mature, cooly dispassionate, reasoned manner.

Just look at the actions of the late Prince of Wales, Frank Gifford or Quentin Collins for that matter!


Bob the Bartender, who wishes that we could all act as rationally as Joshua Collins or Mrs. Hyacinth Bucket's (pronounced "Bouquet") role model, Mrs. Councilor-Nugent

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Just What the Heck Is Jeff's Job?
« on: July 10, 2002, 08:10:04 PM »
Hey gang,

I have to say that you've all offered some wonderful ideas for Mr. Clark's vocation/avocation.

I have to wonder what Jeff lists as his last previous job when he fills out an employment application.  Maybe when Jeff, who last worked as an assistant for the remarkable Dr. Eric Lang, ponders what to write down, and..., euphemistically lists his last job the way Vito Corleone once described Americo Bonasera's profession: "Corpse Valet"!


Bob the Bartender, who urges you guys to always wear a white buttoned-down shirt with a rep tie and blue navy suit for that all-important first interview!  (Ladies should wear a similarly styled Evan Piconne suit, minus the tie, of course!)