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Messages - The Doctor and K9

Has anyone seen the new compilations by MPI?  I'm about half way thru the Vampire Curse (1795).  I have mixed feelings.  You have to have an open mind watching this one at least.  Certain characters either barely appear or are cut out entirely.  I'd love to watch with someone who is not familiar with DS.  I'm curious how these hold up as standalone features.

Calendar Events / Announcements '09 II / Re: EW screws Dark Shadows again
« on: September 16, 2009, 07:58:13 PM »
I like Supernatural very much, but I don't think it should be on that list.  Unless we are defining the term "cult show" differently, I think it as defining a show that lived on through a loyal following after the show wrapped production  I think the jury is stilll out on Buffy.  Yes it was a great show.  I own every episode.  Will there still be a following in ten years?  Twenty?  I think there will be, but I could be wrong.  Then again, as I said, it could be my definition is different from theirs.

Penny's reaction to Buffy was very similar to mine.  I refused to watch it for over two seasons.  Friends tried to clue me into it, but my reaction to the original movie prejudiced me against it.  I might have checked it out if our daughter had not been born about the time it premiered.  I had little time for ANYTHING, never mind some loser show based on a lousy movie.  Well, I was wrong.  I've been massively addicted since then.  Here's just how bad it got.  I played BOTH Buffy X Box games and RECORDED it.  I then edited the whole mess down to reasonably coherent 90+ min feature versions.  I had more than 20 hours of footage for each of the two games.  Trying to decide what was essential was a nightmare. 

Our daughter is twelve now, and we watch Buffy and/or Angel once a week.  I"m going very slowly so that she'll grow up with it and mature as the subject matter becomes more adult. 

Thank you so much for posting that!  I was not able to get to the Festival this year.  I managed to go to the 2006 and 2008, but it gets expensive travelling from Texas to one coast or the other.  I was on the East Coast the weekend before the Fest, so it was a tad disappointing that I couldn't go to Jersey.  We had to start school the day after the Fest and we were driving back, not flying.  I can't complain too much about missing it this year though.  I'm taking my family to Disney World in October.  I've never been there and want to go before I'm too old to really enjoy it.  They say you're never to old to have fun there, but you get more out of it when you are able bodied. 

Is Kingdom of the Dead a revised title for The Banished Creatures, or will The Banished Creatures be another of the audio dramas?

Current Talk '09 II / Re: i looked for the pen!
« on: August 07, 2009, 02:14:12 AM »
I looked for the pen yesterday, at Cliff Walk.  I'm home visiting family and decided to wander around the old Carey estate while listening to the new dramatic reading "Echoes of Insanity".  The grass was very wet and my shoes got soaked.  There's a piece of heavy construction machinery sitting behind the house, presumably for some much needed repairs.  It was quite distracting though.  I also got some "who are you looks?" from people  who appear to have been administrators from Salve.  This was the first time I've ever felt like a tresspasser there.  It may have been paranoia though.  No one said a word to me. 

The water was gross. There was that foul smelling red seaweed literally turning the tide red.  I'm a Newporter and not normally squeamish about sea foliage, but the smell was quite unpleasant.  The water was extremely cold for a person who is now accustomed to Texas Gulf Coast waters.  Workmen were filling in wholes along Cliff Walk and the Newport Puplic Works trucks kept reminding me I was in RI not Maine.  All in all, I tried to immerse myself in the DS setting, and despite a few brief successes, I found it less satisfying than I thought it would be.

The audio book is excellent.  I plan to listen again on the long drive back to Texas on Monday.  I so don't want to go back!  If I didn't need my job, I wouldn't. 

Current Talk '09 II / Re: Path of Fate audiobook timeline placement?
« on: August 06, 2009, 04:37:56 AM »
I don't see how Path of Fate could be set after Return to Collinwood.  Unless I'm remembering incorrectly, isn't there a mention of Elizabeth being in Europe or something? 

