Author Topic: #1148/1149: Robservations 10/30/03: Rescue; A Sibling Horrorshow  (Read 1534 times)

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1148 - Quentin grabs Daphne, who tries to say she doesn't understand...  Don't lie to me, orders Quentin--you think it's easy for me to stand here and accuse you like this--after this afternoon?  Please! she begs, turning away from him, but he forces her to face him and tells her to look at him, reminding her that when he held her in his arms, she knew who he was, even if he didn't know who she was--if this afternoon meant anything to her at all, she must tell him the truth.  She's silent.  All right, he says angrily, you've got one hour to get out of this house.  No! cries Daphne--I am her sister, yes!  Quentin looks wounded and says he kept hoping it wasn't true, bur he knew it was, and he kept hoping it was all a mistake.  No mistake, she says.  And you've come here to drive me mad--out of some ridiculous revenge? he asks--you think I need someone else to punish me, I've done enough of it myself.  I came here to kill you, confesses Daphne.  He looks at her, amazed.  You caused my sister's death! accuses Daphne, she loved you so much!  I loved her, too, says Quentin passionately.  Yes, of course you did, sneers Daphne, sitting here with your family and friends, being a Collins!  Do you think I wanted to stay here? he asks--I tried to get a divorce, but Samantha wouldn't give it to me--don't you think I could have died, too, that day, when I told her I couldn't see her again.  Because you knew how much she loved you! shouts Daphne.  Loved, yes, says Quentin, but a love we both wanted to end happily--and we knew it couldn't--she deserved someone better, I hoped she would forget about me.  She never did! cries Daphne.  All right, I'm sorry, says Quentin.  You think that makes it all right, don't you? demands Daphne, you think that excuses you, well, it doesn't--you never eve tried to see her!  Do you think I wanted to start it all over again? asks Quentin--do you know how I had to fight that--sitting in this house, feeling all my emotions freezing?--all I had to do was go out and find her again, all I had to do to live--all I had to do, what would she do, hiding away, waiting for one hour's visit--is that what you wanted of your sister?--are you so young you don't know love?--you know love can easily disappear when you find the true impossibility of it--she wouldn't have resorted to the kind of revenge you are--I think that's obvious--I think it would have been better if you'd killed me.  He pours a drink.  Instead of leaving Joanna's letters around, he adds.  Joanna's letters? Asks Daphne, perplexed.  Don't deny it, you've lied enough.  She says she doesn't know what he's talking about.  Joanna's letters to me, he says.  He sees she's genuinely puzzled.
Since you've been in this house, he says every three days I've found a letter.  And that's why you snatched my letter from me--you thought I was putting them there?--what did they say?  One said we had a second chance, Joanna and I, explains Quentin, another said I was to meet her at the great oak tree--that's where I met you.  There? asks Daphne.  Now you know why I was acting the way I was, he says, when I saw you.  Oh, but I didn't know, insists Daphne.  She said she was coming back, says Quentin.  But she's dead, says Daphne.  The letters were in her handwriting, Quentin tells her, perhaps either someone else is doing it, or Joanna's spirit cannot rest.  I loved her more than I loved anyone else, says Daphne--all I could think of was that when I grew up, I wanted to be exactly like her--she always seemed to have a magical quality--she could have been anything she wanted--when she was 18, she went away, and I was sent to an aunt in France--after she met you, she wrote to me of you--(Quentin looks guilty and seems to stop listening) please, let me tell you!--she didn't tell me you were married, I didn't know--and then suddenly I was back here, but I hadn't heard from her in months--I finally found her in that sanitarium, endlessly talking of you.  You know what we can do to people just by existing, asks, Quentin, how we can enflame peoples' minds just by being.  She takes him into her arms.  How wrong I've been! she cries, clinging to him, not seeing your torment--I thought you callous--it seems that all I saw was my obsession against you--oh, Quentin, I am sorry.  Gabriel enters and sarcastically remarks how quickly Quentin and Miss Harridge have gotten to know each other--and how well!

