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Discuss - Ep #0978
« on: September 18, 2015, 01:56:07 PM »
Robservations #978

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0978

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0978
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2015, 03:05:09 PM »
HAA VO.  Ang and Blair.  He tries to impress her by saying he still has one follower, Rumson.  He can say anything with a straight face, if he needs to!  Nick hasn't heard about Sky's betrayal, Bruno being dead, and he scampered back to Nicholas I guess. 

Chris tries to get Julia regarding Sabrina's bites, gets Quentin instead.  Jeb comes to Barnabas for help with shadow, Q walks in!   Barnabas and Q have a well done, memorable talk where Barnabas says about Sabrina that he can't control himself, leaving Q just sort of hanging there... and Quentin says in desperation, "Barnabas, you can't just kill Sabrina!!"  This is a great "real" scene that you could only get on a supernatural soap, that stays with characters through all these convolutions of circumstance.  Q then realizes he gets it, that Barnabas can't help it, but he's trying.  A very unusual mood/attitude is required for a scene like this, and D Selby does it well.

Quentin is shown the Room, with as-yet-unidentified [spoiler]Cyrus Longworth[/spoiler] and Chris (in the credits yet as a Collins?).  It seems strange that Chris ends up in the Room, two days in as row. 

Chris is still trying to reach Julia, but can't, because she actually went to work!  Ang instructs Jeb on shadowing Blair.  We find out Nick's powers are less now, and therefore Angelique can get away with taunting him.  I was wondering about that.  He also needed to be reduced as a threat, since DS has to have him defeated soon. 
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0978
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2015, 04:46:40 PM »
Welcome back, HAA! Even now that he's down and out, Nicholas is still pretty formidable.

Chris has suddenly changed to a dark turtleneck. Does Sabrina know that Julia is treating Barnabas? Or does she just want to keep it in the Collins family? Chris phones Collinwood but gets Quentin instead of Julia.

Jeb has changed from the green sweater of true love to the blue sweater of heroism. Fully aware of what he did to Barnabas, now he pleads with Barnabas to help him, for Carolyn's sake.

Great scene with Nicholas and Angelique: Nicholas has apparently made Bruno's cottage his new headquarters and has invited Angelique to visit him. She is looking especially attractive tonight in a black sleeveless dress with plunging neckline and a big gold buckle, her pale blond hair piled up on her head. You look charming, he tells her. Black seemed appropriate, she replies, since you’re in mourning for Bruno, Megan, Philip, and all the others. I wonder how your master is likely to receive news of yet another failure, she observes tauntingly. He thoughtfully reminds her, I still have one faithful follower left--your husband, Sky. The faint smile on Angelique’s face is replaced by cold anger. I intend to regroup and make new plans, Nicholas announces, then adds, I never thanked you for your help with Jeb. You always know the perfect revenge, even as far back as Barnabas Collins. Angelique is displeased at the mention of Barnabas, let alone the idea that she inadvertently helped Nicholas. Nicholas sees her reaction. You’ve fallen right back into your own old pattern of obsession with Barnabas, he sneers. Men do the same, even you, she retorts. Aren't you about to be recommitted to the underworld unless you think up some new monstrous scheme to amuse your Master? You won’t be able to betray me this time, he snaps. You aren’t in good standing yourself. I have all my powers, Angelique replies, and I’m using them well--the shadow should prove that. You’re right back where you were two hundred years ago, Nicholas says derisively--loving Barnabas Collins. Angelique doesn’t rise to the bait, but Nicholas notes with pleasure the hatred in her eyes. I’m not finished yet, he tells her. You should save her condolences for those who will need them far more than I.

Quentin arrives at the cottage and tries to get information without seeming to be getting information. He should know better than to ask Chris if Sabrina told him anything--she can't betray Barnabas. Quentin tells him to stay with Sabrina and keep trying to get Julia. He'll take care of contacting the police (not!). As he hurries out the door, he says, As long as you’re with Sabrina, what happened to her won’t happen again.

