Author Topic: #1191/1192: Robservations 12/03/03: A Hideous Visage  (Read 1256 times)

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#1191/1192: Robservations 12/03/03: A Hideous Visage
« on: December 02, 2003, 11:29:10 AM »
1191 - Gabriel and Daphne struggle fiercely. He covers her mouth with his hand, warning, no one can hear you--why didn't you stay in that room?--we could have done so much together--but now...he begins to strangle her, asking, why did you do this to me--I was beginning to love you! (one sick puppy)  Daniel's ghost appears--Gabriel, he says in a spectral voice, you never loved anyone--anyone--I know--I told you I would come back--I've come back for you--you will kill no more
--when you killed me, was it not enough?--now your time has come, as I told you it would. Gabriel runs away from the unconscious Daphne.  You will not escape me, Daniel warns his son.

Gabriel dashes into the drawing room to find Daniel's ghost awaiting him there, too. You cannot run fast enough, says Daniel, standing in the secret panel--you're willing for all to let you see you run now--that is right--it does not matter, for you will die this night--you will die Gabriel, die, as I told you you would. Gabriel finds himself locked in the drawing room, unable to get out, but after a few moments, he opens the door and dashes up the stairs--where Daniel's ghost meets him, waiting at the top. You can't run away from me, threatens Daniel--die, Gabriel, die--that is your mission, your punishment! Gabriel runs into he kitchen area. Daniel's ghost disappears from the landing.

Outside in the storm, Daphne regains consciousness. She sits up, looks around, stands.

Gabriel runs into the parallel time room--"Change!" he begs--I'll be different, I swear I will!--will you change before my father comes? he pleads hysterically. Daniel's ghost appears in the room, too, assuring Gabriel, wherever you go, I will follow.

Daphne enters Collinwood, gasping for air. She runs into Joanna on the stairs and buries her face hysterically in her sister's skirts, gasping, I tried to escape--he killed Randall Drew, his father, and Edith--Gabriel can walk!--he'll kill us all! Joanna tries to comfort her sister.

Gabriel runs up a spiral staircase to a parapet on the roof of Collinwood. No, Gabriel, your murders must stop, commands his father's ghost. They've stopped, Gabriel promises. Another lie! accuses Daniel. It's not another lie, I'm finished! cries Gabriel--oh, Father, I know you never loved me, for God's sake, I know that Edith didn't, Quentin didn't--Father! You, Gabriel, you turned this hand cold, says Daniel, holding out a ghostly hand--as my heart has grown cold against you--now you must die, Gabriel, you must die! Gabriel backs away from his father in terror. The rickety wooden railing on the parapet collapses, sending Gabriel falling to his death.
Lying sprawled on the ground, his eyes are open, filled with terror.

On the stairs, Daphne says, Joanna, we're not safe in this house. Nothing will happen to you, Joanna insists soothingly. Gabriel is mad, says Daphne, I must go to Quentin. You're too weak, cautions Joanna, and indeed, Daphne nearly faints, but quickly recovers. Quentin and Desmond have escaped, reveals Joanna. Where are they? asks Daphne.  At Indian Cove in a fishing shack there, reveals Joanna. Why didn't they leave? demands Daphne. Because Quentin knew you were missing, he was afraid Gerard might harm you, explains Joanna. I thought it was Gerard at first, says Daphne, because I found that cufflink, I thought he murdered Edith, and now if Quentin's caught it will be my fault--all my fault.

Gabriel lies on the ground, blood running from his nose. Julia comes to his side and checks for a pulse, but finds none.

