General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '05 I => Topic started by: Autumn on March 23, 2005, 07:55:01 PM

Title: most annoying d s character
Post by: Autumn on March 23, 2005, 07:55:01 PM
I say jeb hawkes very annoying
just when you thought he was dead
and there he was,and he thought he
was better than everybody else
espically QUENTIN...........
Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: Gothick on March 23, 2005, 08:35:28 PM
I personally find Jeff Clark the most annoying character in the history of DS.  I almost invariably fast forward through his scenes, especially the one on ones with poor Vicki.

Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: Bette on March 23, 2005, 09:26:10 PM
Hallie Stokes!    [furious3] [frkoff]

Just something about the character (like maybe, her voice?) that rubbed me the wrong way.

That being said, I'm really looking forward to seeing  Kathy Cody at the Fest this year. It should be interesting to hear what memories she has of the show.   [toothy10]

Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: Sandor on March 23, 2005, 09:37:40 PM
Amanda Harris from the 1897 storyline - her only redemption is she shared many scenes with the dashing Don Briscoe...

..and though there are few Donna McKechnie fans based on her DS run, I discovered she was the lead go-go dancer on the 60's music show "Hullabaloo".... and was actually a groovy dancer. Guess if Quentin, Charles or Tim Shaw took her out dancing, we'd have seen a more well-rounded performance. Then again, no one was doing the Frug, Monkey, Jerk, Pony, or Watusi back in 1897.
Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: ProfStokes on March 23, 2005, 09:40:43 PM
I thought Amanda Harris and her constant whining were extremely annoying.  [5363]

Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: FireRose on March 23, 2005, 10:57:30 PM
For me it was Abigail Collins... There wasn't an ounce of compassion in her.

Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: Cassandra Blair on March 23, 2005, 11:12:49 PM
FireRose, that's dead on!  I'd forgotten about how darned annoying Abigail was - she reminds me of my dear mother-in-law!  >:D
Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: dvlvan26 on March 23, 2005, 11:18:09 PM
Hello, Cousins!
In my opinion, the most annoying ds characters are:
Men                                                  Women
Jason McGuire                                    Maggie Evans
Rev Trask                                          Carolyn Stoddard
Nathan Forbes                                    Alexis Stokes
Bruno Hess                                        Sarah Collins
Michael Hackett                                  Prostitutes from 1795
Judge Hanley                                     Josette Collins(just before her death in 1795
Peter Bradford                                  
Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: TERRY308 on March 24, 2005, 12:23:07 AM
Got to be Burke Devlin.  God...he annoys me.  He just goes around and "thinks" he knows everything.  [violent5].  "The mayor of Collinsport"  Just annoys me.

Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: AndreDuPres on March 24, 2005, 01:05:25 AM
In no particular order...
Peter Bradford/Jeff Clark, Tim Shaw, Amanda Harris, Charles Delaware Tate, Noah Gifford, Harry Johnson, Maggie Collins PT (KLS's *worst* character)...
I can't think of any more at the moment.
Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: The Ghost of Sarah Collins on March 24, 2005, 03:57:40 AM
Charles Delaware Tate...total twit.
Buffie Harrington... not a big hit, but often is.
Dirk the Jerk Wilkins...absolute ninny.
John Yaeger...face of putty.
Jeff Clark...total ADD.
Hallie Stokes...whiny voice.
Ned Stuart...very high strung.
Sabrina Stuart...one expression for all occasions.
Horace Gladstone...scrunched face and wired scar.
Peter Bradford...Dim wit.
Carrie Stokes....same whiny voice.
Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on March 24, 2005, 04:07:07 AM
As much as Jeff Clark and Ned Stuart irritate me, I'd gladly take both of them in every episode in every scene over Jeb Hawkes in any episode/scene. Roger didn't call him "a cheap, insufferable pig" without good reason.  ::)
(However, I never FF through any of Jeb's scenes. FFing through even the worst character's scene is sacrilege, IMHO - particularly because it discounts the work of the other actor(s) who may be sharing the scene. And as irritating as any character might be, there's always something in every scene that's worth being seen.  ;))
Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: ClaudeNorth on March 24, 2005, 05:36:56 AM
Lady Kitty Hampshire:  A potentially interesting character that the writers completely mishandled, thus depriving KLS of the opportunity to do something really different.

Adam:  Nothing against Robert Rodan, but I always found it annoying to watch someone that tall act so childish.  And the green sweater didn't help, either.

Eagle Hill Cemetery Caretaker:  Whenever he appeared, I prayed that Barnabas would kill him.

Hallie/Carrie:  Was there any reason to saddle Kathy Cody with such whiny characters?