Jeb and Barnabas's conversation segues into the wonderful scene with Barn and Quentin: At the Old House, Jeb tells Barnabas desperately, I know I don’t have much time left, but I love Carolyn and she loves me. Please, go to Angelique. Angelique does not give favors, Barnabas answers repressively. Jeb is in the middle of pleading again when Quentin bursts in, shouting for Barnabas. The shout dies on his lips when he notices Jeb and his expression goes completely cold. Hello, Quentin, Jeb says almost in a whisper. Obviously you know each other, Barnabas says politely. Slightly, yes, Quentin says with vast understatement, but his urgency overrides any grudges for the moment. Barnabas tells Jeb, Please excuse us. I will see Angelique tonight. Go back to Collinwood--I’ll see you there later. [As Barnabas dismisses Jeb, smoke envelops the room--some stagehand having a cigarette?] Jeb thanks him earnestly and leaves. Quentin comments sarcastically on Barnabas’s choice of new friends, and Barnabas explains that Angelique put a curse on Jeb. Oh, good, Quentin says. He is going to die, Barnabas says. And he dared come here after what he has done? Quentin asks, not bothering to hide his anger and disgust. As Barnabas relights the candles, Quentin tells him sternly, I’ve just seen Sabrina. Barnabas isn’t even surprised. I didn’t want to do that to her, he protests. You betrayed Chris! Quentin says. Barnabas answers, Please don’t make me hate myself any more than I already do. I don’t care how you feel, Quentin answers harshly. Barnabas tells him, Sabrina came of her own accord, and I couldn’t stop myself. I want you to promise that you’ll control yourself! Quentin demands. Yesterday I might have promised you, Barnabas says. Julia’s injections have failed, and I’m worse than ever before. If I had a gun with silver bullets, I would give them to you and force you to use them on me. You can’t kill Sabrina! Quentin says. Barnabas turns away in shame, and Quentin finally relents: Hey, I'm sorry. You know, I understand what it's like to be under the power of some force. I don't think I will ever forget dreading those nights when the moon was about to be full. You’re right, Barnabas acknowledges. Please stay till dawn. Quentin agrees. Jeb needs our help, Barnabas adds. The last thing Quentin wants to do is help Jeb. He saved Carolyn, Barnabas reminds him. All right, Quentin agrees--for Carolyn's sake. Barnabas says, I want you to stay in the room when I talk to Angelique so that the scene doesn't degenerate into a quarrel. Quentin laughs wryly: I never thought I would end up helping Jeb Hawkes. Barnabas thanks him, then in a tone of command calls to Angelique to come to him.

Chris still can't reach Julia and wants to call another doctor. But Sabrina insists it has to be Julia, because she's "a friend." Chris begs her, Please, if you love me, tell me what happened tonight.

Angelique never refuses a summons from Barnabas. She is amused that Barnabas is asking her to help Carolyn and not himself, but she wants to know why. You liked Carolyn at Little Windward Island, Barnabas reminds her. I did, Angelique replies, but why should Carolyn have love? When you don’t? Quentin asks, and Barnabas reminds her that Nicholas, not Jeb, is ultimately responsible for her husband's enslavement to the Leviathans. Seeing Angelique grow thoughtful, Barnabas presses his point and tells her, You owe Jeb an apology. If he hadn’t told you about Sky, you might not have known the truth until it was too late. Angelique agrees to see Jeb. Help him, Barnabas says. I will see him here--and alone, Angelique tells him. What happens depends on him. Bring him here.

Partly to keep out of Angelique and Jeb’s way and partly to distract himself, Barnabas takes Quentin to the East Wing. I could have been having a drink, Quentin grumbles. Ignoring his complaint, Barnabas tells him, with an anticipatory smile, to open the doors. Quentin does, and is amazed to see the brightly lit, well-furnished room. Someone is living here! he exclaims. Barnabas points out the photo of Quentin and Daniel. Like Barnabas, Quentin tries to get into the room but is stopped by the invisible barrier. Rather pleased at Quentin’s surprise, Barnabas tells him to wait and watch. They are soon rewarded when a tall, weedy type (Jeb Hawkes’s opposite number, named Cyrus Longworth in parallel time) in a dark blue suit and square granny glasses wanders in. Jeb is at the Old House, Quentin reminds Barnabas, but then he realizes that this man can’t see or hear them. Despite his dithering manner (he takes off his glasses to scratch his nose), Cyrus makes a methodical search, eventually extracting Angelique's address book from her bedroom. Just as he’s flipping through it, Chris, the estate manager, returns. Nothing can be removed from Angelique's rooms without the permission of Julia Hoffman, Chris tells Cyrus. Cyrus stammers, I--I--I wanted the address of a supplier of certain chemicals whom Angelique knew. Chris takes the address book back anyway, then puts it away and shuts the doors in Barnabas’s and Quentin’s faces. Quentin is of course suitably floored at the sight of what is quickly becoming Collinwood's worst-kept secret. Barnabas merely smiles enigmatically and opens the doors again. Quentin is even more surprised to find that the room is now dark and empty. This is incredible, he says. You have just seen parallel time, Barnabas tells him.