I'm afraid, Joanna, says Daphne, I've been bad for Quentin; ever since I came to this house, I've been bad for him. No, darling, protests Joanna. Yes, insists Daphne, I came to this house to cause trouble and I've caused it--I came here to kill Quentin--oh, God, I was as mad as Gabriel! We all came here for the wrong reasons, says Joanna, holding Daphne's hand. I don't know what to do, wails Daphne, I'm so frightened, help me, please. A somber Julia enters Collinwood--Daphne, thank God you're safe, she says, relieve. You don't know about Gabriel, says Daphne. Gabriel is dead, Julia informs them--he was lying on the ground, it looked as if his neck had been broken
--it looks as if he fell from the parapet, but how did he get up there?  He can walk, announces Daphne--Gabriel could walk!  Gabriel held Daphne prisoner, says Joanna. Gabriel is a murderer! screams Daphne. Let me give you something to calm you, offers Julia, then you can explain everything, but someone's got to let Quentin know you're safe. Joanna volunteers to do that.

Desmond, his chest bandaged, face perspiring with fever, rests on a makeshift bed in the fishing shack. Quentin, watching out the window into the stormy night, says, there are two men coming down the beach. Police? asks Desmond. I don't know, says Quentin, I can't tell. Are they coming this way? asks Desmond--what will we do if they are? We'll have to fight them, says Quentin. I won't be of much help, says Desmond, crying out in pain. Are you all right? asks Quentin,  checking the temperature of his forehead with his wrist. I'm in fine shape to take on a couple of deputies, quips Desmond. All right, says Quentin, gazing out the window again--the men are gone--must have been a couple of fishermen. He kneels beside Desmond, who laughs and says, sometimes I thinks we made this all up--dreamed it!--you and I warlocks!  Quentin chuckles, too--I wish we were, he says--we could use some magic. The door blows open.  Joanna enters, first saying, "Joanna's safe," then changing it to "Guess what, Daphne's safe at Collinwood!" (Miss Malaprop!) Quentin starts to leave, but Joanna insists, you must wait.

I can't believe it, says Quentin, when did Gabriel find out he could walk? Evidently when he was a child, says Joanna, that's what he told Daphne. All this time, laments Quentin, I've been taking the responsibility of his being in that wheelchair--I thought it was my fault--I thought I'd ruined his life. That's what he wanted you to think, says Desmond. He must have really hated me, says Quentin. He hated everyone, corrects Desmond. Why did he do that to Daphne? Quentin asks Joanna. He planned on using her for ransom, says Joanna, he thought, after you were dead, Gerard would give him money in exchange for Daphne, that he'd have enough to get away. I must get to Collinwood. insists Quentin. No, the police are watching Collinwood, protests Joanna. I know what I can do, says Quentin--get to the estate through the back 40--the woods are very thick there. What if Gerard is in the house? demands Desmond--and Samantha would turn you in if she saw you there! I've got to take that chance, says Quentin. I'll make the arrangements, Joanna assures him. He's got to be out of there before dawn! insists Desmond. Joanna, go back to Collinwood and tell Daphne to meet me by the door, says Quentin--I'll be there in an hour--now hurry. Joanna goes. Quentin kneels beside Desmond and says, sadly, "Gabriel." Shocking as it may be, says Desmond, Gabriel isn't going to be the one who sends you to prison. He is if he killed Randall, points out Quentin--that's what the charge was. The charge was changed to witchcraft, says Desmond--Gerard, he is the one--be careful at Collinwood.
I know, says Quentin, you know, it's funny, it's much safer here--every man's castle is his own except mine.