I don't think that all hope is lost that the missing moon footage might be found.  Broadcast history is full of cases in which missing items have turned up, even after extensive searches.  The first Trek pilot was once thought to have been destroyed by NBC.  It turned up, misfiled.  Many of the Doctor Who eps were found, after extensive searches were abandoned, in various nooks and crannies at the BBC.  Some day, someone might open an archive and find the tape mis-filed.  It's a long shot, but I think it's stil possible.

Current Talk '09 II / Re: Dark Shadows complete dvd set on Planet DVD
« on: July 11, 2009, 03:21:02 PM »
I don't like the dishonesty of the site.  They try to make it look as if you are buying a legit authorized edition.  I bought a bootleg copy of Falcon Crest from a person on another site.  He made no attempt to sell the discs as anything but what they were, low cost copies of episodes of a show that's not available on DVD yet.  He also sold me Washington Behind Closed Doors.  These series are not likely to make it to DVD anytime soon, in their entirety.  If it's out on DVD, I'd either buy it from a place like Amazon or rent it.  As far as the moral issue goes, I use availability as the water mark  If the show isn't out, then it's impossible to pay a royalty, so I don't have a problem obtaining it through alternate routes.  If it is out, someone has to pay the costs, and I'll do so by either renting or buying. 

Current Talk '09 II / Re: I Promise Never To Poke Fun Of...
« on: July 09, 2009, 03:54:47 AM »
And here I am in triple digit heat South Texas... I can't WAIT to get home to Newport.  It's kinda like that Twilght Zone episode where the world is being puulled towards the sun only to find out the main character is dreaming and she's in a world that's cold..being pulled away from the sun.

Current Talk '09 II / Re: I Promise Never To Poke Fun Of...
« on: July 09, 2009, 12:11:07 AM »
I'm heading to Newport RI, driving the long way.   We'll get there in late July.   I hope we have better weather when we get there.  No, I'm not going on a pilgrimage to see the Blue Whale (Black Pearl) and Collinwood (Carey Mansion), although I will end up in those places. I grew up in Newport and my grandmother's 100th birthday party is being celebrated..a month early so more people can attend.  I'd like to be able to hit the beach, but I'm not sure that's going to happen.

I bought a DS board game and played it with my daughter.  She wanted to let her friends play, and I kind of cringed.  The two sides of my brain fought each other.  I forget which side controls logic, but that side said,"this game is too valuable to let kids play!  They're going to want to have drinks by it; they're not going to be careful with that paper board!" 

The emotional side said, "it's a game, a toy, FOR KIDS!  Let your daughter have fun with it!".  I told her I'd think about it. 

I took it to a copy shop and asked if they could laminate it.  They told me that they had a machine but would not do it for me. I'd have to do it myself.  They'd had bad experiences with this service; once you make a mistake, there's no turning back.   I wasn't too sure if that was what I wanted any way.  Collectibles are supposed to be in their original condition.  The game board is falling apart, but I've resisted repairing it. 

She suggested that she could copy it, full size for $3.  The only drawback, it would be in black and white.  I told her to go ahead, forgetting that you had to be able to distinguish between black and red.  We both agree that the game looks great in BW.  I had to shade in the red squares and I drew a line under the goblets and daggars to indicate their color. 

This might be an option for anyone who has resisted playing theirs or found that they worried about depreciating its value every time they use it. 

Now if we could get someone to reissue it with a redesigned board that's sturdier and and more accurately reflects DS....

Current Talk '09 II / Re: Casting NoDS
« on: July 02, 2009, 05:46:33 AM »
Keith Prentice also comes to mind.  Pennock was already in the film, along with Storm and Karlen.  Roger Davis seemed to have been the antithesis of a hippie.  I suppose Briscoe could also have been considered. 

Current Talk '09 II / Re: Casting NoDS
« on: July 02, 2009, 05:44:04 AM »
Michael Stroka seems the most obvious to me. 

The June Podcast at the Big Finish website has a trailer for the DS CD “Echoes of Insanity”.  They also announce the title of the next release, “The Curse of the Pharaoh”.  It's in the can, but they do not reveal the cast or release date!  Stuart, if you’re reading, is this top secret or can you let us in on it?