Jeremy Grimes:  Tom Happer's line readings made me cringe.  I felt embarrassed every time he appeared on camera.

The Leviathan Kid played by David Jay:  "Mrs. Stah-Dud!  Mrs. Stah-Dud!"
Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: Connie on March 24, 2005, 05:54:39 AM
Melanie Collins:  All the fretting, whining and crying - majorly annoying!
Bruno Hess:  Ugh!  Sickening leech so full of himself I'm surprised he didn't explode.
Hallie Stokes:  More fretting and whining and worrying - way overdone.
Angelique:  Could never stand her - evil incarnate.  Self-serving bitch who never gave a crap about anyone but herself.  The constantly batting eyelids and weird puckering with the mouth when she spoke drove me nuts.  Not an ounce of sympathy for her EVER.
Gerard Styles:  Useless poseur with an ugly sneer
Jenny Collins:  Grosses me out
Rachel Drummond:  Ditz

There.  I feel better now.  LOL

Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: Midnite on March 24, 2005, 06:14:56 AM
PT 1970 Quentin.  He shouted and bullied his way through the storyline, treated his bride like a child, and let the staff walk all over him.  And that orange plaid sports coat he often wore didn't endear him to me either.
Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: Countess on March 24, 2005, 06:41:14 AM
Geez, I'd forgotten how truly annoying some characters were.  Yep, I remember the Leviathan kid with the Brooklyn accent.
Aristede and Bruno Hess - scuzzballs in different centuries
Harry Johnson
John Yeager - I'd groan whenever he came on the screen.  Although I couldn't take my eyes off his
                    fake nose
Any Chris Pennock character but mostly Cyrus Longworth - what a BORE!
Abigail Collins
The entire Collinsport police department - these guys couldn't find their arses with their own hands!
Amanda Harris/Olivia Corey - amazing that she could even see beyond those spidery fake eyelashes.
Angelique in every incarnation - just plain rotten to the core.  I was happy whenever she was killed off
                    in a storyline and furious whenever she reappeared.  I don't get this sympathy for her. 
                    It smacks of "don't hate me coz I'm beautiful...even if I murdered half your family!"
                    Apparently, looks weren't enough to attract a hubby coz she had to threaten and blackmail
                    men to marry her.  What a prize.
Jeff Clark/Peter Bradford - too vanilla!
Vicki - just so out of it
And a nod to Dan Curtis for ending DS in 1840PT >:(


Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: dom on March 24, 2005, 08:54:46 AM
Bill Malloy.
Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: onyx_treasure on March 24, 2005, 03:08:39 PM
     I was really torn about this one.  All the characters have annoyed me at some point during the run of the series.  The actress who played Sarah Collins ruined the part.  Even when she played opposite some of the better actors, they could not improve her performance.  The character was supposed to be endearing not annoying.  I recall in the Dark Shadows remake series, the child cast as Sarah was more lovable and a better actress.  It is too bad that Denise Nickerson wasn't cast earlier at least she was a better actress.
Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: Luciaphile on March 24, 2005, 10:45:48 PM
This is a hard one for me to answer. There were a lot of characters I actively disliked and I am easily annoyed (the hair for the entire 1840PT crowd alone drove me bonkers), but to pick just one . . .

It's tempting to pick on the oeuvre of  Roger Davis again, but I think I'm going to have to pick Dr. Lang.
Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: Barnabas'sBride on March 25, 2005, 01:28:53 AM
* Jeff Clark - Need I say more? ;)
* Ned Stuart - Ugh. The way he treated his sister...
* Adam/Eve/Nicholas - Because of the storyline in general
* Dr. Lang - Mostly because of that recording. There are only so many times I can hear it and not go crazy. Once was enough for me, but it went on forever...
* Tom Jennings - I like Chris, but vampire Tom was hilariously hokey to me. It wasn't until Chris came on the scene that I realized that Donald Briscoe was in fact a very good actor.
* Abigail Collins - She actually reminds me of a relative of mine that I don't associate with anymore.
* Victoria after 1795 - What a shoddy way to do a good character...
* Petofi - Great villain, but his story just started to drag by the end of 1897 and it got a bit rediculous.
* Aristede - For no reason other than just being Aristede.
* Amanda Harris - Only because of what they did with her and Quentin.
* 1897 Trask - He was so dispicable.