Collinwood drawing room - Daphne, says Joanna, Quentin will be here within an hour--you should be happy. I'm very happy, says Daphne, I could be happier, if...If it weren't for me? finishes Joanna. I know you still love him, says Daphne. But he doesn't love me, says Joanna--I know that now, I thought his love gave me the will to live.  While you were in that asylum? asks Daphne. Yes, says Joanna, but I'm going to have to find another reason now. We'll help you, we swear we will, Daphne assures her. You don't have to worry about me or be afraid I'll go back to the way I was in the sanitarium, says Joanna--I know that the past is dead--and that I can't relive it--Quentin loves you more than he ever loved me--be happy with it. Julia comes in and takes Daphne's hands in her own--do you feel better? she asks--I think you should rest until Quentin comes--I insist on it. You'll come to my room when it's time, Joanna, says Daphne. Yes, promises Joanna. Daphne heads upstairs. Julia sits and pours tea. What a strange house this is, comments Joanna.  Julia sips her tea, nodding agreement.  Do you know the deserted wing of the house? asks Joanna--I had a very strange, incredible feeling that I was passing a closed door and heard voices. The upstairs parlor, says Julia. You know about that, says Joanna. Julia nods. I couldn't enter it, says Joanna, I saw the people living lives, completely ignoring me, they couldn't see or hear me. There is another band of time that runs parallel to this, and we exist in that time as well as our own, says Julia--that room, curiously enough, exists in that time, too, in our time, it's empty, deserted, as you saw it, and you saw the way it was in parallel time--tell me what you saw--perhaps it will help me understand what I saw. I don't understand it, says Joanna--Gabriel Collins was there and a woman named Melanie--she looked so much like Leticia employee, Stella, had completely vanished--Melanie tried to find out where she was, but Gabriel told her not to ask any questions--do you think there could be a connection between our time and theirs?--it was all so frightening!

Julia goes to the East Wing, swings open the doors and finds a man who looks just like Desmond pacing the room. Julia's PT counterpart enters and asks the man, what do you want? My name is Kendrick Young, he says, I have come to see my sister, Stella. Julia stares at the scene, fascinated.

The servants downstairs didn't seem to know where Stella is, says Kendrick, they told me to come to this room and speak to a family member--are you a Collins? Obviously, says PT Julia haughtily (has a touch of Hoffman from the other PT). Our Julia reacts to this. Could you tell me where Stella is? asks Kendrick, I'm concerned--she knew I was coming to Collinsport, I received a letter from her the day before I left Albany--she was very excited about my visit here--she made a reservation for me at the Inn--I was there all day, but she didn't come--could you please tell me where she is?  I haven't the faintest idea, says PT Julia--your sister is a flighty, irresponsible girl, who could not follow orders. Kendrick looks perturbed--you happen to be wrong, he says, but I don't see what that has to do with where she is--simply tell me where she is and I will leave this house. She didn't tell me before she left, says Julia. You mean she just  walked out of the house? asks Kendrick in disbelief. Yesterday, says Julia, she said she didn't like it here, she wanted a house with more gaiety, and refused to wait until we found a replacement for her. RT Julia listens carefully. I find this very difficult to believe, says Kendrick. Are you doubting my word? demands PT Julia. I know my sister, insists Kendrick. Perhaps she's fooled you as she fooled me, and she fooled Flora Collins when she hired her, she suggests. No, she would not have left town without seeing me, says Kendrick. I cannot tell you what was on her mind, says Julia, but believe me, Mr. Young, we are well rid of her--now, if you will excuse me, I have nothing more to say about Stella Young--and neither does anyone else in this house--close the door as you leave, please. I do believe my sister left your employ, says Kendrick--after five minutes in this house, I would have expected her to!
--but I do know she would have been at that Inn today if something hadn't happened to her--I intend to find out what did!  He storms away, furious. PT Julia closes the doors.  Our Julia finds the room empty once more.

Quentin paces in front of the same door through which Daphne had escaped earlier. Joanna meets him--Daphne went to the East Wing, she says--she'll be waiting in the corridor by the stairs, but be careful--Gerard and Samantha just came in. Thank you very much, says Quentin, and rushes to the door. She gazes after him longingly.

Daphne paces before the parallel time room. Seeing Quentin, she runs into his arms. My darling! he says. I'm all right, she assures him.  They kiss.  I love you, he says. I know, she says--we can't stay here. He pushes open the doors to the parallel time room, enters with Daphne and closes them behind them. We've got to make a plan to get out of here, he warns--Desmond will be all right in a day or two, we've got to wait for him. Daphne looks around.  Realizing where they are, she says, Quentin, we can't stay in this room. Yes we can, it's safe, he assures her. It's not safe, she says, this is the room that Ger...the room abruptly changes around them. What's happening? asks Quentin. We're trapped! cries Daphne--trapped in another time!