Should I go away? asks Gabriel, smirking.  Go, stay, whatever you wish, says Quentin.  Daphne has her back turned, and Quentin suggests she go to her room.  If you'll excuse me, she tells Gabriel, who is deliberately blocking her exit with his wheelchair, and she goes.  Very pretty, says Gabriel.  Don't start imagining things, says Quentin sourly, she was just upset.  Gabriel says he supposes Quentin was just comforting her.  Correct, says Quentin.  Should I pretend to believe that? asks Gabriel.  Quentin says his name in a warning tone.  Gabriel tells him he knows he's always had a roving eye--he might have himself, if his legs could follow his glance--but he does admire his bravery, trying to start something in his own house.  Stop it! orders Quentin.  You want me to change the subject--all right, says Gabriel--whatever became of Joanna Mills?  Quentin looks at him.  I wasn't supposed to know about that, was I? asks Gabriel.  How do you know about it? queries Quentin.  I just took the trouble to find out when you and Samantha were having your problems--I do care about you, dear brother--but tell me, do you still hear from her?  Why don't you tell me? asks Quentin.  What do you mean? Gabriel asks.  Joanna is dead, says Quentin, may her soul rest in peace.  If that's what big brother wants, says Gabriel, may she indeed.  Gabriel, says Quentin, would you happen to know anything about any letters?  What letters? Asks Gabriel.  Never mind, says Quentin, you know, sometimes I forget despite our differences, we are brothers, and very close.  We are, agrees Gabriel.  Let's keep it that way, says Quentin.
I shan't says a word about what I saw tonight, says Gabriel, but I wonder about those letters.  Don't, says Quentin.  All right, chuckles Gabriel, just another mystery to add to the current one--in addition to whatever became of our cousin, Julia Collins?            

Lighthouse - Julia is lying down.  Laszlo enters and tells her Roxanne is gone, so she's safe for the moment, at least--or as safe as you'll ever be.  Please, says Julia, sitting up.  Do I detect a certain curiosity on your part? He asks.  No, she says.  Oh, and well there should be, he says, because we gypsies live very unusual lives--we accept what others find impossible to believe--but I'm no fool--he holds up a cross, and she weakly reaches up for it, asking him to give it to her.  My dear lady, he says, holding it out of her reach, this isn't for you--I have absolutely no intention of trading places with you.  She'll kill me, says Julia weakly.  Yes, that's true, he says, but after you die, you'll come back, have eternal life.  I don't want it, insists Julia, begging him to give her the cross--it will stop her--give me the cross, then leave before she comes back.  Make it worth my while, he says.  I'll give you money, says Julia.  A thousand dollars, he says.  Any amount, she swears, yes.  Gold, he says.  Yes, I swear it, she says.  You have gold? He asks greedily.  I'll it, she says.  That means I have to let you go first, he says, think of yourself--could you walk out of here--could you even stand up?  Get Barnabas Collins, she says, at the Old House on the estate--I'll give you a note--he'll see to it you get anything you want.
Indeed, he says, you're very fortunate to have such loving relatives.  Will you do it? she asks, her face alight with hope.  No, he says, it wouldn't be fair to Barnabas Collins.  She sinks down, moaning, passing out.  You're too weak--it's too late, says Laszlo--after you die, I'll have to fear you, too.  He lifts her hand and looks down at her ring.  If ever you should open your eyes again, he says, you won't miss this--very pretty indeed--at last, payment for duties done.  He puts the ring on his own finger and leaves.  "Barnabas," murmurs Julia.  "Barnabas."