It is a truth, universally acknowledged, that Angelique is not the kind to forget an offense. But as she and Jeb sit by the fire, she points out to Jeb, I’ve kept the lights off [thus keeping the shadow at bay]. I have heard that you’re in love, and I am a great believer in love. I can’t make the shadow disappear; once summoned, it must kill. I can’t do that either--but you can, if you are willing. You must put the paper cutout on someone else’s heart. Jeb shies away from killing anyone, somewhat to Angelique’s surprise, since this is a major change for him. She thoughtfully nominates a candidate--Nicholas Blair. Jeb agrees to follow her instructions. [This is Angelique’s final appearance in our time.]

At the cottage, Sabrina is still resting by the fire while Chris tries yet again to reach Julia and leaves a message for her. He decides to go to the hospital to see if Julia is there. Sabrina asks him to tell Julia to come to the cottage. Chris locks the door and tells her not to let anyone in. Once he rushes out, though, she gets up, with a conniving look on her face.

It is only 8:30 on this very long night, and Barnabas is back at home, watching the clock. I must stay here, he tells himself. I must not go out. (Apparently the writers have forgotten that Quentin agreed to stay with him.) He tries to think of other things: Why is Angelique so mysterious about how she will help Jeb? he asks himself. He hears a knock on the door but ignores it. However, since he has (again) unwisely left it unlocked, Sabrina walks right in. Get out, Barnabas tells her. You need me, she says. I don’t, he answers, but he doesn’t look convinced. You do need me! she insists. You must leave, for both our sakes! he insists. She ends up practically throwing herself at him, and eventually he can no longer resist. His face full of despair, he bites her.

Nicholas pours himself a drink. If I had all my powers, he complains to himself, there would be no Angelique to taunt me. Jeb quietly steps into the entry of the house and closes the door (it opens again). He takes out the paper cutout (and tears it), then puts it back in his pocket. He knocks on the door; Nicholas calls out to ask who it is, but Jeb walks in without answering. Thought we would never meet again? he says, hoping to sound casual. I had hoped that would be so, Nicholas replies. But we must, Jeb tells him. Oh, yes, too much has been left undone. We must talk, perhaps for the last time.....

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0978
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2015, 05:38:10 PM »
Both Jeb and Sabrina are in jeopardy. Despite the recent attempts to redeem him, I am far more interested in what happens to Sabrina. Odd that she will only allow Julia to examine her. Chris is suspicious but hasn't put all the pieces together yet. But Quentin has. He rightfully calls Barnabas out on what he has done and doesn't quite accept the excuses that Barnabas offers.
Really good scene between Nicholas and Angelique. The balance of power has shifted considerably since they last tangled. Lara has said how much she enjoyed working with Humbert and it shows.
The parallel time interlude was odd. Why would Angelique Collins have a chemist in her address book? Cyrus seems very much the absent minded professor. Sadly, he does not invent Flubber.
Jeb finally gets around to asking Barnabas for help. Barnabas agrees, though it's obviously because of Carolyn. I don't think that I would be as gracious under the same circumstances.
Angelique has definitely mellowed. At her meanest, she might have agreed to remove the shadow from Jeb and then place it on Carolyn instead. But she seems to like Carolyn enough to agree to redirect the curse. Or maybe it's just her desire to stick it to Nicholas. Maybe it's both.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0978
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2015, 05:54:07 PM »
Regarding PT Angelique's Little Black Book, we'll find out pretty soon that [spoiler]she collected men the way some people collect stamps. I think Cyrus is just another item in her collection. [/spoiler]

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0978
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2015, 10:34:18 AM »
I don't understand the bit about how Ang should be grateful to Jeb because Jeb told her Sky was with the Leviathans.  Did anything like that happen?  Should she be grateful?
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0978
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2015, 01:29:39 PM »
Angelique found out that Sky was with the Leviathans when he introduced her to his special friend Nicholas Blair. I think. Do I have that right?

I think she was grateful for the chance to get back at Nicholas, rather than because Jeb told her about Sky.

Again, that's what I remember. But I could be wrong.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0978
« Reply #7 on: September 20, 2015, 09:44:22 PM »
That is how I remember it too. Maybe that's what the script said and the lines got garbled.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0978
« Reply #8 on: September 20, 2015, 10:06:35 PM »
It's what Barnabas said, to motivate Ang to help Jeb.  He made it sound as if Jeb had done her some sort of "favor"(unintentional I guess) by revealing Sky's real affiliation.  Actually, Barnabas first told Ang, she didn't believe it, then Nick showed up at their mansion.  Ang didn't need anyone to tell her then.  I don't know what Barnabas was talking about.  A small point I guess...?
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0978
« Reply #9 on: September 21, 2015, 01:20:14 PM »
Yes, MT. It could just have been a blooper by the writers or the actors. But now I do remember that Barn tried to warn Angelique about Sky and she didn't believe him.