I know there's more, those are just off the top of my head.
Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: stefan on March 25, 2005, 05:10:29 AM
Quote from: Countess
coz she had to threaten and blackmail men to marry her

LOL. Yep. Totally respect that everyone has a different opinion etc. etc. but, no matter how many times Barnabas said NO to Angelique!! No matter how many times Barnabas told Angelique he loved Josette and could NOT love her. No matter how miserable and glum he looked after he married her which happened because Angelique blackmailed the poor guy after nearly killing his little pre-teen sister by witchcraft and pretending to "cure" her (liar liar pants on fire).. people still feel somehow Barnabas loved her best. OK...whatever...
Angelique is a brilliant character but without genuine feeling for anyone except herself. It's Scarlett O'Hara going after Ashley, pure ego. She's annoying when on too much.

Sorry folks, bit I found Julia Hoffman irritating beyond belief when she started enabling Barnabas and took on the fluttering eyelashes, sad puttering looks, breathy voice and puppy-dog "love me if you love my master" persona. What happened to the cool-headed and cynical doctor who would have made a fantastic Vickie replacement as the casual (but, in this case, more intelligent) observer to the Collins family madness. Victoria Winters wasn't the only character they ruined.

Yes, I'll also go with Jeff Clark but I am still fond of Peter Bradford. Find nothing wrong with him at all.
Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: Countess on March 25, 2005, 07:08:39 AM
What happened to the cool-headed and cynical doctor who would have made a fantastic Vickie replacement as the casual (but, in this case, more intelligent) observer to the Collins family madness. Victoria Winters wasn't the only character they ruined.

The cool-headed, cynical doctor was supposed to be killed off, remember?  I think the logic behind the character was that the audience dislike her so it wouldn't be TOO terrible when Barnabas killed her.  However, when Julia proved to be a hit with fans, they softened the character a bit to make her more 'likable' (?).  But she still had more guts than most of the men on the show IMO.  Granted, much as I love Julia, there were times when her doormat behavior had me fuming.  But then Barnabas would go and say something nice and...well, you know. 8)

I'm really enjoying reading all these wonderful replies to this topic.  Keep 'em coming cousins!

Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: Cassandra Blair on March 25, 2005, 07:44:39 PM
Have so enjoyed reading everyone's responses.  Am sorta in agreement with Midnite on this one, because to some degree, most of the characters get on my nerves at one time or another.

For much of the series Barnabas exhibits the emotional development of an obsessed thirteen year old; Julia becomes too much of a pushover; Roger is often a smug snob; David's a little devil; and Angelique is...well, pretty much psychotic.  Even gorgeous Quentin annoys with his self-involved, womanizing ways.

But as for some of the major offenders -

Abigail Collins - I also mentioned her upthread...she's just such a judgmental self-righteous bitch!

Hallie/Carrie Stokes - number one most annoying female, IMHO.  Hearing that grating whiny voice for any length of time is liable to give me an apoplexy.

Post 1795 Vicki - "I don't understand" why the writers chose to ruin this character.

Leviathan Kiddies - a good argument for Leviathan birth control.

Ned Stuart - is it wrong to have fantasies of putting this character into his sister's wheelchair and pushing him down a really steep hill?!?

Jeff Clark - what is up with that overcaffeinated hair pulling?  Seems like he's continually just about ready to pop a gasket.

Bruno - ahem, what is up with that hair in general?

Charity Trask - kind of a ninny until she got Pansy Fayeified.

PT1970 Maggie - get a backbone!

PT1970 Quentin - nice guy.  Except not.

John Yaeger - totally makes me want to take a shower every time I watch this character.  Ugh.

That was fun!!

Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on March 25, 2005, 08:41:40 PM
Ned Stuart - is it wrong to have fantasies of putting this character into his sister's wheelchair and pushing him down a really steep hill?!?

Elsewhere, perhaps - but not on this forum. That fantasy seems like a perfectly reasonable reaction to him.  [b003]
Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: VictoriaWintersRox on March 25, 2005, 11:04:33 PM
* Jeff Clark
* Ned Stuart
* Dirk Wilkins
* Charles Delaware Tate
Peter Bradford was the only bearable Roger Davis character, IMO.

* Eric Lang - I was glad when he died.

* Sabrina Stuart (RT & PT) - I never cared for the character or her PT counterpart. She annoyed me to no end, and that wig didn't help matters much. I didn't care for Lisa Richards.

* Jeb Hawkes - Cheap, insufferable pig, indeed.

* Cyrus Longworth - Boring.

* John Yaeger - Ew.

* Adam

* Harry Johnson

* Maggie Evans (post-1969) - I think the writers really ruined the character of Maggie after the show returned to the present in late 1969. She was either the victim or she was annoying. I hated the way she acted when she "reunited" Paul and Carolyn - she was smirking while Carolyn became visibly upset.