NOTES: Actually, this might be a great chance for Quentin to escape--the police can't very well look for him in another time band, will they?

Joanna is a good lady, helping Quentin and her sister even though she knows he doesn't love her the way he used to. I just wish Lee Beery didn't mess up her lines so much, and was a better actress.  It's an important character.

Kendrick Young is a cutie, but will he ever learn what became of Stella? Will we?

Farewell, Gabriel. It seems right that your father was responsible for your death. He wasn't a very good father, but you weren't a very good son, either. I felt sorry for Gabriel, hoping Daphne would love him, finding out she didn't. It seems that many of those Gabriel killed were those he loved but who failed to love him, certainly in the cases of Edith and Daniel--and he wants to destroy Quentin, whom he never feels loved him. Sad end for a sad young man.

1192 - Quentin looks around the room--what's happening?--how could this room possibly transform itself? he asks.  That's what I was trying to tell you, she says, I first saw it happen a few days ago--I brought Julia and Mr. Stokes here--they tried to explain it to me, they said it's something called parallel time. Weisman theory! says Quentin--Ernest Weisman--he teaches at the University of Vienna--several years ago, he wrote a pamphlet about twin worlds in a concurrent band of time--I never though it was anymore than a theory. There's no way out of this room and back to our own time, she says. Hearing voices, they hide--we can't let anyone find us here, warns Daphne. They go into another room and press against the wall, where they can hear everything. Catherine and Morgan enter. I mustn't stay very long, she says--I don't think your  Aunt Julia was very pleased to see me here in the evening. I have no intention of detaining you, my darling, he says (Daphne clings to Quentin)--you may leave as soon as you've given me your answer. Why Morgan, says Catherine, you're becoming impatient with me. Frankly, I am, he says, you've had more than the little time you asked for--it's been a week. Yes, she says, I realize that. If some obstacle has arisen that I don't know about, he says. It's nothing like that, she assures him. Then darling, I must insists upon an answer before you leave Collinwood tonight, he says--I'll give you a few minutes to think about it.  Catherine looks stunned. Morgan leaves through the double doors. Catherine paces the room, considering her decision, and walking quite near Quentin and Daphne in the process. Someone knocks at the door--PT Samantha.  Come in, says Catherine delightedly--how nice to see you!  How well you look, praises Samantha--I saw you when I came in, but I was busy with Justin Collins and couldn't get away to greet you. How is the old gentleman? asks Catherine--we never hear about him anymore--he's become the forgotten man at Collinwood.
His condition is about the same, reveals Samantha, but he's by no means a forgotten man--everyone knows that someday, the paralysis may wear off, and Justin Collins will speak again. How many years has it been? asks Catherine. Since the accident?--ten years, says Samantha--the feeling is that if and when he does speak, he'll have quite a lot to say about how and why the accident happened--there's something else I want to discuss with you--may I speak quite frankly as one of your oldest and dearest friends? Of course, says Catherine. I know that Morgan has asked you to marry him, says Samantha--I don't know what your answer will be, but if it is yes, don't let him bring you to this house to live. Why not? asks Catherine. I can only say you will be miserable here, says Samantha evasively. I love this house, protests Catherine, looking around with pleasure, I always have. You've never lived here, Samantha reminds her, you only love what it represents--I've lived here for 10 years, and I tell you that your perception of it is very far removed from reality. Quentin and Daphne listen closely. When you live here, says Sam, you can sense the fear and tension everyone feels. If it's so frightening, asks Catherine, why do you stay? There aren't many nurses available and Mr. Collins needs me, says Sam, and the pay here is much better than anywhere else--please, give some thought to what I've told you. Morgan re-enters the room.  Samantha rises and says, it was nice seeing you, Catherine--good night.  Samantha exits.  What was that all about? asks Morgan.  We're very old friends, you know that, says Catherine. She wasn't, by any chance, giving you friendly advice? he asks. No, nothing like that, she assures him. Samantha never has been overly fond of me, says Morgan. Why Morgan, that's ridiculous, she says, you're a man with no enemies. Everyone has enemies, he says, pressing his forehead with one hand--I have a miserable headache. I'm so sorry, she says.  I have some pills in here, I'll get them, he says--and starts walking into the area where Quentin and Daphne are hiding.