Collinwood - Barnabas looks out the window, his face somber.  He hears the dogs howling.  Worrying about your sister? asks Gabriel.  Yes, says Barnabas.  It's odd, isn't it--she just disappeared right after Roxanne's burial--didn't tell anyone where she was going, says Gabriel--if she was called away, she'd have let someone know, though you weren't available that afternoon, were you?  No, says Barnabas, looking down, shamefaced.  What do the police say? asks Gabriel.  They are as mystified as you are, says Barnabas.  The dogs howl.  Listen to them, says Gabriel, they sound like a pack of wild animals.  Yes! says Barnabas, his forehead creasing.  I'm sorry I'm unable to hunt for your sister with you, says Gabriel.  I feel lost, says Barnabas desperately--she could be anywhere.  Why do you say that? asks Gabriel, if she were somewhere, she'd let someone know--unless she can't--that's what you're really thinking, isn't it?  I don't know what to think, says Barnabas, walking away from Gabriel.  Julia hasn't any enemies here, has she, Cousin Barnabas? asks Gabriel.  I'm afraid that when we find her, says Barnabas, she'll be dead.  Pessimist, remarks Gabriel.  No, a realist, I think, corrects Barnabas, if you'll excuse me, I simply came to see if the police have any new information.  Back to the search? Asks Gabriel.  Useless as it seems, says Barnabas, and leaves the house.

Daphne enters the drawing room.  Well, we'll have to confront each other sometime, come in my dear, says Gabriel--I got the official word--Quentin was trying to comfort you.  That's true, says Daphne.  Gabriel grins and says he hopes so for her sake--his brother Quentin can never resist using his charms, and he should think she has lived in this house long enough to know that nothing can come between Quentin and you.   She retorts I have lived in this house long enough to know you are a very suspicious man who does not care how much trouble he makes for others!  Oh, my, you're spirited as well as pretty, he says, what an irresistible combination.  If you will excuse me, she says.  Has Quentin taught you about the black arts yet? Inquires Gabriel.  She doesn't reply.  Are you a member in good standing of this coven of witches Quentin is supposed to have? he asks.  You're fantasizing, she says.  Indeed I am not, he says, I wouldn't be surprised if Trask was a member--have you ever been to my brother's laboratory? He asks.  No, she says.  Quentin has always been fascinated by the occult, he says.  I know nothing of his interests, she says.  He's being subtle, isn't he? asks Gabriel--have you had any unusual dreams lately?--you have, I can tell.  No, she says, not that I remember.  Watch for them, he advises, because that is a time-honored way to steal your soul, because a witch or a warlock can make you believe through dreams.  How can you accuse your own brother of something like that? she demands--oh, you'd like to find out something dreadful like that--something you can use against him?  Gabriel asks if she's forgetting she's a governess in this house, and she's speaking in very familiar terms with an employer.  You've given me the right to--a right I didn't want! She retorts--good evening, Mr. Collins.  Perhaps Quentin is a warlock! Taunts Gabriel after she walks out--perhaps Trask is right, and perhaps that's why this is happening here!

Old House - Laszlo enters very slowly, trying not to make a sound.  He whispers, "Angelique."  Gypsy, says Barnabas, what are you doing here?--did you come to tell fortunes again--or to steal?  Laszlo stutters that he came to deliver a message.  So you simply walked in the deliver it? asks Barnabas.  No, I was looking for someone, the gypsy says, nervously pacing--I was looking for someone, a servant--a house like this must have servants.  Who is the message for? asks Barnabas.  Are you Barnabas Collins? asks Laszlo.  You know I am, we've met before, says Barnabas.  Laszlo says it's for him--from a man in the village--he gave him a gold dollar to tell him it would be worth Barnabas' while if he met with him tonight at the Eagle Inn at midnight.  What man? asks Barnabas--how will I know him?  He'll know you, says Laszlo.  Your answers come too easily, decides Barnabas--describe him.  The gypsy says he's tall, well-dressed, with the air of a gentleman about him.  Heavy-set--with gray hair? Asks Barnabas.  Yes, agrees Laszlo--you know I'll be leaving now.  Barnabas grabs hold of him, saying, "There is no such man--now what do you want?--why are you telling me some absurd lie?"  Let go of me! demands Laszlo.  Barnabas says not until he tells him the truth.  They struggle, and Barnabas catches sight of--"Julia's ring!"  No, says Laszlo, it's mine, it's mine!  Where is she? says Barnabas, his face more animal than human
--you're Angelique's servant, aren't you?--you came to see her--tell me where Julia is!--and he begins strangling the gypsy.