* Maggie Evans Collins (PT) - She always annoyed me - what a push-over! I was rooting for Hoffman.

* Rachel Drummond - Nitwit.

* Burke Devlin - I only liked him after Anthony George took over the role. I thought Mitch Ryan was a good actor; Burke just annoyed me in the early episodes.

* Barnabas Collins - He annoyed me quite a bit from time to time. I honestly never felt that sorry for him, because it seemed like he'd always go to the docks and snack on some callgirl after telling someone how much he loathed being a vampire. x.X! He didn't mind killing innocent people, either - he never showed much remorse about killing Carl, for instance.
Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: Raineypark on March 25, 2005, 11:18:35 PM
* Barnabas Collins - He annoyed me quite a bit from time to time. I honestly never felt that sorry for him, because it seemed like he'd always go to the docks and snack on some callgirl after telling someone how much he loathed being a vampire. x.X! He didn't mind killing innocent people, either - he never showed much remorse about killing Carl, for instance.

Whoa!.....a kindred spirit!!

I never felt sorry for him at ALL!!

But I can't call him the most annoying.

That just has to be Eric Lang..... :P
Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: AndreDuPres on March 26, 2005, 01:45:39 AM
I never really cared for Sabrina, either--she was SO dull most of the time, and she wasn't even that attractive.  Unfortunately, when all the "main" actors went to make the movie, the boring Dr. Jekyll-Mr. Hyde storyline took centre stage which meant Sabrina PT was on quite a bit.  I really never liked any of the Quentin incarnations after the original 1897 one.  Although I enjoyed his role in the Leviathan plot, Quentin was just an insufferable, hot-headed loony with little personality in Parallel Time--a perfect match for the equally vapid Maggie Collins PT.  Also, he was EXTREMELY stupid in the summer/autumn of 1970 plot following 1995--in fact, ALL the characters were brain dead; I don't understand why Julia and Barnabas even let that snotty Hallie Stokes into the house after waht they had seen or why Proessor Stokes really did go to Europe after what they had told him would happen.  (Don't get me wrong, though:  that storyline is one of my favourites.)  1840 Quentin got on my nerves, too--he was supposed to be a "mad scientist" character, but David Selby (or the writers) never really showed that side of him.  Oh, I just remembered one of THE most annoyineg characters (I'm surprised nobody mentioned her):  Joanna (1840).  My God, that woman could not act!  They used up a perfectly wonderful theme song for that awful, cloyingly-stupid character.  Oh, and I didn't care much for Roxanne PT--why did Barnabas fall instantly in love with her?  To clarify my earlier post, I should like to explain my dislike of Tim Shaw:  he was always a side, secondary character that advanced the plot.  That was basically it--those episodes featuring him with Charles Delaware Tate and Amanda Harris are positively excrutiating--the worst in the series, hands down.  I fast-forward or completely skip them every time.
Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: stefan on March 27, 2005, 02:06:06 AM
The actress who played Sarah Collins ruined the part.  Even when she played opposite some of the better actors, they could not improve her performance.

Sadly, I agree. And it was a great role too with so much potential. She looked the part and you want to give kids a little slack but did she ever focus at anything except the monitor? Actually, it's interesting in the sense that with this actress I always knew where the line monitor was and found myself guessing where the cameras were too. A pleasant distraction. Her voice was also very high pitched and squeeky.

The child actress who played Amy was terrific.

I hear the actor who played Dr. Lang was a nice man but I thought he was an annoying actor and had no problems FF him....I did lots of FF with the Adam story.
Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: Miss_Winthrop on March 27, 2005, 03:08:24 AM
I have to say that Daphne Harridge annoyed me.  Ugh!  I think she may have actually hastened the show's demise.  I just couldn't see what the fuss was all about with her and Quentin.  I thought that scenes between her and Gerard were much better than the ones with Quentin.
Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: michael c on March 27, 2005, 03:25:18 AM
how about both of craig slocums characters:noah gifford and harry johnson.not just annoying but neither character served much of a purpose at all.bringing the actor from the 1795 story to the present was pointless.
both of his storylines could just have easily been told without him.
Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: stefan on March 27, 2005, 05:14:30 PM
how about both of craig slocums characters:noah gifford and harry johnson.not just annoying but neither character served much of a purpose at all.bringing the actor from the 1795 story to the present was pointless.
both of his storylines could just have easily been told without him.