Catherine unwittingly saves Quentin and Daphne from discovery when she says, Morgan, I have a better cure for your headache.  He stops heading for his pills. "My answer is yes," says Catherine--"I will marry you."  He goes to her and kisses her. Quentin smiles slightly. Darling, you've made me very happy, he says, you'll never regret this decision, I promise you.  I won't, she agrees, touching his mouth, I know I won't--shall we go downstairs and break the news to the family? I can't wait, says Morgan. They pull open the doors and find PT Daphne standing there. I have wonderful news, Daphne, says Catherine--Morgan and I are going to be married. Daphne expresses her joy and hugs her sister. The room changes once more, leaving Quentin and Daphne back in their own time.  I don't understand, says Daphne--how did everything just vanish so suddenly? I've only got one explanation, says Quentin--the change took place when the Daphne of that time entered the room, so perhaps it's impossible for you and the Daphne of that time to be in the same place at the same time. I don't know the answer, admits Daphne, but I feel we should leave this room. They do. It's the most amazing thing that's ever happened to me, says Quentin. We haven't seen your parallel time counterpart yet, she says. He must be there somewhere, says Quentin--he takes her face in his hands--I've got to go back to the fishing shack--we've got to decide something before I do--Barnabas has exhausted all my appeals, I'm going to leave Collinsport--I want you to come with me. I'd go with you anywhere, you know that, she assures him. Julia says it will take a couple of days for Desmond to get well so he can go with us, says Quentin--I want you to wait at Collinwood until then. I'll do whatever you say, she promises. Joanna joins them--Quentin, you'd better leave, she says--Samantha and Gerard are both back in the house. I'll get in touch with you through either Joanna or Leticia, says Quentin, kissing her right in front of Joanna, who watches tolerantly. Quentin leaves. Does Gerard know I'm all right? Daphne asks her sister. Yes, replies Joanna, I told him that you needed rest and shouldn't be disturbed. I want to go down and talk to him, says Daphne.  Joanna stops her, reminding her, you and Quentin are going to be together--why do you look so unhappy. We'll be together, says Daphne, but we'll never be man and wife--I don't think he'll ever be free of Samantha. Daphne leaves. Joanna considers this, and seems to come to a decision.

 Drawing room - Collinwood - And so it was Gabriel who tried to kill me that night, says Gerard to Daphne. Yes, she says, he admitted  everything to me when he had me in that room in the East Wing. And so now he himself is dead, says Gerard, pacing, and there is absolutely no explanation for it--though I can't believe Gabriel would be suddenly conscious-stricken, and somehow take his life by jumping off a tower. He grins. Samantha enters, loaded for bear--"So you're back," snaps Samantha--"I assume you know that my husband has escaped from jail?" Yes, says Daphne. Have you seen him this evening? demands Sam. No I haven't, replies Daphne. I believe you are lying, says Sam nastily. Samantha, begins Gerard warningly. I was told that after your ordeal, you went up to your room to sleep, says Sam--I went up there to look for you and couldn't find you--now where were you? I went out onto the terrace for some air, lies Daphne. Nonsense, says Samantha, you met Quentin somewhere here, didn't you? No, insists Daphne. The reason you and the police haven't been able to find Quentin, says Sam, is because he's hidden in the one place you'd never think to look, right here in Collinwood, and YOU know where! That's not true! says Daphne. As much as I regret having to tell you this, says Gerard, Quentin is making things a lot more difficult for himself by becoming a fugitive from justice--and you?--you are in serious trouble if you know where he is and won't tell us. I already told you, says Daphne, turning away from both of them, I don't know--I haven't seen him. You are lying! insists Sam--if she won't speak willingly, she says, closing the doors--we'll have to use force to get her to speak. Samantha and Gerard gaze speculatively at Daphne.