Collinwood drawing room - Quentin tells Daphne she hasn't looked at him since he came into the room--why?  There's so many reasons, she says.  Has Gabriel told you anything? asks Quentin.  Holding herself, she says you must beware of him, he hates you so.  He doesn't hate me, says Quentin, you just don't understand about Gabriel and me.  I don't understand very much, she says, I don't know what to believe here.  Yesterday, what I told you, he says, putting his hand on her arm, you can believe that.  Don't touch me, she says, moving away.  Yesterday was like a door opening for me, she says, but today the door has closed, and it must remain closed.  Why? he asks.  Joanna, she says.  Joanna is dead! he says, holding her arms.  You still love her! says Daphne.  No, says Quentin.  I can't take her place, insists Daphne.  Quentin assures her she's got her own place.  Don't even says that, she pleads, don't even ask me to think about that, not after I saw her crying in that asylum for you--do you think we could be happy as long as I remember that--no, Quentin.  Daphne finds a note addresses to "Sister."  It's her handwriting, and it's for me, says Quentin.  It wasn't here when I came in, he says, pulling open the doors.
I can't read it, I can't, says Daphne.  Quentin opens and reads:  Dear Daphne, I used to be so jealous of you, now I want you to have your chance--but make a wiser choice--please do not follow me--do not follow my path--Joanna.  Daphne cries out no! and runs upstairs.

Through a spider web, we see Julia's prison.  Barnabas enters.  Julia lies there, head down.  Is she unconscious or dead?  "JULIA! cries Barnabas.

NOTES:  Barnabas would have made a great interrogator; he really knows how to get people to spill what they know, doesn't he?  Laszlo probably didn't know what hit him.  Good for you, Barnabas!

But now. . .is Julia still alive?  Has Roxanne drained so much blood from her that she has died and will rise as a vampire?  Will Barnabas and Julia be a vampire couple, draining blood from the citizens of Collinsport?  He mentions how lost he feels without Julia, and it's clear he feels something special for her.

I can understand Daphne's feelings--her own sister died as a result of her liaison with Quentin, and now she's gotten a note from a ghost telling her not to make the same mistake.  It's not like Samantha will free Quentin, not after he refused her a divorce so she could marry Gerard.  This is a situation with no end for Daphne and Quentin--unless Samantha dies.

Loved Barnabas' forcefulness with Laszlo.  Like the other characters Michael Stroka portrays on DS, Laszlo's greed got him in trouble.  If he hadn't taken Julia's ring, Barnabas might have only been suspicious, but he wouldn't have had proof positive that Laszlo knew where Julia was.

Gabriel continues to have fun playing with everyone's feelings, tweaking Quentin and Daphne separately.  He loves it all, and I think Daphne is more right than Quentin in her assessment of Gabriel's feelings for his brother--he does hate him, truly.

1149 - Barnabas kneels beside Julia, lifting her up, telling her who he is--can she hear him?  She says his name.  I've got to get you out of here, says Barnabas, then looks up and sees the vampire Roxanne gazing at him.  She must remain here, orders Roxanne.  Barnabas rises to his feet.  I wanted to spare you this, he says, I wanted you to have peace.  But I'm alive again, says Roxanne, her face a ghastly white, and I'm going to stay alive!  When I leave, he says, I will leave with Julia--and there is nothing you can do to stop me.  No, says Roxanne.  She can't go with you--she responds to my will, says Roxanne.  The two vampires lock eyes.  Look at me, he commands.
She does, but she turns away--you'll be sorry you interfered, she promises, and leaves the lighthouse.  Barnabas lifts up Julia, calling her name.