This is another case where the actor "looked" the part but couldn't act very well. I found him slow and very self-conscious. Some people really like the characters and actor. I've seen whole websites devoted to him.
Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: michael c on March 27, 2005, 06:32:41 PM
a website devoted to craig slocum?that's funny.i just checked the almanac and he only appeared in 17 episodes.
i guess for some it's not quantity but quality. ::)

Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: Midnite on March 27, 2005, 08:17:56 PM
a website devoted to craig slocum?


It looks like she got her hands on some rather obscure movies since the last time I saw it.
Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: Patti Feinberg on April 01, 2005, 12:54:39 AM
I have to say that Daphne Harridge annoyed me.  Ugh!  I think she may have actually hastened the show's demise.  I just couldn't see what the fuss was all about with her and Quentin.  I thought that scenes between her and Gerard were much better than the ones with Quentin.

Thank GOD I'm not the only one!!!

I normally have to opinion of Kate Jackson; but I cannot STAND!! her on DS & to me, it's the beginning of the end.

HATE HATE HATE HATE Gerard Stiles  (soooo much the Quentin wannabe).
Could NOT stand Eve.
The ENTIRE Cyrus/Yaeger/faux Sabrina arc....AAHH!!!

Whoosh...I feel better too!!

Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: Connie on April 01, 2005, 02:30:55 AM
I could never see the point of Slocum's characters either.  It seemed like they were parts created to give someone work or something.  I loved Mrs. Johnson's attitude toward him though!  I always get a kick out it.  She's so annoyed and fed up with him all the time!  She was so great.

It looks like she got her hands on some rather obscure movies since the last time I saw it.

Was Mitch Ryan on Ryan's Hope?  In a couple of the pictures on that website there's an actor holding a baby and it LOOKS like it could be Mitch Ryan.

Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: PennyDreadful on April 01, 2005, 05:01:45 AM
 I thought Sheriff Davenport, both as a human [spoiler]and as a zombie,[/spoiler]was kind of annoying.
Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: Penthea on April 05, 2005, 12:23:00 AM
Most annoying characters

All the Trasks
Dr. Lang
Jeff Clark
Ned Stuart
Jeb Hawkes
Cyrus Longworth/John Yaeger

Abigail Collins
Hallie Stokes
Carrie Stokes
Amanda Harris/Olivia Corey
Sabrina Stuart RT and PT

Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: arashi on April 06, 2005, 05:54:51 AM
PT 1970 Quentin.  He shouted and bullied his way through the storyline, treated his bride like a child, and let the staff walk all over him.  And that orange plaid sports coat he often wore didn't endear him to me either.

OMG! ::dying::That is too good. I have to agree with you there. PT Maggie and Quentin totally ruined that storyline for me.

Sarah Collins was annoying, especially that ghost, but I think that had more to do with her DAMN THEME MUSIC!

Amanda Harris, hands down. I think I actually did a dance when she died. The only time I was ever wowed by something she did was

[spoiler]... in 1970 when Grant/Quentin was leaving her and she cried out for him not to leave her. The one and ONLY time I ever felt anything other than annoyance at her character.[/spoiler]

Vicki in 1795. Oh. my. God. I wanted to reach into the TV and strangle the girl, especially in the beginning where she kept blurting out stupid things that only served to make people suspicious of her.

Other than that I can't really think of anyone, except maybe Peter/Jeff. All his scenes with Vicki make me want to hit myself in the head with a brick.
Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: Connie on April 06, 2005, 06:05:27 AM
(I forgot how to do spoiler text!) So SPOILERS!

You just have to put the word "spoiler" in brackets before the text, and then "/spoiler" in brackets after the

All his scenes with Vicki make me want to hit myself in the head with a brick.

Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: arashi on April 06, 2005, 06:23:01 AM
Aha! Thank you! (I was staring at the icons there up above the message for like 10 minutes wondering where the hell the spoiler button was!) Go me!
Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: MagnusTrask on April 06, 2005, 03:10:12 PM
Every single character C Pennock played, with the possible exception of the 1840 wheelchair guy, who was occasionally an enjoyable weasel.    Melanie, was that 1795 Carolyn?   Yes, really annoying.    What, Charles D Tate?   How about his decenarian self in 1970?    That's one great crazy old guy, as far as I'm concerned!   And Dirk Wilkins had that great scene, where he role-reverses with his good friend Judith!     RC just loves going nuts, on-screen!

All the boyfriends were boring and utterly steadfast, normal, and as exciting as dirt.    Burke and Joe I'm thinking of.

Any Trask, ANNOYING?!     The screen loves him.  He's golden.