There will be no force used, Gerard insists. Samantha, seemingly disappointed, says, Gerard, you're a fool. Quentin's problems are his own now, says Gerard, we cannot be concerned with them--so my dear, he says kindly to Daphne, taking her hands in his--have you found rest? No, she says.  Let me take you to your room, he says, and leads her away.  Sam is obviously pissed and jealous, and yells up at Daphne as she ascends the stairs, "It won't do you any good to keep quiet!--they'll find Quentin, and when they do, they'll execute him!--and I'll be there to watch every minute of it!"  Sam isn't alone long. She spots Joanna staring at her from the kitchen area.  When Joanna enters the drawing room with her, Samantha curtly suggests, go upstairs with your sister. Joanna closes the double doors.  What are you doing? demands Sam. Pressing her back to the doors, Joanna says, I've known for a long time this moment was inevitable--didn't you? Why have you come back?--what is it you want? asks Sam petulantly. Don't you know? asks Joanna. You can never have Quentin, never, says Sam.  Quentin doesn't belong to either of us anymore, points out Joanna, he's in love with my sister. Get out of my house, orders Sam--GET OUT! We haven't finished talking, Mrs. Collins, says Joanna. I have nothing more to say to you! insists Sam, going for the doors--get out!--she swings them open.  Mrs. Collins, says Joanna, we have never resolved the matter of the notes Quentin and Daphne received, supposedly from me--you sent all those notes, didn't you?  I don't know what you're talking about, says Sam.  When my things were sent here from the asylum, says Joanna, you went through my trunk and found the letters that I'd written to Quentin but never used--you had no use for them then, but when Quentin took an interest in Daphne, you began using those notes to frighten both of them. You'll NEVER be able to prove that! asserts Sam. Joanna follows her across the room--when Quentin and Daphne went on seeing each other, you had to make the notes stronger, so you copied my handwriting, she says. Yes, I admit it, says Sam--oh, don't think I haven't been onto you from the very first moment you came back--you tried to fool me by pretending not to know anything that happened before--but you didn't fool me for a moment--and there was nothing wrong with your memory when you testified for Quentin, was there? No there wasn't, admits Joanna.  And you came back here to try to get me to believe you couldn't remember anything from the past, says Sam. Mrs. Collins, you're getting much too excited, cautions Joanna.  And I know why you've been pretending, says Sam--you've been trying to lull me into a false sense of security. I don't know what you mean, says Joanna. You know very well what I mean, retorts Sam--and you know where and when we've met before--that's why you've come back!--you want your revenge! My revenge, Mrs. Collins? asks Joanna. Well you won't get it! blares Sam, you're not going to kill me! Why should I want to kill you? asks Joanna. Stop acting as if you don't know what I'm talking about!--you haven't forgotten what happened up there on that hill--you know very well that I pushed you over and I thought you were dead--I hated you for coming into Quentin's life and I wanted to see you dead!  Samantha runs to the desk and takes out a pistol--I can't understand how you survived--but it doesn't matter anymore--she points the gun at Joanna--I failed before--but I won't fail now!  She shoots at Joanna, whose face contorts in pain.
To Sam's horror, Joanna doesn't fall, she just stands there, frozen, breathing heavily, with no evidence of a bullet wound. Gerard enters--what the devil's going on here? he demands. Mrs. Collins just tried to kill me, says Joanna, clutching her mid-section. I shot you and nothing happened, exclaims Sam--it's just as I expected--she's a ghost. She did fire the pistol at me, but she missed, says Joanna. No I didn't, insists Sam--the bullet went right through her!  Yes, of course, says Gerard, as Sam continues to insists Joanna is a dead woman, as I told you.  Gerard takes Samantha's arm--I'll take you to your room, he says. Stop humoring me, orders Sam, I know what I saw--I shot her, but she didn't die, because she's already dead--she's a ghost and she's come back to haunt me!  Sam runs from the room. Do I look like a ghost to you? Joanna asks Gerard.  Not at all, he says, excusing himself.