Rose Cottage - Flora asks Randall if he's planning to stay in Collinsport.  He's been thinking about it.  She hopes he decides to do it, they've all missed him--but Roxanne always kept him informed about what Randall's been doing.  He looks sad.  Oh, dear, I've done it again, she says.  It's all right, he assures her, it's very difficult for me to realize she's dead.  Flora answers a knock at the door--it's Trask, who wants to speak with Gerard. Trask greets Randall, who says a curt good evening in return.  Flora tells Lamar Gerard went to Collinwood earlier this evening.  I see, says Trask, do you know what time he'll be back?  I don't, says Flora.  I do hope he's not becoming emotionally involved with anyone at Collinwood, says Lamar.  She asks whatever does he mean by that?
Randall turns to listen, too.  An insidious evil has crept its way inside that house, says Trask, I'm not at liberty to divulge its nature.  If you're not at liberty to divulge it, asks Randall, annoyed, why mention it at all?  Randall! Chastises Flora.  It's quite all right, says Trask, I'm quite aware of Randall's unbelieving, but the Almighty will deal with his blindness.  The Almighty will have his hands full dealing with yours! Says Randall angrily.  Will one of you please tell me what you're talking about? asks Flora.  Mr. Trask has somehow convinced himself Collinwood is filled with witches and evil spirits, says Randall.  You are suffering from delusions if you think Quentin Collins is what he seems, says Trask, he is not.  What has Quentin got to do with it? asks Flora.  Trask tells her Quentin is in league with the devil, practicing witchcraft in that house.  Randall informs Trask he's had enough of his inflammatory nonsense.  Inflammatory, is it? asks Trask, I find that a curious charge, coming from you, so soon after your dear sister's untimely death.  Let my sister rest in peace, says Randall.  You seem content to merely accept her death, says Trask, but I am not--I believe she was murdered by an act of sorcery and intend to prove it.  Gentlemen, please stop shouting! Trills Flora--oh, Lamar, he must be mistaken about Quentin--the very idea of Quentin bewitching anybody is almost amusing!  I do not find it amusing, says Trask--you do not believe me now, but you will soon--I have confidence in your judgment and faith--I'm sorry I can't say the same for you, Randall--go on doubting me, if you will--but I want you--those who doubt the word of truth are only a shade less guilty than those who defy it--good night.  He leaves.  Randall tells Flora that Trask has a warped mind and is imagining things.  Flora says Randall must admit Roxanne's death was very mysterious--and then that girl murdered in the village--and our Julia disappearing without a word.  There may be a reason behind all this tragedy, says Randall, but I don't believe it has anything to do with the supernatural.

Woods - Trask hears something and asks who's there--come out where I can see you!  Roxanne appears, smiling seductively.  Trask is stunned.  No, it can't be! he cries--you're dead!  You're the one who always said there was a life after death, she reminds him--well, you were right.  No, you're not the Roxanne I knew! he blathers.  She steps closer, asking why he's moving away from her--you mustn't be afraid--you always said you loved me--remember?  Eyes wide, he says yes, but...  Look at me, she orders.  He does.  Keep looking into my eyes and don't be afraid, she says.  He stares at her.  No! he says, no!--don't come any closer--stay way from me
--but her fangs have appeared and she attacks him.  (And you just love it, don't you, Lamar?)

Rose Cottage - Randall takes her hands and thanks Flora for having him to dinner, and for helping him to forget his troubles.  You're not leaving, are you? she asks.  The clock shows it's 2:20.  It's late, he says, he has an appointment early tomorrow.  Barnabas calls to Flora and Desmond, asking if anyone is home.  He's supporting Julia, who is wavering dangerously, and tells Randall and Flora he found her in the abandoned lighthouse.  Flora examines Julia and sees her neck.  Take her upstairs to a bedroom, orders Barnabas, and find a cross.  Flora asks why a cross.  I can't explain it to you now, says Barnabas, I must get a doctor.  He leaves.  Randall puts an arm around Julia's shoulders and the two of them help her up.

Later - Barnabas reports to Randall that the doctor is with Julia now, and has managed to stop the bleeding.  Is she going to be all right? asks Randall.  That depends on whether or not we can keep the person who attacked her away from her, says Barnabas.  Person? asks Randall, I don't understand.  Barnabas says he's afraid there's no gentle way of telling him this--Roxanne has risen from the grave, and it was she who attacked Julia. Randall gazes at him in disbelief.