Bruno I'll agree with.    I liked Amanda for trying to screw Greg Trask over, though not in the way he might have preferred.    It's hard to have anything against her when you hear about her "origin", too.
Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: PennyDreadful on May 15, 2005, 07:37:53 PM

 Ok, I now officially found my most annoying DS character.  I was watching one of the early eps the other day (episode 44).  Collins banker John Harris was quite annoying.  His flat-out misogynistic comments about Liz needing a man (Ned Calder) to put her life in order were extremely annoying.  I also got a "dirty old man" vibe when he was talking to Carolyn.  Ugh.

~Penny Dreadful~   
Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: arashi on May 16, 2005, 02:03:21 AM
PT Quentin & Maggie: The writers could have done something different to salvage this storyline. But watching two newlyweds bicker like idiots, when you have no emotional investment in their relationship is NOT riveting television.

Ned & Sabrina Stuart: Personally I wanted to push the two of them off Widow's Hill and be done with them. I was hoping they'd forgotten about them by the time 1897 came to end, they forgot about Ned, but unfortunately left Sabrina in the loop. [spoiler](GOD! THE DAMN MOON POPPY!)[/spoiler]
Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: Pansity on September 08, 2005, 03:10:32 AM
Hi -- This was a real interesting thread, wish I had been here when it was fresh.  However, I can't resist posting a few thoughts of my own.

Ned Stuart -- I kept wishing the werewolf would eat him slowly and messily.    [Wolfie]     Annoying abrasive and so bullying and abusive! [violent1]

Amanda Harris ties with Ned.  One dimentional, whiney --altoghether annoying.  Joke between some friends is that there was a script mixup, and she was originally one of Barnabas one dimentional wimpy SYTs.  That overnight "once in a lifetime love" that we are TOLD EXISTS BUT ARE NEVER SHOWN BEHAVIOUR TO SUBSTANTIATE just does not cut it. No motivation shown. Textbook example of "tell not show" writing.  Not to mention that she would have been an acceptable doxy for the original self absorbed Quentin but NOT a "true love" for the more mature responsible man he had since become.  The Orpheus Euridice scenes are SOOO painful.  As a long time Indiana Jones fan I kept saying "Oh my God its Willie Scott -- only NOT played for laughs!  I kept hoping she'd fall off the bridge and get eaten by alligators.....  As Prof Stokes so aptly put it  [5363] [5363] [5363] [5363]

Then there's Maxim and Mrs. No Name DeWinter -- oops I mean Quentin and Maggie Collins.  I tend to be slightly more forgiving of THEM though, because they were trapped into it by the source material.  When they decided to do "Rebecca"  they got stuck with the mousy no spine Mrs didnt even have a first name DeWinter and her arrogant hotheaded spouse.  [stupid] That one DID kill his first wife though, but he made up for it by NOT wearing a horrible orange plaid jacket.....
And here's a final silly point to ponder.  On soaps, according to my (now late, unfortunately) best friend who was a big soap fan, daytime soaps often required their actors to wear their own clothes when the setting was present day.  Imagine if you will the tongue in cheek scenarios that might explain Selby actually OWNING that Orange thing. (OK, I know that oogly plaids like that were in style then, but the silly explanations are WAY more fun). [crazy] [crazd]
Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: Misa on September 11, 2005, 12:29:00 AM
Hi Pansity,
Love your avatar. I was wondering, if Amanda hadn't been written as the so called love of his live for Quentin would she have been so bothersome? I think everyone wanted to see Quentin realize that he loved Beth. It has been so long since I saw Donna play Amanda that I can't remember how bad she was.

Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: Pansity on September 12, 2005, 02:27:03 AM
Hi Pansity,
Love your avatar. I was wondering, if Amanda hadn't been written as the so called love of his live for Quentin would she have been so bothersome? I think everyone wanted to see Quentin realize that he loved Beth. It has been so long since I saw Donna play Amanda that I can't remember how bad she was.

Hi Misa:

Thanks about the avatar.  Had the screen cap and couldn't resist!

As to Amanda, I really think she would have been as annoying anyway. The whole problem was the WRITING with her.  She was very one dimentional.  "Janie one note" if you will.  Please note this is NOT a bash of the actress, but the writing.  I think she was given a nearly impossible role to play, in addition to which she trained as a singer/dancer NOT a dramatic actress.

