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Messages - Mary

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Calendar Events / Announcements '11 II / Re: DS 2012 Calendar
« on: October 12, 2011, 08:36:16 AM »
Yes, they sold the 2012 calendar at the Fest.

It could be the Beauty and the Beast scene.

Now there's an idea! [cheesyb] How cool!  LOL!

I'm going to go with the sunblock angle.  I think that's what the hat, gloves, and sunglasses indicate. [ghost_smiley]

Happy birthday Teresa!  [occasion13] [occasion16]

I see the release date is September 9 but I did a search for it on Fandango and it's not playing anywhere around here.  Has anyone seen it listed playing near you?

I think a Native American werewolf movie sounds kinda cool ... except I don't think the Lone Ranger should be involved.  Oh dear. [ghost_undecided]

Happy birthday Midnite!! [occasion1] [occasion15] [occasion13] [occasion16]

Did a search for Sudz and came up with the SudzTV website (which I'm unable to paste the link to -- ack!) which is about a campaign to get a new cable channel created that would air soap operas in order to replace the defunct SoapNet.  So if this is the same Sudz then it sounds like they think DS fans would be interested in helping because they could try to get the new channel to air DS.

Holy cats, how awesome!!!!!!  Woo hoo!!!!! [ghost_grin]

Christopher Lee!!!!!  How awesome!!!!  I sure hope it's true!  I think he'd make a great Professor Stokes!  But whoever he would play this would be soooo cool!!!!! [ghost_grin]

Hey MB -- just wanted to tell you how much I'm enjoying all your updates with the tweets and pics of the house and everything.  Love the look of the house, BTW -- can't wait to see what it looks like with all the cgi in place!  And love the countdown you're doing!  Thanks for all your hard work! [ghost_smiley]

Good luck Annie!!! [ghost_grin]

Bourne Woods in Farnham, Surrey, England, where, among other films, it will surprise no one that The Wolfman also shot sequences.  [easter_wink]

Woo hoo for The Wolfman location!!  [easter_cheesy] (LOL!)  Maybe Barnabas will bite Hippie #3 in these woods -- LOL!

I was actually reassured by those comments because it says that the film will be gory and Gothic.

I was too!  Because, he said, "Let's not be afraid to make this film funny." To me, that means that we are dealing with a very serious film - and we shouldn't be afraid to lighten it up. 

Yes!  This is what I thought too.  I can't wait to see the final product! [snow_happy]

It's rare that I go to any movie on opening night. I don't like seeing any movie, except maybe Rocky Horror Picture Show, with a large crowd. If I go I want to see and hear the movie, I don't want to hear kids or cell phones or what you're doing after the movie... I rarely go to movies any more. Not because I don't like movies but because ushers don't do their jobs anymore.

I love movies and I go every week.  Some of them are bad, but oh well, I just pick what I think looks good to me.  I go to matinees and rarely have a problem with kids, cell phones, etc.  Just a thought.  [snow_smiley]

I loved Drive Angry!  But I'm probably one of the few.  LOL!

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