We see Joanna Mills' headstone, indicating she was born January 1, 1815, and died November 12, 1839. Samantha stands looking at the grave, which Gerard has just dug up. Are you sure you want to go through with this? he asks. I must know, I must have positive proof, insists Sam. Gerard pries open the coffin with the shovel, then kneels and opens the lid. Sam watches intently.
Empty! cries Sam, she is a ghost!--that's why when she was shot, she didn't die. Listen to me, says Gerard, an empty coffin means nothing. What do you mean? asks Sam--where is the body, there has to be a body. Not in this particular case, says Gerard, I'll try to explain it to you--the body we thought was Joanna Mills was very badly decomposed by drowning. There should be some sign, don't you understand? asks Sam. Yes, that's what I'm trying to tell you, he says--now, if you are right, and Joanna is a ghost, then why would she appear so young and beautiful, instead of the way you found her on the beach?--why is she so young and beautiful instead of being a decaying mess?--doesn't that make sense? Yes, she says uncertainly, I suppose it does--I just don't want that woman to come back to the house. He puts an arm around her and suggests, don't worry--"Believe me," he assures her, "you will hear the last of Joanna Mills tonight--I promise you that."  He closes the coffin. We get another glance at the headstone.

Collinwood - Sam comes downstairs and finds a note on the foyer table:  "Dear Samantha, I looked for you in your room, but you were not there--I have come across some information that may very well solve the mystery of Joanna Mills--imperative that we be alone where no one can overhear--meet me on Widow's Hill--Love, Gerard."  She grabs her cape and heads out, dropping the note on the floor in her haste.

Widows' Hill - Gerard! calls Samantha--where are you? He won't be coming to meet you, Mrs. Collins, says Joanna, appearing behind her. You! cries Sam. Yes, you're not the only one capable of forging someone else's handwriting, says Joanna. You tricked me! says Sam, you wrote that note--why do you want me here? You brought everything out into the open earlier this evening, Joanna reminds her--you admitted the truth--now I admit it--you did not fail that night on the hill, just as I shall not fail tonight on this hill. But if you're dead, how can you look the way you look? asks Sam. You see the Joanna I want you to see, the other woman replies, now you shall see me as my spirit really looks--see the Joanna you pushed from the hill whose body washed ashore months later. Sam turns away, begging, don't do this!  Look at me, see what you did, commands Joanna, see what you will become!  Lightning flashes on Joanna's now-hideous countenance, a face ripped and shredded by rocks, the skeleton showing through what remains of the tattered flesh.
NO! wails a horrified Samantha, no!--but she cannot tear her eyes away from the grotesque sight.

NOTES: So, Joanna was a ghost after all. Apparently, she had someone able to give her the power to return in a seemingly human form. What is going to happen between these two women now? I think the answer is obvious, especially after Joanna heard Daphne's sad declaration that she and Quentin will be together, but never as man and wife.

Odd how Daphne and Quentin were treated to a quick look at the parallel time room, then abruptly returned to their own time, in the middle of a sentence, pretty much. Quentin found the experience quite fascinating, Daphne less so, but then again, he constructed a stairway through time, so the concept of parallel time must be of interest to him, too. This Weisman he mentioned --did he really exist, and did he write such a pamphlet?

We are learning more about the inhabitants of parallel time. Catherine has accepted Morgan's marriage proposal, even though her best friend and sister seem to think it's a mistake. And the Julia of PT seems so icy cold!  Brrr.

I was wondering if Gerard was going to join Samantha in trying to force Quentin's whereabouts out of Daphne. Fortunately, he didn't, which only infuriated Sam more.

Excellent confrontation scenes between Samantha and Joanna. It was really chilling to watch Jo show Sam her true face after luring her to Widows' Hill by forging Gerard's handwriting. Gerard promised Sam he would see to it that she didn't have further trouble with Joanna. I think he messed up--or, being the embodiment of Judah Zachary, did he know about Joanna all along and what her plans for Sam were? Did this fit in with his plans? You be the judge.

Until the next ep, see you on Widows' Hill!

Love, Robin