OK refresher course on Amanda --[spoiler]she shows up with Tim Shaw when he returns from NY, obviously with him as part of a business scheme for which she is being well paid.  There is a scene about that time where Shaw and Quentin are talkign about I forget what and Quentin offers to wager him for Amanda's services for the evening (Victorian speak for he knows shes for sale to anyone; a courtesan).  She apparently has no knowledge of her background before a certain date, and we find out she is the embodiment of a painting Tate keeps doing of his ideal woman.  Amanda is involved in the scheme with Tim to get even with Trask, and along the way Quentin gets involved with her (I think after Beth tries to shoot him, but I;m going by memory on that).  You don't SEE any motivation; one day he thinks she;s a hooker and the next day she;s the love of his life.  Its that sudden. She's there for a while then leaves to find herself in NY.  After all the angst and death at the end of the storyline, we are told Q is going to find her.[/spoiler]

She next pops up in Leviathan[spoiler]as Olivia Corey who has made a deal with death.  Her time runs out before Quentin recovers his memory and can tell her he loves her.  Then they go thru the Orpheus-Euridice replay and he loses her.  The Orpheus thing getting her out of the underworld was a neat idea, but thru it she is as helpless and useless and whiney.  The Quentin we knew would have been going "I changed my mind you can keep her" out of sheer annoyance.  MY usual reference is in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.  The blonde bimbo nightclub singer, Willie Scott who kept screaming and whining, and threw the gun out of the car cause it made her burn her fingers and break a nail.  I SWEAR thats how Amanda behaved![/spoiler]

Sad thing though, I think they could have salvaged the character.  She was invented as Charles Delaware Tate's ideal woman -- what if each of the men who fell of her saw her not as Tate;s idea of the ideal woman, but their OWN idea of THEIR ideal woman.  Sort of like in Classic Trek "Mantrap" where the salt monster appears to McCoy as his lost love, to a crewman as a showgirl, you get the idea.

Yow sorry for the long post.
Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: Patti Feinberg on October 17, 2005, 08:13:42 PM
[spoiler]she shows up with Tim Shaw when he returns from NY, obviously with him as part of a business scheme for which she is being well paid.  There is a scene about that time where Shaw and Quentin are talkign about I forget what and Quentin offers to wager him for Amanda's services for the evening (Victorian speak for he knows shes for sale to anyone; a courtesan).  She apparently has no knowledge of her background before a certain...[/spoiler]

Can anyone refresh my memory as to the above?? I don't remember 'evening services' being mentioned or implied....but, it's Monday, and I'm tired.

Thanks [hall2_cheesy]

Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: Willie on November 06, 2005, 05:39:05 PM
My most annoying characters:

Adam.  Just so childish.  Starts life by trying to kill everyone he meets, then whining that no one likes him.  Then lies to everyone and whines that no one believes him.  Thinks he knows everything, but he's wrong about everything.  That "romance" with Carolyn was just painful.  I loved it when Eve said she couldn't stand him because he's ugly, stupid and boring - and I'm like "Imagine how we feel, we've been putting up with him for about 1,000 episodes!"

Amy Jennings.  That voice makes me cringe.  "Are you really going to do it David?  Are you REALLY?  Are you REALLY REALLY?"  Oh yes, shriek all your lines.  That's enjoyable.

Millicent Collins after she went nuts.  She was okay up until then, but when she was bonkers she really got on my nerves.

Jeff Clark.  Well gee Vicki, we've been talking for about 15 seconds now, guess it's time I get mad at you for something.

Vicki after 1795.  Just so clueless.  Actually, back in 1795 she could have avoided the whole withchcraft trial by telling a few lies, but oh no, honesty is the best policy. 

David.  Just the way he'd get away with anything and everybody was to stupid to figure out he was lying.  That goes for pretty much every incarnation of him in every century.

Those are the main ones.  I'm only up to the point where the kids are starting to discover Quentin, so I'm sure I'll have more in the future  :P

Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: michael c on November 06, 2005, 07:16:00 PM
i'm with you on adam.i've complained about him here(ad nauseum)but it infuriated me that the writers took this dumb,boring character,who had nothing to do with anything that had ever happened before,and allowed him to hijack the entire show show for nearly a year. >:(

when this topic was first posted i had yet to discover the charms of ned stuart and dirk wilkinson.both characters can take pride of place along side jeff clark in the most annoying category.roger davis was just the worst!
Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on November 06, 2005, 09:35:54 PM
Welcome to the forum, Willie!  :)

While I agree or can certainly see your point for most of the characters on your list, I'm afraid that I have to completely disagree with:

Millicent Collins after she went nuts.  She was okay up until then, but when she was bonkers she really got on my nerves.

I honestly think Millicent is her most interesting after she's gone off the deep end. She can be quite funny, or poignantly heartbreaking - or even both at the same time.