Woods - You're not afraid anymore, are you? Roxanne asks Lamar.  No, he says, smiling.  Good, she says, then I must leave you.  No, please, he begs, stay with me--or take me with you.  You'll be seeing me again very soon, she promises--everything is very different now--wherever you are, you will know when I want to see you again--you will feel me summoning you, and you will come to me--do you understand?  Yes, he says, I understand.  She walks off, and he's smiling at her.

Rose Cottage - It is just not possible to return from the dead, insists Randall to Barnabas.  Barnabas assures him he saw it with his own eyes--Roxanne died as a result of an attack by a vampire and is now one of the living dead.  Randall cannot believe it.  Barnabas says he knows he doesn't want to believe it, but it's true, and he must accept it.  Randall says there's only one way he could accept it--if he were to see her with his own eyes.  I don't know if we'll be able to find her tonight, says Barnabas, but come with me--and I will show you that what I told you is true.  The men leave.

Rose Cottage - later - Flora enters the drawing room, asking if someone came in.  She turns on a lamp and sees Trask sitting there.  You almost scared me half to death, says Flora--why didn't you say something?  I'm sorry, he says, I was meditating.  Meditating, she asks--are you feeling all right.  Of course, he says.  I thought you were going home, she says, why did you come back here?  He tells her he suddenly became very tired.  She feels his forehead and says she thinks he's coming down with a fever--she wants to take his temperature.  (Did they have thermometers back then?)  No, he says, I'm all right--if I can just sit here for a while.  Of course, you're welcome to stay, she says--and perhaps Gerard will return while you're here.  Oh yes, I do want to talk to him, says Trask.  Barnabas found his sister tonight, reveals Flora, she was attacked in the same way in the woods the way Roxanne was--it's very frightening, you know--there may be something to what you said earlier this evening--about the existence of witchcraft--I know now those two attacks were not caused by natural means.  The door slams' Barnabas and Randall have returned.  Barnabas is distresses to find Flora downstairs--she should be upstairs with Julia. All right, says Flora, I understand everything now, and I cannot tell you how shocked I was to learn the truth.  What do you mean? asks Randall.  You forget how well-read I am in the supernatural, says Flora--those two scars on her neck--I understand now why you wanted me to get the cross--she was attacked by a vampire, wasn't she?  Yes, she was, says Randall, as difficult as that is to believe.  Barnabas asks if she placed the cross near her.  Yes, she's perfectly safe, says Flora, I tried to get her to tell me who attacked her, but she was unable to speak.  Randall and I know who attacked her, says Barn.  You know who the vampire is? asks Flora.  Yes, says Randall, barely able to speak the words: "It's Roxanne."

Rose Cottage - Trask listens from the drawing room as the others speak in the foyer.  Flora can't believe it's Roxanne.  Randall tells her he's sorry to say it's true--at the crypt, Barnabas showed him that Roxanne's coffin was empty.  They enter the drawing room, and Randall asks Lamar what he's doing here.  Flora explains that he wasn't feeling well, so he came here to rest and await Gerard's return.  Barnabas goes to Trask and asks if he's ill.  Only fatigue, says Trask--Flora told me about your sister--I found the news most disturbing.  Flora says she'd better check on Julia, and asks if she can get anything for Lamar before she goes.  No, he says.  Barnabas asks him if he was on his way through the woods, going home, when he decided to come back here?  Yes I was, says Trask.  And you didn't meet anyone? asks Barnabas.  No, says Trask, actually, I didn't get very far before I turned back.  Barnabas looks at him speculatively.

Roxanne's crypt - She stands before her coffin and says, Lamar Trask, you will hear me--wherever you are, you will hear my voice, and come to me--come to me now, Lamar, my thoughts will lead you to me.