[spoiler]One of my favorite Millicent moments during this time occurs in Ep #428 when Peter comes to Collinwood looking for Ben and Millicent asks Peter to tell Barnabas she'd like to see him,  which prompts Peter to remind her that Barnabas is dead, which then sends Millicent into a fit of giggles because she (rightly) believes that to be absurd. But my all-time favorite Millicent scene is definitely in Ep #450 when Joshua discovers the recently atacked Millicent in the tower room. She alternates between anger and indignance and little girl innocence and Nancy Barrett is simply brilliant in the way she completely pulls it off as if the switches between emotions are totally effortless.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: Willie on November 07, 2005, 03:28:16 PM
Hi, thanks for the welcome  :)

I enjoyed those scenes with Millicent as well.  There were a few others though, can't remember which ones exactly, where she just got on my nerves.  But, different strokes for different folks.  Imagine how I felt when I saw my most beloved Angelique on the list of most annoying characters.  ;D  I mean, sure, a few mistakes were made, a few deaths were involved.  Okay, quite a few deaths.  But how can you fault someone for using the means at her disposal to get the man she loved >:D

Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: Barnabas'sBride on November 14, 2005, 04:46:30 PM
Though I like Lara Parker, I'll admit that Angelique often annoys me, especially post-1795. If you locked me in a room with an endless audio loop of Eric Lang's recording and her laugh, I would be absolutely insane in a matter of hours. :P And perhaps nothing on the show annoys me more than when [spoiler]the writers have Barnabas declare that she was his true love in 1840. It totally disgusted me because I found it to be one of the worst examples of character assassination I've ever seen. It would've been more believable if he would've said that he forgave her and it still would've held meaning.[/spoiler]

Others I left out of my previous list:

* Sabrina - I'd forgotten about her,  but I did list Ned Stuart. Chris deserved someone less annoying, IMO.
* C.D Tate - At first I thought he was going to be less annoying than any of RD's other characters, but by the end of 1897 (and in present time), he was annoying me too.
* Jeb - I felt so sorry for Carolyn because she loved him (I'm at a loss to understand why), but I was glad to see him go because of what he did to Paul Stoddard and Barnabas, and his attitude/personality is just plain irritating. He actually reminds me of men I've met before...scary.
* All the little Leviathan brats that came before Jeb.
* Bruno - He's annoying in a funny way. Michael Stroka's characters just tended to annoy me for some reason...
* Many of the PT characters with only a couple exceptions (Willie & Carolyn to be exact, because I found them to engaging) - I just didn't care for the most part, I was ready to go back to real time.
Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: IluvBarnabas on September 19, 2006, 06:53:01 PM
Adam after he went on his [spoiler]"I'm gonna kill everyone Barnabas loves unless I get a mate" phase.[/spoiler] Still I don't hate him really.....after all it was [spoiler]Nicholas who manipulated the idea of Adam getting a mate. Still it's hard not to get annoyed with Adam every time he threatens to do harm to Vicki or attempts to make good his threat.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: Cousin Barnabas on October 06, 2006, 12:57:27 PM
CRAIG SLOCUM as Harry Johnson I found very annoying and skeevy too!
Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: IluvBarnabas on October 06, 2006, 04:02:58 PM
Forgot to add Burke Devlin as played by Anthony George. The guy wasn't all bad, but he could be so damn pushy and demanding, ordering Vicki to do this and that, and very impatient at times.

Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: bluefielder on June 18, 2008, 01:42:36 AM
All characters portrayed by Roger Davis.
Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: IluvBarnabas on July 08, 2008, 03:15:18 AM
All characters portrayed by Roger Davis.

Ned Stuart would top my list. Though I didn't find ALL of Roger's characters that bad.
Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: Garth Blackwood on July 08, 2008, 05:39:58 PM
Edward Collins - Always getting in the way of our favorite characters (Q and B) and was annoying about it

Sky Rumson - Annoyingly kisses Nicholas' butt near the end of Leviathans

These are both probably unpopular choices:

Victoria Winters - easily lead, clueless, etc... BUT, I've never seen pre-Barnabas episodes, so that may make all the difference

ANGELIQUE!!! - Her laugh makes me want to chuck things at my tv sometimes. Also the way she always came back to life kind of annoyed me.
Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: Garth Blackwood on July 11, 2008, 05:00:08 PM
1970PT Quentin was pretty annoying too. He  yelled all the time.
Title: Re: most annoying d s character
Post by: IluvBarnabas on July 11, 2008, 09:40:09 PM
1970PT Quentin was pretty annoying too. He  yelled all the time.

So true. He threw so many temper tantrums it's a wonder Maggie really didn't walk out on him for good. Scratch that, it was because she was a spineless doormat that she didn't leave him or at least yell at him to get off her back and grow up.

1970 PT versions of Quentin and Maggie were both annoying as well.