At Rose Cottage, Trask rises from the sofa and tells Barnabas he must be going.  I thought you were waiting here for Gerard, Randall reminds him.  Trask says it appears that Gerard will be rather late, and I'm tired--if you will excuse me.  He leaves.  Randall tells Barnabas he's changed completely since earlier this evening--he's never seen him so subdued.  Can't you guess why he's so different? asks Barnabas.  No, says Randall, why?  He was lying to us, says Roxanne--he met someone in the woods--Roxanne!--if we follow him, he may lead us to where she is.  The men head out.

Woods - Trask walks, hears a sound, continues on.  Barnabas and Randall are on his trail, and they see him heading for the cemetery.  We don't want to lose sight of him, says Barn, and they move on.

Cemetery - Trask enters the crypt and calls out, Roxanne.  I told you I would see you Lamar, says Roxanne, opening her arms.  Come to me, she bids, come to me, Lamar!  He happily does so, but they hear a stepped-on branch outside, and she asks, "What's that?  Someone followed you here!"  Trask goes to look out and closes.  Roxanne has disappeared, however, and he calls to her, asking where she's gone.  The door opens.  Barnabas and Randall enter.  You have no right to follow me here! insists Trask.  Where is she? asks Randall, looking around.  She heard us and disappeared, says Barnabas.  I must find, her! says Trask, trying to leave the crypt.  No, Trask, says Barnabas, taking his arm and stopping him, I'm not letting you out of my sight.  Let go of me! demands Trask, but Barnabas harshly tells him, "You will do as I tell you, do you understand?"  Trask looks at him, and their eyes lock--he understands, all right!  Barnabas asks Randall if he has the cross.  Yes, says Randall.  She'll have to come back here before dawn, says Barnabas, and you must not let her back in that coffin.  Aren't you going to be here with me? asks Randall, horrified.  (As if!) No, says Barnabas, Trask is under her spell and will only hinder them--he'll take him to the Old House--I know you don't want to do this, but it must be done--you understand, don't you?  I only want for her to have peace, says Randall softly, that's all I care about now.  Barnabas leads Trask away.  Randall closes the door and sadly surveys the coffin.

Later - Roxanne returns.  Her brother looks at her a moment, unable to believe or accept, then holds up the cross.
Roxanne turns her back on him, covers her eyes, begging him to put it away.  No, I can't do that, he says.  I've got to get to the coffin! She cries.  I know, he says, but I can't let you, Roxanne, it's the only way you can find peace!  And there they remain, frozen, a sister and brother in an untenable situation.

NOTES:  Imagine having your sibling in this situation?  You have to put him or her to rest, using a stake or the oncoming dawn to kill a loved one.  I feel so sorry for Randall here, and wish Barnabas could have found another way, but I guess that was impossible.  I just wish the actor portraying Randall gave a better performance.

Flora her usual delight here as the Great Vampire Detective--she's read a lot about the supernatural, so she knows all.  LOL, she's a stitch.

Someone is going to wonder how Barnabas knows so much about vampires once this is all over.  Thank God he got to Julia in time.  It didn't look good for a while there.

Lamar came face to face with the supernatural and succumbed with a smile.  I bet he never thought he'd be that intimate with Roxanne, and he took great pleasure from it.  You go, Lamar.  You're a lot more fun this way.

Love, Robin

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Re:#1148/1149: Robservations 10/30/03: Rescue; A Sibling Horrorshow
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2003, 06:48:51 PM »
She feels his forehead and says she thinks he's coming down with a fever--she wants to take his temperature.  (Did they have thermometers back then?

Yes, though they were a foot long and took 20 minutes to register an oral temperature.  It wasn't until 1866 that the modern [short] clinical thermometer was invented.  (This is from a book in my personal library and definitely NOT my head.)

Offline Raineypark

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Re:#1148/1149: Robservations 10/30/03: Rescue; A Sibling Horrorshow
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2003, 07:06:04 PM » though every mother on earth can't tell how high a temperature is just by kissing a child's forehead!  ::)
"Do not go gentle into that good night.  Rage, rage against the dying of the light."
Dylan Thomas